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4605146 No.4605146 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw rich and retired from crypto but still empty and dissatisfied with your life

>> No.4605214

Money is not what makes a human being happy and fulfilled.

>> No.4605228

Time to get /fit/ and start meditating.

>> No.4605257

Time to give me some money OP, that'll make you feel good I promise

>> No.4605286

>Time to get /fit/ and start meditating.
are you just saying that because that's what other people say or did you actually do that and it worked for you?

>> No.4605303

You need a purpose in life. Something you can be good at and proud of. Having money is not very satisfying. Spending that money to get good at certain pastimes or connecting people or whatever the fuck is what is satisfying. Money is means to an end.

>> No.4605321

Yes make me a little bit rich OP:

>> No.4605327

I haven't completed the path, sometimes I take steps backwards, but it's the reason why I didn't kill myself in high school or college. Both have fundamentally changed who I am a person and how I experience the world and treat others.

Lowkey also try to find some friends who are super empathetic, churches or volunteering type jobs are good places to look. Good friends make life a whole lot better.

>> No.4605329

Have $70k in a very cheap alt that will go x100 in the next year.

Still depressed.

>> No.4605333

imagine having a lot of money but still whining and complaining about stupid shit. lol.

>> No.4605359

Money doesn't change who you are at your core.

>> No.4605377


>> No.4605378

take it to r9k and rot there

>> No.4605383


You faggots keep complaining about how bad wagecucking is, and once you get rich you realize you want a wagecuck job because you need the purpose and social interaction.

I made it as well OP, and I live life the way I used to, only I have a bigger house and a nicer car.

I regret telling friends about the money I made in cryptocurrency.

>> No.4605450

>I regret telling friends about the money I made in cryptocurrency.

>> No.4605457

well, at least you are rich, i'm poor and everything else u just said

>> No.4605465
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Are you that guy who made 700k?

>> No.4605556

Never wank again

Fast 14 hours eat 8 hours

Eliminate sugar and caffeine



>> No.4605593

it is strange how not jerking it can increase your mood.

>> No.4605702

what happened with your friends? explain now

>> No.4605732

Definitely chainlink.

>> No.4605765

Screencapped because this is good shit

>> No.4605769


This poster is right, i’m Just onto this and killing it.

>> No.4605779

But c’mon coffee n tea ain’t caffeine

>> No.4605780

If not a larp, start to get into philosphy.
Look into stoicism

>> No.4605794

Exercise helps, wealthy people exercise 3 times a week. Keeps the mind fresh, I'm not wealthy, but I do exercise about 4 times a week and I could see how you think about your money more clearly.

>> No.4605808

At least you are not wagecucking. You have the time and opportunity to fix whatever ails you. Your position is great even if you don't feel that way now.

You were smart enough to retire early, so you are smart enough to fix this too.

>> No.4605825

tell us what alt is it, since you already bought it

>> No.4605846

>im financially secure for the rest of my life
>i never have to work for anyone ever again
>im free to do whatever i want
>im empty and dissatisfied
Goddamn, you're pathetic.

>> No.4605877


I have been poor all of my fucking life, and all I can think of is how badly I've wanted to have enough money to travel the world, meet and fuck various exotic and interesting women of different cultures, maybe impregnate a few of them here and there, try new foods and cultures, etc. etc.

The world is literally in the palm of your hand now dude. Use your brain to explore the things you think you might like doing and investing your time in, and get to work. Stop being a fucking bitch. I'd kill to be in your shoes right now, but crypto isn't dropping in price anytime soon so I can't even hop on board.

Trust me anon, you have the capacity to pursue anything you want now. Why not go for it? Get out of your comfort zone. Explore life a little more. You might find it to be well worth it.

>> No.4605901
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This, go fuck yourself you little shit OP. The only good thing about money is that it brings you FREEDOM, that's why we do what we do. With freedom you can now do what you want and be happy instead of being a fucking wagecuck all your miserable life.

>> No.4605902

Become a literal marine.

>> No.4606123
File: 802 KB, 900x597, 1511742518819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not get the " $<% <×@#life"
Go mineing irl.

>> No.4606145

This guy gets it

>> No.4606149

Go to church and honor the Lord, so that you will have life more full.

>> No.4606251

Help me get rich dude
whaat should i invest in

>> No.4606267

travel. give money away. find friends.

>> No.4606279



>> No.4606326

Relax. Get Chainlink and in 2 years you're in his shoes. The future you is already rich.

>> No.4606328

i shouldnt get bitcoin?

>> No.4606354
File: 324 KB, 1165x1654, 1511712747143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money doesn't bring happiness, OP. In fact, people that win a huge amount of money in a short period of time usually discover the true face of their friends or familiars. They also notice the misery that money brings.

If you are not a larper, then you must be in that phase, when you notice that money can not buy what you want. I would suggest you to find a goal, something hard to reach, but possible. Goals and effort allow us to keep that balance between effort and reward, something essential for a sane mentality.

As a poorfag I wish I could be in your position (I feel like it is my only way to leave this destiny of mine). After some time I would realise what is really important to me. For example, there are kids whose parents are never at home. Such a beautiful time lost because parents have to bring money instead of sharing and enjoying thier childhood.

Not sure if you know what I mean. Find a goal and follow it. Do sport, travel, meet new people (avoiding the "money" conversation), find a greater idea and work on it!

>> No.4606375


You were warned not to cash out

>> No.4606379


>> No.4606385

don't listen to the Linkies. Their shitcoin is going to zero. Link is the new DigiByte or Bancor. All hype, no substance, destined for zero.

>> No.4606403


make me rich too. 100k more than enough. go buy 30k ark and send me.

>> No.4606418

whatevr il just put in 100k in a 16% interest bank account fucking cryptos are going to crash anyway

>> No.4606423

>Find a goal and follow it.

I just don't know what. I've never been an ambitious person.

>> No.4606433

That's why when u make bank tell everyone u donated to charity but u actually still have it. Works everytime

>> No.4606435

16% bank account? that's probable riskier than crypto.

>> No.4606447
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Read this and figure it out

>> No.4606475

i think its fixed forever and i can take it out before the goverment decides to unfreze the interest rate

>> No.4606481


Fuck no that looks tedious

>> No.4606497

>16% bank account?

No such thing. You're lucky if you can get 0.1% these days. Bitcoin is probably your best bet. Probably won't see 10x gains a year anymore, but 2x or 3x gains in 2018 are possible, likely even. More likely than gambling with shitcoins like LINK or whatever meme /biz/ is shilling that week.

>> No.4606526

there is such a thing

my jewish family in south africa can fix an account there for me with 16% interest per month

>> No.4606675
File: 459 KB, 500x363, Congratulations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you want to be ambitious, now you have a financial cushion that will help you. You might not be the next Elon Musk, but can still do something great.

On the contrary, if you are a person with simple values and pleasures, then find something that will keep you busy. Circumstances will do the rest. Who knows, hobbies (pick your own hobby) can make you enjoy time, meet new people, it might even force you to leave your bubble...

Take some time to find what you want. A revelation might come at the most unsuspected moment. You will laugh of this, but one of these moments came to me while watching the end of an anime called Neon Genesis Evangelion. That "I deserve to live in this world, I can be happy" message really touched me.

>> No.4606826

im waiting for my arks :/

Be a gentleman op.

>> No.4606856

>Fast 14 hours eat 8 hours

Isn't it better to just eat smaller portions throughout the day than eat 1-2 big meals a day?

>> No.4607035

You were just asking for tips getting rich and now you say you have access to the highest interest account in the universe?

Stop larping and get the fuck out

>> No.4607158

Not him, but I think everyone is different. I eat one meal a day and have fluctuated between 206lb and 210lb since high school. My trick is drinking fuckloads of water

>> No.4607225

The account must be in South African rand and the reason the rate is so high is because their currency is shit. Depreciation vs. USD probably offsets any interest paid.

>> No.4607726

4 light meals a day and one big. It's the key to eat well and not be fat.

>> No.4607783

That's cuz you're a normie senpai. It's both the reason for your positive attitude and also the reason you probably won't get OP's gains.
You spend your money on experiences, feel good stuff. You then don't have enough to invest, make more money, start businesses.
Those who can put off a reward and make incredible gains are those for whom the reward has less meaning.

Know this: you are likely happier than OP, and that is worth all the fucking money. I would trade my massive gains to be a happy normie. But no, I would not just give them away because while they don't make me happy they at least keep me from killing myself and allow me to improve my family's life and I hope that one day I might find happiness and be able to have a normal life.

I am obsessive, anxious, highly strung, defensive... would you want the wealth if you also had to have that?

>> No.4607800

Sounds like a load of pseudoscientific woo.

>> No.4607805


Go do something for someone else. Maybe you'll find some sense of purpose in helping others.

>> No.4607836
File: 1.47 MB, 309x313, 1506681995856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw poor as fuck AND empty and dissatisfied with life

>> No.4607856

Check this out the best group to ask questions!!

>> No.4607868


there's nothing wrong with heuristics, weeb

>> No.4607943

First mistake was thinking money was needed for happiness. Look at all the happy poor wagecucks and happy people living in third world shitholes.

If you want to be happy you have to have a goal whether short term or long term. If you dont have one, then your goal should be finding one. And no, no one can give you a goal as it would have no meaning for you. So get goal you're working towards and "but Im rich so I have no goal anymore lol" is a copout a poor person would think of. So get a goal or not, I dont actually care personally as running my own life is hard enough, I cant be expected to figure out meaning for other people as well. Writing this out was more for me than for you.

>> No.4608033

>Nofap, fasting, meditating
>Nothing wrong with these approaches

>> No.4608201

Link is a scam

>> No.4609210

Basically what I said. OP should be able to find a proper goal without even searching for it.