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4409238 No.4409238 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you bought the dip

>> No.4409280

no it's not dont be deluded.

>> No.4409288

Btc is dieing and it's dieing in waves

>> No.4409296

Maybe an opportunity. Maybe.
If your gonna. Do it now.
Don't be greedy. Set a goal.
Take profit.
There will be another.

>> No.4409307
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>> No.4409309

U mad cuz u buying into the miners game oooohhhh yeah were gonna let u get to 8k uhhuh meanwhile they just dumping at all time highs leaving u coreboys with the bags

>> No.4409339

ugh i'm tired of this two obsolete pieces of shit tearing market apart

>> No.4409348
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Let the numbers speak for themselves :)

>> No.4409374

You shouldn't blame the coin, you should blame the market.

>> No.4409718

>7 day average
>BCH consistently more profitable to mine
>BCH plummets; BTC all time high

There goes yer final argument for flippening.

>> No.4409740
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>> No.4409897

Each time I go to this board I see this kind of thing.

I think it's mainly on /biz/ that people believe in this fallacy that mining profitability has a strong impact on the price.

It's actually the opposite. BTC network could run with 10 time less miners and it wouldn't do much of a difference since difficulty is adapting.
However profitability in itself is impacted by price.

>> No.4409970

>Hasn't realised miners are mining bitcoin altruistically so the difficulty does not adjust down far enough to prevent the flippening on Nov 26th

>> No.4410001

Wrong you brainlet. BTC difficulty adjusts every 2160 blocks or roughly every 14 days. If the chain loses half its miners directly after a difficulty adjustment it will take 28 days until the next difficulty adjustment. But if the blocktimes get slowed down by half, then the price will fall too causing more miners to leave and then suddenly you're looking at what they are calling (and it will go down in history as) chain death spiral. Where the chain bleeds so many miners it is impossible for them to reach the difficulty adjustment before price hits zero.

>> No.4410011

Dying upwards while BCH is dying downwards below 1K?

>> No.4410018

Sold the dip last night, I'm the best at timing the dips

>> No.4410022
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This is pure fucking FUD. BTC chain is never going to "grind to a halt"; the best you'll get is that you fucking gooks will switch to beecash and stop spamming stupid $5 transactions. If you want coffee, buy mETH or beecash; if you want $10k escorts, buy BTC.

>> No.4410052

I don't get why rich fucks heavily invested in BTC don't simply launch mining farms to support the chain no matter what, you would think that if some have invested hundreds of millions in BTC that they could launch a big mining farm for a few millions

>> No.4410065

It's fucking scary man... massacre if the people will stuck with the coin going toward $0 and the network will be so slow and congested that they won't be avle to do anything about it.... just imagine someone is putting a knife in your stomach and taking all your organs out one by one so slow you gonna fucking throw up...

>> No.4410072

Bitcoin will never lose all his hash rate dummy.

What you guys don't understand is that so much people have interest in BTC going up that they can mine it at loss to keep it running between two difficulty adjustment.
Businesses having interest in Bitcoin going up are mining themselves, believe me I know that first hand.

That's why you're all losing money.

>> No.4410085
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Jihan owns the company that makes the best mining hardware; but this is happening anyway. Such mining companies are still motivated by profitability, but BTC chaindeath in 24 hours is completely ridiculous. Not to say that it can't suffer severely, but absolute chaindeath won't happen.

>> No.4410124

Anyone invested heavily enough in BTC could buy a bunch of mining hardware or develop their own, if I had $100 million invested in BTC I wouldn't mind spending a few millions to keep the chain running and my investment secure, there is so much money at stake compared to the cost of keeping the chain alive even if not profitable for a while

But being invested in BTC does sound risky these days, there are also the 1 million BTC Satoshi Nakamoto is still holding, as far as I can tell Craig Wright holds these coins and he is pro BCH, so if he decided to dump his BTC that would get real ugly, but possibly he would just buy BCH with BTC rather than dumping BTC for USD

>> No.4410149

>Anyone invested heavily enough in BTC could buy a bunch of mining hardware or develop their own

It already happened long ago. Thining there is only one company making mining hardware is completely crazy.

And anyway it doesn't matter, any hardware can mine BTC or BCH. The only thing the BCH guy can do to prevent people from mining BTC with his stuff is to stop selling it.

>> No.4410171

The Yellow horde has poured in, a remorseless tide scouring all in its path. Yet even the most savage flood must eventually receede, leaving battered bagholders to pick through their ravaged Blockfolio. "We are saved!" they cry, heedless of the fact that tides are certain in one respect: they will always ride again.

Corecucks have survived the onslaught, yet now another wave rolls forth from accursed Korea.

>> No.4410180

Either Satoshi is dead, lost his private keys, doesn't care about the current state of BTC/BCH OR it is Craig Wright.

If it's Craig then BTC is beyond fucked. I think Roger wouldn't try to tackle this alone and likely Craig is Satoshi and they will work together to take back bitcoin.

>> No.4410250


being this delusional

>> No.4410271


>> No.4410286

>likely Craig is Satoshi
No he isn't you nonce.

>> No.4410294

Literally how many times must this scam pump and dump people before they realize it is a scam?
I'm beginning to think that every pro-bcc post are shills

>> No.4410301
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>> No.4410330

Even if there was a ''flippening'' I'd go with Ethereum instead

>> No.4410359

>doesnt know how to day trade
>thinks his opinion matters

>> No.4410887

Deluded btrash retard. Miners don’t own the chain. If btc chain slows down it won’t die, it just becomes more profitable to mine. Miners are on razer thin margins and you think they’ll mine some shitcoin that is propped up by Ver’s tiny sum of btc? Secondly if it slows down and all the miners jump onto the btrash chain, there will always be miners that support core and the core dev team has more than one person working on the code base. A much more competent development team than your one person btrash chain. Buy all the btrash you can and reap the rewards. I hope you go all in.