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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4693258 No.4693258 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel that? I feel it again. Something's not right. Something in the air. It's making me uneasy.

>> No.4693278


>> No.4693286

Feels like when btc was 1k. Sell now and buy back after the crash.

>> No.4693313
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You're worried, I WANT this shit to crash so I can buy some more. Lambo szn boys.

>> No.4693315

nothing wrong with me

>> No.4693326


>> No.4693377

Trend reversed... it's going down for a while...

If true, how does one manage that? I've seen big reversals on OMG and NEO.. but not on BTC... what would it mean for the rest of the market? Are there good hedges against BTC?

>> No.4693389
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No those are just symptoms of Paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.4693392

>muh fee fees

>> No.4693464

>Okay group, when there isn't a false flag happening event that I'm paying you to post on popular crypto sites, just make multiple threads saying "its crashing" any time there are regular corrections taking place

Nice try. The paid FUDers will be doing this whenever there isn't an event being hyped up (fork, "flippening", project dragonslayer, etc)>

>> No.4693469

nothing wrong with me

>> No.4693484

I think what happens in the next 8 hours or so will be an indicator of the future.

>> No.4693487

The normies are talking about bitcoin and eth. So just like thebdepression when every shoe shine boy had a tip, its about to pop

>> No.4693494

If it goes to 8k people are going to panic.

>> No.4693501

Something is got to give

>> No.4693509

yeah no shit.
every second, minute, hour, etc is an indicator of the future.

>> No.4693534

Some times are special tho, you know

I'm looking for about 9400, but definitely under 9K is gonna be a sign of a bigger correction.

>> No.4693647

I remember watching CNBC on the day the Nasdaq hit an all time high during the dot com boom.

Not one person could explain why the market kept going up, but it did for a long time and you were certainly a fool not to take advantage of that. But all bull markets come to an end. Just a normal factor in capitalism: the boom and the bust of the animal spirits.


>> No.4694034
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yeah its ..coming

i sold