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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4474423 No.4474423 [Reply] [Original]

Its over lads. Lost everything i could lose. Started a year ago with 500 $ from my summer job. Invested early in ETH and got to 2k. Told my parents about it. Tried to daytrade and got very enthusiastic. Biz and bittrex 24/7. Started Daytrading and learning everything about charts. Made some money, lost some. Lost 1k in a pump and dump. Couple of bad trades until i was left with 200 $. Tried to make it back with margin trading on Bitmex and got liquidated today. It was a nice ride /biz/ bros. When u drive ur lambos one day take a second and think about the ones who didn't make it. Goodbye, hope u all make it

>> No.4474429

should of took more careful trades

>> No.4474453

bittrex lmao

come back and get off that scam site and youll make money

>> No.4474455


>> No.4474458

If you just put it in btc and turned off /biz/ you'd be sittin fine anon... makes ya think

>> No.4474475

>Chased pumps
>Believes in TA
You can see where you went wrong.

>> No.4474481

You goofed, bud. What made you think some spic site would make you money? Cartels aren't going to pay you anything.

>> No.4474501

why is it a scam?

>> No.4474502
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Just put a little into something relatively safe and hold. Don't screw yourself out of what is coming, anon. You're smarter than that.

>> No.4474507

If you parked it in btc you would have thousands now lol

>> No.4474538

It's not he's just a fag.

>> No.4474565

I did

Thinking about the money i could have today makes me wanna die.

>> No.4474567

just buy's ICO and dump as soon as they go live, it can't get any more easy than that

>> No.4474576

i mean, i know... like, its an exchange. has it ever been breached or anything even?

>> No.4474618

can someone please donate some btc so I can start too :(
I can't deposit anything from my country

>> No.4474638

No. Bittrex is one of the top exchanges.
He's just a fag.

>> No.4474639


Why do people day trade by trying to do technical analysis. At that level of detail, the only thing about the chart that will affect the price is other people looking at the chart and trading according to the same rules you're using.

And if they're trading according to your rules, they'll be looking to make the exact same moves as you are. So who the fuck do you think is going to be buying your shit when it's time for you to sell?

>> No.4474656

Send me your money and I'll deposit it for you.

>> No.4474659
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The money you lost will not seem like much at all in a few years. You'll look back and be proud you made it through this. Or the people that care about you will look back and think how awful it is that you didn't make through, and if you had, how you would be so happy and secure, now.

>> No.4474679

You have to be irredeemably greedy or clinically retarded to crash and burn in cryptos that hard. If it's the former, hopefully you've learned something. Get back on the horse, anon. We're still in the golden age of investing in this shit. Pick some solid long term coins and have some other mobile ones that you can throw around. You'll regret it forever if you don't.

>> No.4474686

>he thinks average traders know everything about TA
You know, I'd be surprised to find out half of those people read books.

>> No.4474739

looking back, im pretty bad at this whole trading thing, and frankly im STILL roughly about even. i went all in on shit like sia coin, bit bay, reddcoin, verge, etc. those coins are a fraction of what they were back in summer, but bitcoin has gone up so much, that it has kind of evened out my losses in some weird way. *shrugs*

>> No.4474751

Don't you know daytrading is fucking hard? Lots of people try and fail. What made you think you could do it?

>> No.4474830
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Taking a break from crypto for a while. I'm really frustrated.
>What made you think you could do it?
I was deluded. Was stupid to think i could make it with day trading.

>> No.4474897

Well, lesson learned. $500 isn't the end of the world. You'll get over it anon.

>> No.4474922

Listen to this guy >>4474897
Lots of people lose a lot more learning the lesson you did

>> No.4474929

>not holding BTC until it reaches 50k
It's like you don't want a lambo

>> No.4474930

Most people make five hundred in less than two weeks doing wage slave shit. Why are you so bummed you dumm dumm?

>> No.4474946

Well you still can if you don't give up. Many successful daytraders burned up their account before making it. The money you lost is peanuts come on and get the fuck up, learn

>> No.4475022

>not hodling

>> No.4475028

your kidding right the dot com was a rounding error on the financial markets we are going after

>> No.4475029
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It's not much for some people yes. But for a poor euro fag it is. I'm just sad because it was my hobby. Hanging out on biz for so long, watching youtube videos about crypto, joining discord channels..
I should probably get a job and save some money.

>> No.4475039

>Started a year ago with 500 $

Nov 21 2016
1 BTC = $732
Nov 20 2017
1 BTC - $8231


>> No.4475073


>> No.4475117

I said it once, i said it twice, i said it a thousand fucking times.


How the fuck do you lose money if you just put in a stop order. Someone explain this to me or are we really talking single digit iq here?

>> No.4475137


>started in jan with 1k in eth
>jumped out at around 250 quid per eth with about 40-ish eth
>10x my money, jumped into btc/couple of other coins at the time like RDD at 5 sats, dgb from 400 sats to 1.8k
>sold out most btc to alts
>btc starts crashing, convert to tether, rebuy at close-ish to low point
>hodl til now.

anyone else make a small fortune this year?

>> No.4475146

Well i still have 17 € worth of btc, maybe i buy some heroin on the darknet and OD

>> No.4475153

your autistic

Bitcoin is a scam

>> No.4475182
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>put in 400€ when eth was at 9$
>start daytrading
>at one point had a portfolio worth 30k €
>now have 850€

i'll never get over it either op. worst part is, all of my friends who listened to me and bought when i told them to but put zero effort or research into it (and thus didn't attempt daytrading) have portfolios with massive value increases. life's not fair.

>> No.4475191

Man, it's not a hobby. If you want to do this, then treat it as a business

>> No.4475193

well, ill give you an example. today i just decided to buy district0x or whatever, for the hell of it. i bought it at 605. it immediately went down to 540. now, i believe in giving a coin a chance. im not going to sell it within 30 minutes of buying it. i feel like i need to give it a few days. it may go up, it may go down. who knows? if i sell now, i lose some, but not a ton. if it keeps going down, i lose a lot. theres always a chance though that if you wait, it will moon one day. i was stuck holding bitbay bags for months. then finally, just last week, it went back up to 875 , and i was able to dump it, which felt good.

>> No.4475202

its the

"its gotta to up, i wanna make mah money back"


>> No.4475204


hope you kept good records on all your trades for the IRS there bud

>> No.4475232

I know it sucks, but it's obvious from everything about your post that you're very young. Probably underage but I'm not judging. People lose their houses trying to do what you did. It's probably hard for you to even comprehend the impact of being 300k in debt with nothing to show for it, but it fucks up your life. You got burned but it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

90% of traders lose money, and these are mostly people who treat it as a full time job. It's not a hobby. If you don't take it seriously you will lose to people who do.

>> No.4475562

>day trading

Swing trading is safer and much better than TA nonsense.

>> No.4475672


>> No.4475727

well, at least you are being honest with yourself, not like that other brazilian retard that lives in canada and lost everything in forex but wanted people to "invest" with him

good luck, op. very mature of you. if you ever come back for round 2, do the same and only risk what it doesnt hurt

>> No.4475754

I feel you, OP. You can learn from your mistakes and improve and you can make money from what you know if you're good enough. Problem number one was chasing a pump, problem two was day trading... keep it simple

>> No.4476073

>December 2016
>$7 eth
>$500 would get you 71
>now worth $26000

>> No.4476117

But desu it does go up most of the time.

Unless you're unironically buying at the very top, most times it will go back up within a few days of dipping, even if just long enough to trigger your sell order.

What I lost a lot of money on originally was chasing pumps instead of just bagholding for a little bit. The only people getting shit on right now are Linkies and Bcrash holders who bought at like $1700+, and they deserve it for their fomo.

>> No.4476151

Zero sum game.

>> No.4476180

Exchanges record that data and the IRS would give him back money for capital losses, you tax troll.

Back to poo in the loo country with you, fag.

>> No.4476221


Sounds like me.

Im holding onto my ETH i bought at 470, im even now and hoping it goes up now.

Almost got my investment back and supposedly the companies i picked are starting to produce according to their timelines

Some is luck, some is emotion. You can only control as much as you can