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File: 137 KB, 584x438, tumblr_o6zwzvD1pQ1tvhjyno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4317973 No.4317973 [Reply] [Original]

You're all being deceived
If you support BCH you support corruption

>> No.4317983

Core cucks getting desperate

>> No.4317982

Guys you need to buy Bitcoin cash now, you can still get like 4 bitcoins for your old CoreSegwitJewCoin if you catch my drift. Please, I went in all on 0.26 and belive in the floppening, thanks for showing me the light biz it really made me think and even the logo is green so it can only go up. Just get some Bitcoin cash guys you got the pole position in buying it before the "normies" have to get in at a 2:1 ratio, yes 2:1 you will see so if you wanna be rich get in now

>> No.4317989

Ill just follow IBM to my Stellar safe space.

>> No.4317993

stop spamming this in every thread you shilling faggot

>> No.4317997

If you support BTC you support corruption too.
Support neither, but buy BCH anyway because the flippening is real. Then sell when it gets high and get into ethereum and wait for the next flippening.

The kind of proof of work BTC and BCH uses will be discredited when it becomes to apparent to even normies that 5-7 people can decide to flip one proof of work currency for another to become a 100bn+ marketcap king.

>> No.4318013

Also a decent choice.

>> No.4318040
File: 201 KB, 1267x568, blockstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you support bitcoin core (btc) you are supporting corruption, you have been mislead. They are openly talking about scrapping Satoshis whitepaper. They think high fees and transaction times is a feature. They are moving transactions off-chain, centralizing it all in the hands of a few powerful players. They are owned by AXA and other assorted multinational NWO corporations.

>> No.4318048

Oi you cunt stop shilling , no one wants your roger ver cuntcoin

>> No.4318052
File: 421 KB, 967x784, 1510434261468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people behind bitcoin core

>> No.4318076
File: 162 KB, 800x577, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin core planned centralization

>> No.4318096


>> No.4318101
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average bitcoin core developer


>> No.4318130
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>> No.4318194
File: 577 KB, 893x895, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do you think "segwit" is? I feel like people that think it's major enough to rename Bitcoin in their heads to that probably don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.4318238
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>> No.4318295
File: 48 KB, 750x1178, vt0seu386gxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4318301

Spoilers for anyone curious: it's an optional transaction format that's better prune-able (so it can take less hard drive space to store and is quicker for new clients to sync up than an old-style transaction) and also is immune to the transaction malleability issue (so you can safely create transactions using outputs from not-yet-confirmed transactions. Useful if you want to make a few transactions within a single block, and indispensable if you want to do fancy timelock/contract stuff with not-yet-broadcasted transactions).

>> No.4319004

God bless you anon for speaking sense. BCH goes far against Satoshi's vision.

>> No.4319050

>stop replying to my reply
>none of my actions should have reactions

this is what cashcucks believe.