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4101441 No.4101441 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't own at least 1 BTC

>> No.4101629


I got 1.37 bitcoin...

can we be friends?

>> No.4101636

she has a huge mouth which is good because I have an enormous cock

>> No.4101810
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>He doesn't own at least 10 BTC

>> No.4101822
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>he owns link instead

>> No.4101829

Shitcoin price in bitcoins don't count.

>> No.4101832


Bitcoin became a total shitshow and I'd be glad to see it lose to altcoins.

>> No.4101847

>He owns BCH instead and will not fall for corporate owned scamcoin

>> No.4101859

is 2.1BTC the new 21BTC?

>> No.4101861

When the jews already own them all yes

>> No.4101873
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>mfw I don't have any crypto

>> No.4101879

it was never 21 when sat owns 1 mil

>> No.4102016

I have 1btc in my coinbase wallet and 20btc in storage

>> No.4102027

Low iq polcuck

>> No.4102065


>tfw had 3 btc at ath earlier in the year
>only have 0.4 now

>> No.4102082
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Shitcoin trading?

>> No.4102097

You're doing slightly better than me
>had 5.3 btc now 0.52

>> No.4102110

>only 1.4
Im going to kill myself soon.

>> No.4102140


>> No.4102531

Nice insult buddy sorry im not a fucking troglodyte like yourself and dont sit in coins that are about to be ran by jews

>> No.4102599
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>He's one of those "you'll make it you have at least 1 btc" poorfags

>> No.4102637

there are some theories that Satoshi don't even own private keys for that fortune anymore

>> No.4102650

that feel when I coulda had btc at $.05/coin and thought it was a scam so I didnt bother to gamble $100 on it.

>> No.4102679

for sake of contrast, let it be known that i own only 0.06 btc, down from 0.25 btc after months of retarded, dumb, sub-IQ trading. if i had a gun i would not hesitate to shoot myself directly in the skull. seriously. just fucking end it because i'm so dumb.

anyway, on to the important question OP: is this a fucking real photo or was it shopped. i always knew her mouth could open that wide.

>> No.4102753

this guy gets it.
by now, we should realize that the btc price is over-inflated due to normies and faggot banks/hedgefunds dumping more fiat zogbucks into it....btc is the absolute NORMIE coin now. i don't give a fuck about "maximizing" my btc because i fully believe it will be surpassed in the near future by better alts.

just look at the run of VTC lately...the amount of FIAT gains it moved versus btc and ltc, is just a sign of things to come.

you niggers gloating about how much btc you have...you're gonna get rekt when it loses value. the cat's out of the bag, most smart people now see with these forks how fucked and political and not-actually-decentralized BTC is...a handful of chink-mega-miners or whales can swing the price so easily.

ASIC resistant coin with privacy options is the clear fucking future and superior to BTC. fuck BTC, fuck the chinks, fuck the jewbankers.

>> No.4102765
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>he doesn't own at least 21 BTC

>> No.4102773


this is unbelievable, in the sense that i don't believe you guys could lose that much. holy shit. please tell me you're joking.

i'm down to 0.06 btc from 0.25 and i'm already tearing bits of hair out due to the overall fiat value loss.

>inb4 but fiat value loss is not important
yes it is, because ultimately i would rather have $1000 than fucking $300.

>> No.4102783

Holy fuck you are retarded

>> No.4102787
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>muh joos

>normies are here

>> No.4102790

>a handful of chink-mega-miners or whales can swing the price so easily.

you will never find a coin where this isn't the case

>> No.4102807

Hal Finney or Dave Kleiman were satoshi and now both are dead so do the math.

>> No.4102818

of course you would say that. you believe BTC is now on such an upward trajectory due to its finite supply, it will go towards $10K and beyond. you think it is strengthened after forks. but really, it is now a fat fucking overpriced coin. people are now buying it more as a status symbol, to say "ooo look at me i have 21 btc". the risk-reward is no longer in favor of btc. it was a great buy under $1000, it was slightly more risky at $2500. now it's just retarded to buy it at above $5000.

we obviously have two different viewpoints. you will of course reply with some gay chart showing that btc continues to each newer ATH and past fuckers who said it was the absolute top were wrong.

let's see how this plays out. i personally think it will go down for the rest of 2017. you faggots get so confident every time btc is up like 2%-5%.

>> No.4102823

Why would hal send emails to himself.

>> No.4102837
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To trick people into thinking he wasn't satoshi?

>> No.4102869

>tfw i have 21 bitcoins

>> No.4102900

A bubble occurs when people buy something only out of the speculation that it will become more valuable rather than fundamental value.
I'd say its time to jump ship from BTC to ETH. but who am I?

>> No.4102903

>tfw i had 21 bitcoins

>> No.4102951

Holy fuck, did you come from pol? I definitely get a 'LOW IQ' feel from you

Maybe its your mouthbreathing

>> No.4102963
File: 347 KB, 1022x1306, AaaaaAAAAAaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what shitcoin did you lose your moon tickets?

>> No.4102973

Holding 18 bitcoins right now.

>> No.4102986

Who cares why people are buying it? For my part they can buy it to throw away, i don't care, as long as they are buying. Why in the world would i worry about what people think when they buy something, as long as they are buying, and they are. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.4103010

it doesnt matter, I was so stupid to hold shitcoins, I'm just retarded

>> No.4103014

Yes buddy, nice again, the jew bankers that fucked fiat USD up are now and have been completely engulfed in BTC. You think for example someone like Ron Paul JUST decided to cofound a business on crypto IRA's and you think he just learned what it is yesterday?
Stay cucked in denial my dude, its true that without asic resistance you get exactly what we have now.
Politics in a fucking decentralized currency. People have enough power to effectively own a decentralized currency. BCH forked before segwit and thats why its the actual bitcoin. Everything past is corporate GARBAGE

>> No.4103021
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>0.06 BTC

>> No.4103052

>REEEE i dont know what to say to him because he just shit on my NEET DREAMS!!!
>just call him stupid that will bring back your resolve
Stay cucked mongoloid

>> No.4103064

Also, bitcoin is known all over the world. Bitcoin had years of free advertisement in mainstream medias around the world. Bitcoin is used to buy every other shitcoin there is. Limited supply where thousands are lost already, and continuosly bitcoins keep getting lost. You literally get free money from the forks, just buy bitcoin. If you own 1+ bitcoin you are still in the top 500.000 holders. Of something that's known worldwide and loved by many. Top 500.000 that's crazy. For just 6000$ you'd be stupid not to buy.

Altcoins, nobody knows altcoins, there are 5 new altcoins everyday, 99% are utter shit. The most just die and are never spoken of again. If you tell new people about altcoins, you have to mention bitcoin because they wouldn't even understand.

>> No.4103119

>nobody knows about altcoins
>altcoin market cap is ~40 Billion exclude top 3

>> No.4103123

this guy gets it, except better to jump from btc to some alt with better tech and smaller mkt cap than eth. eth is already a fat fuck too with no supply cap.

ubiq claims to be a cheaper version of eth.

neo is cheaper than eth and is actually being used as platform for icos. same goes for qtum.

you'd be an absolute fool to buy eth right now.

>> No.4103155

"huurrr duurrrr go back to pol"

my comment still stands, every time btc breaks a psychological price point like 6000 fiat fucking dollars you faggots come out of the woodwork gloating, but are absolutely quiet when it's dropping. the same happened with fuckers who love OMG and LINK, when those were doing well they were posting memes 24/7 about how great OMG was (remember the photo of the blonde white guy beating up other coins) and how superior LINK was.

the same arrogance is happening now when btc is up.

>> No.4103178

It's because they think they are master traders after jumping in the last few months we had this year of pure bull market before pure autism forks.

>> No.4103773

no coin will ever truly moon besides btc
btc IS a digital gold
btc IS a status symbol
other coins are just tools to be useful, they won't make you rich, because when one gets too expensive later comers will look for a cheaper alternative because they will also want to be in a moon mission, it's gonna be the exact same thinking you are showing right now with not wanting to invest in eth
only btc will make you rich unless you are one of the best traders jumping from one shitcoin to another, but how many people on this board have actually made money with trading shitcoins and how many just got burned

>> No.4103816

Do you hear yourself? Thats honestly one of the most retarded things ive heard and not even the majority of bagholders like you are this dumb.
The Digital Gold is fucking CRYPTO in general dumbass

>> No.4103885

yea all those shitcoins that won't even exist in a year are digital gold too
go outside catch some fresh air you idiot
keep chasing shitcoins, meanwhile I'm getting closer and closer to the early retirement on my btc stack, kek

>> No.4103907

look, i'm gonna stop poasting in this thread after this, because it's a waste of time to argue. my core point stands, btc is strong only due to its first mover status as the first innovative blockchain crypto whatever, AND also due to the marketing of it as "digital gold". but when you look at its actual tech and real weaknesses, which are now being revealed, you can see how fucking fragile it is in terms of price. thus, it's no longer a good long-term hold because it already had a massive run from sub-$1 to $200+ to now $5000+. so the potential gains are ever decreasing. however, btc-max-fags will argue and say no, 1 btc will soon = $10,000 then $500,000. i disagree with that because of the existence of alts with better tech and fewer "governance" problems. all these gayass forks actually cause more uncertainty, that is a fact, and thus is harmful to btc overall, not "good" for it because you get "free money" from forked coins.

also, the whole "shitcoins" meme further serves to inflate the price of btc.

lastly "digital gold" is a stupid saying now, because if you look at gold, even the price of that thousand-year-old asset gets manipulated downward, so by saying btc is digital gold, you are saying that its price can also be manipulated.

one more point, since btc is public blockchain, the gov't can easily seize your btc at any time if they really wanted to.

>> No.4103920

You really are a dumb mongoloid. Until the good use alts come that survive similar to .com, yes they are digitsl gold right now
Youll see very soon

>> No.4103945

>one more point, since btc is public blockchain, the gov't can easily seize your btc at any time if they really wanted to.

This is objectively wrong

>> No.4104043

You are also a fucking retard, the government can flip flop and say whatever the fuck they want, it was only until the last couple years they actually allowed it and made a tax for its gains.
See : China, and dont think the USA wont do it to you harder

>> No.4104050

>btc is strong only due to its first mover status as the first innovative blockchain crypto whatever, AND also due to the marketing of it as "digital gold"
that's a huge advantage, enough to BTFO all those shitcoins,

>but when you look at its actual tech and real weaknesses, which are now being revealed, you can see how fucking fragile it is in terms of price
noone cares about the tech at this point, and if btc remains to be digital gold, nobody will ever care about the tech, doesn't matter if the transaction time is 1s or 20min if it's not used as a currency, but still, they will implement better tech in the future regardless, LN is coming so it still may become the currency

>one more point, since btc is public blockchain, the gov't can easily seize your btc at any time if they really wanted to.
and how would they do that? hack into my brain?

they won't get as big as the companies that survived dot.com bubble, it's way easier to create a new coin than it is to create a big company therefore competition will be much bigger and prices lower, good luck with your moon missions in the future when everyone refuses to invest in something that has already grown in price
you will see very soon, go eat a dick

>> No.4104089

You must not realize how easy it is to start a company in the USA, probably because youre 16, and how easy it was for select, solid framework use companies to create solid use value. You werent alive to witness how simple it was to actually start a .com business. Why the fuck do you think so many were there and only core use survived? Stop cucking your own argument

>> No.4104151
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This guy is right, one day there will be an altcoin that will surpass bitcoin.
- What I personally think over the years is that there will be some other technology then blockchain, that will make nowadays blockchain obsolete.
- If bitcoin will be huge, banks will shut it down.
- Worth mentioning is that WWIII is around the corner.

>> No.4104155

Holy shit dude.

I started a couple of weeks ago, with 0.06. Now I am at 0.16. I guess thanks for the 0.1 BTC

>> No.4104353

>muh government
Why do you imply that everyone lives in the USA? Besides, if you generate your wallet securely (not in an exchange), they have no fucking way of knowing who owns it, where is the private key stored, etc. Stop talking out your ass.

I agree that nobody cares about the tech anymore. Satoshi's original vision of having crypto as a currency simply FAILED. And this applies to all crypto, not just bitcoin. It will never happen on a large scale, regardless how fast is the blocks are, or how lightweight the blockchain is.
The only case scenario in which crypto is needed is something like Silk Road, where you have to transfer dirty money to someone in another country, or do money laundry. That's it.

The tech is too complex for the large majority of people, the price is too volatile, exchanges are not trustable enough to hold all your money in them. People will continue to use credit cards, which are easier to them to understand, work everywhere, etc.

I see a bleak (distant) future for crypto. For the time being, i.e. the following five, ten years, bitcoin, and bitcoin only will serve as a good inversion. Shitcoins are only good for day trading.

>> No.4104404

literally how? how the fuck do you lose so much money?

>> No.4104525

bitch ww3 has been "around the corner" since the cold war.

>> No.4104681

Absolute retard. Not even gonna begin to explain how dumb you are

>> No.4104743

Not the same guy (I don't necessarily agree with him), but this trend of insulting without providing arguments is absolute cancer.

Why do you even bother posting that in the first place you stupid fuck

>> No.4104756

This board has ID's dipshit of course youre not the same guy

>> No.4104820

I could grab my phone which is not connected to my wife and I'd have a different ID. Also, if enough time passes, and your ip changes, your ID changes too. So its very likely but not "obvious".

>> No.4104864


>> No.4104904
File: 3 KB, 263x97, pourfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We doing good.
Get job, buy btc.

>> No.4104909

apparantly 90% of bitcoin wallets don't own 1 BTC

>> No.4104910

Ron Paul has been aware of BTC for years you dumb ass.

The protocol is intact. Jews buy BTC? big whoop, so fucking what. Most of the supply is already delivered, it will make the already rich cryptopunks even richer. BCash is a shitcoin for poorfags that cant afford transactions on the real blockchain.

>> No.4104932

I guarantee you a lot of those are just throwaway wallets

>> No.4105095


>> No.4105410


>> No.4105455

Tell me another crypto coin that has the same network effects and the same anti-fragility as Bitcoin.

>> No.4105472

I had 5 at one point and am down to one. Not worried though

>> No.4105498

>He doesn't connect his phone to his wife

>> No.4105521

>noone cares about the tech at this point, and if btc remains to be digital gold, nobody will ever care about the tech, doesn't matter if the transaction time is 1s or 20min if it's not used as a currency, but still, they will implement better tech in the future regardless, LN is coming so it still may become the currency
This. Only one thing I disagree on: Tech is important. But the developers of Bitcoin are the best and every good function of other coins will be implemented in Bitcoin or as a side chain or L2 solution of Bitcoin. Bitcoin will remain the most decentralizes, most secure and therefore most valuable crypto currency.

>> No.4105575

>he thinks you still can make money with btc

>> No.4105657

I made 15% today, by longing BTC.

>> No.4105734

pretty much. once you get over that feel, future missed opportunities pale in comparison

>> No.4106644

I find it difficult to believe satoshi would have lost private keys for his own bitcoins. Maybe some NEET or nerd who picked up mining for a laugh back in 2010 might have but satoshi clearly knew exactly what he was doing and took bitcoin very seriously

>> No.4106946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4107052
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>> No.4107093
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>> No.4107208

Most wallet software generates multiple addresses for each user

>> No.4107392


>> No.4107405

Holy shit

>> No.4107456

Marketcap was like 100mm$ when he posted that shit. Look at it now. 100 BILLION

you fucking moron, bitcoin wont ever again see 1000x gains . or even 10x or even 5x

>> No.4107737
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9998, nocoiners deadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 billion is a lot
Keep coping.

>> No.4107870

The NSA has the keys, SHA-256 was developed by them after all.. People who think bitcoin is decentralized are like people who think US gov't-created Tor will keep their browsing private. KEK

>> No.4107886

pnd here
