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4698055 No.4698055 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you aren't buying a LINK bag at these prices you will have suicidal thoughts by EOY

and it's still biz's little secret..

>> No.4698139

suicidal linkies warn about suicide... Heh you know it best

>> No.4698172

and its fucking nothing

>> No.4698190

go away

>> No.4698304
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>shitcoin that's been shilled to oblivion

>> No.4698330

What did you do to Rory this time? Did the pencil dick pasta get to him?

>> No.4698458

I've still never seen someone explain how link tokens will have value

obviously there'll be a huge pump on a mainstream financial partnership announcement

>> No.4698516

Link tokens are how node operators are paid and nodes holding more will be prioritized.

>> No.4698529

This >>4698516 plus the law of supply and demand kek. I dont know why fudders think supply and demand applies to BTC and ETH but not for LINK.

>> No.4698566
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read the whitepaper

pic related

>> No.4698853

>Today, the solution to this problem is to introduce a new functionality, called
an oracle, that provides connectivity to the outside world. Existing oracles are
centralized services. Any smart contract using such services has a single point
of failure, making it no more secure than a traditional, centrally run digital

unless the measuring device is decentralised chainlink does not reduce the single point of failure

say for example i have a smart contract that will pay out money if a rain gauge measures 20mm of rain. The rain gauge is a single point of failure.

What real world information can chainlink link to smartcontracts that the measurement of said data doesn't require trust?

>> No.4699013

Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner with one hand and stonewalling investors in the slack with the other. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. A pile of unread resumes sit on the floor, drenched in Big Mac sauce. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keeps frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Steve’ mom’s basement reeks of the marijuana Steve smokes to cope with the stress. A thick haze from all the smoke lingers. All Steve can see are two faint lights. One is the blue light emitting from his shitty 2010 dell inspiron laptop. Somehow Sergey didn’t think they’d have money in the budget for him to get a new laptop. The other is the glimmer of steel of his colt 45 revolver with his one way ticket out of his hell.

>> No.4699030

In your example, if single point of failure really was a concern, you wouldn't only have ONE rain gauge, would you?
Come on, just use your own brain for a second.

ChainLink solves the single point of failure when it comes to parsing outside data into smart contracts. How businesses want to provide the data outside of that is up to them.

>> No.4699074
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>> No.4699123


is linking data to smart contracts a real problem though? if you're writing smart contracts surely you're able to go direct to the data you need

>> No.4699244
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I suggest reading up on the whitepaper and CL FAQ: https://clfaq.smartcontract.com
If you want data into a smart contract, you need to use blockchain middleware, eg ChainLink.

Now, as to why ChainLink is the best of these middleware options:
>The ChainLink network seeks to make a large pool of premade oracles, which make it easy to access all the off-chain resources a contract may need to mimic real world agreements.
>With the ChainLink Network, a developer will no longer need to learn an off-chain API, they'll have an on-chain contract that represents the resource their contract needs to interact with off-chain e.g. data feeds, e-signatures, bank payments, etc...
As well as it's decentralized and more secure compared to other options.

When more and more businesses are going to use smart contracts and blockchains, they will want to use ChainLink, not those shitty other options. Because it's easier to use, faster to get started with, more secure and more reliable.
LINK is the comfiest hold when you realize what this means, and how big this really is.

>> No.4699376


Millions of nodes staked with thousands of tokens; I'm getting comfy just thinking about it.

>> No.4699706
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criminally underrated