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4634862 No.4634862 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this analysis here: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7g5yml/my_investigation_of_tether_scam_and_some/

I see things like this every single day in this subreddit while the censored subreddit is just all memes and retardism.

I am so fucking impressed. Really proud of the BCH team, let's go boys.


>> No.4634899

four later words to be exactly

>> No.4634995

>saying bcash is like calling back peolle niggers
>big blockers are the rosa parks of crypto
This dude is a nutcase

>> No.4635037

He's just a bit stressed out because people are not respecting him despite all his wealth.

>> No.4635052

Yep sold me as well. Corecucks are extremely delusional

>> No.4635109

Bcore is bad
Bcash is also bad
Don't mistake Bcore supporters being especially retarded for Bcash being a viable alternative, truth is the whole bitcoin space is a shitshow propped up by fake tethers, washtrading and normie fomo; meaning it can go high before crashing, and when it does it's not the fork with no real development skill or vision behind it that will take over
good luck tho, i'd rather see you right and me wrong

>> No.4635130

I referred to bcash as BCH before he said this but since he did this I've began calling it bcash just as I call niggers niggers.

>> No.4635177

Bitcoiners genuinely don't give a shit about the existence of cashiers. We've processed the arguments long ago and moved on. Why bother with another FUD bump in the road? All the million and one FUD concern trolls about bitcoin have proven to be nonsense, if we listened to beta chimps like you we wouldn't be rich.

You're welcome to cry a river about all the unbanked niggers in Africa along with Ver, and Core will continue to do what is best for bitcoin in the long term as opposed to what some programming illiterate narcissist like Ver thinks is best in the short term.

So adorable that cashiers think they have any influence at all on anyone with any significant amount of BTC. Just kill yourselves already we don't care what you have to say. See you at 20k.

>> No.4635194

It's cashies, not cashiers.

>> No.4635207

>Roger Ver
>Made money, moved to Japan for anime/waifus, spent time and effort on getting people to adopt cryptocurrency
>not /ourguy/

Click over to the bitcoin subreddit, its full of people whining about Bcash and Ver. They havent moved on at all.

>> No.4635218

That "investigation" was fucking shit. Fuck reddit, both of 'em.

Tether is a fucking fraud and it's only a matter of time until the market crashes because of it. It has nothing to do with BTC or BCH or shitcoins, because they are ALL pumped by fraudulent tether deposits (there are no bitcoins backing the tether deposits and you can't redeem them for dollars).

Bcash, and that's what it's fucking called now, is slightly better than BTC solely based on the ability to transact, but neither will ever be able to bring VISA levels of transaction throughput without a miracle (or off-chain transactions). What the fuck is bcash gonna do, have a fucking 1 gigabyte block? Nonsense.

>> No.4635219

no kidding. People need to understand that when a man is a multi millionaire, he automatically knows better and should be listened to.

When will the corecucks get it through their heads that we should listen to our multimillionaire overlords?

When will we just cut the crap and let our rightful King Roger Ver and his queen, Jihan, have their way with our crypto portfolios?

>> No.4635237
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FIRST, they actually are using BCH money to pump BTC, then BTC money to pump BCH and so on.

Bots are driving down the price of BCH and someone is buying a lot of it very cheap and trying to shake out weak hands. They're going to pump it sometime when BTC corrects.

Roger Ver and Craig Wright both made comments on twitter today suggesting BCH will correct... maybe they feel a little guilty for dumping the price to pump BTC?

>> No.4635250

Alts would be more affected by a USDT collapse you dense fucks.

>> No.4635257

>King Roger Ver and his queen, Jihan
I genuinely believe that Jihan is the man in their relationship.

>> No.4635277

Cashiers because they bag groceries to cover the cost of holding their bcash bags Lmao

>> No.4635283
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Ver is an actual fag fwiw, so probs

>> No.4635289
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Who the fuck is we you fucking normie faggot; get off my goddamn board

>concern trolling
Oh, have you audited Bitfinex and not told anyone? No nigger, they're fucking broke and your deposits are the only thing keeping that piece of shit exchange running. Even fucking Wells Fargo, the nigger of banks, won't bank for them - they are fucking insolvent and I can't wait for you to lose all your last 6 months of wagecuck salary because you get goxxed. I fucking hate you and want you to unironically kill yourself.

>> No.4635290

BCH will have a 1GB block, wtf are you talking about. Have you done any research at all.

>> No.4635319
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Cause in that last panel there, when the founders are finally fed up, they don't just quit on the original idea that made them want to dedicate their lives to something, they just abandon the normie horde and go restart elsewhere and the magic recurs. That's what bitcoin cash is.

Articles like the one you linked, the rizun test net and performance analysis of the core code, the various Wright lectures on the world changing fine fintech innovations enabled by the real deal, the obvious poison pills like the divorce of settlement and transaction layers discussed out loud in an uncensored forum, and the absolute idgaf of the power structures in the space (ver had the absolute sack to talk about Jim Bell's assassination politics essay that had the US government hounding him for years regarding recently on a Rubin interview, the guy truly just does not give a fuck) have conspired to create a space that is currently in something of a golden age.

Don't worry though. The normies will eventually arrive and fuck it all up again just like they did with bitcoin obsolete.

>> No.4635332

>this mad
Do you have any proof they are insolvent? Why should a private company hand over all their private information to agencies and ass hurt kiddies on the other side of the world?

>> No.4635336

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.4635350
File: 30 KB, 500x756, petabyte.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigablock testnet
>totally speculative
>impossible to fucking hash without unacceptable level of HW errors
You don't fucking know what you're talking about and that means a full node needs fucking PETABYTES of storage. PETABYTES.

>> No.4635360

Who gives a fuck about this honkey?

>> No.4635370

>that image
Crypto isn't your safe space loser. Never has been and never will be.
Fuck off

>> No.4635424

Where is all the bitcoin going? Don't they need it to back up the tether deposits?

>private company
Audit Soon(TM) for 7 fucking months

>zero exposure to US financial laws
They're a fucking Panamanian banana corporation based in fucking Poland; how much shadier does something need to be before you won't suck its dick?

>they're solvent unless you prove otherwise
Fuck you faggot; this is Bitcoin. Even Satoshi, peace be upon him, said trust NOBODY.

>> No.4635436

So what, that whole thing is unavoidable unless you want to wait days and days and pay multiple percents for tx fees

>> No.4635446
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>> No.4635466

>huur look there's bitcoin moving from exchange wallets!!
You know how exchanges work right? Don't tell me you're one of those dumb cunts who tried to do a bank run on binance with link?

They are based in Hong Kong btw, not Panama or Poland... dumb fuck

>> No.4635474

Stop trying to convince him, people like that deserve to lose their money and they will either learn or quit after getting Goxxed. Too many newfags whose default state is to trust rather than distrust.

>> No.4635483
File: 117 KB, 1424x1620, bcash mishap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time its having a laugh at them as a way to let out annoyance with the fact that BTC would probably be 12k right now if weren't for the cashie FUD campaign. That isn't the same thing as cashies having influence though, this is as far as le dragonslayer flippening goes. You're only duping normies and people with insignificant amounts of BTC. Only a tiny minority of traders have been able to flip back and forth between the two to increase their net worth. Meanwhile Ver's cashie brigade is defrauding first world normies, so that more niggers and pajeets can buy a cup of coffee with BTC even though they don't want to. But of course aside from Ver who is already rich, 99% of the cashie shills for bcash are only doing so because they are butthurt about being late to buy into BTC, and saw bcash as their second opportunity to make it.

>> No.4635485

>posting photos from an ass hurt kike who sold everything at $1000

>> No.4635490

Roger Ver. Bcash: "MY PROJECT".
Despite all of his lies to the contrary, all of his diversions and deflections - that is all you need to know.

>> No.4635492

You're absolutely right, it isn't anybody's. The mathematics doesn't give a fuck.

What you don't grasp is it it's not yours either, and it's going to eat you alive because you're fucking clueless.

>> No.4635494

Sure; but Roger's idea of fucking free transactions is insane and never going to happen. As long as average txfee is 1% or lower, it still beats visa and there's no need to inflate the size of blocks just so some nigger can move 8 cents for free. Let's see how kike-y the lightning network is before we decide who is king

>> No.4635563

Fuck off this like just wants more money. trying to change the world kek

>> No.4635584
File: 662 KB, 480x206, fuckoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's operated from Taiwan. The shell game of corporations they have set up, i.e. iFinex, TetherCo, etc. are in every banana republic you can imagine.

>moving from exchange wallets
Literally millions of USD worth of BTC being withdrawn and you call it "normal trading activity"

>ass hurt kikes can never be right about anything
I don't give a shit that he sold too soon, I give a shit if there's even an ounce of truth in his shilling - which there is, because bitfinex is a fucking fraud. I dodged Gox and I'll dodge this, and then fucking laugh at you from my F-150 because fuck lambos and fuck you