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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4719203 No.4719203 [Reply] [Original]

I kinda wanna dump my neo and go more into VTC and XLM. Bought it when it was ANS so money was made. Thoughts? XVG and FUN are my shit coins, please ignore them.

>> No.4719224

> What do I do biz?
stop measuring your crypto in fiat you mong

>> No.4719232

hold onto neo imo ok? i bought sub 2 dollars and see some hard work going into this ecosystem. once china give greenlight to crypto, neo will be the tiny dancer on this globe

>> No.4719236

when you can buy lambos with satoshi ill stop measuring my folio in usd faggot

>> No.4719257

btc is still king man. it birthed everything

>> No.4719290

What a boring conversation this is. Yes using sats is good, yes using usd is good. Whatever.

>> No.4719296

What's even more boring is this shitty thread about your shitty portfolio

>> No.4719297

I was thinking of making money from here til q2 with vtc and XLM then going back to NEO if it's sub 40

>> No.4719303

Why do fuck do you buy alts if you don't know if you're beating BTC?
Hur dur look at all my gains in dollars guyz lost 10% on gains this month with my alts and wasting all my time trading versus normies just holding BTC.

>> No.4719308

Indeed. Reminds me of your mother's blowjobs. Yawwwwn

>> No.4719320

Why does man hunt animals he doesn't eat? Sport nigga.

>> No.4719323

Better just sell nig, your attention span won't last the upcoming 2 year bear market.

>> No.4719325
File: 44 KB, 595x373, IMG_0208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>55% neo

>> No.4719326

Fucking rekt Kek

>> No.4719337
File: 37 KB, 385x385, 5857A477-0BBD-4F58-BF77-5303A2AFB2E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bear market, crash, it’s over
you’re a fucking retard

>> No.4719340

It's pretty easy to tell if your alts are beating btc if you can multiply by at least two you fucking retard

>> No.4719362

samefag. It's just too unlikely that more than one 35 iq turbobrainlet was present to be impressed with a LUL XD I BANGED UR MOM HAHA comeback

>> No.4719409
File: 176 KB, 415x477, Vercoin-Roller-Coaster-Guy-Gif-Bullish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah this is my other id fool

>> No.4719834

Yeah you need BTC but congrats on the XLM. If you have enough you may make it.

>> No.4719854


>> No.4719892

January man

>> No.4719896
File: 109 KB, 500x566, when-you-forget-youre-retarded-marca-how-could-i-forget-14500949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This! It took me months to understand!
Yeah sure if the bull market continues you will bè making money trading shitcoins (member aprile/may/june?) but then youll realize that while youre making money in fiat terms, you are losing money in btc terms. So you could have had just bought btc and spent your time doing something less autistic than looking at numbers on your screen.

>> No.4719903

I got them under .02 i think drunk trading one night

>> No.4719916

which exchanges do you guys use?
just getting into cryptocurrency investment, coinbase seems to be the main exchange but only offers bitcoin, litecoin and ethereum.

>> No.4719931

But if I invested 1k in eth and 1k in BTC a year ago I'd have more money with ETH. Some alts win in the long-term.

>> No.4719940

Bittrex is good. ENABLE 2FA!!!

>> No.4719998

>gold is still king man it birthed everything
Oh wait...

For now it is yea

>> No.4720159

how do I deposit/withdraw on bittrex though?

>> No.4720277

I got them at .03. Well done anon.

>> No.4720383

VTC and XLM are dipping right now. Predictions for bottom of dip? Will VTC go sub 60k? XLM sub 800?

>> No.4720725

where do you guys buy smaller altcoins? aren't the exchanges where you can buy them unsafe?

>> No.4720763

>i only buy the hot memecoin/10

>> No.4720784

FUN has an team with industry experience. It isn't a shitcoin.

>> No.4720793

Is /biz/ really this retarded? How do they always fall for these shitcoins?

>> No.4720797


Buy coins, transfer them...

>> No.4720798

Same. Took me like 4 months to figure this out. I used to be a USD-measuring fag

>> No.4721108

You can.

>> No.4721200

stop following /biz/ advice