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4547119 No.4547119 [Reply] [Original]

into $CAD without being caught as money laundering or having to do it the black market way on localbitcoins, what the fuck this is so complicated? I got $20K sitting in my BTC wallet but can't do shit with it. brb gonna give it all to /biz/

>> No.4547151

Local bitcoins or steal an id. Pay the taxman 20k is not much.

>> No.4547159



i live in calgary and thats how i do it

ive cashed out ~15k successfully so far after converting all my other alt coins into btc then selling

>> No.4547167

its only like 1.5k in taxes for you retard
just go through an exchange, noone cares

>> No.4547183


you pay taxes on that, or just do small 1k trades locally 15x times? explain and i'll tip some btc ur way

>> No.4547211


what exchange in canada?

>> No.4547241

i use coinsquare

>> No.4547252


>google canadian bitcoin exchange
>quadrigacx is on the first page

jesus, this newfag thing is getting out of fucking hand

>> No.4547256

Hello fellow calgarian

>> No.4547264


i payed taxes on it at first. but i got a little cocky after that and have just been doing smaller transactions and not reporting it

this has been over ~1.5 years. i got audited last year too by the CRA and didn't mention it and i passed my audit lol


gl brother

>> No.4547279

Can do quadrigacx can send them your bank info and they'll wire it. Most likely have to declare your gains on taxes that way tho

>> No.4547294

>cash out of crypto
Oh honey

>> No.4547325


so you go on localbitcoins and do small transitions locally if i understand? sucks balls and pretty shady but then again seems like its the only right way to do it in this crypto world, fml why did i even start this shit

>> No.4547347

don't do what >>4547264 is suggesting. Pay your taxes nigger

>> No.4547352

nigga how hard is it to just sell on local bitcoins with cash deposit option
let the buyers deposit cash into your bank account through the teller and not through their online account

>> No.4547354

use local bitcoins if you can. you can charge a nice markup.

>> No.4547359


im sorry for being such a newfag, fuck, this is my only and last thread on this i swear, bless you /biz/

>> No.4547366


yea, ive done some e-transfer, western union with a fake id, and a couple in-person ones

i always sketch out doing the in-person ones and only do small amounts cause im afraid anything more than $500 and im going to get robbed

>> No.4547383

Quadrigacx works, I've heard. A friend cashed out 20k.

>> No.4547388


whats up my dude. what part of 403 are you in?

>> No.4547447
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bitpay card, giftcards, newegg, you'll go to jail and do slave labor for 50 years if you do local criminal coins

>> No.4547462

Best of luck with your decision with your fund,

if you do think of giving it away to avoid legal troubles..


>> No.4547469

what is the difference between cashing out from Coinbase and Localbitcoins? why wouldn't they tax me with the latter?

>> No.4547499

>im afraid anything more than $500 and im going to get robbed

Just bring some boys with you, hell I hope they try to rob me so I can turn that shit around. Happened once before, I was selling $20k BTC and the guy tried to get me to send first, I said not happening, asked him to show me the cash, he did, then he pulled a knife and said I had to go first. I was rollin with 4 bros, had one lookin out, they stepped out as soon as they saw it was heatin up and we took the guys $20k and left, he didn't get shit from me.

I like to make honest deals, I go in every time intending to uphold my end, every fucking time, point of pride to me, but if they try to fuck with me I go 100% merciless

>> No.4547507

Hahaha. We arrive at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.4547593

lethbridge right now, passing through calgary and going to banff for the weekend. sunshine

>> No.4547604
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>> No.4547609


this gotta be a joke right, fuuuuuuuuu


m8 i just checked quadrigacx they want every detail down to how many times i fap everyday, what the FUCK

fuck all of this


fuck you both too

>> No.4547614

you dumb nigger i just got an eft deposit from qcx, takes 3-5 days, or you get someone to paypal you and that also takes 3-5 days for a deposit

pay taxes asshat

>> No.4547653

marry a Russian they know what to do

>> No.4547724

1HRNjV7srbGFEnKkG2WqxtyM3iE6qHNJDi give it here OP

might buy some from you?

>> No.4547762

cash it out and pay taxes at the end of the year. DO right offs...lots and lots of right off. Holy every pajeet moved to Canada. FFS

>> No.4547795

You are literally copy-pasting this orgabized FUD into every thread on /biz/

>> No.4547804
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Coinsquare had all my personal info already somehow and verified me instantly

>> No.4548627



>> No.4548647



>> No.4548809


Use Quadriga. Works well, works fast.

Do e-transfers. Keep the withdraws between $3k to $5k a week. Send it to your email week one. A burner email on week 2. A different burner email on week 3. Same for week 4. Then back to the first real email and keep rotating each week. Open a free Tangerine account, and deposit every other payment there.

Super easy process, and will keep you under the radar.

Tips to:

>> No.4548835


Even better if you have a GF or spouse that you can leap frog accounts. Works well for me and my wife.

>> No.4549046

Newfag here. How did you go about calculating how much the CRA wants to take from you?

>> No.4549137


I Would call and ask. Do not surprised if the dont know wtf you are talking about

In my estimation, it would be treated as property, so realized capital gains would be taxable, so 50% of the value

>> No.4549205



>> No.4549330

or just eft right to tangerine, its free and takes 3 days

they know its your account anyway retard

>> No.4549364

its just capital gains tax

buy for 100, sold for 200? you gained 100 bucks, put half of that as line on your taxable income. So you'd just add $50 to your taxable income for the year.

>> No.4549402
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>taxman takes 50%

Wow fuck I had no idea it's that much.
Thanks for the note

>> No.4549452

no they dont retard
you add 50% of the gain to your taxable income, and you just pay regular income tax