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4296764 No.4296764 [Reply] [Original]

>100,000 unconfirmed BTC transactions


>> No.4296829
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give kek your digits and BCH will be BTC tonight

>> No.4296859

Had to wait like 2 hours last night to get 1st confirmation with premium fee

>> No.4296877


Welcome to the fun of Jihan and co trying to kill off the competition

>> No.4296889

>look at Jihan trying to kill Bitcoin by making a superior product
Fuck off, commi-cuck.

>> No.4296917

This is fucked. Waiting a couple of hrs to get this shitcoin onto local bitcoins to dump on some sucker even with $10 in fees.

>> No.4296945

What an idiot. Do you understand that BCH would have the same problems if it was as popular as Bitcoin?

>> No.4296963

8mb blocks so 8x more transactions. You dumb or what?

>> No.4297031

and 8 x more centralisation as the bandwidth required to run a node becomes out of reach for everyone except corporate entities just as Jihad and Vermin intend.
Centralised bitcoin based upon micro transactions means it becomes a censorable, glorified visa or PayPal just as the kikes and their chink partners are aiming for.

>> No.4297045

Jihan it's a literal chinese communist with ties to the CCP, nice projecting though

>> No.4297053

Did you just describe bitcoin segwit? Off-chain transactions will centralize and make bitcoin way more easily censorable than miner centralization every could hope to do, bitcoin corecuck is the kike bankster bitcoin subversion

>> No.4297068
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Yeah cos miners have to spend so much money to host a couple of GB blockchain. It will cripple them if it becomes 100GB. Not like you can get a 128GB SD card for 100 odd bucks.

>> No.4297084

>Did you just describe bitcoin segwit?
He clearly described the 8MB blocksize BCH uses, segwit increases usable space in the block without increasing block size
>Off-chain transactions will centralize and make bitcoin way more easily censorable than miner centralization every could hope to do
It doesn't, try to explain why it does
>PROTIP: You can't
>bitcoin corecuck is the kike bankster bitcoin subversion
Keep projecting communist chinkwhore
The chain is way over 100 GB right now fucking newfag, 8MB blocks will make it increase 100GB every few weeks
And it's not about the storage, it's about the bandwidth illiterate chink

>> No.4297096

If BCH had as much network usage and transactions per second as BTC there would probably be like 70,000 unconfirmed transactions.

Both networks are shit and unscalable, its the problem with how Bitcoin is designed; a higher block size is not the end-all solution

>> No.4297217

Yes. Bitcoin is designed to run on as decentralised a network as possible. This is a core principle that will not be sacrificed to satisfy greater transaction processing speed. That is the trade-off given the bandwidth currently available to many independent users. As bandwidth capacity increases to users in the future so can block size.

However the chinks and kikes pushing bitcoin cash hate decentralisation because that means control is in the hands of a greater number of smaller entities. That is not the way kikes and gooks operate. They want the power to change the rules of the network to maximise their profit or shut it down completely if it becomes to large a threat to established currencies and financial markets. They will gladly sacrifice the core principle of network decentralisation by forcing the false narrative that bitcoin MUST compete with the centralised payment networks such as visa etc to survive through demanding larger block sizes.

>> No.4297228

Kek, nobody will buy your retarded propaganda, it's literally 100% the opposite.

>> No.4297236


>> No.4297241
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>> No.4297324

102k unconfirmed now ;)

>> No.4297617
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>> No.4297640

You idiot, the less useful it is for transactions the less people will be interested in it and the less decentralised it will be. I can't wait in a year from now when either the BTC marines are made a joke or when they defend 30 hour confirmation times.

>> No.4297799

>literal chinese communist
He is literally a capitalist though

>> No.4297814

Confirmed for not knowing what youy are talking about. 8MB is the blocksize limit, it doesn't mean that every block will be exactly 8MBs.

>> No.4297851

>max blocks 8mb over 10 minutes
>bandwidth problem

>> No.4297862

it's just that,
it's not...

>> No.4297881 [DELETED] 


Who cares if they're unconfirmed, we're grown adults I believe the transaction...no need for (((CONFIRMATION)))

We need a true liberty coin without the red tape!

>> No.4297947

>muh digital gold

Get the fuck off of ledddit you tard

>> No.4298551


BCH as a base currency is inching closer by the hour.

>> No.4298619
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I don’t want to be “that guy,” but look at ETH. More transactions than BTC and BCH combined, with now backlog, and plans to massively scale up the network with sharding.

Money skeleton actually thought this out.

Disclaimer: I hold all 3.

>> No.4298661

Bitcoin's Immutabil though

>> No.4298664
File: 1015 KB, 964x995, PONZI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you buy ETH cose plan to use it for something, yes?

>> No.4298978

Putting the word ponzi next to a picture of the money skeleton doesn’t make it so. Chobani company is mostly owned by one hirsute K*rd, is that a ponzi?

It’s only an application of greater fool theory, as are any of these other cryptos. Remember Satoshi and the Winklevoss twins combined own about one eighth of the coins on both chains.

>> No.4299062


>100,000 unconfirmed BTC transactions

Kewl, I'll add another 10,000 transactions for 1.00 worth of BTC with 0.00000001 in fees just to make BCH look like a decent project

>> No.4299166

XLM would take a second to process all those transactions.

>> No.4299299
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>> No.4299316

It only took me 4 hours to transfer bitcoin from coinbase to my wallet this morning.

>> No.4299361

bitcoin cash will fade into the dust as a new coin that has not entered the market will surge into first

>> No.4299370

years from now

in the meantime i'll take my 10x bch gains

>> No.4299449

This is an obvious manipulation.

Half of these transactions are for like CENTS where transaction fees are 10x bigger than the transaction value itself.

Don't fall for this.

>> No.4299534

it's the BTC advocates that are doing this manipulation, to stop people from panic selling their btc for bch

coinbase has been blocking btc transactions outright

>> No.4299641


>> No.4299720

Bitcoin will win

>> No.4299755

it sure will

bitcoin > bitcoin corecuck

>> No.4299756

Not like that. You gotta do it like this:


>> No.4299772


>> No.4299871


>> No.4300442
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Dumb ass chinks can't keep up the attack forever