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File: 246 KB, 724x721, 1484282288806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4502724 No.4502724 [Reply] [Original]

The truth behind Operation DragonLarp is being revealed:




Looks like the "dragon" that they want to slay is not BTC, but a competing mining company.

Is Jihan shitting his pants?

>> No.4502839

Looks like a scam desu.

>> No.4502850

it's basically the same price and efficiency, and it's not presently shipping, and it looks almost exactly the same. Meaning it may well be just a hoax, period.

Even in the event that it's not, why would these miners want to prop up a failing strategy anymore than any other miners? This entire thing was never about politics, it was about overthrowing an obviously idiotic strategy. Anyone who can do the simple math and isn't beholden to Blockstream's business plan will come to the same conclusion.

>> No.4502866

Shills getting scared. Maybe the dragon does keep the princess at the end of this story?

>> No.4502886

Yeah, some other manufacturer of ASICs of which I am a major purchaser enters the market and improves my margins by providing a potentially superior product. How terrifying.

I'll still mine the most profitable chain, and it still won't be the one with idiotic rules, and everyone else with half a brain will do the same.

But whatever man, have fun.

>> No.4502900


>> No.4502913

85 GH with 0.075 J/GH... Is that really possible?

>> No.4502934
File: 2.80 MB, 2168x3696, 1510760154209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiotic rules that keep Bitcoin from becoming a centralized p.o.s.

>> No.4502955

Why does this matter? Won't all miners move to this slowly if it's good? How does this have anything to do with the DAA coming up for BTC? Someone walk me through how this is negative for EITHER coin?

>> No.4502989

Operation dragonslayer is a last ditch attempt to steal the Bitcoin brand before Jihan Wu loses his chip monopoly.

>> No.4502999

If after all these years you still haven't actually figured out you're being deceived, you are literally retarded and deserve to go broke. I sincerely hope that this is it. Please short BCH and long BTC by all means.

>> No.4503010

It's simply not. Better provision of proof of work is a net positive for the entire system, period. Either this is legitimate in which case great, or it's not in which case so what, Japanese zaibatsus are gearing up to run SHA256 ASICS all the same. It was never going to be just a single legitimate supplier.

>> No.4503021
File: 66 KB, 918x572, DOhVulMWAAAR3Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4503074

You think i haven't seen years of your bullshit already? You're not fooling anyone. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4503102

So mad.

Go eat a noodle you chink.

>> No.4503107
File: 351 KB, 900x1200, 1511072381711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh now I get why it is called Operation Dragonslayer.. nice!

>> No.4503118

>after eight years the best argument I can come up with for my idiocy is "lol u chink"


>> No.4503833

I thought it was Jihan's people doing the dragonslayer shit?

I read about some unknown miner who suddenly had 10% of the mining hashrate, and nobody knew who, but they thought it might be the japanese testing their new shit.
Could they suddenly take 50%+ of bitcoin hashpower?

>> No.4503864

that's probably satoshi

>> No.4504016

Please be true

>> No.4504370

>shipping in 4 months
kek by then BTC will be long dead

>> No.4504595
File: 75 KB, 768x509, DragonMint-Miner-visual-with-Logo-Angle.JPG.modified-768x509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their miner is just an antminer S9 with a new logo on the side

>> No.4504803

Its because their website was created two days ago

That picture is a photoshop.

This combination that anon did is clever but a fail to anyone checking a websites creation date.

Stay thirsty my friends

>> No.4504807

nothing more then dragontails. scam

>> No.4504861

We all know the website went up today, that's why this is news.

>> No.4505021

Yeah and the 4chan autists gonna miss easy money because they can't figure it out.

>> No.4505047
File: 94 KB, 700x719, 1502753209795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out Vitalki may be a part of the Dragon's Den:


(Apologies for reddit link)

>> No.4505160

This is the first pump group I'm actually making money with --> https://discord.gg/svrKKHc Join
us and make some sweet percentages. We got LUN, GUP, MCO and BITB last weeks and they all were major successes!

>> No.4505530

Fuck off

>> No.4505784

posting this pajeet shit should be bannable

>> No.4505839

Actually, their best argument was the infographic.
>'8 years' rebuttal
Great arguments yourself.