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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 300x300, BCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4275930 No.4275930 [Reply] [Original]

"quietly moons"
this is your last and ONLY chance

>> No.4275939


>> No.4275944
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>> No.4275953


>> No.4275971

fuck you nigger is not funny I have a short opened on this pos

>> No.4275993
File: 130 KB, 1024x638, nazi_armored_soldier_division_by_hetza5721-d81cjzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shorting the one TRUE bitcoin



>> No.4275994

nigger its about to hit 700. rip

>> No.4276018

The flippening is truly starting.
I shit you not.

>> No.4276025

got both, just in case
don't tell me to go one way or the other.. i'm heavier on numbers or BCH and value for BTC. i don't think the corporate goons behind btc will let it die completely and i expect BCH to go absolutely nuts in the near future. i bought a shitload of ether $10-12 and sold back for btc at .8. BCH is a real solution to a world problem. Billions of people worldwide have zero access to banks or money transfers. BTC allowed people to send and store money since the day of it's creation and THAT FACT gave it value. BTC will grow because it will be drivin by greed and fueled by ignorance. BCH will go on to change the world and bring the beauty of BTC to the mainstream. It has many Fiat pairs and will be added to Coinbase by the beginning of 2018. Merchants that have used BTC for years, once again waive transaction fees for BCH.

>> No.4276067

Underestimating chink bitterness
Overestimating sealing the deal with chinks
This moons very soon
Im waiting for a little BTC griwth to drop my BTC bags

>> No.4276096

That's not how mooning works

>> No.4276107


>> No.4276111

Got two of these
Should I get more?

>> No.4276150

Going to parity with bitcoin soon..... that is 1:1

>> No.4276176


you would be buying cvlose to ATH. BCC will never maintain a price more than 10% of BTC. Never has, never will. You might be safe to 720, but if I was a whale I would dump the fuck out of this at $700.

>> No.4276179

try 100 nigger

>> No.4276193

you core shills are getting really desperate now aren't you

>> No.4276203

And down it goes. lol.

>> No.4276204

I just bought at 690... am i late for the fork party?

>> No.4276225

Buckle up boys.
There's going to be a week of core shills in their deathrattles.
BCH is the only way to ensure that you have money when the dust settles

>> No.4276229

stay around nigger, I will pee all over you in some 120 minutes

>> No.4276252
File: 160 KB, 1846x489, Bitcoincashdump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the IQ is really low on Biz, but what the fuck are you guys doing buying this at ATH?

>> No.4276267
File: 265 B, 27x22, bow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flippening by Christmas! Satoshi's vision will ultimately prevail

>> No.4276276

hahahahaha here comes the whole folder. same file names as last time

>> No.4276292

Ummmmm, those "30% of miners" are fake accounts at Amazon, Anon.

>> No.4276356
File: 73 KB, 861x565, bch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is go time?

>> No.4276362
File: 375 KB, 710x594, tfwbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking chink scamcoin is unbelievable

>> No.4276375

Just sold
Don't get greedy

>> No.4276381
File: 88 KB, 240x240, UYca9C5paV09uM5mdmUYQPH369CkTgPh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try harder with the FUD corecuck

>> No.4276391

How do you not see the macro forces at play here? That is an act of war?
Why would they make war?
Because they're threatened.
I promise to you on my life that you guys can make a lot of money by seeing the big picture.

>> No.4276397


>> No.4276416
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm should i buy into fomo

>> No.4276429

It's not fomo. It's protecting your investments!
This is bigger than a simple pump

>> No.4276433

lmao bch is here to stay

>> No.4276441
File: 147 KB, 1200x675, Cy2kULXVIAAerhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.1 BTC by midnight! The blitzkrieg has started!

>> No.4276444

Officially got my short liquidated.

It’s over for me, I’m killing myself.

>> No.4276453
File: 825 KB, 758x779, dokidoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begin the flippening

>> No.4276456

Kinda what I figured. Whale dump at 710.

>> No.4276458

Yeah you weren't gonna make it anyways

>> No.4276468

Goes up to 2k by 2018

>> No.4276471
File: 61 KB, 475x416, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 1.45.42 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i buy now or wait for a dip? will it even dip at all?

>> No.4276475
File: 133 KB, 736x1139, 746d9d6ae4e3a7111f9a4744e36d0208--army-uniform-military-uniforms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you, filthy mutt.

>> No.4276478

Only if bitcoin goes to 20K

>> No.4276480

FOMO'd at 0.098

>> No.4276485

Classic /biz/

>> No.4276487

You will never make it either

>> No.4276494

Buy at 680, dump at 710, wash rinse repeat. Its what I'm doing until this scam dies down. Might as well make some money off of others gullability

>> No.4276499

Are you going to wait to FOMO in after .1? Remember how you didn't buy into BTC all those times it kept going up?

>> No.4276502

this is going to 2.5k by the end of the month. the mining fiasco. BIG money wants IN!

>> No.4276505

aaaand DUMP.

>> No.4276506

I remember another thread where an anon was doing this in the 400 dollar range and thought he was a badass.

>> No.4276514

You are seriously retarded at this point if you can't see why bch will go over 1k. This discussion has only been going on daily for 3 months, where you guys never win.

>> No.4276515

u might actually be retarded

>> No.4276524

bank of the unbanked
suck it haters.

>> No.4276543

So s.korea is a third world shit country right?

>> No.4276557

Kim tests one little nuke and this goes to $100 in 5 seconds. lol

>> No.4276578
File: 20 KB, 237x271, 3110ed740f4f0ceed60e490bb84e607f--craft-supplies-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with bitcoin you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.4276582

Holy shit, saw this earlier, missed the dip at 90 thinking it was going to crash back down.... fomo buy in at 97 and still pumping. Markets are crazy lately

>> No.4276596

this .3 spam on binance

>> No.4276600

BCH is going to overtake bitcoin in 9 days. You have been warned.

>> No.4276614

And dumped again. Will buy back in a couple of minutes. This is fun. thank you all for the Sats.

>> No.4276631

Are you ok? Can you stop posting for a bit?

>> No.4276635

BTC is buying so hard to keep the ratio suppressed knowing the market psychology of BCH breaking .1 is huge

>> No.4276637

Id rather buy bitbean

>> No.4276658

DESU I honestly miss the daily bitbean threads. That was one of the staple shitcoins back in the day.

>> No.4276667

Can you?

>> No.4276678

Both $0.

>> No.4276691

Never will break .1 for long always has snapped back to .08 when it pushes past .1, always will. You guys are fucking retarded. This is just Sorks buying and undervalued coin back up to .1.

>> No.4276698


>> No.4276712

>muh war

>> No.4276713

Most likely will not make it up to .1 in this uncertain environment.

>> No.4276737

binance broke it multiple times

>> No.4276740

nigger i've got my market sell ready so shut the fuck up for being mad at others gains you autistic little asssplurge

>> No.4276749

Whoever started this pump and suckered you guys in to it is sucking your satoshis out at $710. Keep feeding him, Cucks.

>> No.4276763

I got out but what are u talking about?

>> No.4276766

can some mods ban this retard please he is actually so retarded it's triggering

>> No.4276773
File: 19 KB, 499x499, 1453054336107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 posts by this pajeet and counting

>> No.4276781


whoever this is knows the true value of this coin. .1. Thats it. Anything else is delusional.

>> No.4276785
File: 72 KB, 800x635, 1509735584272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much green in this thread

>> No.4276787

I dropped 100 BTC in at 0.080 yesterday. Drove it up to 0.087 on poloniex. I'm still hungry.

>> No.4276806
File: 11 KB, 1000x1000, cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fire - https://vocaroo.com/i/s0t7Aaa07vAY

>> No.4276812

lol. Glad to see someone raping these fools. Good job, mate.

>> No.4276817
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>> No.4276821
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>> No.4276822


>> No.4276834
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>> No.4276837

1/10 of Bitcoin.

>> No.4276850


>> No.4276857
File: 89 KB, 1020x720, Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 9.17.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmm notice a pattern anon?

>> No.4276881


>> No.4276883
File: 127 KB, 1157x518, Historical BCC Scams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda like this one?

>> No.4276921

It's crazy to think that a few months ago, some poor dumb bastard bought this at 0.5 btc

>> No.4276964

noob here, what does that mean? sell? buy? panic?

>> No.4276982
File: 31 KB, 886x222, SCAMMERS DEFEATED!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means Bitcoin Legacy has won, and all of the Bitcoin Cash Scammers in this thread just got blown the fuck out.

>> No.4276984

What is 0.3's guy end game here

>> No.4276990
File: 41 KB, 249x701, botz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bots are out today

>> No.4276997

It means dont buy right now. Wait for the huge selloff and buy when it's low in a few days and idiots start spamming "muh flippenang!"

>> No.4277006

He just shit on bitcoin/blockstream and their supporters. Calling them out for the children they are and their inability to compromise, Which will lead to the inevitable destruction of their vaporware garbage coin.

>> No.4277019

Salty Scammer is Salty.

>> No.4277024

probably binance themselves, fucking scamming chinks

>> No.4277026

You have serious mental issues

>> No.4277034
File: 54 KB, 645x729, 1507412942645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277054

This. If you can live with participating in this weekly scam.

>> No.4277068
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>> No.4277077

I could push this to 0.1 if I wanted to by dropping in another 10% of my coins.

Decisions decisions.

>> No.4277084
File: 112 KB, 1501x676, Bitcoin Cash BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277095
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, 1508477146631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you really couldn't. You're some poor faggot virgin that's currently crying at his keyboard because he bought in at 992 and is losing YET AGAIN! SELL BITCH SELL!

>> No.4277097

lol. Just tank it, and pump it again in two days. This is always entertaining.

>> No.4277115



>> No.4277144

Lol. So who all FOMO'd at ATH? Report in by the numbers so I can screencap it, please.

>> No.4277153

>25 posts by this ID

wew laddy.

just accept we got cucked by bch and move on

>> No.4277165
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>> No.4277169


>> No.4277188
File: 133 KB, 2341x985, shutyouwhoremouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your goddamn whore mouth

>> No.4277201
File: 1.28 MB, 480x360, 1507078390733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>el dios mio

>> No.4277210

I'm serious I think he has some serious undiagnosed mental problems. I've never seen anyone like this on 4chan.

>> No.4277216

I more or less agree with the idea behind Cash in general, but the decision to hard-fork without consensus was just fucking stupid. Sorry you expect everyone to follow Moses through the fucking desert on acts of faith in the Magical Visions of Satoshi and politicize a relatively minor quibble like screeching autists right when BTC is finally gaining traction and legitimacy. I don't like a lot of Core's tactics and motives either, but pick your battles and realize you are as insane as Libertarian politician to think people are going to jump off the original chain over who can yell HERETIC the loudest.

No fuck rocket-fuel, what we need is to tear the community into factions not even a decade in like a bunch of religious fuckwits over a few dollars to speed up your transaction queue.

>> No.4277227

Nobody wants this shitty altcoin you faggot, Bitcoin is the only crypto.

There's tons of people with a shitload of bitcoins and this altcash garbage who haven't gotten around to / can't be bothered dumping this trash

Just like eth and every altcoin, long term value is zero.

Even whales like ver and the chink can't keep it propped up forever

>> No.4277231


>> No.4277255

Im getting the sentiment that bch was and is satoshis true vision and new coiners have also discovered this to be the case i mean the fees on btc are fucking insane

>> No.4277265

I know we're right on a fib line. I don't see us sitting under it for longer then a few days.

>> No.4277279

If you dont drive a lambo kys

>> No.4277282


>> No.4277294

Technically the ATH was back in August when it was worth .2 BTC for a few days.

I did do the "ATH" of tonight though

>> No.4277306

You know Bitcoin Classic is a dual use client, and the lead feels that it served its purpose since he's all in on Bitcoin Cash now, right? Kys

>> No.4277322

It was 3 years in the making. You faggots either want it or you don't bitcoin needed a scaling solution half a year ago. You babbies dragged your feet and now you're dropped.

>> No.4277323

Suck my dick I drive an AMG I don't want a bunch of slackjawed normies photographing me wherever the fuck I go.

>> No.4277354

Yeah while you go to starbucks right you are the normie faggot, regardless mirrin

>> No.4277375

This. Newfags don't know how much bullshit bigblockers went through, all the "store of value plz no coffee" retard talk for 3 years can drive anyone mad.

>> No.4277380

hide your power level bro

>> No.4277395

the real bitcoin. bch

>> No.4277400

That is the real issue. Sucks because I love the noise.

>> No.4277414

lol keeping btc on an exchange

>> No.4277417

Who are you talking to? Invisible enemies? You understand no one outside of your various circle-jerk subreddits gives a shit about all this except as far as its profitable.

Bitcoin is Bitcoin whether you like it or not. You don't have to support it and can make all the altcoins you want but when you act like fucking Lutherans about how X is the "new REAL bitcoin" you undermine any point you might have had.

A perfect litmus test for if you fork is a shitcoin is as follows; If Bitcoin Core enacts whatever demands Bitcoin "X" forked over, or down the line becomes superior due to the processes Satoshi expected, which one is the truer Bitcoin and which becomes the new "fake"?

If you are honest with yourself you will realise that just like with Catholocism, the premise of the church stands on its original premise and conception or the very Holy Word of Satoshi you use as justification becomes as useless as the bible.

>> No.4277436

ATH was over 0.4SHITCOIN we will bust through that by Christmas, look at the butter walls melt

>> No.4277437

When do I buy this ? Now or is it gonna dip a bit more ?

>> No.4277446

Only a portion. Margin lending most of it.

>> No.4277452
File: 99 KB, 500x441, 1499700781178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off this board is for poor fags to lose what little money we have

>> No.4277457

You're pseudo intellectual with 0 understanding of what's happening.

>> No.4277460

I know he is in every BCH thread with the same memes and same shitty FUD he is also this ID IpMCH7KB

>> No.4277469
File: 20 KB, 277x284, 1510160268016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277478

The amazon nodes were full nodes, not mining nodes. Mining support is measured by signalling on blocks, not node count lol.

>> No.4277483


25 posts now. The organized fudding is a clear buy signal.

Also, when the marketcap is this high, you can't fucking manipulate the price.

>> No.4277490
File: 84 KB, 800x800, fatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound a lot like this guy

>> No.4277516

excellent rebuttal, queers.

>> No.4277528

>Also, when the marketcap is this high, you can't fucking manipulate the price.
Tell that to 0.3

>> No.4277532

>not a high fee

>> No.4277536

It will grow by 10 percent then dip by 5 and repeat for 18 days or less and then Bitcoin will be liberated

>> No.4277538

now would be a good time to buy, once it breaches .1 it's going straight vertical

>> No.4277551

I'm the same guy I just wanted to add that on. It's obvious you're from reddit at this point. And of course the rest of the market cares this entire debate and forking bullshit has stagnated the alt market for months.

>> No.4277552

Who's that?

>> No.4277568

Seriously? What magician tells you that?

I could pop it to 0.1 and beyond with one order on Poloniex, you really think it takes off from there?

>> No.4277597

Talk is cheap.

>> No.4277600


>> No.4277601
File: 509 KB, 900x900, 1471384609467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not from reddit for what its worth (nothing), just sick of this bullshit fucking with my trip to the moon which would have been here by now if not for all this autism. NO ONE WANTS TO GET DRAGGED INTO THIS SHIT, HANDLE IT AND DON'T EXPECT ME TO USE FACTION DRAMA AS A VIABLE FINANCIAL STRATEGY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4277640

it's just a psychological level, how markets tend to work

>> No.4277646

>hardforks were never going to happen

>> No.4277651

>not a fed guys don't worry
100% from reddit, who the fuck discloses that


>> No.4277654

>You understand no one outside of your various circle-jerk subreddits gives a shit about all this except as far as its profitable.

>If you are honest with yourself you will realise that just like with Catholocism, the premise of the church stands on its original premise and conception or the very Holy Word of Satoshi you use as justification becomes as useless as the bible.

words of someone who truly doesn't use faction drama

>> No.4277657

trump sold your commie ass out were going with the chinks f#$k you jews

>> No.4277664

It should have scaled, there should have been compromise. It's not faction drama bitcoin cash is technologically superior in every single way at this point. Buying bitcoin is just like buying function less garbage + LN futures

>> No.4277693

>implying Satoshi isn't Jesus
>implying BCash isn't Bitcoin

>> No.4277694
File: 113 KB, 390x270, gsp-frownPNG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> u-ur f-from r-reddit

You realize reddit's bitcoin "userbase" is the central hive of worship for BCH right? Like you, they spend all day talking about "satoshi's vision" and imagining that what they think about anything is v. important instead of completely irrelevant.

>> No.4277757

replace your sentence with any alt-coin making the same claim and see if anyone gives a you don't get to declare Independence and shit. If its so superior, then work for a soft-fork. Soft-fork is overthrowing the government by consensus, hard-fork is declaring independence. You don't get to be England anymore, you are a separate entity. I know enough about Satoshi to know he created his system with both miners and markets balancing each other internally, not ideological evangelizing of external human drama and paid intrigue (on both sides).

>> No.4277765
File: 177 KB, 1175x903, Screenshot-2017-11-10 Live Coin Watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the value of all cryptos post-Nov 8 16:58 UTC, time when S2x cancellation was posted.

BTC initially spikes up, then down since.
All major alts are up since.
BCH initially spikes down, now it's also moving upward.

BCH is winning.

>> No.4277809

>if you are worth 1/10th the value of your opponent, you're winning!
Canada-tier logic. I don't care about your personal interpretation of market trends and this cool graph some guy made

>> No.4277810

And the idiocy is showing again. You still have your split coins from july right?

>> No.4277814

Is that what it turned into? I'm guessing that's because everyone on /r/bitcoin is banned at this point.

>> No.4277839

It's not my personal interpretation, it's pretty obvious lol.

Literally every coin EXCEPT BTC is up following the S2X cancellation announcement.

>> No.4277898

You mean the same bitcoin thats still up like 20% from a month ago? You mean the same altcoins that are recovering being being dumped on , hard?

Come back when you actually learn what "winning" is and get your speculation out of my face im rich you're some poor nigger monk waiting for a reckoning that will never come.

>> No.4277903

Wew lad no brakes on this train

>> No.4277908

c-cash is up over x2 r-richard

>> No.4277923

should i buy

>> No.4277928

worthless x2 is still worthless. my cash is not even worth downloading a wallet over until I can dump it 2K or so

>> No.4277951

You honestly might not have to wait longer then a few weeks

>> No.4277963

great, then I wont have to think about it ever again

>> No.4277987

about to break 0.1 on bittrex hnnnggg

>> No.4277989

What the fuck is this?

>> No.4277992

1 Bithumb BCH/KRW $451,781,000 $715.31 42.37% Recently

What they mean by this

>> No.4278001
File: 58 KB, 500x489, 1498258851043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw chewing into the .1 sell wall

>> No.4278017

fucking fire, can you not hear or read?

>> No.4278046

fucking kek

>> No.4278087

you didnt heard this from me but a lot of fuckin people who are at the btc top are being very fuckin sneaky and buying a lot of bch for a certain reason i cant go into because i heard it from someone who i cant name and i didnt believe his bs but hes always been my go to and i all in on bch , i suggest u buy bch biz your about to see some real shit go down soon

>> No.4278103

I’ve been saying this for days.

>> No.4278132


It was above 0.1 a few weeks ago you daft fucking cuck.

It won't go above your buy-in point though

>> No.4278178

Elllllllaborate pls anon I’m about to pull the trigger

>> No.4278186

Korean literally tried of roundeye bullshit.

>> No.4278195

Is this still going up?
Just bought 3. Am I going to make it?

>> No.4278215

Its simple there is no segwit 2x fork which mean bch is the only big block solution. Blockstreams solution is higher fees and 2 chains with 1mb block size. its a no brainer

>> No.4278223

this moon mission will last until at least the 13th when it forks, so you still have three days of upside before a possible correction/dip

>> No.4278251

The fees are only higher if you don't use segwit. Legacy chain's solution is segwit.

I'd rather use fucking Dash than BCH.

>> No.4278261

Wtf are you talking about nobody is accumulating because of the upcoming fork/upgrade people are accumulating because the coin is radically undervalued

>> No.4278357
File: 20 KB, 506x606, 1481579952713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree, but short-term there will likely be a sell the news drop after the fork, so I'll be looking for a place to sell and re-buy

>> No.4278478

bought in at 350. numbers have meaning in this game brotha. people see .1 after staring at it for weeks hoping for a break and when it comes...well the candles speaks for itself. will it last...probably not. i tried to short and lost some of my stack. no worries. bought back in and already made it back. cheers

>> No.4278510

This adds a new interesting hedge against BTC. Hope you make some solid gains.

>> No.4278710
File: 55 KB, 639x606, 1486075664410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon of dubs, pls, i believe in BCH with all of my all, feeding into it with my wageslaves biweekly, but have only made it to 0.1 BCH

Could you spare me a 0.1? I want to make it, and I'll keep to believing and buying into Satoshis true idea


>> No.4278803

If the flippening is going to happen into BCC then why the fuck wouldn't people just "flippen" into something that does the same thing but better like LTC/VTC/GRS etc.

>> No.4278828

sold all my alts and went all in
hope I wont regret it by morning

>> No.4278839

the acronym is BCH

and all those other "ASIC resistant" coins are memes dude. No hashing algo is completely ASIC resistant, just less popular so nobody has bothered to develop ASIC's for it yet. This is why BCH is flippening, because there is so much money already invested in ASICS for it, so many merchants that recognize it etc.

>> No.4278840

>being this uneducated
Those don't do it better.
Those have scaling problems.
BCH has tech potential to rival VISA and it does have miner support. But you probably live in a fantasy land where you'll refuse to accept that.
Not only does it have miner support, but there are exchanges preparing to accept it as BITCOIN
Bobby Lee, Charlie Lee's brother, runs an exchange in china and has been open about this.
Say what you will. BCH is basically ubiquitous as BTC in Asiatic countries.

>> No.4278860
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the bigger question is why didnt u short on ur dumb coins to get onto bcc

>> No.4278899
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Does anyone know how the Lightning network is supposed to work? I have some technical questions.


>> No.4278928

LN is never going to exist dude. Don't believe in it.

>> No.4278940
File: 1.16 MB, 200x200, dfc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty certain this anon is larping, but regardless, the point still stands and the logic is actually sound.

Some miners have been mining BCH up a fucking STORM even at a loss, for several weeks now. This is not news. But it indicates that many big players are hedging their bets HARD with BCH.

Bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin. There’s currently now no scaling solution for the original bitcoin chain. Bitcoin cash IS bitcoin pre-segwit. The implications of this are debatable but the facts remain the same - at this current moment, BCH IS BECOMING THE DE FACTO BITCOIN before your very eyes.

Hope you’re already in. I got in 3 days ago when I saw the shilling all over /biz/.....it’s really simple you brainlets. Wait for a dip maybe, but plan on this for the long term

>> No.4278961


>BCH has tech to rival VISA


BTC and BCH both have shit tech compared to 99% of any random shitcoins on the market. But BTC has the one thing that actually matters: the "Bitcoin" branding and first movers advantage. If people are gonna stop using the coin withthe branding and first movers advantage, they may as well flip into something better altogether then the whole Bitcoin family tree of coins.

If we ever get to a situation where BCH is nearing parity with BTC in terms of value, then it's just gonna kill the creditbility of anything "Bitcoin" related. Whether people move onto Litecoin, or into ETH/NEO, or Monero, etc. I don't know.

>> No.4278965

That's kinda what I figured, but I don't understand how the Core supporters think it will actually work in the first place.

I mean... to open a channel you need to fund it with Bitcoin right? And then that bitcoin is stuck in that channel until the channel is closed right? So I'm basically putting money into a spending account and I can't get unspent money out without paying the fees, and I can't add more money without paying fees?

It just sounds so retarded. I must not understand it correctly or something.

>> No.4279000

Basically core hands out permissions to various banking-esque companies for sidechains. They compress all the transactions into a hash and write that small hash to the blockchain. You pay a subscription to these services to keep track of your money. As these sidechains can carry hundreds to thousands of transactions per block and blocks will be permanently crippled in size, it'll be prohibitively expensive to send an ordinary transaction written directly on the blockchain, so you'll have to choose a sidechain service.

You're now at the whim of these sidechain services to actually transfer bitcoin. For one, you can expect these services will be subject to AML/KYC las all banks are. They'll probably approve or disapprove your transactions based on fraud risk and be subject to government regulation as to what transactions can be approved or disapprove. You'll likely need to have your ID registered with these sidechain services as well, and governments can regulate or shutdown these sidechain services as deemed necessary, seizing your funds the same way they'd freeze a bank account just by calling up your bank.

>> No.4279068
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Right so the actual questions I have are about the coin needed to open a channel:

Lets say I want to open a channel to fucking Amazon.bitcoin or whoever. Opening and closing a channel happens on chain so fees are involved. That I know. So when I open a channel, I have to commit some bitcoin to this channel, right? Maybe I decide to commit $1000 worth of coin.

Now, this coin is stuck in the channel, all $1000 of it, until the channel is closed right? So while I'm buying shit of amazon, they're not actually able to re-spend any of the coin yet cause they don't get anything until the channel closes. And If I need my unspent coin back I have to close the channel.

So is sounds like that $1000 is just sitting there doing nothing for weeks or months or however long the channel is open. And I can't add coin without paying fees. And I can't get unspent coin back without closing the channel and spending fees.

Is that correct? Cause that's fucking retarded.

>> No.4279075

Yep. And the technology to do this doesn't even exist because LN is vaporware.

>> No.4279121
File: 176 KB, 1200x1614, becky-g-at-billboard-latin-conference-and-awards-at-in-south-beach-04-26-2017_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, so even if the technology magically comes into existence as promised in '18 months', it's not gonna do shit.

Lets say opening a channel costs $20 and closing the channel costs $20... That means I could put $800 in the channel (locking up $800 of bitcoin for who knows how long) and still be paying 5% in fees which is fucking high compared to any other payment method. And the other side won't even get a satoshi of the money for as long as the channel remains open which could be fucking ages.

The mind boggles.

>> No.4279221

wtf doesn't litecoin and vertcoin have lightning in beta or something? The tech exists, just not for the lame ass bitcoin devs. They need to completely overhaul bitcoin. And in terms of figuring out a bitcoin scaling solution, they have time. They'll get segwit adopted, it'll ease the current issues, then move on to other solutions like LN. The whole point of crypto taking over is that it WILL BE REGULATED. Its fucking a transparent ledger for fucks sake. If you want shady shit, go use Zen cash or some other run of the mill privacy coin. you won't keep that much money in a LN channel anyways, just like you wouldn't prepay for a bunch of goods on a site. So god forbid the government shuts one down you wait a few weeks to get your 100$ back.

bcash aint shit, sorry to break it to you guys.

>> No.4279230


When John McAfee said bitcoin will go to 500k in 3 years, he was talking about Bitcoin Cash.

He tweeted about it, and deleted it immediately because the timing was wrong.

With the S2X fork, the timing would have been perfect, but literally either way BCH would end up winning because you'd get the shitshow in mining and confusion with 1X vs 2x, but now you just end up with Cash vs Core.

The only advocates for Core are early adopters (which found it useful because of low tx fees, uncensorable, decentralized) and made a shit ton of money, and are looking after their stake.

>> No.4279241

if the world realizes bitcoin tech is old and doesn't fit future use cases, they won't choose bitcoin cash, a coin with equally shitty cash. They'll move on to some brand spanking new ferrari-level coin (maybe built off hashgraph? its cool if you haven't heard of it) thats faster than bitcoin can dream of reaching.

Mining is about to collapse anyways. Proof of stake is becoming more and more accepted and secure.

>> No.4279262

systems worldwide were built to accommodate bitcoin transactions. it won't be difficult to transition as opposed to using a whole new blockchain

>> No.4279326

hashgraph cannot be decentralized and also is patented, which disallows anyone else to use the technology. Hashgraph won't be replacing blockchain ever. I do agree that BCH is just flavor of the month and it's just a shitty and open to corruption as any other Bitcoin. The shills in this thread are perfectly ignorant.

>> No.4279751

hashgraph had a lot of hype, they really should've made a coin. Kinda shows they aren't scummy and instead just want to build a business around their dope technology. But why not open source it later on for a coin, maybe governments license it or something.

The future I see is classic Bitcoin being digital gold, you just hold it and its expensive to transfer but who cares bc you just hold it. Straight up world bank reserve status SDR.

Ethereum doesn't die out but doesn't dominate. I see Hyperledger addressing many business concerns. Newer smart contract platforms like Neo in the east will have some market share.

>> No.4280139

This is exactly the reason, why you will never be a whale m8.. :). You lack the fundamental mindset, I feel so sorry for you.

>> No.4280407


The whales you are talking about are Shrimps on this level

>> No.4280449

I’m big bch supporter but today’s pump is way too much of a fomo rise and unhealthy. I was happy with the slow growth we had over the past few weeks.
Bch is now oversold at this point and will have to correct before we continue our journey up, just warning any of you newfags that are being tempted by the fomo right now

>> No.4280511


dude BTC 120billion market BCH 14billion big sell of of btc didnt even start yet lmao

the real fomo will start later

>> No.4280523

This is going to 873 WATCH

>> No.4280541

it wont do shit.

>> No.4281188

What's the best place to buy BCC?
Is CDEX Gud?

>> No.4281193

7 hours until the difficulty adjustment on BTC. After that, if the miners leave BTC for BCH, BTC will never recover. It will take many hours to do one transaction and the flippening will be completely cemented.

>> No.4281222
File: 482 KB, 1300x1069, Mckuto no Kafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korean bitcoin
>shilled by bitcoin Judas and his apostles

>> No.4281667


>> No.4281820

>the acronym is BCH
glad you mentioned it anon, im getting tired of people using BCC which is a scam.