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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4394869 No.4394869 [Reply] [Original]

>company culture

>> No.4394912

Are there any companies with 4chan culture? I need a place to work where I can shout out racial slurs while my boxer shorts are open listening to anime soundtracks at full volume typing on my mountain dew soaked mechanical keyboard with cheetos stained fingers.

As you can tell, the corporate world can't accept me for who i am because they are bigots.

>> No.4394925

This, so much this.

>> No.4394936

Just put your nuts in a vice grip and you won't even notice.

>> No.4394965

I used to work as a game dev and whenever a woman walked by we'd should "BUCKETS" for the buckets full of the milk of human kindness she'd have hidden away in her sweater.

We unironically hired the woman with the biggest tits to do the cleaning.

Shit was so cash

>> No.4395007


>> No.4395091

Another story: I bought a porn mag and superglued the edges together, then punched a hole and chained it to the radiator in the toilet nearest the office. By 11am the boss sent around a memo informing everyone that he had cut the glue bits out and it was now free to view but no one was to spend more than five minutes at a time in there

Shit was soooo cash I miss them days

>> No.4395252
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The last job I worked at I pretended I had no personality because I was afraid I'd offend my 80% female coworkers and all female bosses.
"What did you do over the weekend?"
"Nothing much. Just relaxed. "
"What music do you listen to?"
"I just listen to the pop station."
"Who are you voting for?"
"I don't know politics."
I had a blank expression on at all times. Someone told me I was the most boring person they'd ever met.

When I left to go home I drove like a maniac, blasted death metal, ripped off all my clothes, worked out while screaming like a jackass, etc.

Thank God I'm a crypto NEET now.

>> No.4395279
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You, I like you

>> No.4395300
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I got into the trades and thought blue collar culture would be better, but being around small-minded neanderthals also gets old pretty fast. People are all shit, no matter what walk of life they come from.

>> No.4395318
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>it's all about relationships

>> No.4395322

>company culture

I’d rather have strict suit and tie dress code with everyone competing to be useful and successful within the workplace.

Last two jobs I’ve worked at have been jeans and t-shirts with zero chance to have any sort of upward movement.

But hey, least I can wear my Spider-Man shirt while getting paid a fraction for the work I do, never wanted to make more than 50k anyway.

>> No.4395327

Literally me

>> No.4395337

Hey that sounds like me... except I'm not pretending :[

>> No.4395343
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>disgruntled pepe posting

>> No.4395357
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I work at a casino. Imagine the shady company culture I deal with every day.

>> No.4395416
File: 22 KB, 600x384, FCF409F3-A194-4AFE-9BEF-8FBBF852CD48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human Resources ruined the business world. I want to drink scotch, smoke cigars, and swear.

Everyone complains about everything now.

>> No.4395902

Can't even make funny jokes anymore.

"I'd like a steak as big as your ass"

"hey why don't ya sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?"

>> No.4396532


They ruined all worlds.