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File: 154 KB, 1481x767, CMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4563694 No.4563694 [Reply] [Original]


There are now 3 bitcoins in the top 5 on coinmarketcap. Is this shit neccessary? What the fuck is the real bitcoin? Why do we need more than 2, let alone 1?

>> No.4563704

Bitcoin Diamond will be there next

>> No.4563716

That logo looks like shit

>> No.4563726

BCH is the only one that follows satoshi.pdf

>> No.4563727

its a signal to the alt market:
- you have accomplished nothing
- market cap doesn't mean shit
- by forking bitcoin code AND bitcoin blockchain our altcoin instantly makes more money than your coin that only forks the code

Next up: the flush. Shitcoins going down the toilet.

>> No.4563733

This will end badly for every single coin
greedy bastards just cannot stop forking

>> No.4563744

uh oh, Ripple devs need to pump up their coin again

>> No.4563768

well there wouldn't be any prolem with forks if TOTAL FUCKING IDIOTS weren't willing to buy them. How the fuck is btg worth more than a $1?
seriously, we all complain about the forks but there is noone else to blame then idiots buying them

>> No.4563819


Bitcoin Gold is a scam
Bitcoin Segwit is a ponzi
Bitcoin Cash is bitcoin

>> No.4563843

>Bitcoin Segwit is a ponzi
>Bitcoin Cash is bitcoin

what do u mean by this

>> No.4563862

>its a signal to the alt market
Maybe its a signal that BTC is shit and has to rely on useless fucking forks just to have a value proposition lmao. Are you really advocating endless forks just to pump BTC's price? What a fucking scam. Meanwhile, several alts are actually trying to achieve something.

>> No.4563881
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This is the shit that will kill Bitcoin

>> No.4563882
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>> No.4563942

Look!! BCH is the real bitcoin guys!! we wen't from 1 mb to 10 mb block!!!! This will change everything and surely scale perfectly in the future! fucking retars. just buy dash or litecoin. LONG LIVE BITCOIN FOR HE IS KING.

>> No.4563975

I suspect a lot of holders are unaware they're holders so only a small percentage are in trading circulation. Also think of the volume trapped in exchange owned wallets and similar.

>> No.4564009

bitcoin never had a scaling problem.

Now it has a segwit problem.

I don't think the 8mb fork was necessary, but when miners start stealing segwit transactions BCH will be the only coin bitcoin left

>> No.4564022

BTC needs to IBM and dotcom itself

>> No.4564028

damn straight and take alts down with them. Eth is a good hedge but I'm too busy making gains in random alts and waiting for a dip after Eth had its big run

>> No.4564035

Not worth it
Bitcoin has a fundamental problem

>> No.4564055

I don't get this

if BCH is satoshi's vision, why didn't he make BCH in the first place?

>> No.4564077

>muh settlement hubs

>> No.4564080


>> No.4564091

this crypto shit is easy.

When normies first learn of crypto they'll all buy bitcoin, not eth not ltc they will buy BTC that is all that matters in this supply and demand market, well besides the usual manipulation.

If anyone ever heard of any crypto its bitcoin, doesn't matter how old the technology is, it's like a brand name. Normies buy brand names.

Get out of everything besided BTC

Bitcoin is here to stay
Buy and hold till 100k

>> No.4564093
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But he did. Then blockstream changed it to something else so we forked off.

>> No.4564098

Satoshi didnt want big blocks
He didn't have a solution to the volume brc now has

>> No.4564111


Neither. Both are shit and neither of them really follow 'satoshi's vision' of a decentralized currency for the people, no matter what anyone else says

>> No.4564120

Let mW add bch is better than btc with regards to satoshi
But neither is what he wanted. Asics ruined it

>> No.4564122
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Or maybe some fucking whales are quietly snapping up all the cheap BCH you dumbarses are dumping.


309,000 BCH in 2 months and growing literally by the minute.

>> No.4564130


Go away Jihan

>> No.4564132

>When normies first learn of crypto they'll all buy bitcoin, not eth not ltc they will buy BTC that is all that matters in this supply and demand market

LMAO this is the exact same shit that you fags have been using when ETH started out. You deluded fucks got burned hard by ETH huh?

>well besides the usual manipulation
Kek BTC is the most manipulated piece of shit out there.

>> No.4564141

>Then blockstream changed it
what's blockstream?
I thought you need 51% to agree to change
This is so confusing

>> No.4564143

solutions will be figured out in due time. Bitcoin is still very very young just like the internet was in 1990.

>> No.4564148

There is no BTC that is what Satoshi wanted
There are maybe alts, vert, xmr, etc. BTC has too much volume and centralization

>> No.4564157


>> No.4564160

Btc can't be forked and mangled into a solution
Another coin has to replace it
No asics, no centralized power like core, etc

>> No.4564168
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you uneducated fuck

>> No.4564175

Side chains homie

>> No.4564176


It will be a good day when some alt currency really starts to push against BTC. I've already got the one I'm betting on figured out

>> No.4564186


Oh I thought you were referring to BCH, yes I agree the majority of BTG hasn't been dumped yet.

Part of the reason is because the electrum gold wallet steals your BTC and various other attempts to steal your BTC and BTG with software produced by the BTG team so many people are too scared to dump for a meager gain.

>> No.4564190
File: 124 KB, 728x607, bilderberg btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the history of it, this was written in 2016 https://blog.plan99.net/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7

>> No.4564203
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stop spreading this bullshit FUD, i see right through you corecucks

>> No.4564220

the jews are trying to discredit bitcoin and dismantle cryptocurrencies

>> No.4564225

I was talking about btg, numbnuts.

>> No.4564226
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>He outright says BTC is garbo too

>> No.4564235

I don't own btc
I have ark and powr

>> No.4564250

Thanks. But even as I start reading I don't understand WHO makes these changes

>Allowed buyers to take back payments they’d made after walking out of shops, by simply pressing a button (if you aren’t aware of this “feature” that’s because Bitcoin was only just changed to allow it)

Who made these changes? I thought Satoshi was dead? How can people just change Bitcoin?

>> No.4564251

This will be the end of altcoins.

Legitimate projects will start forking bitcoin instead of creating a new monetary base where (((developers))) and (((founders))) magically get to keep 50% "because funding". Forks of bitcoin aren't get-rich-quick schemes, you're only entitled to however many tokens you had on the bitcoin block chain prior to genesis. You can't just mint 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 vaporware shit tokens and sell them to retards in an ICO because you changed a few buzzwords around in a whitepaper, paid pajeet to make you a "professional" website, and shilled your coin here.

It's actually a beautiful thing. Shitcoin fraudsters go fuck yourselves.

>> No.4564258

yup the "jews" want their own centralized version of bitcoin so they cant do new "experiments" and basically do whatever they deem as fit for their profits

>> No.4564259

Btc grows faster than tech prices drop
We don't have true growth and the chain is already huge
Now imagine BCH with its 8mb blocks
Btc has to go if we want decentralization
The chinks and Jews run core and mining

>> No.4564266

Yes but not in the way you think. Blockstream is trying to discredit the real bitcoin BCH, by mass producing forks to try to make people lose confidence in BCH

bitcoin core (btc) are corecucks

>> No.4564274

They already have it
See the miner/core agreement
That is just evidence of cebtralization

>> No.4564280
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This Faggot

>> No.4564283

>It's actually a beautiful thing. Shitcoin fraudsters go fuck yourselves.
Lmao, useless forks are the most scammy shit ever. You Bitcoin fags would be raging if we forked ETH non-stop.

>> No.4564285

BCH is as bad as btc
It has public heads (Jihan and ver)

>> No.4564304

lol a chink and a guy that claims he's satoshi... no thanks

>> No.4564329
File: 165 KB, 641x519, hijacking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is an open source project that people can contribute too. The project was basically victim of a hostile takeover by a company called Blockstream that is funded by wall street and big bankers. They got hold of all commit positions and kicked out the old developers who held keys to code commits.

The same people run most of the major bitcoin communities like /r/bitcoin on reddit or bitcointalk.org. They censor this fact everywhere and you get permabanned if you bring it up. They also have huge troll armies (dragons den) as you can see in this thread.

>> No.4564345

>btc is open source
By that standard wikileaks made the CIA opensource

>> No.4564349

You mean it was open source

>> No.4564369

None of them are in charge of the project you retard

>> No.4564379

they're loud supports of the retarded project and are charlatans

>> No.4564380
File: 107 KB, 650x794, 1510658512158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC fudders are so retarded they don't even know who's who

>> No.4564384

Good explanation. Thanks. Makes me hate BTC (core) even more than I already do.

>> No.4564397

No, you're wrong.

Do you know how much BTG the people behind bitcoin gold have?

Literally less than 1%. The rest were GIVEN AWAY FOR FREE to current bitcoin holders.

Do you know how much LINK/DBG/NEO etc. the developers have?

100 FUCKING PERCENT. They printed the shit FOR FREE and sell it in scummy ICO's to retarded bagholders.

The whole market is a huge fraud.

>> No.4564398
File: 885 KB, 1440x6801, reddit bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any knowledge of software development and code, at all?

>> No.4564401

Its about the hype. ask 10 people on the street if they've heard of bitcoin maybe 4 will say yes. Ask those same 10 if they've ever heard of etherum i bet only 1 if that will say yes.

>Kek BTC is the most manipulated piece of shit out there.
that is the point of my post....

>> No.4564418
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meanwhile shitcore cuckcoin developers literally make troll accounts on reddit and shill their garbage on there, those are the real fraudsters

>> No.4564427

>Check it out. Vitalik Buterin, ETH, look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Forks one time. Autistic, sure. Not retarded.
>You know Fluffypony, XMR. Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Hardforks itself every 6 months. That ain't retarded.
>You went full retard, BTC. Never go full retard.

>> No.4564433

thats an exchange you dunce.

>> No.4564438

you sound like you get your news from cnn. Are they russians too?

>> No.4564444

Dude you k ow I can not support both? They're not mutually exclusive

>> No.4564445

cant wait til OMG overtakes these shitcoins

>> No.4564483
File: 201 KB, 1267x568, blockstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to help. Here is a youtube channel that talks a lot about BCH. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT91nj6b2yg

>> No.4564516
File: 1.02 MB, 1075x1326, trumpicecream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking ironic. The current BTC vs BCH debacle is very reminiscent of the election, and if anything BCH is Trump and BTC is Hillary

>> No.4564545

Kek!!! BTG was heavily criticized for being premined you stupid piece of shit. In ICO's you actually have to give devs crypto (you lose money) to get the coins, similar to public offerings. You fags are airdropping free money which is a lot worse.

But sure, keep defending this shit just because it pumps the price.

>> No.4564579

this, the reason why I didn't dump my bch is the insecurity off "pay to anyone" segwit

>> No.4564722

Ltc has been using Segwit and Lightning since May with no problems.

>> No.4564740

>cashies are getting THAT desperate

>> No.4564773

It's not over until Bitcoin is the top 100 coins. This is only the beginning.

>> No.4564849

But unlike the election, the winner of the popular vote will triumph, and the people have clearly made their choice.

>> No.4564948

the political situation and the players are different. One possibility is that they will buy cheap bch, crash btc with segwit chain reorg(real theft or demo), buy lota cheap btc.
others have writen more extensive and better about it with game theory and such.

>> No.4565030
File: 748 KB, 1350x1350, hillary4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think again corecuck

>> No.4565174


> the winner of the popular vote

>> No.4565212

Coinbase better payout bitcoin gold and bitcoin diamond!

>> No.4565217

>what are 3 millions illegals

>> No.4565266

Can you give me a quick rundown on Bitcoin Diamond?

>> No.4565470

Her net worth is 2000x yours.

>> No.4565678

That one meme of the top 10 in the future and it's all different Bitcoins is coming true :|

>> No.4565836


Bitcoin Diamond... traded it yesterday shortly after release on binance which was the only place i could find to get it. Sold it nearly immediately for a nice chunk of BTC like I've done with every fork coin. Its like a dividend for hodling bitcoin. really disappointed no BTC2x fork coin.