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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4601568 No.4601568 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4601600

what that means?

>> No.4601611


>> No.4601614

this is an honest question and i really would like an answer but why don't you take the 5 minutes of reading the FUCKING article and finding out yourself? being need to be told what is inside is nigger tier dependency

>> No.4601686
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>> No.4601720


>> No.4601778

Wtf i love France now

>> No.4601791


SCIC: the production or supply of goods or services of collective interest that are of a social utility. (partial exemption from corporation tax.)

will they help the economy of France develop Blockchain tech?

>> No.4601847

Is this kind of like how OmiseGo had a partnership with Thailand/Google/McDonalds?

>> No.4601878

no memes aside this is a EU certified business venture now

>> No.4601893

Exactly, this is a big step for ARK

>> No.4601909

What the fuck? What a strange group.

>> No.4601910

Big if huge

>> No.4601923

grande si vrais

>> No.4601926

wow, what a "pump"

>> No.4601939
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Apologize pajeet FUDders.

>> No.4601946
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incorparating in a country where this kind of shit happens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bossnapping

>These incidents resulted in a public call for an end to the practice by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, despite public opinion polling which showed widespread sympathy for the protesters.

>> No.4601958

Also this is pretty good insurance for holders that they are not going to get fucking JOOSTED

>> No.4601974


were going to make it laddies!

>> No.4601991

Huge if big

>> No.4602013

lol how is that relevant

>> No.4602045

france is a socialist shithole and about to be replaced by a soviet republic by her people - and that's how they treat business.

>> No.4602055

Learn to spell you pre-pubescent faggot.

>> No.4602079
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I doubt angry ARK devs are gonna trap that fat bearded mike in a closet.

now get in the fucking ark before you drown faggot

>> No.4602095


>> No.4602099

desu this isnt big news or anything bc ark itself doesnt immediately benefit from it. you guys should see this as a good foundation for the future rather than a big buy signal

>> No.4602100

Stop trying to accumulate. The time has come

>> No.4602111

All news is big news.

>> No.4602116


suck on my hairy niples

>> No.4602118

that green candle looks like a micropenis, is that all you arkies can do? pathetic, deluded even

>> No.4602139

But it might provide a bit of legitimacy for some investors who might have been hesitant in between all these FUD being thrown around

>> No.4602140

this is the mentality of people that arent gonna make it. you shouldnt see every little bit like big news or else youre not any better than those OMG scam artists

>> No.4602157


I take pride in my deluded state of mind.

all memes aside though ark 5$ end of december. 50$ june 2018. 1000$ 2019.

if you guys want out of the neet meme life and have passive income for the rest of your life i suggest you get in the ark now.

>> No.4602160

OMG isn't a scam. He's writing a book!

>> No.4602168

it definitely does provide a lot of legitimacy but i think it will only be relevant in the future hence why i think this is just a solid foundation rather than a big pump reason like arkvm would be for example. have patience fellow arkies

>> No.4602178


>> No.4602180

How much Ark you holding boys? 3300 here.

>> No.4602190
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this is not a coincidence anons

>> No.4602202


closing in on 5k, fat bitch profits

>> No.4602203


>> No.4602211

Based Macron

>> No.4602212

You have a valid point. Also, this news did not just come out of nowhere, everyone was expecting this for like a month so a big pump would make no sense.
But it feels good to see some progression.

>> No.4602229

FRANCE! what load of shit Arkies have really outdone themselves

If your HQ isn’t in Singapore, Switz or Germany you literally hate money

FRANCE! They’re just trying to be more hipster aren’t they

>> No.4602245

Ark de Triomphe!

>> No.4602251
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They just keep on delivering.

>> No.4602264
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150 I wish I could afford a couple of thousand more.

>> No.4602265

Because HQing in Singapore has done so well for the Chinese cryptos like CFI, right?

>> No.4602268

I was having fun making easy swings though, have to find some other shitcoin

>> No.4602271

kek now this is podracing

>> No.4602283

For the unread


>> No.4602297

they fucking spell out the reasoning in the article you mong

>> No.4602322

Waking up to this news. Feels good man. Feels good.

>> No.4602338


>> No.4602341

35. I hate being poor

>> No.4602345
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Gee whiz. I wonder why they didn't go with Switz.

It's almost as if you didn't read the article you pajeet sinner.

Soon enough the water will rise and that shit on the street will be swimming with you. If only you had boarded the ARK.

>> No.4602373

You won't be poor much longer my friend.

>> No.4602446

16 ARK poorfag, standing by

>> No.4602448
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>> No.4602494

I just need ARK to hit $30 for me to live off of the income passively.

>> No.4602500

15 ark poorfag standing by

>> No.4602516

was all in at 0.13 cents, feels so fucking comfi.

>> No.4602554


green dildo standing by

>> No.4602587


>> No.4602602

It's actually mooning wew

>> No.4602624

Yeeeeowwww 900arklet reporting in

>> No.4602626

It's been a long struggle. We had to put up with a lot of bullshit around here. But we stuck to our guns and it's paying off big time.

>> No.4602646

700 ARK ready for takeoff

>> No.4602701


Really reminds me of the ETH threads back when ETH was $2-4.

>> No.4602703


Oh my god. It's actually happening. Hold me, anons.. this is my first moon mission.

>> No.4602712


>> No.4602737
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>arkies will never hit $4 again.

find me the faggot that said that, and show him >pic related

>> No.4602800


green dildo ready for deployment

>> No.4602824

Oh yeah 100$ in 2018

>> No.4602828
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>> No.4602843

we broke last pumps ATH price, the moon mission seems a lot closer than previously anticipated now.

>> No.4602862

ok but when will this shit go 5x in prive?? Ehh thats what I need to know.

>> No.4602871
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ultra bearish ass wang signal , SELL SELL SELL

>> No.4602885

patience young-faggowan, board the ark, stake your ark, and you can still eat the cake. 5x is coming soon.

>> No.4602907
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Bullish green ass dildo, giant buy signal

>> No.4602951

>Pajeet is too accustomed to be detained by his boss for extra non-paid work hours to understand worker's unions
You will never make it

>> No.4602961
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>> No.4602987


>> No.4603011


>> No.4603028
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>> No.4603036
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>> No.4603055
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>> No.4603077

This is a long term hold.

>> No.4603100

Holding until at least $100

>> No.4603204

It's picking up again ... HAHAHAH TO THE FUCKING MOOON

>> No.4603225


yeah bro was just jesting with the FUD and triangle and spinning tops. Was just a correction after an ass gaping green dildo .

>> No.4603277

Are we expecting more gains? Should I jump into ARK?

>> No.4603293

now or never, pal.
>extends hand out

>> No.4603302


>> No.4603340

hodling + staking + all in since $0.30

selling large chunk for early retirement when $100 then buying back in later

>> No.4603362

Sounds like a plan

>> No.4603365

fuck im jelly
gg bro

>> No.4603398

You will be posting wojacks this time next year if you don't get in now.

>> No.4603423

Also got in at 0.30$ but only managed to get about 700

>> No.4603425

They're in regular contact with the French government, and also one of their advisors apparently works for the prime minister.
Huge step for Ark, imo.

>> No.4603440
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>> No.4603448


If it hits $100 ill do 5 ARK give away per address out of 1000 ARKs

screen cap this, you goys are alright.

>> No.4603453

Yo my nigga for real?

>> No.4603464

where did you see it/why did you invest in it in the first place

a.k.a give me the next ARK (am already a ARKboy)

>> No.4603476

Is this the moon mission I have been waiting for?

>> No.4603479

you mean in 1 week

>> No.4603488

Fake walls on bittrex? in 39 - 41k sats range

>> No.4603490

>moon mission
>can't even stay above 40k

Fucking deluded idiots.

>> No.4603495

>give me the next ARK
REQ and unironically LINK

>> No.4603499

ico whales are getting greedy, the same happened with early eth whales, they'll cry a tear over every single ark they've sold

I'm not mad tho, got most of it for $2 - $2.5, also so I'm able to buy more

>> No.4603517

Congrats on this I mean seriously

>> No.4603521

i got in at 3.20. Will I make it anon?

>> No.4603530

It starts with the 6th letter of the alphabet

>> No.4603534

There wasn't anything special research wise that i did. All I did was trust the team, read the white paper, see the road map, and DECIDED to take a calculated risk.

>> No.4603542

if you have a stakeable amount, yes. I think everhing above 1 - 1.5k is good.

>> No.4603549

Wait for it to go back to 37, there's going to be a selloff soon.

>> No.4603595

I could only put 1.9k worht of btc I got burned badly by alt crash during the fork
Do you think I can reach 20k?

>> No.4603599

We broke previous pumps ATH 3.70. Selling now is quite retarded, There was the usual new ath pump, but where hovering above the previous ATH.

>> No.4603621

I also got in at .30, lost a bunch of it though and currently trying to average down (I sold at 75k and then got caught hard in the bulltrap at ~85k)

The only reason I invested was because of the cool staking feature it has, as well as the fact that the whitepaper was so simple even a retard like me could understand it. I figured that if a retard could understand what it does, anyone could, and thus people (like me) will believe and support in the project.

All that of course means nothing now though considering most buys are done based of hype.

>> No.4603622


sell of? i am bought in at 4000. should I be worried and panic sell now?

>> No.4603626

fucking shit i hate the most is when good news comes out the price fucking drops...god damn it

>> No.4603630


just don't hit the sell button. I can imagine someone buys into this with 20-100 btc for once, it happened with ETH, it'll happen with Ark. If you daytrade, don't use your full stack

>> No.4603637


You might sweat for a couple days but it'll go back up. 3k sats is literally nothing dude.

>> No.4603645


i am day trading. thoughts on it going back to 4100 today?

>> No.4603678

ARK is the only 'coin' that I do not allow myself to day trade with. Almost lost out back around August, when it truly pumps it pumps hard.

>> No.4603712

Pump is over, it's dipped now to it's new floor at $3.68.

Everyone who sold at $4, great timing. But now you can go back to accumulating.

>> No.4603718

hard to say with the bitcoin situation right now, a lot of people are exiting the market for fiat $ only, yesterday was insane with the total marketcap of crypto.

I say yes, wait until Japan wakes up

>> No.4603759

Can anyone explain how the voting/delegate system works to create returns.

Sorry for newfag, just bought into Ark.

>> No.4603803

How many do they give out per week?

>> No.4603812

No worries. Read here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkEcosystem/comments/7fnsi1/staking_10_annually_free_ark_eli5_please/

>> No.4603817
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>...we sought legal analysis from French lawyer Arnaud Grunthaler, a partner at Fieldfisher Paris.
>Fieldfisher is a European law firm with market leading practices in many of the world’s most dynamic sectors. [...]They are a multinational law firm, with roughly 400 lawyers across offices in Amsterdam, Beijing, Birmingham, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, London, Manchester, Milan, Munich, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, Turin, Venice, and Silicon Valley.
>Arnaud is also a member of “France Stratégie”, the think tank of the French Prime Minister’s Cabinet, and contributes to the planning of the policies enacted by the public agencies. This policy institute performs research and advocacy, assisting the French government in determining the major directions of the nation’s future, along with the medium and long-term objectives of its economic, social, cultural, and environmental development. Within this think tank, Arnaud is working on finding legal means to make France attractive for blockchain development.

>> No.4603837

Here you go, anon

>> No.4603844


>> No.4603865
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someone give me ark im poor

>> No.4603871


okay then. I guess I am hodling now than.
Guess I am an arkie now :p

>> No.4603898
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don't forget to laugh about all the memes ^_^

>> No.4603899
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>The Swiss Non-Profit Foundation was most favored, however the ARK Crew had the intuition that it was not the optimal solution.
>the bottom line is—A blockchain technology project is NOT non-profit.

>All SCIC members are shareholders and will belong to of one of the statutory categories : Founders, Advisers, or Employees.

Major international law firm that serve in major think tank for French PM are now ARK shareholders.

Strap in lads.

>> No.4603934


>> No.4603946


For profit damn right, no free bux for refugees and kneegrows.

>> No.4603947
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>In French Law, the SCIC format also allows public institutions to become shareholders
>public institutions

>> No.4603970

2k with half on binance. Never done that with btc, i am a deluded arkie. Lets go nibbas

>> No.4604006


Tfw ark will replace the collapsing euro

>> No.4604039

Fuck it can actually get pretty fucking big
God I wish I could invest more than 1900€

>> No.4604043
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>In October we met with Autorité des Marchés Financiers, or more simply, the AMF. AMF is the French government regulatory body for financial markets, and we now have a close relationship with them for future regulatory compliance.
>We are scheduling an initial meeting to on-board the first executive team members in the coming months.

>> No.4604058

WTF i hate powr now
I am now a deluded arkie

>> No.4604074

>tfw bittrex cant find me in public records
>tfw dont want to take a selfie because i look like shit rn

>> No.4604189

Went all in on Ark three days ago with $10,000 USD.
Am I going to make it??

>> No.4604235

This is inaccurate for some delegates.

>> No.4604253

Yeah I felt the same way, but I looked into it and they use a 3rd party to match your ID and selfie, then they supposedly delete both.

>> No.4604269

don't even sweat it.

>> No.4604348

I'm sorry but the ark token is pure shit and you are flushing money down the toilet. Good luck in poverty fags

>> No.4604377
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falling wedge moon imminent niggers

>> No.4604422

We get it, you sold at 3.50

>> No.4604426

Look at those sell walls. Odds they're genuine?

>> No.4604454
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>hehe eth will never go past $5
>hehe will never go past $10
>hehe will never go past $15
>heh will never go past $25
>heh will never go past $50

hehe 500 now

>> No.4604458


>> No.4604622


>> No.4604845

Just put .025 BTC on ARK

>> No.4604865
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hello pajeet

>> No.4604911

>stinky linky detected

>> No.4604921

not yet, my buy orders haven't filled

>> No.4604942

uh.. it's looks like you actually just passed a shooting star and no you're going down down down

>> No.4604969

listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about

>> No.4604978


>> No.4605016
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they filled

>> No.4605250

everyone go look at the bittrex order book, mother fucker is being HEAVILY manipulated by whales to keep price down. 80 BTC or so sell wall was put up. this cunt is about to go straight parabolic

>> No.4605261

my dick is diamonds right now

>> No.4605275

Once that whale is done accumulating, we'll see $6+ ARK.

>> No.4605304

holy fuck bittrex it's not a new IP address ffs

>> No.4605401
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>> No.4605477

Happy for you arkies. Always liked you guys enjoy your profits.

>> No.4605512
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its time lads

>> No.4605548

>just bought 50 ARK
new to this delegate stuff.
no point in me voting for a delegate with such a small amount right?

>> No.4605567

yes there is
you will keep getting payouts into the future so the sooner you vote the better

>> No.4605612

but isn't every vote 1 ARK? i'll have nothing left in 2 months while the return it brings is less than 1 ARK a month with that little a capital
sorry for being new

>> No.4605688


This is a major step for Ark. $10 soon.

>> No.4605771

$10 as soon as Asia wakes up. Get in now.

>> No.4605773

>$ARK is now incorporated in France, the worlds first #cryptocurrency SCIC
>no possessive apostrophe
lmao this scam is run by stuttering potheads.

>> No.4605800


>> No.4605817

You only vote one time, then your wallet has permanently allocated its vote to that delegate until you unvote. Either vote now or wait until the voting cost is dropped (soon™ but dunno if it's worth waiting).

>> No.4605822
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enjoy your anemic pump, deluded arkies, but the truth is, the crypto world is just not that into you anymore.

>> No.4605829

Someone call the ADL.

>> No.4605844

see, this shit is what i'm talking about when i said sorry for being new. i thought voting was daily, kill me.

thanks very much, i'll go for biz_classic i guess

>> No.4605883

Don't forget to sign up to their site and ring the faucet after voting for those mad 3x payouts. You need to have >50 Ark in your wallet to get the 3x though. Rip you if you bought exactly 50 and are going to dip under from voting.

>> No.4605921

have some leftover btc in my account, can round it up to 60 ARK. and yea, been hitting the faucet but no real gains so far.

thank you very much by the way <3

>> No.4606033
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>> No.4606090

Audible kek,

Welcome aboard

>> No.4606158

Thanks. Actually popped my crypto-cherry today. Feels OK so far.

>> No.4606186

is it bleeding

>> No.4606192

This is going to moon hard over the next few months

>> No.4606229



>> No.4606281

Do not take the word of random anons as fact. Not saying that dude is completely wrong, it's just far more likely that anything you read on here is wild speculation with no actual basis to it.

>> No.4606331
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>sold 1k ark 4 days ago


>> No.4606359

open bittrex, dude

>> No.4606373

open bobs pls

>> No.4606392

>$1000 2019

I'll genuinely kill myself if that happens after what I just sold.

>> No.4606451

2018 April.

I send 0.001 ARK for vagene and bobs plis

>> No.4606878

You're a fucking retard. There's not even an excuse for this so I don't feel sorry for you.

>> No.4607487
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>tfw only 518 arks
I wish I wanst such a poorfag
Not gonna make it brah

>> No.4607509

That's almost the exact amount I have too. Feels bad man. Even if this shit hit $1,000 I would still be poor.

>> No.4607511


>> No.4607534

wtf. that's 500k in money, and probably 1k per month free.

>> No.4607550

lmao ark crashing hard
gg nerds

>> No.4607563

>and probably 1k per month free.
I just want to live the comfy neet life without having to leech other people even if this sounds paradoxal.

>> No.4607570

First of all $500k is not much, certainly not enough to live off of for the rest of your life. Secondly if you ever want to pull that all to fiat to actually use it enjoy your $250k since you just lost half in taxes.

>> No.4607604

Bitfag here
Where do i buy this coin.
I wand a Lambo

>> No.4607610

>not avoiding taxes

>> No.4607621

Have fun doing that. Even if you do you still only have $500,000.

>> No.4607679

voting the delegates.

500k is not enough lol. to me, it is. but yeah this depends where a person comes from, where it lives, the life he lives. but i imagine that if you "Only" have 500ark, then there's a reason for it. A monetary one...
i dont have to pay taxes of crypto gains by the way. also, 500k well invested are more than enough for a very decent life. keep some to play the crypto game, buy real estate, rest in index funds and you're set for life baby.

>> No.4607697

voting the delegates. you get almost 10% return per year. 500 is probably 1 ark per month.

>> No.4607711
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>crashing hard
imagine being this retarded

>> No.4607744


>> No.4607755

500k is enough to buy 1/3 of a decent house here.

>> No.4607767

>500k is not enough to live off

>buy house in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for $130000
>install solar panels

Literally maintenance, insurance, property tax, water, internet, and food would all that needs to be paid.

I'm sure the remaining money + 1k/month from staking is more than enough to cover that if you live within your means. Not to mention you're not stuck wagecucking 24/7 so you can find more creative ways to make money.

>> No.4607803
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>"decent" houses are 1.5 million USD

>> No.4607821

>Literally maintenance, insurance, property tax, water, internet, and food would all that needs to be paid.
If you want to be forever alone maybe. I want like 5 kids though.

Welcome to Sydney, Australia.

>> No.4607827

1000$ ark soon

stay poor fags

>> No.4607843

>500k is enough to buy 1/3 of a decent house here.
bay area?

i suppose richer people have the possibilities to have more ark than others. i don't have a lot either (1.5k or so) but its my limit. i sorted had to take some money from here and there to fund it. i imagine dudes making 80-100k can probably afford more than me making the reward much bigger.

>> No.4607845

>I'm sure the remaining money + 1k/month from staking is more than enough to cover that if you live within your means.
Also your staking will have dropped hard since you pulled a ton out to spend.

>> No.4607855

because property isnt local right. This is the dumbest answer ever. 1.5MILLION could buy a shit 500ft apartment or it could buy a fucking mansion all depending on where you live

>> No.4607863


>> No.4607913

aussie dollarydoos at .76 cents to 1 USD, but that still makes it well over 1 million dollars for a house.

Does everyone in Australia just make shittons of money or does everyone live in the ghetto?

If you're literally paying $1.5m for a shit 500ft apartment you're just living there for the status of saying "hurf durf come check out my big city apartment", not to comfortably stop wagecucking and live a normal life.

>> No.4607924

where do you guys buy this coin

>> No.4607954


>> No.4607955
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>> No.4607958

black market

>> No.4607980

Yeah I thought about the AUD/USD thing after I posted but it was still a close enough fact to not be worth correcting.

Salaries are pretty decent here if you've got a good job, but most of that realestate is owned by boomers, boomers renting to millennials, or Chinese foreigners who buy up our land.

>> No.4608004

All this talk over whether or not 500k + 1k/month passively is enough to live off of is based on the assumption that ARK will go to $1000, lol.

ETH isn't even halfway to $1000, why is your $3 shitcoin going to make it? Convince me.

>> No.4608013


It hurts.

>> No.4608040



>> No.4608056


>> No.4608057

Yeah that's the other thing. When I put forward Ark being $1,000 still not being enough if you only have 500, that was under the assumption it even hits that which I considered to be a very, very optimistic long term expectation. Realistically $500 would be a very high, and very good outcome.

>> No.4608077

Holy fucking shit. Do the houses come with anti-spider lasers or somethng? What makes them so expensive?

>> No.4608105

>What makes them so expensive?
being in a place where other people live and where there are successful and relevant businesses

>> No.4608107

Too many things for a brainlet like me to point to, but a big factor is Chinese buyers squeezing out the market.

>> No.4608134


why is this crashing??? good news right? what the hell

>> No.4608149

this too
fucking chinese are literally buying and holding land, housing, etc
here in toronto, condos and apartments are astronomically expensive because the fucking chinese keep buying out large swathes of apartments and condos, and then refusing to rent them out or live in them. or if they do rent them, they demand ridiculous and unrealistic prices, so they continue to go unrented.
there's just empty apartments and condos sitting there

some laws around this just changed though so we'll see what happens.

>> No.4608186

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $1 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all ARKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in ARK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded ARKies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you ARKies.

There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an ARKie.

>> No.4608203

Yeah there definitely need to be laws put into place that either ban ownership from non citizens or require that they live x weeks out of the year in the property if they reside overseas.

>> No.4608538

Why don't they just rent them out?

Wouldn't that mean more income?

>> No.4608675

Any rich arkies willing to spread the love to a poorfag college arkie? Hoping to hit 100 ark.


>> No.4608676

Because holding them accelerates the scarcity of the land, driving up the value faster. And if you rent a place out, you have to evict the tenants before you can sell the land.

>> No.4608746

Live stream it

>> No.4608830

Is link just gonna be the next neo guys?
-t. Deluded arkie

>> No.4608900

>700 ARK
>10k REQ
>5k LINK
I will have made it when I get $1k/month passive income. When will that be?

>> No.4608931

never lol

>> No.4608976

optimistically 3 years assuming no crypto market implosion and none of those projects get fucked

>> No.4609014

Shit. Gotta keep flipping, need to double my portfolio at least. I only got like 1.5 years of college left.

>> No.4609197

Im gonna buy ARK, but need someone to hold my hand. How big of a gamble is this really? Scale of 1-10 how much of a true shitcoin is it?

>> No.4609259

well its not that big of a gamble anymore as devs have shown today, they deliver and are a legitimate business now so just go and buy, u wont regret anything

>> No.4609276

Thank you anon. Moving some btc as we speak to become an ARKazoid.

>> No.4609333


>500 x .1 = 12

>> No.4609421
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>> No.4609551

Welcome aboard bro

>> No.4609609

Ty. Now if I am understanding this correct, all I have to do is vote for a delegate and I get free ARK added to my wallet continuously?

>> No.4609652


>> No.4609653

Go back to whatever you were planning before you found out about crypto, you deluded arkie, you laughable linkie, you retarded reqqie

>> No.4609797

Yeah, but only if your delegate is one of the current top 51. Find a respectable delegate.

>> No.4609799

No, you go kys yourself, faggot.

>> No.4609847

Wish I had that kind of money to invest with. You're only problem is going to be deciding what to do with ALL THE FUCKIN' MONEY! I only have 750 ARK myself. Hope it will be enough to make it

>> No.4609894

here's a delegate that started from /biz
they even have a calculator too, to see what yer payouts would be (keep in mind, those are daily payouts, so you'd need to optimize your payout schedule since there's a 0.1ARK cost-per-transaction)

>> No.4609904

ARK is the next NEO, if youre even lucky. The market is saturated with alts

>> No.4609976

>I only have 750 ARK myself

>tfw have been living on the equivalent of 40 ARK a month for 4 years now
>that's before housing & food
>try to save 10% every month
>bought 70 ARK with half of my savings last week

ARK will moon. It must moon. We'll all make it.
Otherwise catch me in afterlife.

>> No.4610101

So do I, but if France makes me rich asf I will reconsider.

>> No.4610139

I'm not, I was twice in this shithole country and it sucks so hard, also coffee, beer, food, all tastes like shit there, and I fucking hated Paris the most. the worst is how proud they are of all their shit tho

>> No.4610156

flip that chart around and me jacking off in the third frame and thats the real pic. Still crying though coz im a sad cunt

>> No.4610246

going back up :)

>> No.4610333

The optimal payout schedule is always the longest one.

>> No.4610358
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>> No.4610639


>> No.4610717

how the fuck do you live on that and where do you live

>> No.4610726

In that article they mention how their ICO target wasn’t met, and they had to streamline their operation.

They’ve come a long way since in just six months. They are now sitting on over 100 million in USD to fund this.

>> No.4610840

They are close to 150 million

>> No.4611002

They have like $150+ million to work with.

And that will continue to grow as Ark's value increases

>> No.4611063

(((NORTHERN))) cyprus
scholarship for housing (knocks it down to a symbolic fee of 15 bucks a month) and instant ramen

>> No.4611773

So Im reading that there are different payouts from different delegates? Do they pay more or is it just how often they pay? How do I find a list of all delegates?

>> No.4611788

unbelievably good meme

>> No.4611837

don't worry about it right now. transfer fees for your payout are .1 ark so if you get paid daily, you'll be losing .1 ark daily. you can change your payout on classicdelegate.biz

>> No.4611918

Yes it's different. Some pay 70% of their earnings some 90%. But the most important factor is picking one that doesn't drop out of the top 51. Also as anon >>4611837 mentioned, if you use biz_classic you can change your payout schedule to monthly meaning you only get hit by transfer fees once a month now every day (still need >1.1 Ark to payout though). It takes your pending Ark into account when it calculates earnings each day so don't worry about that.

>> No.4611994

Is it a 1 time choice to pick delegate or can you change it if you want? I got 1325 ark so im not too worried about the fees.

>> No.4612037

You can change any time you want but you'll need to unvote then revote, which both have a cost. It's being reduced by a factor of 10 or 100 soon though. bc also has a loyalty scalar for people that don't hop around though, see calculator page.

>> No.4612056


Are you hairy? White? Masc or femboy?

>> No.4612205

Thanks, Im getting the hang of it now. Found the list of delegates. The /biz/ guy seems good enough any reason not to pick him over another?

>> No.4612223
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What the fuck just happened?

My stop loss from a few days ago just got triggered...
R.I.P my ARK

>> No.4612245

I dunno, I didn't exactly review the whole list. Some people supposedly pay more but it's probably marginal and biz_classic seemed trustworthy enough. Also the 3x faucet rewards while voting for them are pretty nice.

>> No.4612270
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>> No.4612281

Don't stop loss things you want to hold long term... I can't see what happened there though, on my graph it looked like it spiked down harder than it should have been able, leaving a wick before returning to where it was. Seems to be going back up now. Whale did something?

>> No.4612287

was wondering the same think, thought my comp/trex was lagging or some shit

>> No.4612316

guys check the books, the wall has been brought down. whales are done accumulating, i think they tried to bottom it to fuel a liftoff. this shit is about to mother fucking launch

>> No.4612323

>stop loss
>in crypto
why do people do that shit?

>> No.4612329

Kind of depressed desu. I needed at least 3 months to accumulate a good amount.

>> No.4612375


>> No.4612466

biz guys are moonman and chang, iirc
check out:

>> No.4612510

my lowball buy order got filled, easy 5%

>> No.4612546


>> No.4612604

That'd be a pretty amazing order. Accidentally score at 20% below market price because someone dipped it hard for a couple of minutes at most.

>> No.4612992

Jesus Christ you fucking no life morons I tried to tell you that coin is,worthless trash. get out now,you
Retarded autist biznitches

>> No.4613021
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Not a big deal anyway. Got back in before it fully recovered.

>> No.4613034

>p-please sell me cheap ark

>> No.4613050
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>> No.4613217
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Bought another 20 Ark

Up to 60 atm. Aim is to get to 100 before $8 should be attainable in the next 3 weeks, hoping it doesn't shoot up upon mobile wallet release.

Here's an infographic I saved in 2012, never jumped aboard, knew about it since inception almost too.

>> No.4613326
File: 648 KB, 1800x3100, Technology beyond 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also found this in the same folder. Interesting to see how far ahead we are in some things. 4k coming in 2018 according to this.

>> No.4613792

tfw I made this pic related.jpg and went from 20k Ark to no Ark. I think I should drown myself as a fitting suicide.

>> No.4613972


>> No.4614341

I needed this right now. I needed to quiickly be reminded that I'm not a nigger

>> No.4614401

how? you sold?