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File: 28 KB, 300x300, dumpster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4400895 No.4400895 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4400912

BCH has lower fees and faster transactions. Why would you want to see it die? Serious question.

>> No.4400919

It depends when you bought.

For anyone who bought in near the start bitcoin has to reach 14k before cashbois are btfo.

>> No.4400921

you honestly had to be retarded to think that bitcoin cash would be the new bitcoin.

>> No.4400925

Because Blockstream pays his shill paycheck

>> No.4400926

see you next week corecuck

>> No.4400930

>those buy walls trying their hardest to keep the price propped up

kek. reminds me of the Chaincoin debacle

>> No.4400940

dogecoin also has lower fees and faster transactions, will we see the dogeflipening?

>> No.4400941
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j-j-j-just accumulating h-ha...

Roger will pump it again r-right

i didnt waste all of my money right


>> No.4400944


>> No.4400953

Literally every other crypto has lower fees and faster transactions.

>> No.4400956
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Is this the first time you've realized that a coin has superior features to BTC?

Protip: literally everything does now

>> No.4400960

Buy the dip

>> No.4400978


the dip is a black hole though

nothings bouncing back outta there

>> No.4400988
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better sell before its too late fags

>> No.4400996

ahaahahhahahaah cash chinks get cucked!! missing those sweet sweet BTC gains, not too late to drop your bags before it halves!! buy back lower idioso!!!

or continue sucking Jihan and Roger cock , they will only lose to many hundreds of millions before giving up like the 3 or 5 other times prior.

>> No.4401003



At 0.04 BTC

>> No.4401032
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>> No.4401072

Ok thats it, sold all my alts for BTC. I made back all the money Iost with my alts during the last week. Just going to stick with buttcoin for now.

These shitty BTCH mind games are getting too silly for me.

>> No.4401163

doge is inflationary

>> No.4401184


That is quite literally the worst thing you could've done right now. You know "buy high, sell low" is meant as a joke right?

>> No.4401208
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>Satoshi's Vision

>> No.4401245

You telling me its the worst thing to do just means its the best thing to do. I should have done this months ago but I was so focused on not selling for a loss that I kept being stuck at making no gains.

>> No.4401259


>> No.4401327

He made back all his money in a week.
>"That is quite literally the worst thing you could've done right now"

Do you hate money?

>> No.4401370
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>I'm enjoying this

>> No.4401399
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>bb-b-b-b-b-ut muh corecucks, you evil bastards
>it's nn-n-n-n-ot over yet
go cry in ver's shoulders faggets

>> No.4401471

The King nearly $8k
shitty cash coin clone <1k
allah akbar

>> No.4401485
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oh my sides

>> No.4401531

Fucking kek

>> No.4401586

hahaha this is too hilarious, the King hitting 8K while shitcash continues to tank.

Anons stuck bagholding: it's still not too late to take a loss and begin your recovery in BTC...

buy back this shitcoin when it dumps down further, I'll definitely be looking to profit off these chinks again

>> No.4401596
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>> No.4401614

that's what I've been telling those stupid fucks, but noone listened.
The day btc dies (if) is my last day holding anything with "btc" in the name

>> No.4401670
File: 292 KB, 1183x1674, 3E39F15C-3246-4DE6-881F-679E4749923A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH only exists to kill BTC. If it is successful I think it will be very damaging for crypto as a whole.

>> No.4401685

Neither of you had or still have a single clue about what is going on. You only have "the wisdom of knowing that what happened before will be how it always is".

>> No.4401703

On paper until it is tested. people talked up ethereum and Status ICO showed how useless the ETH network truly is. Until a coin has over 100 billion to truly see how it handles, your statement is as speculative as crypto itself.

>> No.4401705

Because no one uses it.

>> No.4401772

My concern as well. It's classic nerdlinger ego battles. It will surely ruin crypto credibility when people see on a public stage what us tech industry folk see on a daily basis educated people acting like moronic autists like children. Making comments about fucking mothers and personal opinions about the societal damages of toxins and child sex, which have absolutely nothing to do with their product, but everything to do with their egotistical and naive minds

>> No.4401817

Imagine the following

Step 1: 1BCH divided into 20 satoshis and sent to individual addresses for a very low fee. Filling most of an 8MB block, paying a fee and as a valid transaction.

Step 2. Send all of those addresses back to themselves in several sets of transactions that each take up 8mb, 7.9mb, 7.8 mb etc. each paying a small fee. once some of these clear, put the confirmed addresses to send back to themselves. continuing like this.

Step 3 when more people start to pay higher fees than you raise the fee you are paying slightly. You are buying block space cheap because nobody uses is, and keeping the mempool filled with fee paying transactions.

Step 4 Automate

Bitcoin is not vulnerable to this because it costs about 7 BTC to buy a block while it is free to start filling up those 8mb BCH blocks. The only reason this hasn't already occurred is because most of the wallets do not allow for transactions with low fees, they are hard coded to pay a relatively high minimum fee. Trezor doesn't have a minimum fee for the software to relay a transaction and they support BCH, so anyone with a trezor can do this.

>> No.4401838
File: 279 KB, 777x768, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCASH NIggas! jea....shiiieaaaaaaaaa

>> No.4401867

I can't think of a hole in this? Is this accurate?

>> No.4401889

>BCH only exists to kill BTC. If it is successful I think it will be very damaging for crypto as a whole.

No it's good. It will show the weakness of POW where incentives and the technology invariably leads to a small amount of actors (large scale miners and mining pool owners) ultimately having the ability to decide the future of a coin or if it even has a future at all.

POW coin, at least of the types common today (even non-asic like VTC, GRST, etc) need to be exposed for what they are, and a flippening is the best way for this to happen. People are in denial about how fundamentally flawed they are in that miners can sell off their coin, meaning, their investment in that blockchain and thus their incentive to keep it healthy, yet still retain all their decision making power over that coin.

>> No.4401897
File: 38 KB, 670x336, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bcrash REKT

>> No.4401916

>>Bitcoin is not vulnerable to this because it costs about 7 BTC to buy a block while it is free to start filling up those 8mb BCH blocks. The only reason this hasn't already occurred is because most of the wallets do not allow for transactions with low fees, they are hard coded to pay a relatively high minimum fee. Trezor doesn't have a minimum fee for the software to relay a transaction and they support BCH, so anyone with a trezor can do this.
This is bullshit. You can code a bot that does all the transactions itself. You don't need a wallet for this. The real reason why this does not happen is for two reasons:
i) spamming costs time (for programming the bot) and money. Arguably, time might be more precious than the money at this point
ii) BCH is too unimportant to be spammed

>> No.4401920

Because it's a chink scam to centralise and control bitcoin that failed spectacularly like all chink products.

>> No.4401952

There's no recovering from that now.
Back to $500

>> No.4401972

LOL u bitcoin segwit supporters. first it is "our mempool is being spam attacked by BCH people!" and now it is "bitcoin segwit are immune to spam attacks but BCH is prone"
HAHAHAHAHA make up your mind you goal post moving pajeets

>> No.4401982


trying right now BRB

>> No.4401986
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Nobody with a spv wallet like trezor is going to waste time doing that. You would download and run a node and do it in a desktop environment with 100% control over fees.

>> No.4401987
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>> No.4402000

its a fact that the network got spammed you fucking chink loving faggot
its unclogging now since ver and jihan are done pumping
enjoy the bags

>> No.4402025

>miners can sell off their coin
Sure, but in the grand history of bitcoin that has been a poor move. Only a few times has bitcoin crashed below a certain threshold of previous growth. For instance, Miners who mined from the beginning to about $1 would have better off holding onto most of the bitcoins (And you have to remember before bitcoin ever hit $1 more than 40% of them had already been mined.) Then there was the first bubble, and during this bubble at any price higher than about ~$2 it would have been a good idea to sell mined coins, then the price crashed to $2, and from then until bout august 2013 it would have been better to hold.

>> No.4402052

>i) spamming costs time (for programming the bot) and money. Arguably, time might be more precious than the money at this point
Absolutely true
>ii) BCH is too unimportant to be spammed
Not sure about this, I want to put that nail in the coffin.

>> No.4402113

Which software do you recommend for BCH then?

>> No.4402114

>Not sure about this, I want to put that nail in the coffin.

Corecucks can't help showing how utterly terrified they are.

>> No.4402140

>Not sure about this, I want to put that nail in the coffin.
I think, something like that would hurt BTC (in the short term) because spaming BTH would imply that someone thinks BCH is actually a threat (which it is not).

BTC simply does not care, it does not need to deal with whatever a peasant coin like BCH does.

>> No.4402215
File: 530 KB, 740x1088, 40A0D0E5-9215-47C4-8B9F-7D285F2A2A1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a programmer so I don’t know how to do it. Probably just one of the main clients (ABC, Unlimited, etc) and some homebrew python code.

How is that different from POS coins where the devs and whales decide everything? Aren’t both systems set up where the small number of people with the largest sway are also the people most invested in the success of the coin? If miners successfully kill bitcoin, their expensive ASIC farms become worthless overnight.

>> No.4402259

>there aren't other thousand non inflationary cheap and fast altcoins

>> No.4402280

that was quick

>> No.4402294 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Miners are janitors. Whales decide, not miners. BCH is already dead, and TMSR didn't even had to upload their 1,000,000+ BCH.

>> No.4402306


>> No.4402319

Wrong. Miners are janitors. Whales decide, not miners. BCH is already dead, and TMSR didn't even had to unload their 1,000,000+ BCH.

>> No.4402355

Muh flippening xDDDD

>> No.4402447

Oh man totally seeing how this was """"literally the worst thing"""""".

>> No.4402580

Whales decide the price of the coin, but never the nature of the coin. They are helpless at protecting the fundamentals (the nature of the blockchain) that their wealth rests upon.
POS gets disproportionately decided by the rich, but there are two reasons why it is arguably the lesser evil to POW.
1: Those rich holders have a very strong incentive to keep the blockchain and coin competitive against competing blockchains. If they hurt it, they can hurt themselves.
2: The distribution of currency on high marketcap coins has always been an order of magnitude more spread out than the distribution of mining power. Low minimum amount for staking ensures POS is a far more decentralized validation system than POW is.

>> No.4402608

POW is immutable

POS is not.

POW is tamp-reproof

POS is tamper evident

>> No.4402706
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Not even an hour later

>> No.4402772

Rest in piss faggots.

>> No.4402784


lol in no universe does Mircea or his group of faggots control 1 million btc

>> No.4402821

Bitcoin transaction slowness is overhyped because of confirmation requirements which are equally relevant to BCH.
It doesn't matter if you say people can accept fewer because nobody actually trusts that even today. And BCH is still completely unusable as common currency because of block times and confirmation requirements, even less so than BTC because nobody accepts it.

>> No.4402897

BCH does have an arguing point here because they don't have RBF, but I still agree the normal Bitcoin use case wants people waiting for multiple confirmations.

>> No.4402901

Any progress?

>> No.4402903

Miners follow price, what part of this don't you understand.

POS is a fucking scam.

>> No.4402908

the only bad thing about stake is that it encourages people to hoard coins because they aren't subject to the same kinds of costs as miners, which on the other hand is a ridiculously wasteful process just for that end

any system will favor the rich or the rich won't fucking invest, it's not perfect but it's not something to try to "fix" either

>> No.4402942
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>> No.4403021

Holy shit you don't understand how any of this works. Good luck with your PieceOfShit coin.

>> No.4403083

>It's a scam!
>You don't understand shit!
Wow great fucking arguments real convincing.

>> No.4403343

BTC and BCH are garbo

>> No.4403688

nobody uses any of the cryptos, le lel. using a crypto to buy something is like using baseball cards to learn player stats.

>> No.4403714
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>TFW you sold @1900