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4418509 No.4418509 [Reply] [Original]

Once people realize that it's not practical for everyday transactions, it will crash to sub-1000.

>> No.4418527
File: 36 KB, 556x303, 900x900px-LL-f0da31a4_ShillsEverywhere_zps5d8e558c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill nye the actor guy?



>> No.4418535

this happened to gold, gold is at 0 now

>> No.4418541

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.4418547

Gold didn't have the same hype as Bitcoin.

>> No.4418549
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>blockstream owns the patents and will use centralized hubs that will charge subscription fees

>> No.4418576

>>trying to shit post disguised as reasoned argument
>>uses Bill Nye, the un-educated "fluid genders" guy

>> No.4418596

if it's not a reasoned argument, why don't you go ahead and refute it

>> No.4418597

>Once people realize that it's not practical for everyday transactions
People already know this?

Also try telling the japanese that

>> No.4418617

It's appropriate you used Bill Nye for this message - he's a shill fuck who pretends to be a scientist.

Piss off

>> No.4418624
File: 79 KB, 500x362, 1850_Woman_and_Men_in_California_Gold_Rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California gold rush

>> No.4418656

Long term store of value.

You and those bags that you're holding should fuck off.

>> No.4418661
File: 3.74 MB, 347x244, 1443108772452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are a dumb nigger!

those are defensive patents. Lightning is open-source. Anyone can become a LN hub. It's actually encouraged. It's another way for full nodes to make some money while they help the network scale in an orders of magnitude.

even your retarded faggot ass can run one

lets see how much data you can pack in your shitcoinTrash.

1MB == 7 tx per second.

10MB == 70 tx persecnds.

shitcoinGash's 8MB == a whopping 56 TX a second.

LN == thousands, even hundreds of thousands tx per second.

why are you such a faggot?

>> No.4418669

is that shit really patented? lightning sounds no better than banks, might as well use paypal instead

>> No.4418689

A gold coin is now roughly worth the same as one Bitcoin (cash).

Really makes you wonder.

>> No.4418690

Yes, and the value of gold has declined since the gold rush.


In 1850s, it was $20. Adjusted for inflation, that's $580. Nowadays it's worth $387. Additionally, nobody was actually convinced that gold could be used in place of fiat in a practical sense, so it's not really comparable to bitcoin.

>> No.4418730
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hey look! another dumb faggot who has no idea what LN is! literally kys

>> No.4418731

The people driving the price of BTC up to near-$8000 aren't the patient investors. They're people jumping on a hype train.

>> No.4418733
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>> No.4418744

Release date for LN is 2000 and never. Fucking vaporware.

>> No.4418749


sidechains != Lightning network you dumb retarded nigger queer jew!

you are mixing techs. you should go watch the price is right! this is too advanced for your little faggot mind.

>> No.4418763


there was a cross atomic swap between LTC and BTC on testnet literally yesterday you faggot ass cum rag.

whats next?

>> No.4418776

To be fair, you need to have a VERY high IQ to understand the Lightning Network.

>> No.4418798

Do people still not know you can buy gyft cards instantly and shop at Walmart with them?

>> No.4418809

and wait 50 days for the transaction to process, and pay $90 in transaction fees

>> No.4418827


you need to understand:



>Hashed Timelock Contracts

if you don't know what those are, then you should STFU ABOUT lightning.

>> No.4418927

dragons den niggershill just go hang yourself

>> No.4418954

great reply you dumb faggot.
remain poor. or buy shitcash. retard.

>> No.4419010

We already realize this for years. Luckily tgere is something called USD that already does this.

>> No.4419034

USD is not anonymous and is a centralized currency. Cryptocurrencies satisfy this need.

>> No.4419045

>Shill Nye the Gender Theory Guy

>> No.4419065

Speak for yourself you nigger

>> No.4419145
File: 441 KB, 2500x1406, bitmain_5-e1502983338165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an expat and my dad works for the Bitcoin Company here in China. Lately I keep overhearing things from the Chinese millennials working here maintaining the rigs, they keep talking about "fattening the pig". When they notice me they quickly change the subject to ordinary things. It's very odd.

>> No.4419167

xD you sure showed him!!!

>> No.4419206
File: 174 KB, 725x424, 6Eg3iyZ (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mind of a corecuck

>> No.4419413

>buy xmr

OK, whatever you say, boss

>> No.4419457

yes, buy xmr

>> No.4419495

are you putting on weight anon?

>> No.4419605

Gender studies major spotted

>> No.4419623

film/video production major

>> No.4419640
File: 84 KB, 1920x1080, HcT37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once people realize
This has been common knowledge since day one.

>> No.4419652

Plenty of people know it. Not the people who are driving it up to $8000.

>> No.4419677
File: 595 KB, 908x552, bitcoin normalcy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity anyone who's boarding the train just now.

>> No.4419748

so much salt for nocoiner faggots.

>> No.4419755

Textbook shillshit

>> No.4419788


> Once people realise gold bullion isn't suitable for everday transactions it will lose all value faggots

Learnt this in my /biz MBA

>> No.4419798

People never thought it was suitable in the first place, that's the difference.

>> No.4419820

BCH pump is over, just cashed out. Juicy gains. Seeya bagholders

>> No.4419969


No one thought gold was a suitable token of everyday currency? Ever?

Are you another fucking retarded basement dwelling neckbeard with no idea of whats gone on before your father split a condom, accidentally got your genetically flawed 'mother' pregnant and was too embarrassed to admit their failing, too cuck'd to realise drowning you at birth would've been a kindness?

>> No.4419981

>No one thought gold was a suitable token of everyday currency? Ever?
nice strawman, asshole

>> No.4420011

BCH is king

>> No.4420042

I think BCH can implement Graphene. They have 5 different development teams all heavily invested in BCH and want it to succeed. They're not like Blockstream either being slow and shit with everything. Also mining BCH is a lot more profitable than BTC, and right now the exchange rate for 1 BCH is really good. I would be surprised if BCH doesn't read .5 soon and some day doesn't surpass BTC.

>> No.4420067

They don't need graphene atm, and it will only be necessary if the cashening actually occurs. Graphene will not be practical before the need for a huge number of transaction arises.
That being said, it can probably produce a pump in price which is always welcome.

>> No.4420098

If BCH implemented Graphene, it's over. I would pour in all my money that has ever existed and only just use BCH for transactions and every day things. Good bye fiat forever.

>> No.4420110

lmao real life isn't your Dungeons and Dragons campaign. People NEVER actually traded hand to hand with gold for every day purchases.

>> No.4420178
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Store of value. Transaction speed and small comissions are no problem, they dont play big role. As long as you can store fiat and transfer it to whatever fiat currency wherever the world it's perfect. You have zero trust to other cryptos where to park big money than btc

Much better than physical gold

>> No.4420385

>Transaction speed and small comissions are no problem, they dont play big role. As long as you can store fiat and transfer it to whatever fiat currency wherever the world it's perfect
Speed is very important. If you're buying something, the merchant cannot know whether or not to give you the product.
Commissions are also very important. It means that the mere fact of using cryptocurrency has a price. And if that price is too big, it would be impractical to make small purchases, which an ideal currency should be able to do.

>> No.4420551

Bank wealth is partially based on how much gold they have.

>> No.4420562

What's your point?