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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4328382 No.4328382 [Reply] [Original]

Who here wants to own a strip club, porn studio or brothel?

We discuss upfront costs

Opportunities for expanding the business.

What are the downsides?
>need a lot of back up money since entertainment business can be tricky
Don't have the answers to these but here is an article.



>> No.4328397

Why would you want to own a depressing bussines as that?

>> No.4328451
File: 14 KB, 645x773, 1510403862939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naked girls

>> No.4328452

I've actually been strongly considering starting a porn website dedicated to verbal domination (look it up). Cucks get off on the idea of a woman insulting them, think of it as POV humiliation.

I wouldn't even need to leave me house. If I can get girls online to produce content for me, I could create (or pay someone to create) a website and sell these videos.

>> No.4328454

It's not going to be depressing. It's going to be AMAZING.

Here is how my life will go

I will run these cool af businesses.
>real estate
>exotic car rentals
>yacht rentals
>aircraft rentals
>chauffer service
>strip club
>maybe playboy???

>> No.4328476

>degenerate women
>desperate beta men
>night/weekend work
>constant trouble
>constant dealing with several women

>> No.4328477

Okay, you lost all credibility.

Is anyone here actually serious?.. drop your Kik.

>> No.4328512

because he cant get laid

>> No.4328575

Yeah I am serious.
>make 100k starting in may(should be 150k with overtime)
>save up money with my bro for a real estate loan
>work up real estate and then do exotic car rentals
>continue real estate and move up to yacht rentals
>should have money here for strip clubs

>> No.4328600

make 100k with what?

>> No.4328627

I'm going to be test analyst or maybe a project manager in IT

>> No.4328675

You're wagecucking your way to 100k?
OP r u drunk with your stripclub idea?

>> No.4328707

Why would you start so many completely separate businesses, you're just making it harder for yourself.

>> No.4328716

has /biz/ always been full of underaged posters or am i just growing up

>> No.4328724

this, OP put your weed down.

>> No.4328744

I'm not drunk. Maybe a little high. The job should bring in 80-110k and I'll live on 20k. With experience, my salary will increase to about 250k if I'm in managerial. So that's like 200k coming in every year to support my businesses. On top of that, I can pull out loans with 10% down payments. So I can get like 4-5 mil with 500k if it's for real estate.

>> No.4328770

Get real man, put the weed down.

Close this thread mods pls.

>> No.4328816
File: 1.25 MB, 1205x1600, 5eaa13b5-b845-49eb-9661-f05040142482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me $10k and I'll make a realistic business for you, from scratch.

>> No.4328817

:manboss: go to bed

>> No.4328828

Lmao, really? It seems like a great plan. Work my ass off for some hundred thousands and put that money down for some sick loans.

>> No.4328916

>op works ass off for 10 years
>gets saves $500k, gets another 1.5 mil loan
>opens strip club, thinking it will be like some retarded movie
>loses everything, owes millions
>now wagecucking to support 6 floozies that sued him
>never even got to fuck them

>> No.4328937

I remember you from my last thread how I wasn't going to make it.

I signed up for that IT class and put the rest of my crypto in BCH.

We have similar goals. I don't want to own a strip club though, just have enough money to buy out strippers for the week and throw wild parties in a penthouse apartment, or take them to Hawaii for a week long drug/sex marathon, you feel me?

We're both gonna make it.

>> No.4328979

Seriously, just start a fetish porn site.

>> No.4329010

start a brothel of sex dolls, they're the future, not joking

>> No.4329013

Hell yeah man! Glad you took the course. 8) My friends are going to take it too. You could get a remote job by just working on your laptop.

>> No.4329137

>op opens a strip club
>local mobsters come and waste him for competing on their turf

>> No.4329145

Yeah I would want to own a strip club.
> Be owner
> Have sex with strippers

Pretty much it.

>> No.4329760

what a dumb thread
OP, take it from someone who's worked in strip clubs for years... you're not gonna make it.

>> No.4329794


>> No.4330008


>> No.4330052
File: 45 KB, 525x429, 1509993566436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god imagine this scrawny ass white boy thinking he can just start and run a strip club. This place is so fuckin funny.

>> No.4330196

A bit of both

>> No.4330264
File: 72 KB, 1280x768, bada-bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good time to me, OP.

>> No.4330264,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

i know the chicks kik of the img u posted. give me her reddit in return. got discord?

>> No.4330264,2 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 


i know the chicks kik of the img u posted. give me her reddit in return. got discord?

>> No.4330264,3 [INTERNAL] 


i know the chicks kik of the img u posted. give me her reddit in return. got discord?