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File: 42 KB, 1094x492, 10k here we come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4326928 No.4326928 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the latest BCH scare is over, 10k is our next target price

>> No.4326956

It will be the crypto eclipse.
BCH and BTC will rise and connect on the hour
and when it does, the reversal shall happen. Anyone that did not listen will lose. Those that believed will prevail. I am warning everyone, please DYOR.

>> No.4326980
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>Those TA lines

KEK! Made me chuckle good!

>> No.4326992

bch is pumping
btc done

>> No.4327001

I am worred for my brethrens...
the time has come. Fate has decided this since the earliest of times. Get out of BTC or you will lose.

>> No.4327059
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>mfw btc will always be the center of attention

>> No.4327496

we're not done. We will see 5k before we see 10k

>> No.4327510

>Now that the latest BCH scare is over
BCH is at 1600 USD. Corecucks will post so many pink wojaks tomorrow night, it's going to be glorious.

>> No.4327548

someone post that BCH shitting BTC meme.

>> No.4327555


Those are some high quality meme lines friend.

Just bought 100k

>> No.4327575
File: 341 KB, 1011x679, 10K NEVER EVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotcha senpai...

>> No.4327609

top kek. many thanks for the spiciest of memes.

>> No.4327700

Not yet.
I agree with this guy. It'll get down to 5k or maybe even lower before the next run begins.

>> No.4327719

we'll see 10k, but it'll be from BCH not BTC.

>> No.4327745

cant wait to post this in 3 months when BCC is back to where it was a week ago.

This isnt the first time we've had a flippening scare. What about ETH? What about XRP? You guys are such short-sighted idiots with short memories. This is all part of the FUD to crash Bitcoin price a bit more for the whales to accumulate cheap BTC.

Every single FUCKING time some shitcoin moons you guys scramble to shill it, and then every single FUCKING time after it crashes i see tons and tons of ">doubting the king" posts.

Imbeciles, all of you. All except this guy>>4327700

>> No.4327750

>we'll see 10k, but it'll be from BCH not BTC.
Yep, and when that happens BCH will be crowned 'The One True Bitcoin'.

The BTC fork was always destined to be a scam.

>> No.4327771
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when will corecucks stop humiliating themselves like this? do they enjoy it?

>> No.4327800


>> No.4327817

What people keep defending 50$ transaction fees and days of confirmation time

>> No.4328060

who gives a fuck??? Nobody does. We've had those problems for ages and BTC keeps mooning. BCC fixed all the BTC problems months ago, and nobody cared because it didnt moon. It dumped, and had one small pump months after.

BCC in its current state is a pump and dump, and all the flippening is just shilling to pump up the price. After this run, BCC will end up like XRP, a long long downtrend

>> No.4328100
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i could post this all day long. Seems like you are still at denial

>> No.4328160

I thought I had a really good argument, seems like all you can do is shitpost.

Fundamentals do not decide stock prices. It's people's reactions to these fundamentals. Every major new network has been shilling BTC to normies for a couple months now, you think all this new money is so well versed in Bitcoin news that they know about BCC and will part with their freshly shilled BTC bags for BCC now?

1 week ago nobody cared about BCC. Tell me why they do now, without mentioning the fact that it solves all of BTC's problems. It's been doing that for months and no one cared till it started mooning

>> No.4328184


just get in bch its mooning again. take off your blinders

>> No.4328196

Here is my argument. BTC is based on believe, because nobody uses. BTC is store of value where the value comes from holding bytes. BCH wants to be valuable because people use it as cash

>> No.4328215

>Now that the latest BCH scare is over
This shit is dropping like a

>> No.4328257

>TFW I bought $1000 in BTC @ 7k on coinbase and still awaiting it to verify into account
How can I stop this?

>> No.4328258

Nobody uses anything in the way its intended yet. No one uses BTC for transactions and no one uses BCC as cash. It's all speculation right now.

Ive been in the game long enough to not doubt the king anymore, we've had too many up and comers try and fail.

I guess I'll check back in a month and see which of us was right.

>> No.4328265

but if BTC can be eclipsed and lose 50-95% of its value, then any crypto can be flippened in the future and no crypto will ever be safe.

>> No.4328306

Holy shit are you serious? BTC is designed to be useless for now? BTC 4k by tomrrow now i also believe that

>> No.4328330

That's why you don't buy from Coinbase. You probably won't have it for another week if not two. Link your Coinbase to Gdax so you can buy with lower fees and actually receive it in a reasonable time.

>> No.4328331

not what it's designed for, what it's actually being used for. I'm saying we're still so early into blockchain tech that no one is actually using it in anyway. All the XRP partnerships with banks, etc it's all premature. I dont know what the future brings but I dont think BCC will eclipse BTC, especially not for the fundamental reasons you mentioned. Maybe if it gets shilled hard enough, but I even doubt that.

>> No.4328351
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>> No.4328362
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>BTC was designed for that

>> No.4328458

lol some of us have been hearing this shit for 5 years, not 5 weeks like most of you. BTC could crash 80-85 percent and I still made more than 99 percent of you bch shills ever will
most people here couldnt care less and cant see anything beyond a day at a time, thats why most of them are neets in the first place

>> No.4328489
File: 125 KB, 1322x886, 1510464566236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4328546


Stop posting this meme picture.

>> No.4328548
File: 58 KB, 1243x605, calm down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in a clear uptrend, dont listen to these chinese pumpers

>> No.4328579

This exact picture happened to almost every alt. Bitcoiners think they are immutable to any crash

>> No.4328583

stfu with your 1 minute candles

>> No.4328592


BTC is not hitting 10k... it will not even exist in a few more days

Miners switched back to legacy for the next couple hours or so to bring down unconfirmed transactions so people can liquidate there legacy

>> No.4328597 [DELETED] 

look closer. Each candle is one DAY

>> No.4328609

Please show volume next time so we can see how much BTC is actually getting dumped

>> No.4328663

>listening to someone who can't read what candles a chart has or use the proper "their"

try harder, pajeet

today's daily candle has almost the same volume as mid September, the day bitcoin bottomed at 3k after the dump from 5k.

>> No.4328664

Ok, that's not true. You'll see BTC at least existing for at least a few more months. Then exchanges will start to relabel BCH as BTC and that'll be the death blow.

>> No.4328695
File: 51 KB, 960x540, 1504086833487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're going to shit bricks tomorrow lmao

>> No.4329530

>log scale


>> No.4329559

It's also happened to Bitcoin at least twice before.

>> No.4330265

this is the expert ta of a btc hodler
watch as he falls into despair when bcc pumps tonight after setting up for half a day
then when btc recovers in probably more than a month, he'll be saying how hodling is the truth just because he is a bad trader

>> No.4330632
File: 159 KB, 1539x967, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4330690


Set your buy orders at 4800, then we'll see 10-15k

BTC and BCH will learn to live harmoniously and it will send them both off on rockets, bringing in a year of glorious crypto gains that will butter your altcoin bread for months to come.

>> No.4330699


I call 4850 the bottom

>> No.4331254
File: 923 KB, 1024x1024, galaxy-s8-stock-wallpapers-themefoxx-full-6-1-1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no flippening. Rather Bitcoin is going to sleep for a bit. We may see the 4k range and crypto as a whole crippled for a while. Remember - institutions aren't fully operational during the weekends, people go out and and news releases aren't as widely heard. I think the real pain is yet to come as all the new money gets scared off. Is the thought of the government intervening with regulations plausible? Wall Street and big money aren't the ones pulling the strings for once.

That being said...

Tokens/coins that aren't garbage have ETH or USDT pairings on numerous exchanges so altcoins can carry on should BTC become crippled. There will be capital flow to ASIC coins like VTC bc they're trendy right now.

Monero will go up 30-40% in the coming weeks as people lose trust in Bitcoin. XMR is what BTC wishes it could be. A store of value needs to be fungible and private - Bitcoin is neither.

No one trusts BCH/Wu/Ver except fanboys and those in on the pump. Just know they will manipulate the market again and probably sooner than you expect.

>> No.4331270

fucking corecuck detected.

>> No.4331744

I'm in the same boat as you. Afaik there's nothing we can do.

>> No.4331906

you bought in at the top too, didn't ya? ;) keep shilling on 4chan I'm sure it'll influence... someone