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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 964 KB, 954x546, aspdof7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4708991 No.4708991 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4709205

Final bulltrap

>> No.4709224


>> No.4709232

Yep list newbies, this will go back to 4k by sunday.

>> No.4709248


>> No.4709249

how many tethers were printed today?

>> No.4709261

4k might be a bit much but a crash is coming indeed. Cashout your profits from today's pump and get out.

Especially from alts. Nice dip entry point incoming

>> No.4709268

You can never have enough tethers.
15k incoming, oldfagbiztard said so

>> No.4709328

4k is pushing it.

Flavor of the month namefag that will lose favor when he eventually is wrong. Remember pinkwhale? Remember baba?

>> No.4709363
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bulltrap son. double top incoming

>> No.4709370


>> No.4709388
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>> No.4709403
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>> No.4709482

Long term bulltrap. It will drop like a rock at 15k!!

But seriously, why is this shitcoin rising?

>> No.4709500
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same old

>> No.4709524

>But seriously, why is this shitcoin rising?

Fad. Name recognition.

>> No.4709562


>> No.4709566

why not?

>> No.4709658

New ATH incoming.
I know you want your alts to shine, but there is too much hype for BTC right now.

>> No.4709771

The difference now is that we know BTC is a shitcoin and is not worth its current value. Most previous arguments against BTC being a bubble in the past were an argument about Crypto currency in general.

Now its just an objective truth.

>> No.4709939

Maybe, but mark my words. One year from now BTC is going to be $1500 and LTC is going to be $750

>> No.4709989
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9998, nocoiners deadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bulltrapz
Say cheese for the picture.

>> No.4710510

The number of anons parroting ‘bulltrap’ times the number of times /biz/ has ever been right = LIFT OFF! BTC 13k for Xmas confirmed


>> No.4710653

Mind The Gap.

>> No.4710672

>An interesting fact is that the person or group who created Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, has over one million coins that were mined during the early stages of the renowned crypto-currency.

>These bitcoins have remained unspent and moved, whether or not this was intentional or not, the motivation remains unknown.

>> No.4710688

Didnt that guy told everyone to exit all cryptomarkets? Also called a Korean btg pump that didn't happen. Lots of anons lost money because of him and he's not posting anymore now. (You).

>> No.4710735
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>> No.4710749

Bulltrap, bcoin is holding on for dear life right now

>> No.4710752
File: 114 KB, 993x640, Bitcoin Shuttle to 100K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away.

>> No.4710828
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>some normie just bought 5 bitcoin at $10750
posting a pink wojak in his honour

>> No.4710906
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>> No.4711014

I have been posting from time to time, briefly. There have been more important matters. I did say to exit all Crypto markets, because I could see an algorithmic crash coming. The BTG pump happened, and everyone made $48%. The next night, The Koreans flipped, and I warned everyone at the same time I bailed, which was down 4%. Only the retards who thought they knew better lost a lot that night. there were 2 latecomers who were not part of the first night. One was smart and bailed at 4% loss, and the other thought I was stupid, stayed in and lost 8K I've been wrong once out of 104 times. Just setting the record straight. We are going to 14K, but there are situtaions that must mature first. I'm just saying Mind The Gap at the moment, because of the massive gap between buyers and sellers atm. We could form a solid double top out of this, and if we do we are going to never never land before 14K. I am sitting out tonight, and doing some charity work for the less intellectual. Most of them cannot help that they are disadvantaged because of being born less intelligent. Good evening.

>> No.4711107
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>> No.4711137
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Go away.

>> No.4711169

Send me some if you believe in the Semitic God


>> No.4711188

no he needs to stay we can make money off the opposite of what he says.

If you haven't figured this out on /biz/ yet then you're the problem, just because a liar or a dumbass is constatnly being a liar or dumb ass just do the opposite of what they say.

>> No.4711220
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>> No.4711239

Once again, Curly trap, at the end of that thread when i handed it off to (you), I said buy, and to stay in opposition to me, you said not to, that BTC would trade sideways all weekend. THAT was the weekend it mooned. Curly, why do you lie, and why do you feel it needful to try to run me off of BIZ, and have it all to yourself? I am sorry your Mother was so,,, um... er... ah...needy, and doesn't know exactly who your Father is. It is not necessary for you to do this for attention. Grow. Mature. Become secure in and of yourself. Integrate with others. It will be ok, Curly.

>> No.4711282
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>still lying about this
Original thread.
Where you lied about this again:

I hate LARPers.

>> No.4711284
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>> No.4711316

My. a sociopath stalker. I sense Buffalo Bill from Silence Of The Lambs behind the other keyboard.

>> No.4711364
File: 150 KB, 360x332, sanji_rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking fraud and should be drawn and quartered.

>> No.4711370

Anon, really. I can do the same thing with The Holy Bible itself. "Judas Iscariot went forth and hung himself" *flip* flip* flip* "Go ye therefore and do likewise". Everyone sees through what you are attempting.

>> No.4711396

are you OK, Anon? do you need your meds adjusted/ i can call someone for you if you need me to. Your Father may not have cared, but I do.>>4711364

>> No.4711431

what if i told you this entire reality itself is a fucking fraud? too much for you, isn't it? BAHAHAHAH

>> No.4711432

i think that it fall back < 10000 tonight

>> No.4711439

Oldfag is never wrong dude. Don't hate, make money

>> No.4711459

Well said.

>> No.4711503
File: 367 KB, 1899x839, faggot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to show how he phone posts to get a new ID to shill for him with next pic; shouldn't have triggered my autism.

>> No.4711514

Once you learn it is not real, it is no longer difficult to manipulate that which is not real. truth is "Strange"r than fiction, because Truth IS Fiction. sub Atomic Physics / Quantum Mechanics 101. THERE IS NO REMOTE OBSERVER.

>> No.4711527

Lots of ATH buyers in this thread.

>> No.4711583

(you) think (I) am always alone in my basement, as are (you)? There could be ten potential posters around me with an aggregate of 50 devices at any given point in time. if one of them chimes in from time to ti- wait a minute, you actually think I am a larper, and a lonely basement dweller like yourself? anon, I-

>> No.4711621

There is always a wetworks agent somewhere around. I have to ask for privacy to piss.

>> No.4711624

ffs I come here to avoid tripfags

>> No.4711641

There is the door. You can show yourself out.

>> No.4711660
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>> No.4711662

Anyway, I have charity work to do this evening, and now I am running 20 minutes late. Stay Frosty.

>> No.4711683

Dude literally nobody here likes you or gives a shit what you slew out of that pathetic shit sewer hole for a mouth of yours. Shut the fuck up, fuck off, and die.

>> No.4711728

If you still think this is a bull trap, I've got some bad news for you... I'm looking for some sideways movement for a while, with some possible alt action.

>> No.4711733

One more thing, Curly, why don't (You) make a definitive prediction on 5 coins we can all screencap. Lets see where the Bull shit in the buckwheat, shall we? Or did your Mother come in just now, and you had to hide your screen?

>> No.4711763
File: 135 KB, 1167x567, SKIPPYS&#039;WATERLOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you still salty Skippie Fan?

>> No.4711790
File: 387 KB, 1899x839, faggot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^ same photo, same name.

>> No.4711791
File: 148 KB, 600x464, 1278145346305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's at 11k again, SELL SELL SELL SELL

>> No.4711816

I told you, I do not live in the basement alone, as do (you).

>> No.4711825

Included my prediction in my autistic rage; you can see me say it will dip down to 8.2k+-250; I made that prediction at 1:30 PM on 11/30; I also predicted a recovery following that which may reach 12k, and for my prediction to be at all accurate we should see a sell off to 6-7k shortly.

>> No.4711840
File: 386 KB, 498x258, sanji2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic and to tag prediction

>> No.4711859

It amuses some of my Associates greatly to trifle with you. None of them are vested, none allowed to. They are compensated handsomely for what they do.

>> No.4711893
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t. pajeet with a shill discord group

>> No.4713088
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>> No.4713325
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>tfw got in at 3.6k

>> No.4713400


Donate and I'll spend it in beer when it hits 12,000

>> No.4713562

I want to pull out of this market before the pullback. But tether just seems to risky. Where do you fucks go for a safe haven?

>> No.4713570

Bitcoin doing a classic double top...bearish signs. Back to 7k with you.

>> No.4713584
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>> No.4713630

I think you mean BTC is gonna be $150000 and LTC is gonna be $10k

>> No.4713645

While the Double Top Reversal formation may seem straightforward, technicians should take proper steps to avoid deceptive Double Top Reversals. The peaks should be separated by about a month.

>> No.4713684
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>> No.4713709

Hi Stockie. A month in stocks is an hour in crypto. Lurk moar. Oh, wait, you are a new scrub on wiki trying to school an Oldfag. Got it.

>> No.4714104

about a month! ive made and lost in a 8 hours what stocies do in a year

>> No.4714261


fuck off tripfag

>> No.4714304
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Youre a big tripfag. I bet you liek dix in ur mouth and all around your face.


>> No.4714323
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>> No.4714344

>using TA as your evidence
You believe in flat earth too, right?