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3898211 No.3898211 [Reply] [Original]

>implying crypto isn't just a huge black ops project to redistribute wealth to capable but otherwise economically disadvantaged individuals

I hope you're not implying this

>> No.3898256

Wow I never thought about it like that, you may have a point dear sir

>> No.3898291

You're the only other person that's figured it out so far

>> No.3898332

I always assumed the NSA invented Bitcoin to smooth transition defaulting all our debt with the added bonus of giving high iq autists all the money to set the initial trend of the modern economy. Also no more tax dodging.

>> No.3898428

Nice samefagging, samefag

>> No.3898487

this is schizophrenic, if you know what I mean

>> No.3898508

Shit, American's must be up
Who else could bring this level of cringe?

>> No.3898555

Filthy low iq scum. I'm so far ahead of you, it would take you 25 light years just to catch up

>> No.3898566
File: 600 KB, 990x612, 145354365465463452367986966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hope I'm not implying that I'm implying that it isn't something to redistribute wealth.

>> No.3898619
File: 165 KB, 640x284, SERGOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898882

Needs are inheriting the earth and it's beautiful
See recent tweet by Assange. Wikileaks is likely mostly funded by their massive Bitcoin gains.
All sorts of crazy decentralised tech is being built
Massive Bitcoin holders even trying to create their own city state
It's a new Renaissance

>> No.3898894

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.3899154


>very science

>> No.3899197

We are the new wealthy elite.