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4700685 No.4700685 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, why rich old fucks hate crypto?
is it threat tp their holdings?
They don't want to learn new things?
Do they hate seeing people getting richer and richer?
why only old farts are anti crypto?

>> No.4700705

probably hate seeing neets getting rich as fuck while they have had to work their entire lives to build their fortunes

>> No.4700721
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notice it isn't crypto is a bubble
BTC is a bubble

>> No.4700723

Its good the Goldman Sachs guys like it though they have a ton of influence in this administration

>> No.4700726

All those jews hate it.

>> No.4700737

It's like the flippening except crypto vs. fiat.

>> No.4700742

because old people already have made their life savings why would they risk it all on some extremely volatile risky investment? Pretty common sense if you ask me.

>> No.4700766

Because they have seen that shit before.

>> No.4701439

Because it is a mirror that reflects back at them their own mortality and the ruin of everything they devoted their lives to building. They see in Bitcoin what the old men of their generation saw of the stock market. They now understand why those old men were so bitter and resentful. The legacy they created, along with themselves, is being replaced.

>> No.4701491
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>> No.4701585

Let me give it to you straight because no one here will.

They hate it because the few that wanted to get in on it, we dumped on them.

Now they called their big brother, Wall Street, and told them what you did.

Wall Street stares us down.

Most of the die hard bitcoin supporter are just staring him back down, thinking we can do much better than them.

Just wait.

I would stay here, and fight with you guys, but I know better than to fuck with Wall Street.

>> No.4701590

Because they can't control it, the way they control fiat.

They won the game. Of course they don't want anyone to start playing something else.

>> No.4701654

They simply don't understand it.

>> No.4701695

and if they manage to take btc down everyone will pour into monero at which point they done goofed because monreo is bitcoin on privacy steroids

>> No.4701700
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((((they))) are clearly threatened by us

>> No.4701712

No but the (((IRS))) will get their 35% cut as usual so they at least don't care. The real (((money))) won again and always will. Wallstreet is just the bitcoin of its generation. Former neets like us who made it big, but never bigger than (((them))).
>council of 13
>Ancient Roman and Egyptian dynasties (also Asian etc equivalents) that never died out or truly lost power.
(((They))) always win. The Jew thing is just a shield to hide behind. The real power isn't even properly Jewish. It is a nice cover though.

>> No.4702288

>No but the (((IRS))) will get their 35% cut as usual so they at least don't care.

Really? How will they do that?

>> No.4702386
File: 82 KB, 716x724, 20171110_140738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this golden info is hidden in such a shirty thread.

Thanks fellow /bizzytard of the galactic alliance.

>> No.4702728
File: 119 KB, 490x267, rutlandpsalter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being afraid of wall street

>> No.4702764

because they realized that ur fucking shitcoins are just a meme.

(note: i invested )

>> No.4702769

Just remember if you piss off wallstreet and the jews enough they have the resources and ability to crash the entire crypto market permanently. it's very fragile right now. They can keep it down, too.

>> No.4702813

Please leave you newfag, normie, plebbit, buzzfeeding bitch.

>> No.4703065


Remember that if they had the ability, they already would have.

Google E-Gold.

>> No.4703164

Every dollar, pound or euro that is converted to crypto is one less shackle (((they))) have over their debt serf worker drones.

>> No.4703260

Firstly Taxes when you cash out. Sure you can do it black market but they are already trying to crack down on that and believe me they will. Hence all the ''how do you cash out without paying taxes' threads lately. That is literally them doing research. Secondly, they are going to get their 35% or more in backhanders from every exchange or coinbase type company dealing in crypto. Sure some might not be technically solvent but as long a the IRS gets their cut and a record of all the user's deposits and personal info they won't care. They can and will get you eventually. that 35% cut will be theirs. what you make for yourself after that they don't care about. It is the same in every country who has a federal reserve banking system, which last I checked was nearly all of them. Except for 3 now. There were 7 in 2000. Look what happened to 4 of them.


>In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:

>North Korea


The game is afoot! All we can do is wait 50-100 years. We are not the chosen generation to be liberated, we are the one who has to fight for that chance.
>beware socialism
>beware microchipping
>always have an off the grid backup plan

t. I was alive before the internet.

>> No.4703295

Wall street isn't shit. Just that generations bunch of neets who made it big like this generations bitcoin neets will. They have no 'real' power.

>> No.4703633

Oh and Bitcoin is now owned by Bilderberger or the western dynasties and BCash is the eastern ones. They are both in it together. ETH is run by an easily manipulated commie who is a literal autist with a lot of computing power in his head but who is somewhat lacking in the intelligence/processing power to use it to his advantage IRL. Even if he did he would only end up as a government stooge like Musk.

>> No.4703732

They just can't accept that the world is changing. These are the same people who refuse to accept that you can no longer pay for a college education with one summer's wages working part time minimum wage. These are the same people who think you can just get a job by walking into an office and shaking the CEO's hand. They don't understand the layers and layers of bureaucracy that have been added to the application process (and mostly thanks to boomers.)

In short, boomers are disconnected from reality and refuse to believe that the world is always changing. They hate all crypto. However, they are specifically correct about bitcoin. When it's so inefficient as a digital currency and nobody cares because they're all just buying it because they hope it will go up-- when nobody even knows what bitcoin is or how it works-- you don't have an investment, you have a bubble.