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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 374x180, 15992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4667518 No.4667518 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck?

>> No.4667551

What does it do, the text is removed

>> No.4667613

VISA confirmed, peep the imgur link

>> No.4667629

Shit only two hours and the mem pools fucked, how do i buy in time?

>> No.4667644

Wow is this really happening right now? I'm going to be so fucking rich. I was down getting fudded out. But now i'm buying more. Take me to the Moon Visa

>> No.4667724

how the fuck do i buy them?
can't find a working exchange

>> No.4667747


>> No.4667790


Just confirmed what my thread was about. thanks anon!

here was my thread from earlier:

>> No.4667825


>> No.4667887


>> No.4667892

but i have no btc there.. do i really have to buy some?

>> No.4667895

and to think I only have 100. fuuuggg

>> No.4667940
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>> No.4667954
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mfw sold POWR to buy XLM

>> No.4667963

Anybody else find it odd threads like this get no traffic even though they are guaranteed 10x options, while shit like potcoin and bitbean has a thousand threads with a ton of posts?

>> No.4668021

What are our targets when the use comes out?

>> No.4668037

... before the news was official the target was 1500... so who honestly knows. possibly a dollar or more? depends how far this partnership reaches.

>> No.4668039

Bought 10k at 670 about 30 min ago.

What's the exit point?

>> No.4668056

Nothing on my side, changing the html?

>> No.4668074

depend of the conference

>> No.4668118

this coin could only be kept a secret for so long.

mfw i sold at 1016 sats last night and rebought and set a buy back at 750.
who says you can't predict the market?

>> No.4668139


>> No.4668152

u better delier in literally one minute or 10 btc going through so if you have buy order now is the time.

>> No.4668160

Did you see POWR's political tweet? They got roasted for it. I was trading it for a few days. I'm gonna leave it alone now though.

>> No.4668171

waiting anon. thank you for your honesty

>> No.4668175


what gets me is that they said Steller in the article instead of Stellar. thats a flag

>> No.4668184

I need to go to bed, I was thinking about setting a sell order for a third of my stack at 990 sats? Do you think thats reasonable?

>> No.4668187
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>> No.4668200

can anyone explain how can you check it in the f12 developer tools?
i know how to use it to inspect html and css but i dont understand the procedure the guy explained.....

>> No.4668209

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa noooooooooooo

>> No.4668213

I need some fukin awnsers boiz!

>> No.4668219

thx anon. How high do you think they'll let it pump before they sell?

>> No.4668221
File: 210 KB, 762x650, hmm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's made up by a pnd group, don't fall for it. I'm looking out for bizbros instead of joining this scum

>> No.4668236


I actually had a thread with a ton of useful info. screw these guys. They are bad for XLM.

>> No.4668242

XLM going up im getting some

>> No.4668246


>> No.4668259

Its starting now.

>> No.4668266


U da MVP bro.

Not buying

>> No.4668270
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last one. should be enough for you guys. dont be lazy and double check stuff. I learned this the hard way and lost a lot of money.

if I helped you and you want to leave a small tip: 0xe744e64d4851810db6fd6f4c168da77a85458636

(my bittrex deposit address, dont wanna get targeted by these psychos using my normal wallet)

dont feel forced though. good luck out there in these crazy days!

>> No.4668296



>> No.4668302

Is it coming to binance?

>> No.4668307

I actually believe you thanks mate. You saved me some good shit right here.

>> No.4668308

you heard em guys-- GET IN UNDER 800!!

no but seriously wtf i donno who's fucking who anymore

>> No.4668313

well im still gonna try to ride the pump, but thanks anon.

>> No.4668329

Could still be visa though

>> No.4668330

hey anon, thank you so very much, i wasnt going to jump in it until i could check it myself, but i guess you saved a lot of people money!
good job man, there are still good anons out there.
are you guys mostly ausiefags here now? im a eurofag and have noticed that i can find most meaningful posts here when i cant sleep at 2 in the morning......

>> No.4668333


Doubt me if you want. Just ask yourself how I could fake these screenshots in such a short time (idk maybe it's possible I'm a photoshop retard)

>> No.4668344

could be, but that is still some shit they pulled... very annoying.

same. I already bought in.

>> No.4668348


depressed insomniac eurofag here. but I'm regularly bantering with aussies at this time, loving it

>> No.4668389

very dumb anon here
0.02000000 is what im moving on bittrex, should i buy now and set a sell order when it hits 800 >>4668308 (800 what?), with what settings?
thanks for the help

shit i manage corporate firewalls and those are way easier than all of this

>> No.4668400

Dude. I wish our board had more people like you.

>> No.4668402

Thank you anon for your honesty

>> No.4668403
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>> No.4668422 [DELETED] 




>> No.4668441

love you

>> No.4668445

I believe that a pnd group is trying to affect the price, but I have a hard time believing they can move it significantly.

>> No.4668471

I've tried it, it doesn't do shit, I've made my own homepage before and know CSS and HTML. Sigh what a waste of my time. I just tried it just to see if anything will happen but I knew first sight it was fake because he didn't give information on a link to insert within the HTML document.

>> No.4668478

what time is th conference

>> No.4668488


Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change the fact that this is fuckery.

>> No.4668490
File: 2.60 MB, 459x459, hahahha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips of truth

>> No.4668492

User blockbasics sounds like a stellar insider (or just a mod?) and posting to this thread. Not denying it either.

>> No.4668517

Moving upwards anyway. Is visa speculation what drove it to 0.1 USD today?

>> No.4668530

Oh I know. But this goes on ALL DAY LONG. I just can't fathom them having the capital to move a 1.2bn dollar market cap coin.

>> No.4668533

Yeah I believe so.

What does everyone think?

>> No.4668541

Bless you anon. I know crypto is a zero sum game and all but I wish /biz/ would look out for each other more. I'd love to see all of us autists hit the 21 BTC club but it's hard with shit like this from OP.

>> No.4668553

maybe that's fake but partnership with VISA is still real...

>> No.4668576

i still think its a good investment, not meaning to be a pajeet but the conference is on tomorrow so who knows what will happen.

im not here telling anyone to buy but its looking like a nice long hold.

>> No.4668598

been holding this for a few months, hopefully it doesn't moon. i don't feel like selling.

>> No.4668618
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>> No.4668633

Do you have a monero address?

>> No.4668671

anon, you're a true fucking hero. I was going to let it sit all-in overnight, instead I squeezed $500 out of the pump and exited. I want to suck your dick.

>> No.4668771

Still not sure how big this group's networth would need to be to move this shit.

>> No.4668778



Yes, thanks for anything, but really don't feel forced if you are a poorfag yourself!

>> No.4668812

thank you, I still made 10k satoshis at least rising the reddit pump.

>> No.4668816

shit i brought the hype, im up 12% tho should i sell?

>> No.4668847

>went all in
>discover it's a pump and jump ship
>stellar announces visa partnership for real 15 minutes later

I'm calling it now...

>> No.4668850

Regardless of the pump and dump group's hoax (trying to manipulate what is currently the 4th biggest volume on Bittrex, by the way...) Lumen was doing fairly well lately, hitting 1041 today after 2 days of very bullish trend.

It needed a correction and on top of the bitcoin playing Yoyo it did really well today (compared to most coins). So I'd say it's still a safe bet.

Timer to the conference, well, the part where the lumen bitch is supposed to talk anyway.

>> No.4668860

i bought the PnD scame but still holding for the conference anyway.

>> No.4668866

I'm a poorfag and would tip if I wasn't, was just going to spectate this whole thing as I enjoy watching. But on behalf of everyone who could have got fucked, thanks a tonne, anon

>> No.4668867


Oh shit this is the same guy who gave me a chargeback on ebay and scammed me out $500. Finally got this fucking faggot. Give me your btc address so I can tip you.

>> No.4668886

I was thinking this but desu OP fudded me into selling early... I even drew my own meme wedges on teh graph n everrythang...

>> No.4668906

Is there a live feed of it anywhere?

>> No.4668951

Your intuition should have told you it was a scam. If you needed proof you're a fucking brainlet.

>> No.4668955

Just tried to look for one with no success

>> No.4668968

Just bought 30k xlm. Moon mission

>> No.4668999


?? Not sure what you mean but glad I helped. Again using an exchange address so I cannot be tracked (I know I'm way too paranoid prolly)


>> No.4669020

you messed up. scroll through the thread.

>> No.4669027

"they won't even fact check" ha you fucking clowns. spell your shit right too next time.

>> No.4669148

are u in the acual discord with them?

>> No.4669204

How am i supposed to watch the conference?

>> No.4669225

You actually made me sell early wow. Fuck this shit. Couldve held. Anyway what's up with teh arbitrage on this? Like 3% min polo/trex

>> No.4669239

Kek! All this and XLM is only going up!

>> No.4669243 [DELETED] 

i don't have intuition. teach me how to use it?

>> No.4669279

Does anyone have a link for the conference?

Why would you sell this coin at 700 satoshi? We literally were at 1000 sats yesterday. This coin is starting to get the attention it deserved. Still undervalued and will grow 10x.

>> No.4669287

should i sell my kyber for the conference?

>> No.4669302

Sold a few days ago, pump and dump groups have been fucking with it ever since the IBM news.

>> No.4669325

lol stay poor

>> No.4669344

>(I know I'm way too paranoid prolly)
You're not at all.

>> No.4669352
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I too would love to be able to watch the conference.

>> No.4669380

There's still a meetup on the 30th you mongs

>> No.4669512


>> No.4669628
File: 32 KB, 420x420, dank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers anon

what is this guy wearing?

>> No.4669696

god this cape-wearing fuck

>> No.4669751

Crocodil Dundee talking right now

>> No.4669862

nope; closed conference, press release after so still in a few hours

>> No.4669874

He gave a nice analogy with this video.

Are we still the one guy?


>> No.4669917

of the stellar session, not filmed or livestreamed, just this yes strange croc dundee sheeet,

>> No.4669944

I'll admit it took me longer than it should have before I realized this wasn't the conference livestream

>> No.4669962

still accumulating.

>> No.4670012

guys its not about the money we make at the end of the day its about the friends we make along the way

>> No.4670032

Actually he didn't mess up. XLM is solid, it's only going to go up. It's at a dip right now like everything else but Lumens is super undervalued. He did good and unlike your shit alts this actually has real world usage.

>> No.4670090



>> No.4670241

its the same thing.

>> No.4670261


really makes you think

>> No.4670281

Taking off

>> No.4670318
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This and pic related make me think that the shit those guys made up might end up being real anyway, and they already dumped their bags.

>> No.4670418


>> No.4670437


really makes you think

>> No.4670441

Long term price on XLM?

>> No.4670465

Over $9000 bitch

>> No.4670475

srsly tho dude

>> No.4670484

see this

why post this twice tho?

long term is 22k, short term is around 1.2k.

>> No.4670488

Surusly bitch

>> No.4670497

Hard to say. We know it hit 4400 sats a few months ago, so I wouldn't rule that out as a price for the very near future. Especially given that XLM is getting in the door of some very large corporations. I just hope the lead dev continues to build a solid team around him.

>> No.4670515

Realistic price is 1-5 doll ears. Would be very happy with more. Short term we likely see .25 -.50 1Q 2018.

>> No.4670571

Will rival Ripple in marketcap. So if people say "omg it's going to $1" then I'd believe it.

>> No.4670580

Long term price for STR is more interesting,
$2 usd by Q1 2018 and $10 by Q1 2019 operating value should sit between $90-100 hopefully by Q4 2020. You heard it here first!

>> No.4670601
File: 7 KB, 767x77, visa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

connect the dots....


>> No.4670634

We got the pnd discord handles. Just lay off dude.

>> No.4670681

what? did you check the source?

>> No.4670729

yeah that guys article is real, bro...
Although Im not sure what all it means going forward.