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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 289 KB, 480x360, buried-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
453729 No.453729 [Reply] [Original]

How much money does /biz/ recommend keeping buried in paper cash?

>> No.453732

Typically I want to shoot for as much as I can fit in my asshole.

>> No.453737

This is the correct answer.

>> No.453743


>> No.453770


enough for an airplane ticket out of the country and 2 weeks of living expense in a major westernized country

>> No.453826

50$k is a good amount. Seal it into PVC tubes with a handful of nails. If you forget exactly where you bury it, you can use a metal detector to locate it.

>> No.453830

>people answering this non-ironically

>> No.453900

Well I don't mean literally bury it (unless you have a landlord from hell or a terrible wife/kids) but just keep it stashed away unused. Yeah I know inflation will slowly eat away at it's value but long term power outages from natural disasters (Sandy knocked out power for over a week not too long ago), SHTF, or a bank freeze warrants having something in cash, no?

>> No.453936

why not just burn one half and leave the rest on your bank account. After inflation its the same thing without the hassle to bury it.

>> No.453938

Anything more than 2-3 grand seems unnecessary

>> No.453957

There's also people like me who don't trust banks (the interest on the money simply isn't worth it). a glitch in the system and boom your money's frozen in the bank and by the time you retrieve it, you won't be able to fill your gas tank with what it's worth (see argentinian crisis and bank freeze)
you have to balance that with the risk of theft or fire (or tornadoes if you live in tornado alley). you might want to put a note in the jar "if lost, please return to x address". say your money gets blown a mile away after a tornado, if someone wants to return it but they don't have a name or anything, they won't be able to.

coming from a family that has fled war and communism, you'll learn that in times of shtf, certain things can mean the difference between life and death (might not be cash or a pretty face+vagina. could just be a passport of the right nationality). having some cash to bribe someone for visas and a plane ticket out of the country (possibly at 10 or 20 times the regular price) can save your neck.

>> No.453989

>"if lost, please return to x address
That sounds like wishful thinking at best, If I found a random jar full of money you can guaran-damn-tee I'm not searching for the owner.

>> No.453992

Having actual cash on hand is smart. Everyone nowadays just swipes their card. When Sandy hit I went to grab some supplies and power was out at all the stores. And the flock of idiots who tried to swipe their cards at the register when the lights were off was astonishing.

>tl;dr having cash on hand good, burying it underground stupid

I keep 5k of assorted bills in my safe.

>> No.454014

>keeping cash
>as a backup






There is literally ZERO situation where because of "MUH HAPENNING" that ~magically~ cash on hand is super duper important -- there is no situation in which MOTHER. FUCKING. GOLD. is not worth several times MORE than fed reserve notes


you want a "calm" version?

The ONLY times that having a bunch of cash on hand, not invested, not anything, like retard-tier stuck in a matress stored, is useful?


and guess what?


you want two things

you want

2. 9mm/.45 ACP
(and of course your guns to go with them)

Because it's

>> No.454015
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>> No.454023
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>> No.454029

Reminder that Jews do *NOT* want you to buy gold

instead they (the bankers) want to buy it up for themselves

>> No.454032

Haha, that's why I see 5 commercials an hour "to buy gold now"?

Here buy this shiny piece of earth metal. For only $3000/ounce, it's a bargain at that price we're giving it away.

Spend your "inflation money" to buy gold that will sit in your safe until you realize you are an asshole for buying something so volatile.

>> No.454033

>not 20k
>not in a JIFF jar

You suck, anon.

>> No.454036

>when SHTF you want GOLD!
>implying food or any other resource wouldn't be infinitely more valuable

Hmmm. My family is starving, but that rock sure is shiny!

>> No.454037

<insert graph of price of gold since US dollar went off the gold standard here>

>> No.454048

isn't it time for to go back to reddit or whatever funky town you came from, dorris?

>> No.454072

>implying that graph matters
Gold shills, always bringing a good laugh.

Protip: the world economy is based on fractional reserve banking, and the reason the gold pegging was removed was because you can't create debt (money) ex-nihilo and still keep it tied to a finite resource. Inflation is something unavoidable, hence no gold standard anymore.

>> No.454080

gold is fucking stupid, slightly less retarded than keeping cash in a mattress, but not much.

You want to have enough cash to pay for several weeks of food and fuel in the event you can't use a card.

>> No.454089

I typically keep around $1000 hidden away.

I'm not even sure why I do it. Just feels good knowing I have it in case shit hits the fan.

>> No.454093

if i need to rely on a jar of cash buried in a ditch, then by then cash will probably not be worth much. lrn2gold.

>> No.454148

>Hiding currency
>after fed minutes announced tapering will continue
>stocks hit all time high
>currency will be worth anything

>> No.454160
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can you guys recommend any good container for cash/gold?

not hollow books or anything like that.

Bonus points if it would be fireproof

>> No.454163

Yeah, it's called a bank.

>> No.454202

>buying into a bubble

>> No.454205

oh hell surely the middle class will suffer long before stocks do

>> No.454206


>Implying I don't have food stockpiled

I like gold more than paper.

>> No.454219

>people like me who don't trust banks (the interest on the money simply isn't worth it)

You are uninformed at best. Ever heard about inflation? Your cash is worth less and less with each passing year. The interest is needed just to beat inflation.

>> No.454228
File: 35 KB, 356x333, Feeling Paranoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where do you guys keep your valuables anyway?

I have a strange boner for safes and other things related to keeping possessions in your hands.

>> No.454232
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pic related, my aunt got it for me as a birthday gift like 8 years ago

i thought it was so stupid at the time, but now i actually really appreciate this thing. i keep my emergency cash, my ss card, birth certificate, car title; everything important in here. it's fire and water proof.

>> No.454238

Safety deposit box. Safes aren't very... well... safe and the good ones generally aren't worth the expense.

>> No.454241 [DELETED] 


I posted this on reddit to snag some karma :) hope you don't mind


>> No.454243

youre a fucking fag

>> No.454247
File: 62 KB, 720x383, real_monopoly_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bury BItcoins not cash.

>> No.454249

You keep all your valuables in something small enough for someone to walk off with?

>> No.454251


You're just mad I have more karma than you. Go be rude somewhere else

>> No.454253
File: 42 KB, 310x425, The Trashman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw all he has in there is a USB drive with this pic on it

>> No.454342

1) It's over 50 lbs, it's not like you can just pick it up and prance away with it.
2) It's in my closet floor, so even if somebody gets into my house, they're going to have a hard time finding it.

>> No.454350

>1) It's over 50 lbs, it's not like you can just pick it up and prance away with it.
I disagree. I havent exercised. Ever. But I regularly lift 50 lb bags of chicken feed. And thats to feed ungrateful hens, imagine if I had the motivation of making off with money.

>> No.454353

Can you seriously not lift 50 pounds easily? I'm not even /fit/ and that's nothing.

>> No.454359


You seem to be missing the point that you're not going to find it.

>> No.454366

1. Closets are a common hiding place.
2. Unless it's bolted down (and bolted down well), it's gone if you're ever robbed by a pro.

>> No.454378
File: 1.83 MB, 320x173, confusedryan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is even...I don't...what?

>> No.454403

I withdrawed some money last week and I currently have €900 in 20euro bills at home, probably going to keep at least 1000 euros at home.
I just don't really know where to keep it, I have a small portable safe like the anon above, but I figured out that's the first thing to dissapear.

>> No.454408

I always carry €1000 with me (mostly in €50 bills) because I don't know where to store this money, nor what to do with it :(

>> No.454409

>I always carry €1000 with me
That doesn't look like a good idea honestly.

>> No.454434

Buy gold and silver than bury THAT.

>> No.454438

I am armed and would not hesitate to kill to save my property.

>> No.454442

Enjoy prison

>> No.454452

some people actually have empathy.

>> No.454454

>butthurt because gold lost 9% in the past year

>> No.454455

>Some people have the tendency to prefer the well-being of others at the expense of their own
how wretched, like self-flagellation

>> No.454502

Yea, with what-a knife?

>> No.454505


What if you can't get your money from the bank when you need it. Having a pile of cash is far better than not having anything at all or hoarding silver like a retard.

>implying you would be able to find a place to convert gold for working currency in a timely fashion let alone at a fair exchange rate
>implying you wouldn't just end up trading gold bars for burgers


If your house is burning or need to leave in a hurry, it's better for everything to be in one place.


Give up the shilling. No one wants to buy your shiny metals at the inflated price you went in for.

>> No.454511
File: 16 KB, 300x275, opinel-_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the kind of person who's arrested by the police, but I should really get rid of that money though.

With something that I'm pulling out only if I'm going to use it.
Knives can be okay, see pic.

>> No.454514

Oooh, SUCH a BAD ASS!!!
It's really easy to say what you WOULD do in a situation like that. When the shit hits the fan it's a totally different game.

>> No.454547

>haven't exercised ever
>regularly lift 50lbs

Sounds like a quick, regular workout to me.

>> No.454558

>burying paper in the ground
This is the most retarded thing I've heard of. Inflation still affects it and it's not like they can't and won't just print more currency if they haave a shortage in the banks.

There is literally no advantage to burying paper money.

>> No.454559

I come from a tough neighborhood & my family is mainly composed of soldiers, mercenaries and bodyguards, but thanks for your "real life" advice. I mean, I'm almost not scared when I come across a black person!

You sound like a weenie who doesn't invest in tech stocks because "it could be dangerous" and "you never know".

Now out of this troll thread.

>> No.454581
File: 427 KB, 1920x1200, Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really struggling to understand /biz/ here.

Should I have cash on hand or not?

>if apoc hits
Then have guns, ammo, food, not cash
>if shit hits fan but not apoc levels, just depression
Then cash is only good for starting fires
>If I need to make an LOLgetaway real quick
WTF are you even talking about? I rarely even speed... what is this situation in which I need access to thousands of dollars in hand and fast?
>Because you don't trust banks
But you DO trust paper federal reserve notes? dafug?

The only possibly RATIONAL reason I can think to have stockpiles of paper money around is

1.) To "be your own bank" and save yourself a trip to the ATM. (actually pretty convienent IMO).

and possibly...

2.) You like stockpiles of cash, Scrooge McDuck style. The thought of all my cash laid out before me is actually pretty cool, especially if some of it is converted to gold. Not because gold is useful either......it just looks cool.

I'll be honest here - I like the idea of #2, but as of now, I'm better of investing that money or just keeping it liquid in a checking/savings account

>> No.454587

The land you bury it on would probably serve you better than that cash will provided you have some guns to scare or kill thugs that try to encroach on your property.

>> No.454604

$5000 in large safe
Many guns, over 15000 rounds ammo
6 months supply freeze dried food
About $10k in silver and gold
Stored gasoline
Medical supplies ... etc

Just in case of long term power outage or fuel shortage or unemployment.

>> No.454607

Look what Cyprus banks and government did last year. Locked everyone out of accounts, and then took money out of everyone's account.

>> No.454620

1)50 lbs is not a strenuous load for any person aged 10-80 to lift

2)you should watch some documentaries on home robberies, they know where to search the most common places people hide things.

There used to be a show on tv about a former home burglar who showed the security flaws in many houses. And he would clean out anything of value in <10mins.

The show was "It takes a Thief" check it out on Youtube.

>> No.454622

It was fun to watch him "take out" any "guard dogs" by giving them food.

>> No.454797

>not .308 and .44mag
Stay pleb

>> No.454807

Fake electric wall outlets can be accessed as "hidey holes"; roll up cash and use a wire lowered into cavity. Fire in 1st world is very rare unless you are poor/black (see book on emergencies, The Unthinkable, for citation). Bank safety deposit is risky b/c in Emerg., banks may ration your access to their vault!! Hollow books are a good idea...

>> No.454988

You could get a small glass jar or something to put the money in to help protect it from potential disaster.

>> No.454993

>+ 67 posts and 10 image replies omitted.
>people in a business and finance board discussing burying money

This board is fucking garbage.

>> No.455054

>what is this situation in which I need access to thousands of dollars in hand and fast?

Natural disaster knocks out power and shuts down the town followed by something that makes the area unlivable for the next couple of months or years. Think 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami followed by Fukushima, Hurricane Katrina/Sandy, earthquake that causes a massive chemical spill, active volcano causing the area to be buried repeatedly in ash, radical ultraconservative extremists winning the election followed by a banking freeze to quell the ensuing bank run, etc etc

>>Because you don't trust banks
>But you DO trust paper federal reserve notes? dafug?

Banks constantly freeze people accounts when their fraud system fucks up
Your wife/girlfriend/daughter/local hacker decides to empty out your accounts and max out all your credit
The IRS has been known to "error" and mistakenly freeze/levy your bank accounts leaving you with nothing
It's an extremely common MO for governments and local authorities use to put the screw on people into cooperating
A disturbingly large number of divorces begin with your wife freezing your accounts first before giving you any notice of her intentions of divorcing you

Any of those are a legitimate concern. OTOH hyperinflation is far too rare (only happen around 56 times in history) to warrant gold reserves and much easier to see coming.

>Not having a single dime on hand, ever.

Sooner or later your luck is going to run out.

>> No.455232

If you're going to bury anything in your yard, make it bullion
Any precious metal will do
Otherwise just set aside some cash under your mattress or something

>> No.455452

I'll have you know my family is comprised of samurai, nicaraguan paramilitary, and strong man competition winners. My cousin can bench press 600 pounds and my other cousin can shoot your eye out from a mile and a half away with his barrett 50 cal.

You sound like a weenie who doesn't invest in dogecoin because "it could be dangerous" and "you never know"

Now out of this thread troll.

>> No.455486

why did people even bother posting after this? 11/10

>> No.455533


Another reason why /fit/ and /biz/ go hand in hand.

>> No.456599

>There is literally ZERO situation where because of "MUH HAPENNING" that ~magically~ cash on hand is super duper important -- there is no situation in which MOTHER. FUCKING. GOLD. is not worth several times MORE than fed reserve notes

>Power outage secondary to Tornado:
>Dollar General Store, buying tarps to cover huge hole in roof, diapers, and pop-tarts.
>Cashier Brittney. Jailbait. Clueless wide-eyed teenager.

Which is easier:
Brittney, I know the power is out and the register doesn't work. My stuff adds up to about $20. Can I give you $30 in cash and you can ring it up when the power comes back? You can keep the change if you want.


Brittney, my stuff adds up to about $20. I have a 1 gram perth gold bar in a blister pack that looks like a freaking toy. It's worth about 50. Will you trade me?

People have no clue about the value of gold. For non-shtf emergencies, cash > gold.
When the house of cards collapses is an entirely different matter.

>> No.456602

>can you guys recommend any good container for cash/gold?

>Yeah, it's called a bank.

No, don't keep your cash in a bank.
The US Bank reserve requirement is 1%. That means that $1 of your $100 deposit goes into the vault. $99 gets loaned back out immediately.

When you really need your money today, the bank will have it for you after the holiday.

>> No.456609


Oh, you mean this one?


>> No.456612
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>> No.456614

>I withdrawed some money last week and I currently have €900 in 20euro bills at home, probably going to keep at least 1000 euros at home.
>I just don't really know where to keep it, I have a small portable safe like the anon above, but I figured out that's the first thing to dissapear.

Behind your HVAC Air filter in an envelope taped to keep it from blowing away. In your attic, in an envelope taped to a joist. Under a false drawer bottom in your kids bathroom. If your table splits in two for a leaf, in the underneath space. Inside a photo album. Inside a broken TV remote control in a junk drawer.

If I'm robbing you, I'm checking your living room and bedroom and closet. Those are high value targets. I'm probably not going to check your laundry room or bathroom. (Except maybe in the back of the toilet. Thanks movies.)

Statistically I'll probably also look in your fridge, because robbery is hungry work.

Do keep cash, but remember that fire happens.
Do not keep all your cash in a burnable spot.