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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3916514 No.3916514 [Reply] [Original]

im feeling bad for some of you who dont know whats going on.

if you look at order books you would see that we are surpressing the price down to accumulate more. if we really wanted to dump do you think it would be wise to scare people off with giant sell walls?

just look at the top wallets. nobody has sold a cent.

also many people who know whats going on just fud for fun because they jack off to people panic selling. i used to do the same but im feeling bad now lmao.

>> No.3916542

Any idea how long you and your friends plan to continue messing with our futures? :P

>> No.3916546
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I was meme'ed into a panic sell and I regret it every day...

>> No.3916559

6/10 larp

>> No.3916565

Tfw bought high
Btc. 18NRyJxyj9647ABLfizxuGG2zXB5g425yw

>> No.3916566

atleast another week i need to profit off flik before i can afford link

>> No.3916571
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>If the top wallet were selling
You'd be quivering in the corner holding your twitching anus trying to hold the last remnants of jizz from escaping

>> No.3916572
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>> No.3916575
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>> No.3916576



apply yourself

>> No.3916579

Top wallets have already sold half their holdings, wtf r u smoking??

>> No.3916585

Lol OP read a recent reddit post about the top 50 wallets not moving and has made a story about the price being suppressed.

Although you're a lying shithead, I did just buy that mass dump and will HODL because you never buy into /biz/ news, you follow actual news releases.

>> No.3916592

how about you go check the link and stop bullshitting for no reason at all

>> No.3916601
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bro the top wallets are people whogot free coins to run nodes. of course they arent selling. pic related

>> No.3916603

Shit is dumping but linkies keep posting the usual delusion: "accumulation is all" "this is a great buying opportunity" "just bought 100k" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! Keep telling yourself that. It's over.

>> No.3916611

i am not lying mate.

if i wanted to unload my link i would do it in small portions and not set some giant walls who dont get filled and only scare the price down.

i also would set some fake buy walls to make people believe we are taking off so you buy into my small distributed sell walls.

aint nothing of that happening right now.

>> No.3916612

she looks persian

>> No.3916617

Who's the chick?

>> No.3916619

i got out when i remembered seeing this

>> No.3916642

That’s only the coins in the top 8 wallets, #9 is Binance wallet, the rest of the top 50 are all genuine whales who are still hodling. Only 2 or 3 of them have sold any link. At all. Ever.

>> No.3916646

as long as we can. aka we are on one exchange only and no news hit yet.

>> No.3916656
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You're even worse than a nigger.

>> No.3916657

>he think only 8 banks got complimentary links. hhahahahaha

>> No.3916680

the 35 percent from the tokensale are getting dumped retards

>> No.3916685
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think whatever you want. im not a whale by any means but the people in my group are and they are doing exactly what im stating.

>> No.3916694

How much LINK to be a whale? I know I'm in the top 80 or so at least.

>> No.3916696

hurry up faggot larper, your gonna miss the next chance to"accumulate" kek

>> No.3916702

with +150k you can start doing some damage

>> No.3916712

>just look at the top wallets. nobody has sold a cent.
what are you looking at
i see many bags dumped like the whales have taken back their ICO bet

>> No.3916718

top 50 wallets my man

>> No.3916742

Why were whales acumulating at 8k sats already and did not wait for 6.5k ?
Why are you not letting the price go to 130k and sell for a massive profit before buying back ?
Why are you allowed in a group of whales with 20btc ?

Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.3916746

>20 btc

>> No.3916756

funny thing is, when you look at the market depth, nothing happens except some whales putting up artificial sell walls of 350k link 200-300 satoshi above the price all the time, remove them, put them up again, etc etc. yet some nervous idiots get shaken out every time. it is so obvious. could also be just 4chan trolls to laugh at you when the price finally takes off and you all FOMO in like yesterday.

We all saw what slight trigger it only needs to make the thing explode.

>> No.3916757

yes that's exactly what I pointed thank you

>> No.3916791

>thinking that’s what I said at all
You know you can literally see the exact amount of tokens in every wallet on ethplorer, right? There are 7 wallets with 50 million LINK each, which just so happens to perfectly equal 35% of the total supply

>> No.3916817



>> No.3916899

Jokes on you ! Theres nothing buy LINKS up there !!!! HHAHHAHAHAHAHA