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4577912 No.4577912 [Reply] [Original]

>go to facebook
>look at what people are talking about
>come back here a paraphrase the most normie thing you see
>tell me why they will stay poor and never trade crypto
I want to know what not to be like so I can get my gains.

>> No.4577956

>>go to facebook

nah lmfao im alright mate

>> No.4578026

tulip bulb mania lasted 1 year. crypo has existed for 10 now
nothing has any "value", until it's traded. that applies for everything.
also, these days, you can't "touch" stocks, or most gold holding companies will just give you paper to represent the gold (and you hope they aren't like a bank, and only keep x% of what they should have, in case a bankrush occurs)

people are stupid, nothing has value, and everything is moving to digital anyways, so fuck it, i'm in

for god's sake, how many people are used to using a credit card? people are already used to the idea of "digital money" w/o even being aware of it

>> No.4578302
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, 1511109341771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gaming Bible
>Uni lad
>Lad bible
>Charcoal face mask goes wrong (video)
>How I answer the phone when my best friend calls (video)
>These girls will get pregnant in 2018 (tag a friend)
>Stuck between I need to pay bills and you only live once (gif)
>Keeping my christmas list short this year: 1. $1,000,000 in cash, 2. souls of those who have displeased me this year, 3. a puppy

These are literally the first posts (excluding adverts). Facebook is absolute dog shit


>> No.4578330

It's their shitty algorithm that prioritises content that encourages likes and shares, combined with the poor tastes of the plebs who actually use facebook to like and share stuff

absolutely disgusting

>> No.4578497

>go to (((facebook)))

nice one keked

>> No.4578520

Sad thing is that only a few people I know would understand the argument you are making, and those people are related to me. Well, I guess that is a good thing?

Here is mine.
>video games (one of the better things I see people posting about, desu)
>pic of dog
>edgy bathroom sign that says "cocks"
>memory from a year ago with a fat girlfriend
>truther meme
>rubber chicken singing (video)
>something about Thanksgiving in Spanish

I unfollowed most of the worse cancer on my facebook.

>> No.4578859

Every time I log on to FB it's to look at some friend/aquantaince's page for two minutes, but I usually stay a little longer to check some other shit and instantly regret it. It takes a few minutes to bleach your mind if you go in too deep on that site.

>> No.4578881

I can relate completely to this.

>> No.4578884

Do it for me anon. I want to know.

>> No.4578893

muh iPhone X

>> No.4578916

I'm considering that, since there's an option to "purge" everything you see on Facebook so you're still "friends" with everyone but only see what you want to see, that I'll just stop following everyone on there except the one or two people I care enough about to follow.

Facebook is now going out of their way to delete fake accounts, possibly requesting IDs, asking for nude pictures of people to combat "revenge porn," and promising to delete essentially all right wing news. Fucking lunatics I hope their site dies out over the next 10 years and normies feel like shit.

>> No.4578973

>unfollow everyone
Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe I'll be able to tolerate logging on that way.

>> No.4579001

>leftist political horseshit videos
>when you can't decide if you wanna dress cute or comfortable
really fucking says that what the fuck
>Tag a guy who meets the demands of this beautiful [poo in loo ugly] woman
>Here's the anthem for all the women who love taking care of their pups like LADY BOSSES #MothersDay
>White people's reaction when they try pho for the first time
>Some nu-male's pictures with his mixed race kids
Well this has been dreadful.

>> No.4579041

If it's really customizable, that should work and then you can just use the site for messaging people and seeing what you want to see, without all the horseshit. If they insist on showing you political ads or something though, then my idea isn't worth it.

>> No.4579073
File: 253 KB, 2048x1447, 1429200745129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never gotten into facebook aside from browsing local events. I feel that social media simply fosters bad habits and mistakes. Every single post is a complaint about work and relations with users replying with reassurance and acceptance. I gotten out of that mindset and strive higher in life

>> No.4579092

So true mate
That site is literally the shortest way to get demotivated in your life.

>> No.4579136

This is truly awful and has motivated me to do round 2.
>tag someone blah blah blah something food related
>Electric guitar vidya music
>"funny" video
>another "funny" video
>Tag someone who like this car (video)
>pit pull dindu nothing meme

>> No.4579139

On further thoughts, I'll probably still be tempted to jump to someone elses page whether it be from seeing them on a valuable friend's page or just curiosity, so still don't know. And when that happens I'll have to bleach my brain again 95% guaranteed.

May still try it though. Thanks for the idea.
Also, I think you have to set it so you see all of a person's posts in your feed, because the algorithm is set to only show certain ones sometimes. If you only follow a handful of people, and haven't set it to the view all setting or whatever it's called, you will miss a lot of stuff if you just stick to your feed.

I don't know why I have such hatred for the site, it feels weird. It shouldn't be THIS bad of an experience to go on FB. Maybe I'm just disgusted by most normies. REE.

>> No.4579170


Also, in response to you:

>> No.4579230

>guy from australia posting vacation pics from europe
>guy from europe posting vacation pics from america
>someone's new house
>someone's birthday
Not especially exciting but not too cancerous either

>> No.4579268

That's pretty good anon.