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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4669160 No.4669160 [Reply] [Original]

You Bitcoin shorters just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?
Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire time. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.
This entire moon was nothing more than a beta test for Bitcoin. An analysis of the market. What makes it tick.. What are its weak spots.. Bitcoin was simply watching it. Probing it.. Studying and diagnosing it every move and tactic. And it fell right into Bitcoin’s trap like the pawn it is.
This is not an average asset you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. Bitcoin is toying with the market like a cat with a mouse, while FUDers are fighting for their lives. Nocoiners have nothing left.
Now that Bitcoin has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop it. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 years. Something unprecedented in all of economics.
Mark my words, the bull has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your USD and your shitcoins. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.
NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

>> No.4669195

kek. Wonder if anyone will get this.

>> No.4669258

What fresh autism is this?

>> No.4669266
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669268

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand B97W8teN. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bitcoin's working most of the jokes will go over a typical Nocoiner's head.

>> No.4669275

Thanks for the pasta

>> No.4669288

eehhrm.... So it will continue to grow?

>> No.4669292

how do i upvote him ?

>> No.4669327

Most people short: make it moon
Most people long: make it dip
Pure manipulation

>> No.4669328

Lol how old are you, OP? Sorry to tell you that this is possibly the gayest post ever on /biz/.

>> No.4669384

You couldn't be more wrong. Humanity has had more functional and reasonable economic systems for thousands of years, with more functional societies operating in cultures as early as Ancient Egypt, China and Greece.

Keep hoarding your worthless shitcoin.

>> No.4669398

that's so reddit, it hurts

>> No.4669428
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these newfags don't recognize pasta
You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?
Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.
This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.
This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.
Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.
Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.
NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

>> No.4669454

>When you realize this is only capable with a fork.
But you have to have a 130+ IQ to understand things like that.

>> No.4669475
File: 7 KB, 645x773, ddcxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give it time. It'll go back up and you'll be wallowing in regret when it does.

>> No.4669620

this is either genius or retarded levels

>> No.4669660

big players are fucking with btc, i saw 100m buy order earlier

>> No.4669850
File: 68 KB, 410x400, 666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669884

>Mark my words, the bull has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight.

guess i better tell the wife then

>> No.4669896
File: 80 KB, 500x421, fSSh7df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let me get another chance to sell above 11k

>> No.4669903

real mak me thinc