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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 158 KB, 1080x1350, 1510521161842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4409875 No.4409875 [Reply] [Original]

Since when did we have so many corecucks here? This was always an altcoin board for the majority of 2017. If you actually joined us in our altcoin moon missions you would have profited more if you did your research. This recent bitcoin bullrun was absolutely pathetic compared to ANS/NEO, OMG, WTC moon missions even if you include their current dip in price.

Now everyone is acting like this recent tether sponsored BTC moon rally totally outgained the altcoins.

>> No.4409882

> disgusting whitey with papoo

>> No.4409883

this girl is not asian she is brazilian
Her name is Jessica Beppler

>> No.4409899

Latinas > Asians , but 4chan full with low self esteem small dick cucks who want asian waifus

>> No.4409901

mommy milkies

>> No.4409906



>> No.4409912

The newer they are, the more likely to be a bitcoin maximalist. I would have thought itd be the opposite.

>> No.4409918
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>he thinks were new

>> No.4409946

because all the alts went to shit when BTC spiked

nobody fucking cares what things were like in April because it's not that easy to profit on alts anymore, regardless of the fact that they stagnate or plummet when BTC rises there's also a lot less new money going into them because people started to wise up to the PND ICO scams

>> No.4409952

Yes, I think if you are a bitcoin maximimalist you are newer to bitcoin/cryptocurrency. When did you buy your first btc? Most people grow to accept alt currencys after learning more about other use cases or wanting to earn more btc by trading alts, eventually realizing Bitcoin isnt the end all be all.

>> No.4409957
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How many BTC for a brazilian like this?

>> No.4409963

Idk about that. I started in September and quickly realized how shit BTC was combined with the fact that I already missed out on the big gains. I was doing great on my altcoins until the november fork drama. Still haven't come close to recovering from that shit.

>> No.4409965
File: 201 KB, 1382x591, buynuls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy nuls or stay poor faggets

>> No.4409979

>because all the alts went to shit when BTC spiked
>nobody fucking cares what things were like in April because it's not that easy to profit on alts anymore
Kek see this is what im talking about? BTC pumps for a month draining the alts and they immediately forget that ANS/NEO and OMG pumped August to September. WTC I think pumped october. Now they're acting like BTC's bullrun totally outpaced the alts kek do you even know how much money we made in alts before November? Even if you include the current dip, BTC's run is still demolished by the biz top alt picks.

>nobody fucking cares what things were like in April
So does that mean if Bitcoin stops pumping again nobody should care about it too? Then you're not a maximalist you're a mid-term trader like me. Whats annoying is the increasing number of people trying to nag everyone to go 100% BTC forever.

>> No.4409992

I would think more people would be like you. My theory probably doesnt hold up. I just see all the online forums/communitys packing in new people who seem to be 'bitcoin or nothing' and I dont get it.

Like I keep mainly btc but its such a crappy cryptocurrnecy and this fee issue has been going on for what feels like forever.

>> No.4409996

>Most people grow to accept alt currencys after learning more about other use cases or wanting to earn more btc by trading alts, eventually realizing Bitcoin isnt the end all be all.
Especially after seeing ETH kek. Most crypto oldfags probably learned their lesson for being maximalists already after being JUSTed by ETH.

>> No.4410012

>alts in a bull run
>/biz/ promotes alts
>alts in a slump while bitcoin is soaring
>/biz/ promotes BTC
Gee its almost like most of us look for what's most profitable instead of getting our feelings involved with our investments. Alts will make a comeback sooner or later but right now its bitcoin season.

>> No.4410020

I also have a computer science degree, minor in business and am a successful entrepreneur so maybe im not the typical new normie

>> No.4410025

Like i said, people like that arent maximalists. They are rational traders. But havent you noticed there are a lot of people now nagging everyone to go

>Never touch alts
>Altcoins are scams

Seriously, start browsing the other threads.

>> No.4410037

>But havent you noticed there are a lot of people now nagging everyone to go
I've noticed a couple but I think you're exaggerating things.

>> No.4410054

>I've noticed a couple but I think you're exaggerating things
No I'm not kek they are either increasing in number or becoming more vocal. But lets see if the other anons noticed it too.

>> No.4410104

They don't transfer anything, they just leave it all on normiebase so things like transaction speed are irrelevant. I'm not sure what's driving them all to BTC, it doesn't feel like there's been a huge increase in bitcoin articles compared to earlier this year but even the middle aged woman in my HR department was talking about how she wanted to buy some bitcoins the normalfag flood has definitely arrived.

My prediction is that we're going to have a crash next year. This momentum isn't sustainable and eventually we're going to run out of greater fools with a high risk tolerance. Then all these people new to crypto who have never been through a bear market are going to lose their shit and start begging for regulation.

This includes most of /biz/, I get the impression that most of the board hasn't been in crypto for even a full year at this point, I guess a lot of people are just enjoying having made it and don't post that often. I wish I'd put a lot more money in initially when I bought in in 2013.

>> No.4410116

I notice as well, never I see so many "THE KING" threads before

>> No.4410127

BCH pump attracted a lot of disgusting BCH shills.

I guess it's what is pushing BTC core support.

>> No.4410135

I think you mean Aztec monkey

>> No.4410287

The news with square was kinda funny. You can buy bitcoin on the Square App, but you cant transfer it. All you can do is buy, hold, sell. You arent allowed to send it to anyone.

>> No.4410291

>You can buy bitcoin on the Square App, but you cant transfer it. All you can do is buy, hold, sell.
What? Thats fucking stupid what the hell.

>> No.4410339

I got the girl in the op on LINE.
She's chatting with me.
Am I getting catfish? Is she currently in Brazil because I'm not in Brazil. Got her Line through Tinder

>> No.4410346

kek you are talking to a dude, probably a gay pajeet
he will ask you for dick pics soon

>> No.4410372

that sucks. I thought I can pay her for sex.

>> No.4410386

lol im from brazil and i know her. pretty sure its not her on your chat. she hates the internet. if IS her tho you're probably in the middle of a joke. sorry bro

>> No.4410389
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It will end soon....

>> No.4410396
File: 136 KB, 540x780, E5KOyBt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest only in time-tested coins as the Diamond (DMD) https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/earn-dmd-diamond-alternative-wealth-storage-solution

>> No.4410744


its more like biz is completely retarded and always chases after whats already pumping

a couple of weeks noone gave a shit about either BTC or BCH. people were sucking altcoins cocks all day and plenty of threads declared bitcoin dead.
its a very predictable pattern if a coin is in the shitter biz will crap all over it. if its pumping suddenly they love it again. you can see this iwth pretty much every coin but especially with XRP, BTC, BCH. its fucking ridiculous and frankly noone should listen to this cesspool.

>> No.4410814

Blockstream trolls are working overtime for more than minimum wage nowadays. BCH showed promise, gotta counter will the standard tactics.

>> No.4410879


>> No.4410927
File: 50 KB, 640x360, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she a bitch IRL?

>> No.4410978

Looks like a well-mannered conservative girl to me.

>> No.4410983

because if your asset keeps rising and rising it strengthens the euphoria phase, i've been there. i was one of the people that bought ANS low, and held it all the way through june, july and august. at that time i felt like i was "the chosen one" and got all kinds of delusions of grandeur, because i was convinced that i would be a millionaire in no time. of course i never even thought of selling at that point...so then it started dropping, and dropping. finally at one point reality kicked and i sold.
could've made a x20, instead it was a x10, far from bad, i know, but it shows that you should leave emotion out of trading. it's a way to make money, not a fucking drug.

>> No.4411033

why do these bitches ruin their beautiful bodies with ink this much, jeez

>> No.4411083


How is she white but a HUE?

A pale skinned goddess like that surrounded by all those brown and black HUEHUEs turns my stomach.

>> No.4411099

more like a "im doin this for the money internet is retarded" girl
and bitchy in a sense that she is superior to all this shit
shes not the hottest girl in the group she hangs and boy she thinks she is

>> No.4411100

brazil has 300 million people of all etnic groups
you would be surprise
they also have the largest japanese community outside of japan

>> No.4411117

id like to beppler in the bunghole

>> No.4411127

imagine her getting paid big money to stir her tongue inside a brownie's unwashed ass

>> No.4412124

Because there are no alt moon missions anymore. Altcoins are dead. Crypto is almost dead, BTC is the only thing that still has any steam left in it. After that bubble finishes, crypto will be dead.

>> No.4412160

Pretty sure most of em are core shills. They all have the same shit talking polints and never provide any proof for their assertions.

>> No.4412178

First you're a bitcoin maximalist. Then you make a few lucky trades and become an alt-coin trader. Then in the long term you get JUSTed and go back to being a bitcoin maximalist.

>> No.4412354

It was always btc, alts were sought only to make more btc.

>> No.4413283

>discover biz in 2017
>make threads pretending to know what biz """"""""""used to be like""""""""""

Kys pajeet and take your shitcoins with you.

>> No.4413747

I wish she didn't tat herself up like that.

>> No.4414012


Oldfags know altcoins=shitcoins. You ride them up and trade them for bitcoin.

>> No.4414081


>> No.4414367

i like tats but those look like what happens if a middle schooler wants tats

>> No.4414496
File: 153 KB, 768x768, 1491430623938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you niggers that say that
Tattoos are hot

shes a whore, dont marry her, just look

>> No.4414712
File: 21 KB, 1020x497, xhTpiRg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that whole project is fake right?
they named it nuls because their source code posted on github is literally just random lines of code filled with 'null' values LOL at all the newbies

>> No.4414741
File: 475 KB, 1200x600, MakeApp-4969925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly bitches everywhere..

>> No.4414966

How much money did you lose OP.

>> No.4415013

looks like an absolute cunt senpai