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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4532145 No.4532145 [Reply] [Original]

I might genuinely need to neck myself

>> No.4532154

Just get a loan and buy Monero faggot

>> No.4532161



>> No.4532162

Jesus Christ. How the fuck do you manage to lose money on Todays market?

>> No.4532166

Well done!

>> No.4532171

Dcth and inpx

>> No.4532175

what the FUCK did you buy

that is DRYS tier

>> No.4532176


Did you go all into Confido or something?

>> No.4532183

Ways you can tell someone was just handed a bunch of money and didn't work for it

>> No.4532193

I wasn't handed. I worked for my inheratince. Chores and shit over the years.

>> No.4532205


you cashed out didnt you?

>> No.4532214

>mfw i lost 200 bucks on dcth

>mfw i feel better now that i see this shit

>mfw i have no face

thanks anon!

>> No.4532217


>inpixon & declath stock trading

damn, you should probably go for crypto and try your luck with long holds there.


and best you buy it right now since its very cheap in this dip.

>> No.4532219


Why?? Never even heard of these shitcoins.

>> No.4532229


Holy fuck you blew over 100k?

>> No.4532235

Unfortunately not. It doesn't calculate those as losses.

I sold Delcath after reverse split. Still holding inpx

>> No.4532248


starting investment?

>> No.4532259

135k of my 150k inheratince

>> No.4532273
File: 31 KB, 472x298, 8f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.4532292

Learn to diversify and know when to cut losses you stupid monkey

>> No.4532293
File: 158 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171123-205022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4532302


>> No.4532303

>Chores and shit
So it's money you didn't actually work for. Gotcha.

>> No.4532315


How shit dude. I'm sorry man but that loss makes me sick

>> No.4532324

More retarded than me and that's saying something
I almost threw up when it happened.

>> No.4532325


excuse me but what the fuck did you guys do? I want a detailed trade history

>> No.4532327


>> No.4532342

Delcath at 30 cents pre reverse split
Inpx at 2 dollars
Attempt at drys

>> No.4532412

i hope this is fake because that makes me sick to my stomach even if it wasnt my money. Think how many millions you could have had buying btc or eth.

>> No.4532439

I'm tempted.

>> No.4532447

Lol Ive lost 3 grand on some stupid penny stocks... so what? if that was your life savings maybe you shouldn't have gone all in.

>> No.4532467

>"stocks are safer than crypto"

>> No.4532484
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You were better off paying someone to invest the money for you.

>> No.4532493

No way this is real post the stock you lost it on

>> No.4532537


>> No.4532544

jesus christ some rich faggots are dumb as rocks. why throw your money at shitcoins holy shiit all you have to do is buy ETH and RDN and youre set for life. how hard is it to just buy those 2 and hold forever holy shit. meanwhile poorfaggot here skipping meals to put money in crypto to escape this hellish life

>> No.4532554

The next time you inherit $150,000 go to CharlesSchwab and ask them to put it in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, REITs and precious metals.
By the way, I hate CharlesSchwab.

>> No.4532581

You must be legitimately retarded anon

Seek help

>> No.4532585

Get in REQ, wait for a year, easy profit desu

>> No.4532590

for real

I can't believe you put everything ypou had on two fucking penny stocks, jesus fucking chrsit. It'ts such a sick loss...but all you had to do was buy eth

>> No.4532591

Can someone give me a rundown on DRYS? What on Earth happened to cause them to have -100k EPS?

>> No.4532602

Lol dude he bought pennystocks not shitcoins.

>> No.4532613

go into crypto but don't listen to these monero shill-tards. Do your own research and lock into something within the top 10 that sounds good.

>> No.4532623

don't let your memes be dreams... wait, don't let your dreams be memes... wait, that's not either.

double down

>> No.4532628

seems like declath wasn't a penny stock to begin with. They just plummeted in value and never stopped losing.

>> No.4532635

Pennies are shitcoins.

>> No.4532699


i am sorry but there is no way you can be that unsuccessful over one year in crypto with the huge bull run in may, even if you had just 1% of your portfolio in eth you would be up by now. how did you not put atleast some into eth or btc which were so low a year ago

i refuse to believe you can actually lose that amount of money in crypto over the past year

>> No.4532831

i'm glad you lost your money. it went to people like me, who deserve it.

>> No.4532846

people do dumb things when they're young, it happens. now you hopefully will learn the value of money and not throw shit you dont have at risky investments. should have put 20k max of 100k inheritance into crypto

>> No.4532910


This made me feel better about the bags of cardano and link im holding. Those shitcoins can hold more value than actual businesses for a longer period of time.

Were you trying to become the wolf of wall street or something? pennies are for snakeoil salesmen and men going through a midlife crises. Everyone crowdfunds failing businesses these days anyway.

>> No.4532928

My penny weed stocks have fucking mooned, no idea why people are shitting on pennies

>> No.4532933

OP why did you invest in those stocks? Were you victim of some scam?

With that money you could have bought some stock analyst reports and invest in risky stuff but at least make an informed decision...

>> No.4532939

serves you right fucking trust fund babby

>> No.4532949

>weed stocks

would be stupid not to invest in these in the current political climate.

>> No.4532954

Should of bought crypto, you could of thrown a dart on the biggest market caps on Crypto like Monero, Dash, Ether, hell even (((Ripple)))


>> No.4532965

ahahaha trustfund baby with a quarter brain who doesn't know shit about crypto thinks he can make it big

>> No.4532978

And there are people who say that cryptos are volatile?

>> No.4532982

not crypto, penny stocks in some shitty IT startup

>> No.4533022

Holy crap anon. Don't you know how risky investing in stocks is?

Go put your money in BTC and don't touch it. Ever! Then do research on some legit small crypto projects and invest a bit of your money in them. Leave them to grow for a very long time as well.

Maybe buy index funds too (SnP 500 for example) and keep buying a little more every month. Keep your index funds in a IRA or whatever it's called in the US. Good luck.

>> No.4533037

Topkek, can I quote you in my bachelor thesis?

>> No.4533169

This is probably fake but if it isn't, just know that somewhere in the world I am sitting in front of my computer screen uncontrollably grinning. You have no idea how happy your loss makes me. In this moment I am euphoric, not because some random anon lost a lot of money, but because the loser is a retarded trust fund baby who doesn't understand the value of money that he has been gifted with. Get fucked.

>> No.4533309

reading the comments here, I realize 90% of this place has nothing but malice for one another and not a shred of camaraderie.

This lot doesn't deserve to become rich.

>> No.4533325

we dont support idiots, commerce is a bloodsport.

>> No.4533330

What do you think Wall Street is like?

>> No.4533338

>0 sum game
You say one thing but your trades say another. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.4533360
File: 18 KB, 248x189, INF92DSNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of people in this fucking thread that don't know what Robinhood is, and don't know the difference between actual stocks and fucking meme coins is incredible

>> No.4533414
File: 29 KB, 500x405, photo_2017-10-23_13-02-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot. Monero IS the best one in the top 10.
Or are you this retard who dumped his Monero? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHg8qIKJo1I

>> No.4533424

camaraderie is reserved for those you spend alot of time with. Even though I trade, I still share honest opinions and my research with any channer I can at any point I can. And I don't take any glee from other's misfortune here.

>> No.4533462

This. Everyone here is an fucking idiot.

>> No.4533530
File: 448 KB, 1680x1216, 1509713965254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in not crypto


>> No.4533533


Bro we're just fucking with you. Everyone here is young and poor as shit. All the people with money here are LARPerd except legend iHaz but he left a long time ago. We love seeing people with money lose it. Don't take it personally.

>> No.4533567

I take glee in the misfortune of retarded trust fund babies, mostly. Nothing makes me more happy than some rich idiot's net worth getting reduced to represent his true value. There is no camaraderie between myself and the likes of OP.

This board has changed a lot, huh.

>> No.4533574


>> No.4533689

this board has recommended ETH and BTC super early on, how can you say that everyone here is poor?

>> No.4533730

last month I started hedging into stocks, which I feel a little stupid for, but I hope in the long run it turns out to be a good choice.

>> No.4533749

how have you guys not seen robinhood
holy fuck it seems like crypto rise has attracted a lot of financially illiterate children to this board

>> No.4533917

there has been a thread every single week since I started in June. They either are being willfully ignorant, or are new as fuck.

>> No.4533919

It's fucking stocks not shit coins you fucking retards.

I'm never touching the stock market again

>> No.4533988

Jesus Christ
Imagine working years at a miserable job so you can leave your kid with the hope of a bright future, and he fucks it up with some dumb shit like this

>> No.4534006

You faggots blindly listening to blabbering retards on rgt deserve to lose all your money. DCTH was in a spiraling death spiral of financing but you retards bought hype

>> No.4534017


>> No.4534031

I think you can recover anon. 6 - 12 monthes

>> No.4534058

Stream it if you do.

Protip: if you had put all of that money into Bitcoin last year, you'd be a millionaire right now.

>> No.4534075

Well you may as well keep it there and hope those stocks go up at some point

>> No.4534202

They have patents and trials. We assumed those would pull it out.

>> No.4534251

>real value vs trading random numbers

>> No.4534262


>> No.4534309
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cute. the kids forgot where they are again.

>> No.4534686

lol just wait. Youll probably lose more soon fucking newfag

unless yuouve been trading for years... It doesnt matter how good you think you are

>> No.4535242

How old are you OP?

>> No.4535381

greed. they think they found 100x moon and everyone else is stupid, they'd probably cash out of ETH when it hit 10$.

>> No.4535400


Because people bought like 50 eth. That's not much.

Even at the 21 BTC meme, you're not swimming in cash.

>> No.4536109

>not parking your money in steady coins

>> No.4536308

>not parking your money in steady coins
you faggots are retarded. op didnt invest in crypto he invested in stocks.

>> No.4536602

Maybe you should have quit at the point you lost 10k?

>> No.4536624

Why didn'y you just buy some stable stock that pays good dividends?

>> No.4536653

There are no turnaround cases, they are rarer than moon missions

>> No.4536946

Even my normie-tard relatives are cashing out on crypto and blue chip stocks. You literally can't lose rn

>> No.4536960

lol at that horizontal dead line at the end

>> No.4537002

Beep ... Beep ... Beep ... Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4537015

>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes

you could've just held btc/eth and been a millionaire in a few years but you chose shitcoins (((trading))) instead


you really should consider suicide after such horrible life choices