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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 878 KB, 1648x1426, american fat epidemic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4671227 No.4671227 [Reply] [Original]

Can we take a break from chasing the next PnD for a sec. I've been trolling this board all day and have done the work for you for the next 24hrs: "Invest" in POE and BNB, ODN and HST for the next week. Cap this. You're welcome. And now onto the good stuff.

It's a common 4chan meme to criticize the American fat epidemic despite clawing for muh tendies at every waking second. Can we use ChainLink's "off-chain" data to connect certified decentralized weighing stations for people trying to lose weight? Since burning fat directly is the quickest/disciplineless way of making gains, we'd brand as $KETO, and instead of PoW or PoS, require Proof of Loss, PoL, and weight-loss participants would be rewarded with certain percentage of tokens based on the number of tokens they hold and they amount of weight by percentage they lose.

This is actually valuable to society. Healthcare is ~18% of America's GDP. What if we could indirectly pay people to lose weight and reduce the burnden on the health care system. We'd prevent cases of diabetes, high-blood pressure, and eventual heart disease and cancer.

Can you brainlets brainstorm on this one for a sec? Let's come up with a fool-proof way in this thread to prove to your boomer dad that FUDed Thanksgiving that crytpo isn't just DImon's tulip mania.

Bonus -- If we create it as an ERC20 token (yes, I know, despite the meme people still throw their BTC and ETH at it), we could call them KETOKENS.

>> No.4671259
File: 103 KB, 1437x908, wagecucks : neets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.4671300

fucking bump.

am i just a retard autist or is this iamverysmart leddit invasion gonna let this get swept under the rug

>> No.4671331

BNB is forming a meme triangle. Maybe OP is legit.

>> No.4671534

bumpity bumperston, nigga

>> No.4671562
File: 228 KB, 1080x1080, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling all austists with half a brainlet, can you take the time to criticize my proposal. Aren't you all a bunch of business and finance gurus?

>> No.4672078


but why would the tokens have any worth in the first place

no one wants to buy them they just want to sell, the only purpose is to receive them for losing weight, theres nothing to do with them except sell them back for money

>> No.4672099

Yes, "let's" come up with it by gum

>> No.4672556

Odn is?

>> No.4672845

Shut up goy

>> No.4672968

discounts on food, and the cycle repeats

>> No.4673006

Say this was solved via some kind of ChainLink oracle treadmill matrix shit.

>gain as much dangerously unhealthy weight as you can
>lose it via mad exercise down to dangerously unhealthy levels

>> No.4673023
File: 55 KB, 233x368, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4673055

PBC said to buy BNB in their latest report

>> No.4673058

Seriously fuck you

t. badtank

>> No.4673070

>I've been trolling this board all day
>tries hard to make the rest seem authentic
Stopped reading at "decentralized weighing stations" and sage

>> No.4673082

The fuck is going on with POE its going on a rampage and the buy orders dont even make sense