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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4216392 No.4216392 [Reply] [Original]

Get in.

>> No.4216405
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>> No.4216409

priced in

>> No.4216415

stay poor /biz/tard

>> No.4216460
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>> No.4216530

I-I wen to bed and set my sell order to 120...

>> No.4216543
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vergins going to dumped on tonight.

>> No.4216599

What level are you guys expecting to reach on launch of Wraith? Should I set a sell at 190sat just to be safe? Not sure if it is feasible to see it rise past 200.

>> No.4216614


Take whatever profits you're happy with, but could definitely see it go past ATH

>> No.4216626

How are you guys determining the roof for this coin? What if it flies past 200 sat?

>> No.4216630

foldingcoin is getting pumped

>> No.4216634

I guess it would be hard to double the current marketcap of this coin so easily because of the supply. It may but I would be happy with 200.

>> No.4216639
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>buy the rumor, sell the news

..and the rumor has been around for a looooooong time now

>> No.4216643

what would be the logic supporting a pump for this coin after this protocol is released ?

>> No.4216655


fuck logic, acquire lambos

>> No.4216658

not much movement
price has been stagnating for the past couple of hours.

>> No.4216719

Is it over?

>> No.4216736

I don't believe it ended, it's just slowing down. It'll probably start up again in a couple of hours

>> No.4216804

Been trying to sell at 125 for ages now, what should I sell at fellas??

>> No.4216845


>> No.4216872

what is xvg even used for

>> No.4216876

when wraith is released, drugs, cp, and guns

>> No.4216878


Same as BTC, Monero, PIVX etc. It's perfect blockchain technology, only do you have the OPTION to be anonymous.

>> No.4216879

because right now you'd be lucky to have monero as an option to buy drugs, cp, and guns with
it'd be nice to have something else aside from bitcoin for once

>> No.4216880

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is soooo boring

>> No.4216890


Don't forget china and people smuggling.

And those atomic things.

>> No.4216898

I'm so sideways right now ----------

>> No.4216901

its a booming market, shit could moon but might as well tank
gomen, human trafficking after all generates billions in revenue yearly

>> No.4217107

Fuckin moon ! I want to be rich NOW NOW NOW !!

>> No.4217129



>> No.4217214

Giddy up

>> No.4217297


>> No.4217316

This'll crash and burn sometime before the launch, tread very carefully

>> No.4217318

>shitcoin introduces features which have been a staple in other similar coins for years now
>renames them so that retards believe it's something new and innovative

Wow I didn't think /biz/ was this retarded. Hope your coin has fun staying in XMR's shadow for the rest of all time

>> No.4217344

XMR is totally save rr....right?? Its Un..untracable..there are no vulnerabilities at all r..right?? Oh yeah..fuck there are :)

>> No.4217354

name one

>inb4 leaking ip-addresses

>> No.4217380

Name one vulnerability that allows you to trace transactions. If you're going to say anything about the IP addresses, that has nothing to do with transactions and you're a confirmed retard if you believe otherwise. IP address broadcasting just shows who's running the wallet software, and regardless, it'll be fixed when Kovri launches

>> No.4217416 [DELETED] 

but it uses tor so you should be safe enough for cryptocurrency things, right?

>> No.4217427

Check the history of XVG. It was an overhyped PnD shitcoin before without any sensible use-case and a dev that lol'ed around in telegram all day - Wraith wasn't even in the roadmap. An now three months later it all should have changed. Right. Sell after 10-19% at most to be at least somewhat safe.

>> No.4217442

The cool thing is actually that privacy is optional. You can do 100% transparent professional business.
Or buy all the drugs you want completely anonymous.
Best of both worlds. It could be bigger than monero in a few months.

>> No.4217448

Lol I sold at a 128 and am waiting to buy back in at 110 hopefully so yea, fuck this coin! Complete garbage!

>> No.4217450

i wonder how long it'll take before markets adopt xvg

>> No.4217457

I'm in at 140 lads

>> No.4217458

Just double topped.

>> No.4217470

Is it mooning right now

>> No.4217479

Seriously people, think. This is a concentrated shilling effort. Who do you think creates all those /biz/ threads? And the result is supposed to be you making money? When did a fucking countdown ever lead to anything else but a dump? I've lost plenty of money with XVG as a noob due to this shit, don't repeat the same mistake.

>> No.4217498

But it just double topped and apparently this is good news my good sirs

>> No.4217512

>double top
brace for batman ears and dump

>> No.4217519

Or if it does. And if wraith is as good as we think.
Even if it is superior the market might not adopt.
But I am seriously thinking of holding long term. It might hit 0.1$. That would be about moneros market cap. And would make me over 100k.

>> No.4217520

>Le meme line analysis

Idk, all I see is a big perky tiddy pattern, ez gains incoming.

>> No.4217526

verge is a shitcoin, i hope all these unpaid shills lose 50% of their money

>> No.4217527

You fellas can hold the phones cause I just swang traded my way into another 94 xvg

>> No.4217535

There is a huge sell wall, g-guys...?

>> No.4217540

making money speculating on coins would be nice, but i'd hope the coins i invest in have some actual purchasing applications as well
although i guess one could conduct business p2p and make a deal without an overarching market system

the market space isn't doing too well atm imo
I hope something new comes around that in the end accepts shitcoins like verge
one can only hope

>> No.4217545

what the XMR bagholders dont get is that XMR is fucking pain in the ass on Tails. So if its gonna be easier with XVG after Wrath then keep your shit XMR but XVG gonna take over.

>> No.4217558

Will it moon today

>> No.4217645


>> No.4217676

128 sats baby, 200 here we come

>> No.4217828
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will i be able to buy a rolex with 20k?

>> No.4217861

Bought in at 128....am I to late?

>> No.4217872
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Someone messed up...

>> No.4217891


>> No.4217956

I have 800k, can I quit my job ( oh wait, I don't have a job)

>> No.4218149

True, but something like a fast, cheap, and anonymous btc would have a lot of real world applications.
Currency coins have a place. But we don't need 100s of them. Just a single good one would be perfect and easy. But this is a long way to go.

>> No.4218273

Wraith is shit.
Its transactions are deanonymisable via simple chain analysis.
>Somebody paid someone X on private chain?
>Oh look address A has X less on public chain

>> No.4218284

not to mention it's not even fungible, good luck trying to sell tainted verge on exchanges

>> No.4218296
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delet this

>> No.4218304
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I will never become rich, ty anon

>> No.4218309
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maybe they will address this at launch

>> No.4218320

maybe the devs and whales will dump on launch because they know it will be shit after all

>> No.4218345
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>> No.4219166

i was gonna buy a lot of verge but now im scared

>> No.4219182

from lowest to highest verge only did about 200x increase, even that isn't fantastic. find a coin that has true fundamental value, even if it's just the team that actually know what they're doing, and you won't have to hope for pump and dumps.

>> No.4219324

Can someone explain to me why I would need tor to be built-in when I'm already using tor to browse what I buy?