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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 477x355, dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376533 No.4376533 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here Bitcoin Cash marines. I know it's a bit scary right now. JUST FUCKING HODL. Things are about to turn. BCH's hashrate is increasing by the minute. The price will follow. This last desperate attempt to pump BTC only made things worse for it. I sold my last BTC and now have over 21 BCH. I have already made it. I hope you have too. All we need to do is HODL.

>> No.4376548

Yes sir, i bought 1000 BCH we vill moon soon.

>> No.4376554

sell while your up

>> No.4376560

BCC is the tulip my op guy

>> No.4376569

We are Bitcoin Cash maximalists

>> No.4376571



For those that don't know wtf he's on about

>> No.4376582
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Only stage 2, you still have 5 to go

>> No.4376583


Just *real* Bitcoin maximalists. And now we take back Thule.

>> No.4376592

More like bitcoincrash marines.

>> No.4376600
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PLZ don't sell the next time it pumps
I fucking beg of you

>> No.4376601

this is very information for you people. Excellent chart

>> No.4376611

I was surprised to check fork.lol and see the difficulty is almost back down to where it was during the pump. 22% of miners are on BCH even though BTC is over 7k. It would be devastating to btc if they started pumping the bch price now with all that btc they have that is over 7k now.

>> No.4376629

The HODL meme only has ever and will always only apply to BTC. All flippenings are bullshit.

>This time it's different!
It never is.

>> No.4376651



>> No.4376653


FUD at full force here. I think this is the 3rd stage of griefing?

>> No.4376667
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>> No.4376685

I'd actually be happy if BTC now crashes again a bit and BCH pumps, because I just sold my 3 BTC at 7100$.

>> No.4376688

are you delusional? there's factual numbers right in front of you, I'm not even the guy you're responding to but you're the one who looks crazy right now not the one sharing charts lol

>> No.4376707


that jewish isolated linguistic IQ eh.

Never understand when mathematics conspires to assfuck them until it's already too late.

>> No.4376761
File: 46 KB, 1249x672, killshotincoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste the pain corecucks.

>> No.4376779

What’s the original pic for this dog?

>> No.4376781
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, 1508477146631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEST NEWS YOU'VE HEARD ALL DAY BCH BAGHOLDERS!!!! BCH was actually maliciously hard forked and not simply updated. Jihan Wu has retweeted this proving to to be real. ENJOY THE PLUMMET BITCHES!


>> No.4376812

sell BCH and buy ETH


>> No.4376819

>had to sell my bch to pay my bills
kill me

>> No.4376849

bought in at $600 cause I knew it would pump after the fork news then sold at $850


>> No.4376864

oh, you fucker - this made me freak out and I sold my bags, then I read through the comments. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!?!

>> No.4376927


No reason to get mad my baggies. See you when btc reaches 100k next year.

>> No.4376942


>> No.4376950
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>> No.4376984

Buy high - sell low - getting justed when everything goes up

Just biz things :3

>> No.4377008
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>> No.4377055

I like bch and I want it to flip btc and kill it but I am a money grabber first so if both increased in value and not one dies, that's the best outcome for me.

>> No.4377063

It's amazing how oblivious corecucks are to the precariousness of their situation right now. BCH is currently more profitable to mine despite a $6000 dollar price disparity. Even a meager pump for BCH could end up being utterly devastating to the BTC network, which would result in BCH pumping further. A situation similar to last weekend could happen at any moment.

>> No.4377069

It’s funy how the PnD groups went from LINK to BCC and then back to LINK then back to BCC.

>> No.4377092


but but but but muh wall street moneys.

I wonder what sound all that fucking paper makes as it gets shredded by those megawatts of ASIC consumption.

>> No.4377099

Fucking gooks fucked us all. What a bunch of cunts.

>> No.4377124 [DELETED] 
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not only are we going to cuck the corecucks, we will also cuck wall street

this is great

>> No.4377131


Anyone that was true to the original plan will make out like a fucking bandit.

Anyone who bowed to the subvert and hijack campaign and compromised the economic incentives in the system design is not going to have a good month.

>> No.4377160

cashfags in full delusion mode today

what the FUCK do you think happens if the BTC chain dies all YOUR money will be gone
your MOTHER will kick you out of your house because you have no money anymore
IF you have some self respect you go work at mcdonalds so YOU can pay the next rent bill of your shitty apartment.You killed crypto just because you WANTed a easy moon mission. FUCK every single one of you.

>> No.4377200


Decentralised and free market or scorched earth.

You will not win this battle. Deal with it. This system does actually work. Unlike yours.

>> No.4377230

lmao this is the final corecuck tactic. They KNOW the BTC network is eventually going to get fucked over by a miner mutiny, and they don't even try to counter this fact. Instead they go full Armageddon mode.

If entering a bear market for a while is the cost of the true bitcoin reigning supreme, then it's a worthy sacrifice.

>> No.4377241

Yea go fuck yourself retard, I hope you never get to buy back in without a loss, moron

>> No.4377257

corecucks are fucking terrified, it's pathetic.

>> No.4377265

He just did you a massive favor you pussy

>> No.4377269


There's a way out corecuck.

Panic buy BCH.

Watch what happens.

Do it.

>> No.4377293 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4377294

>Buy my bags... I dare you... see what happens.


>> No.4377312 [DELETED] 
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Kek look at his ID

>> No.4377326

You don't get it.

I'm not selling.

Your buying would only result in you not being left broke at the expense of some other poor schmuck who doesn't know what's going on. Like your friends at cuckstream and wall street.

>> No.4377330

HAHAHA yea I'm terrified buddy. I just woke up +$14,918 from yesterday, how's your bch holding up, bud???

>> No.4377340


my fucking sides.

>> No.4377354

At least LINK marines post pink wojaks when they get JUSTed instead of acting all smug all the way down.

>> No.4377360


An order of magnitude less frozen than your BTC already.

You know where this rabbit hole ends motherfucker? Test me.

>> No.4377382

You gullible fucking 20 something year old newfuck, you don't know the magnitude of the mistake you're making. But its your fuckin money, be my guest faggot. Go ahead and blow it all away by trusting chinks.

>> No.4377397
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I honestly thought it was legit. I read most of the comments and they were laughing at Bcash so I figured it must be true. Then someone pointed out it was just a dumbass miner not knowing WTF they're doing. My bad bruh. Good news though, you're free!

>> No.4377403


Trust has nothing to do with it. That's what you stupid cunts never understood about this space.

You'll learn.

>> No.4377415


>> No.4377425 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4377462

Dude this is so fucking low effort. This board is dog shit, too many Chinese shills. Can we migrate some China hate threads from pol to here? You normie fucks need to know the type of insect people you're handing off your btc to.

>> No.4377471



>> No.4377503 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 450x768, yiENAIWC00e0VVnbAVitDqkSMEMwyc8zYVl0BQrZ4nU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please go back to your redditor safe space at /r/bitcoin

>> No.4377506
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>literally links a game of thrones video as an argument

This guy must be from reddit.

>> No.4377514

Why use bcash for payments when ETH, ZEC, and XMR are faster and better tech?

>> No.4377522
File: 66 KB, 918x572, DOhVulMWAAAR3Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The irony is that they are like the "Hilary actually won" posters (which were obviously satirical btw).

You can tell they are new to memeing a mile away.

>Hey that Trump stuffed worked in pol maybe it will work on those bitcoiners over in biz. Ni hao!

>> No.4377535


Not an argument.

Parodying position of opponent who believes in illusion over physics.


>> No.4377539

Oh cool, did you cash out? Nah of course you fucking didn't because you're one of those retards who genuinely believes BTC is a safe store of value.

You haven't made anything, those profits can and will disappear in the blink of an eye. All it takes is a tiny dip for BTC, and a tiny pump for BCH, and you're fucked. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

>> No.4377544

Honestly I'm just gonna wait till it hits near nothing and maybe buy some in the slight chance it rockets back up.

>> No.4377550 [DELETED] 
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The irony of your post

>> No.4377554
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Nice try, Freidbergenstein.

>> No.4377575
File: 126 KB, 1234x608, whatcouldpossiblygowrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah I'm sure hell be fine because reasons.

Fuck physics amirite?

>> No.4377625

Informal fallacy desu.

>> No.4377650

> <insert text> bcash
hehehe so funny

ETH performs way worse than bitcoin (as of now), upper limit only 15 ts/s. Also altcoins =/= bitcoin, you need services to support your coin. Bitcoin has the name already.

>> No.4377653

COPE my friend. Keep COPING. I did lose 30k over the weekend. But now I'm back up 72k. You're right I'll never cash out, this shit is going to 1 million, and your bags will only get heavier as I'm lifted to the stratosphere. Now how much skin you got in the game???? How much are you holding, pussy? Am I just arguing with some idiot with $500 on his coinbase?

>> No.4377668

13 blocks an hour.

More blocks is more money

>> No.4377764
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The X-axis of your graph spans the length of a movie.

Everyone has to learn these lessons at some point, kid. Pump over. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.4377787


Is it a pattern with you corecucks that you properly identify the nature of what is pointed out to you without realising that it is exactly the point that was meant to be communicated to you..?

>> No.4377808
File: 156 KB, 1235x618, ohdear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it is again you shortbus riding motherfucker.

Do you see it yet?

Are you getting it?

You're fucked.

This is not a bluff.

>> No.4377810

Lol if you tards had pulled your money from bch early you would've already made back your losses in bitcoin. Stay poor

>> No.4378037
File: 2.80 MB, 2168x3696, muhbigblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>((((((big blocks)))))))

>> No.4378045


I never understood why people think more miners means higher price

Moving bitcoin around just makes zero sense. Its a store of value.

>> No.4378074


I own both, son. No matter what happens, I'll win.

BCH can theoretically replace BTC, I don't deny that. But to do so, it would need better tech. For tech, you need devs. BCH doesn't have devs. It has ctrl+v code and a leader who spent time in prison for selling explosives.

I'm perfectly willing to accept what I see. And what I see is that a pump has ended.

I'm sorry for your loss but everyone has this moment in crypto. I hope you learn from yours.

>> No.4378112


Good. You're rationally ignorant about the issue here. You'll lose value in your BTC but retain it in your BCH. That's fine.

You really do not actually understand what is going on with an asset you're invested in, though, so I encourage you to do better research.

>> No.4378170

>store of value

Yeah I bet it'll stay as a store of value when you aren't able to move it at all.

>> No.4378171

Because they are deluded and clueless idiots, who are either emotionally attached to their investment and can't think straight because of that.

If BTC fails, so will BCH eventually, all trust will be lost if one shitty altcoin just manages to overthrow BTC for no apparent reason other than basically "for the lulz and greed". This is what everybody should be wary. Who wants another nuclear winter in crypto? I guess nobody.

So what if hashrate goes down for 2 weeks until difficulty is readjusted? Nothing. Maybe another swing and small BCH pump if they put money i it, but the momentum is lost. Don't be deluded to think you can win a second attempt with less power when the first attempt with more force already failed.

This is also the perfect proof that hashrate != price.

>> No.4378186

What happens when transaction fees become as expensive as bitcoin itself?

>> No.4378210


It's not for no reason. You think that because you don't understand the product. You're like a guy that just bought a car company that historically made the best cars, stripped it down to shit, and bitched mightily about how your stock tanked when the market went with competitors because it and you're all like "but they didn't stick with my brand".

I'm ashamed that this cancerous affliction seems to be so common in the west.

Understand your fucking business shit for brains.

>> No.4378224

don't own any bch, but how can btc supporters not be woried about its current instability with bch becoming more profitable to mine and btc's unconfirmed transactions continuing to grow? Most people on /biz/ just shut down any bch support and say that btc can't fail because its btc yet people on here have been presenting actual data that should give btc hodlers some sense of concern yet it doesnt..

>> No.4378227


Chain will be frozen from hash power starvation long before that point.

>> No.4378299

BTC will never die, even with no hashrate it'll just be traded as SOV by exchanges. Now why the fuck would I use BCH as a payment option when I can use ETH, ZEC, and XMR for faster transactions and privacy feutures. That's what you BCH shillers don't get. BCH a centralized chain will never be the legacy chain or the real bitcoin it's just a copy cat version of the Legacy chain with different features.

>> No.4378335

Theoretically that's the best thing that can happen to BTC. (IF) this happens, then only one time and from then on there will be a solution that fixes this once and for all. If price drops dramatically im gonna buy for sure some cheap BTC

>> No.4378348

Is biz really filled with this many cashcucks? Oh boy I can't wait to gloat as you stupid faggots get completely and irrevocably rekd

>> No.4378359

yeah BTC to BCH relationship feels a bit like Coca Cola to Pepsi... or Coca Cola to Dr.Pepper...

>> No.4378364

>make random comparisons with completely different topics

If you can't see this rationally beyond "brand loyalty" then you have no place in the investment sphere, because you're missing the grand scheme of things. Because it is not about that.

In any case, you are probably an assfucked and deluded bagholder who hopes to get rid of this shit anytime soon. But you won't, trust me. It will bleed for the next months. There is no chance now that this conglomerate of criminal fucktards will overthrow Bitcoin anymore. You sound like a naive teenager if you thing they would stage this coup for anything other than their personal gain.

>> No.4378381


k how much you gonna pay me for the bottom ton of Europa's ice sheet? Buyer must settle.

If you're not willing to buy frozen tons of ice on a moon you can't reach, why are you willing to buy frozen signature chains on an encrypted virtual drive you can't decrypt?

Is it because you're fucking stupid?


>> No.4378387

keep spreading your lies corecuck. BCH has multiple dev teams and is capable of implementing important changes via hardfork in a short timeframe while core devs haven't done anything worthwhile in years.

>> No.4378409


physics > your shit.


>> No.4378412

Or Coca Cola and some shitty Chinesse copy cat version

>> No.4378422


Shut the fuck up you deluded cashcuck

>> No.4378463

these dense core supporters are really just pair shills or salty alties afraid of their investments tanking because when BCH takes over most alts will lose their advantage over bitcoin.

>> No.4378518

Pretty much my reason behind hodling bitcoin, it already delivered

>> No.4378541
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who came up with the "I own both I win" meme`?

this is simply wrong.
BTC goes up -> BCH falls and vice versa.
Either way, you end up with 0 you twat.

>> No.4378558
File: 55 KB, 645x968, 1507594405907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about investment, get owned because of being obviously totally clueless in that sector
>refute with "physics > your shit"

What are you, some millennial dimwit? This is just sad.

>> No.4378580


He's a cashcuck, they're not well known for their intelligence

>> No.4378599


No, he's really right. And that's fair.

Imagine this was a war you didn't understand. You just want to mind your own fucking business and make transactions. You don't have an opinion on either side of the reason for the fork, and so you don't take a side.

You have equal credit with both factions.

Effectively a contentious hard fork is providing all stakeholders with tokens to resolve the dispute. But as long as they use the same proof of work, pulling resources from the same rivalrous pool, eventually their can be only one, and it will be the one with the control of the hashpower, which is the very concrete definition of skin in the game upon which the entire architecture of Bitcoin rests.

>> No.4378602
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Just barely getting out of stage five desu, realized if we hold long enough we might see my money back one day.

>> No.4378619


>thinks "any sector" > physics.


>> No.4378632
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1510491687261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, I am arguing for BTC and you even fail to realize that. There is literally no hope for you.

I haven't seen such a huge amount of angry morons for quite some time.on 4chan since the "flippening" created legions of bagholders who lost hundreds of thousands.

>> No.4378648

Oh, I am also dumb, I wrongfully accused you. Sorry! Looked at the wrong ID.

Nvm, the Cash drama is still sad.

>> No.4378652

He's 100% right though. It's clear from some of the garbage you've spouted in this thread that you're fairly delusional about the value of your "investment".

Lets take this chestnut for example

>So what if hashrate goes down for 2 weeks until difficulty is readjusted? Nothing

Yeah, so what if the BTC network becomes completely unusable for two weeks. Do you read the shit you are typing? The extent of your genius "investment" knowledge is "durr BTC will retain it's value because it's BTC".

>> No.4378653

as an astrophysics BS, physics has precisely nothing to do with market action

>> No.4378664

Lol BCH Marines exist already.

>> No.4378677
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learn crypto.

>> No.4378694

>this time it must be different than the other 3894124356 times so far even though I have no valid argument and just jump to conclusions

Ok buddy, baghold more. You guys are just sad, there are not even funny memes. You're just in denial.

>> No.4378722

>durr hurr this hasn't happened before so it won't happen
perfect logic homie cx

>> No.4378751



Your "analyses" are completely worthless so far. BTC surged away like a motherfucker and left BCH in the dust and doesn't even fucking try to stop. What other proof do you deluded dimwits even need in order to be less emotionally attached to you investment and see the cold hard facts. But ok, just lose your money and give it to rational thinking people.

Your denial is just costing you. But ok, this time it will be different LOL, get fudded and cold feet every other time while other people are making serious money.

>> No.4378770
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Ofc, there will always be a slew of biztards chasing the pump and end up buying ATH
mass suicide inc.

>> No.4378775

That fucking (((ID)))

>> No.4378792


You're still not getting it.

You realise that thing you're gloating about right now? You just paid the enemy to buy more soldiers. And you cost him literally fucking nothing because he owns both sides of the game.

You're going to get burned kid.

>> No.4378800
File: 48 KB, 253x229, tumblr_o0y977rrgc1v0pigno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a comfy run tho'
Made 5x my investment in a few days

>> No.4378847

The only guy getting burned is you. And you bet your ass I am gloating that you delusional BCC dimwits get your ass handed and hope everybody that supported this drama loses so much money he has to wagecuck for the rest of his life.

>"lets support a band of criminal warmongers out of greed and spite and feel morally superior"

This is just a whole new dimension of delusion that not even the combined forces of ARKIES or LINKIES could get close to.

protip: money doesn't care about your ideology and meme lines anyway, it only cares about multiplying itself, and in this situation: BCC -> less money, BTC -> more money

>> No.4378853

>3894124356 times so far

God you are desperate. There have been 2 major BCH pumps so far and each one brought the BTC network closer to the brink. The recent BCH hard fork makes it even easier for it to maintain mining profitability over BTC next time it pumps.

The BCH network can survive a sustained loss of hashrate. The BTC one can't. It's that simple. Feel free to respond with another ad hom because you've run out of arguments

>> No.4378859
File: 30 KB, 303x457, 1509782624251~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your best memory of crypto?

Mine is that I didn't get into Chainlink ICO by 1 block. Also lmao at LINK price.

>> No.4378875


Zimbabwean central bank should contact you for validation I guess.

>> No.4378879

denial. keep losing money. the more time keeps passing, the more my arguments are confirmed. maybe take a look at the charts so far.

>> No.4378919


Here's what the charts say;

> corecucks throwing money hand over fist to pay for enemy soldiers
> corecucks loading their own soldiers down with n% more weight.
> corecucks still apparently unaware that both sides of battle are cryptographic manifestations of hardware they don't control.

Please continue.

Is Gregory Maxwell your boss, or are you his? Can I get an org chart or what?

>> No.4378923

lmao what arguments? You haven't responded to a single one of my points.

>> No.4378930
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>Trust has nothing to do with it.
The delusion of cashcuck bagholders

>> No.4378933

Bought 100,000,000 BCH and feeling confident. Things are looking great for the future!

>> No.4378940

I wonder if I should keep taunting this guy for the tilt or just let him assfuck himself with his ignorance some more. Which would hurt more. Hmmmm.

>> No.4378969

It's over, lads. We're below the launch day market valuation again now. I fully expect another three month slow bleed, but without the vanity pump at the end this time.

I can't believe we lost.

>> No.4378992

Sorry dude, but it still has quite a bit to go down. Cut your losses and sell now, get back in around 0.1.

>> No.4379013


>loses humongous amounts of money in BCH with other people and a shitload of opportunity cost while not being in BTC
>other guy is completely the opposite and wants others to understand why
>"I wonder if I should keep taunting this guy for the tilt or just let him assfuck himself with his ignorance some more. Which would hurt more. Hmmmm."

This levels of delusions is just a new meta. It is just getting silly.

>> No.4379041


You're looking at the wrong charts son.

You'll learn.

>> No.4379064
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Sure will. Never heard that before.
>"BTC will die, but you'll learn."

>> No.4379079

Youäre forgetting the reason why hash power is less important than you believe:

No miner wants to waste their power mining a coin which nobody wants because Jihan cornered the market before it even launched.

>> No.4379088
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Want to buy more soldiers for us with another wave of wallstreetbux?

>> No.4379101
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>> No.4379112
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I guess the discussion is over anyway. Nobody believes the shit except a few deluded idiots and evil fucktards like you who want other people to lose money. I don't, thats why I tell them not to fall into your traps.

You will eternally baghold.

>> No.4379115

>No miner wants to waste their power mining a coin which nobody wants because Jihan cornered the market before it even launched.

No miner, really? That's weird, because it currently has 20% hashrate despite lower profitability, and at it's peak had around 70% hashrate.

>> No.4379129

There is no discussion bro, you're not making any arguments. It's pretty pathetic to be honest.

>> No.4379149


Son, this is the last time I'm going to say this, but what you believe? Doesn't fucking matter.

The graph you just tried to ignore demonstrates that the wallstreetbux you just threw at us has us accomplishing the same actual useful work 90% more easily than your crippled chain, and we just stole 50% of your soldiers.

Care to try again? I'm feeling lucky.

>> No.4379180

Jihan has covered half of Mongolia in his fucking token farm. Itäs all him.

Also, your answer to my claim that not all miners will follow short term profit was literally: "BCH has 20% of the mining, even though it isn't as profitable".

Sublime own goal.

>> No.4379199
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>please buy my bcash bags

>> No.4379208


>corecuck doesn't understand mining.

>> No.4379268

>Also, your answer to my claim that not all miners will follow short term profit

What? That wasn't your claim at all. This was your claim:

>No miner wants to waste their power mining a coin which nobody wants because Jihan cornered the market before it even launched.

These are not the same kiddo.

>> No.4379299

Don't try and tell me what I was saying just because you were too stupid to deduce it for yourself.
entry level deflection attempt.

>> No.4379341

>keep spreading your lies corecuck.

How many times do I have to say I own both?

>who came up with the "I own both I win" meme`?
>this is simply wrong.
>BTC goes up -> BCH falls and vice versa.
>Either way, you end up with 0 you twat.

Unlike you, I wasn't born yesterday. I have both because I've been hodling since well before the fork. No matter which coin ends up being the dominant coin, I'll own it. Which is what winning, in this context, actually means.

>You really do not actually understand what is going on with an asset you're invested in, though, so I encourage you to do better research.

If you're right how come reality is failing to conform to your predictions?

>> No.4379350

I'm not trying to tell you what you were saying, I quoted you directly and pointed out that the two statements you claim are the same are objectively different.

>> No.4379362
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>> No.4379368


You're looking at the etch-a-sketch your intern is playing with and claiming reality doesn't conform to our predictions, whilst ignoring the megawatts worth of hashing power that are doing exactly what we have been pointing out they would all along.

Your lights are going out.

>> No.4379482


Like I said, it doesn't matter to me. I have both.

I just don't agree with your nostradamus act, don't respect the criminals running your coin and don't believe in its message, or wtv you want to call it.

If it wins, it makes absolutely zero difference to me. All I'm saying is I see you screaming cuck at people like an emotional woman. You're not convincing me.

Do you want to? Lay it all out in one post.

>> No.4379524


I don't know who you are. So I don't particularly care if I convince you. I can see you've basically made a rational choice in not picking a side in a conflict you don't really understand.

If http://i.4cdn.org/biz/1510762755518.png doesn't make sense to you, then there's no way you're going to understand the situation.

>> No.4379814

>I don't know who you are. So I don't particularly care if I convince you.

You've made 36 posts, in this thread alone, screaming at people and now, when asked to lay out a rational case, you say you don't care.

You've been here for 4 fucking hours. You care.

Now lay it out. I'm actually willing to listen since I understand money doesn't care about our emotions.

>> No.4379825

essentially, just buy BTC guys. it will be worthless eventually.

>> No.4379957


Also, I want to add, re the issue of larger block sizes and the contention that doing that to BTC would essentially make it BCH, there's really nothing to stop that from happening, right?

I mean, some company was developing translation technology for real-time irl interactions and google just adapted its own translation tech to create Pixel Buds. Byebye startup.

What makes BCH's situation any less precarious? And why will the same situation described in http://i.4cdn.org/biz/1510762755518.png not apply to BCH and the next would-be king if a flip does occur?

>> No.4379980


I care that the information is out there. But I can't make you understand it. That's up to you.

> Simply put; there is only a single pool of rivalrous SHA256 hashing capacity and BCH is competing for it with BTC, but BCH is able to amend its bids once every ten minutes, and BTC is only able to amend its bids after 2016 blocks.

> Worst case scenario, the BTC chain is effectively permanently frozen, with inadequate hashing power to mine blocks and a difficulty adjustment pushed far into the distant time horizon to compensate.

That really is as simplified as it can possibly get I'm afraid.

>> No.4380044

>biztards actually bought the top
>cash marines is now a thing

Hahahaha I called this shit on discord.


Don't soil physics with your bullshit you ignorant fuckhead.

>> No.4380055 [DELETED] 
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lmao le humble explosive salesman

>> No.4380071


It would. If the competitor was actually superior as a blockchain, compared with an old one that was unable to transact at all because it attempted to circumvent the mechanism of decentralised proof of work, as BTC has done.

>> No.4380080 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4380097

>every real coin rises compared to usd
>shitcoins drop
really makes you hmm

>> No.4380105

I like the criminal narrative. Do you know what happened when Bitcoin XT was about to do to BTC what BCH will now do? Blockstream DDoS'd all the nodes. Do you know what Blockstream is? It's a for profit company started by the god damn traitors who took over open source Bitcoin. Do you know what their goal is? They're turning Bitcoin into a cash cow. All the transfer fees will go to them. They're essentially the central bank of Bitcoin. Blockstream Coin is not Satoshi's Bitcoin, even fucking Gavin said it. BCH is definitely the good guys in this fight. Not that any of that matters. All that matters is who wins.. and that's BCH. BTC will face chaindeath unless they implement a new DAA, but at that point it would probably be too late..

>> No.4380109

100 sats sell it now or sell it then. bch is cursed. until it hits 100 sats and jihan is dead the curse remains

>> No.4380143

End of Friday when big investment groups cant react

>> No.4380157
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>You've made 36 posts, in this thread alone

A man has to eat, why can't you let him do his job in peace man?

>> No.4380167

>Worst case scenario

For you or the people you're getting emotional about?

>> No.4380190


For anyone that is holding BTC at the time.

>> No.4380209

Why you still trying to steal my link?!

>> No.4380227


If this is true, I hope BTC dies. I feel like a broken record at this point but, like I said, I didn't sell either after the fork so, financially speaking, it doesn't matter to me.

>> No.4380246


Thanks for the info. I hope wtv you do works out for you.

>>4380227 <--

>> No.4380248
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Why do all cashies ignore that BCH can't handle the amount of transactions BTC deals with either? Even if BCH was the dominant coin, it would still have high fees too. High fees are a good thing, it makes people not want to transfer or sell it with little or no reason.

>> No.4380256

>t. guy who doesn't even know how lightning works

>> No.4380419

wtf? everything you just said is false.

>> No.4380482



>> No.4380542
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I think the I found the reason why the bittrex whale keeps flashing his cock at the 0.10 mark. A collapse would trigger panic selling and then a bearish trend on the 1 day candles.

>> No.4380596

This is pretty interesting, we're gonna solid support at ~0.25 by December otherwise this shit's going down hard.

>> No.4380768

The vaporware that is always 18 months away? Yeah, I don't think anyone does..

>> No.4380839

LN will be implemented when it is most profitable to implement it... Right when bcash is about to beat btc. ((They)) will let others buy in and short the bell out of cash when it's at its apex. Then they'll implement the fix and kill off cash for good.

>> No.4380993
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>all the obvious (((blockstream))) shills itt
>just like the shareblue shills on /pol/ last year


>> No.4381009 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4381011

When Bitcoin is about to beat Blockstream Coin it's already too late for Blockstream Coin. It would have already died last weekend had Bitcoin's old DAA not kicked in. I feel quite bad for people who are buying BTC right now. Soon their investment will be worthless.

>> No.4381438

Checked and agreed, I've told everyone to get out, why would they buy something that will be more expensive to use? It's like buying a Ferrari that will cost fuckload more in gas without any benefit. Most have taken the advice

>> No.4381496


>> No.4381536

This Bcash Bitcoin feud is ruining crypto...

>> No.4381799

No. It's necessary. This is the big test. They subverted the original human infrastructure and exercise control to tailor the narrative to their liking. They've attained absolute control of all the traditional channels of power.

And now proof of work will turn around and rip their faces off, adversarially validating nakamoto consensus in anger for all time to come.

It's happening.

>> No.4381828

Possible Bitcoin correction could open things up for BCH, at least in the short term. TA confirmed.


>> No.4381835


there ae reasons

>> No.4381837

>proof of work

When are we gonna drop that piece of shit concept and figure out something better?

>> No.4381906
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>instead of admitting that he was dumb enough to buy into a P+D shitcoin, the idiot tries to delude himself into thinking his newfound bags are actually worth huge amounts

It's time to be a big boy. Admit that you got tricked, sell at a loss and move on.

>> No.4381917

Proof of stake will work when you can figure out how you can chain your bike to itself to prevent theft.

Proof of work is good. It imposes market discipline and skin in the game external to the ledger upon the infrastructure. It's not a waste. It's a necessary purchase.

>> No.4381933

>It's not a waste.

It's a huge fucking waste. Fingers crossed that proof of space and time will end up not being a bunch of bullshit

>> No.4381951

>still above 1.2k

Blockstream employee, please leave

>> No.4382024
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Oh nice, the deluded BCH idiots still keep themselves busy and ignorant to not face their bad decision making. Way to go, cucklets. Lose more money.

>muh price of BTC must go down because hashrate
>BTC price still rising
>be still ignorant and say BTC must go down because hashrate
>BTC price still rising
>say same things again and never be convinced that MAYBE isn't correlating after all
>BTC price still rising
>BTC price still rising
>BTC price still rising

This is the very new meta level of delusions.

>> No.4382040

Bram corecucks, so I'm suspicious.

Will see though.

>> No.4382058

>muh price of BTC must go down because hashrate

That's not how this works.

That's not how any of this works.

>> No.4382099

But anon, that is what 95% of all BCH holders are deluding themselves at the moment. They are literally grasping straws that NOW when BTC loses 20% or more hashrate, suddenly due to some miracle works BTC also loses 20% of its price and BCH gains equal amount. To bad that all these guys who claim to have "technical understanding of mining" don't have the slightest clue about how the markets work and what factors determine the price.

>> No.4382107
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>the absolute state of cashcucks
you greedy brainlet subhuman brown monkeys deserve to have your money taken from you. im glad you 90% retards exist so we, the 10%, can make riches.


>> No.4382174


Look I'm going to make it simple for you with a folksy metaphor. That's how politicians are supposed to do this shit right?

Hash rate checks into hotel BCH any time it likes, but it will never want to leave. Because that's how it gets paid best.

>> No.4382193


>> No.4382210


Don't hodl, sell and buy more at 0.13, 0.12, 0.11

>> No.4382212

Be glad you did. Next month they might not even covered your morning coffee.

>> No.4382220
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Nobody knows what you are even talking about. Something completely off-topic. But okay, feel intellectually superior and hold your BCH bags.

>> No.4382374

Oh yeah it'll never want to leave even though profitability is going down right now. And getting paid in a currency that's falling like a rock is how you get "paid best" LOL.

>> No.4382523
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I literally FOMO bought at 2500. Just fuck my shit up. How can someone be so unlucky?

>> No.4382569
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>Don't worry guys, Jihan's hardfork will make sure BCH is always more profitable to min-

>> No.4382593

wanna explain this to us ?

>> No.4382626

Not sure if troll, but yeah."unlucky". Not braindead, retarded, idiotic, dumb, or anything else.

>> No.4382710

Blockchain.info just announced full BCH support, the first of many companies no doubt.

The herd is coming. Jump on the BCH gravytrain.

>> No.4382889


>> No.4383159

You just want to believe in good things, nothing wrong about that, but it is a mortal sin in crypto.

>> No.4383316


>> No.4383348

>realized if we hold long enough we might see my money back one day.

no that's stage 2

>> No.4384141

moon mission get in here


>> No.4384150


>> No.4384215

No that's 4, bargaining.
the progression is staggering