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3878751 No.3878751 [Reply] [Original]

How much of a role does IQ have in a person's success?

>> No.3878763

Its one of the most important things

>> No.3878766


>> No.3878772

A lot. Very very much. I have a great IQ. I have the best IQ. I have the most IQ points. Mexicans are stealing our IQ points. China is ripping us off in IQ.

>> No.3878786

I think lack of empathy more important. No fucks given about fucking someone anally is the path to success. I wish I had no conscious.

>> No.3878800


Knowledge is only power when applied.

Success comes to those who have a burning desire for it, backed by unwavering faith and perseverance.

>> No.3878804

Get your faggot ass back to plebbit. Better yet, kill yourself

>> No.3878812
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coming from a rich family, or having jew-connections really helps with the whole success thing. pic attached. the poorfag is me

>> No.3878821

No you kill YOURself faggot

>> No.3878843
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In a capitalist system; a lot. Don't tell the niggers
>muh systemic struggles

>> No.3878844

Nothing. It just depends on how bad you want it and how far you are willing to go to achieve it

>> No.3878848

I know many high IQ people that don't amount to much. Some over think, some are afraid to make mistakes. Some think doing anything is pointless because in the end we all die.

You need a combination of IQ and a lofty goal for real success. An internal roadmap and also the ability to naturally get a read on people. I can go on, But IQ by itself won't make you successful.

>> No.3878907

Sure, being determined and unafraid to fail are good traits too, but if you're not too smart, you'll have very little to offer in the competitive marketplace of ideas

>> No.3878940

IQ and Conscientiousness both correlate strongly with success. Which makes sense, smart hard working people are probably more likely to be successful

>> No.3878993

>You can still be a top lawyer with a 75 IQ
>You can do anything you want, follow your dreams


>> No.3879053

>in the end we all die
A real genius would know that you will be able to buy immortality in the future.

>> No.3879164

>rich ppl are fat and evil lol

>> No.3879225

There's an IQ threshold for success in most professions. Once you get beyond that there's not nearly as much correlation.

Outside of academia it doesn't really matter if someone has an IQ of 120 or 160. Lots of other traits, like willingness to take risks, self-promotion or just sheer creativity (which does correlate weakly with IQ) are going to matter way more.

I went to a top school for undergrad and a lot of extraordinarily smart people just feel very happy and content being in the grad student/prof track and just playing around with puzzles all day. Sure, they'll have an alright income if they make prof at a good school, but they'll never be wildly successful in terms of fame or fortune.

>> No.3879254


Go on, I'm interested in hearing more

>> No.3879273

Assuming you start from nothing and are motivated: a lot, and a lot of it is luck. If you aren't motivated then it doesn't mean shit and you're bound to be a smart but lazy loser for the rest of your life.
If you're born into wealth and are given a small loan of $1M then it means absolutely nothing.

Money makes money. This is why the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.

>> No.3879366

This, I was in gifted classes growing up, and desu one of the lesser intelligent guys is the most successful out of all of the ones I'm still in touch with.

Lot of them got hooked into drugs and shit and fucked themselves that way.

>> No.3879403

iq and conscientiousness are the psychometric traits that most highly correlate with financial success

>> No.3879469

none, sociopathy or psychopathy is needed to be rich

>> No.3879476

Nice just bought $100k

>> No.3879495

>Implying there's no correlation between high IQ and sociopathy

t. High IQ sociopath

>> No.3879507

it means that psychology pseudo science that /biz/ disregard is one that successful people instinctively know and feel

and that IQ means shit if youre an unlucky son of a bitch

>> No.3879522

yes that the point, low iq sociopaths attain success too

>> No.3879565

honestly, ZERO... looks and networking play way more of a role than intelligence honestly and unfortunately. I've seen shit float to the top several times because of good ol boy or just good looking

>> No.3879568


>> No.3879576

IQ is fine and good and all. But you also need to be able to manipulate people. A high amount of social engineering is needed for any amount of success.

t. Sociopath

>> No.3879588

statistics says otherwise.
for men the only two strongly correlated factors with success for men are iq and height

>> No.3879594

complete rubbish, most psychopaths are low-iq gangbangers spending decades behind bars for enganging in constant, impulsive, high-risk low-reward criminal behavior

"let's rob this store at gunpoint, possibly shoot the clerk, all while getting my face on camera, so I can risk thirty years in jail for the 200 bucks in the cash register"

>> No.3879623

Sociopathy/psychopathy are on a sliding scale much like autism. Not everyone is an impulsive faggot. That is a meme outsiders tell themselves.

>> No.3879632

psychopathy doesnt equate to criminalility and just plain stupidity, think of it this way "who controls those low iq gangbangers"

>> No.3879644

This 100%

You are retarded and bought into the Hollywood romanticised version psychopathy/sociopathy.

>> No.3879645

It does account for quite a bit, higher IQ people tend to be more financially successful. However, there is a point where IQ starts to become a liability, particularly if you get individuals that have +150 (I think that's the threshold, don't quote me on that). At this point you start to over-analyze things and become overly neurotic (personality is also another great factor that plays into financial success, think of how Chad is always able to gain success).

This guy gets it.

>If you're born into wealth and are given a small loan of $1M then it means absolutely nothing.

Actually, being born into wealth can be quite the liability when it comes to future success, think of all the spoiled rich kids who never thought that their parents' wealth and end up squandering it all.

>It takes money to make money.
While there is a lot of truth to this, just having money plopped onto you won't guarantee future success, think of all the lottery winners that ended up with nothing after just a few years (I think it's up to 70%, correct me if I'm wrong). There's a saying for this: "A man is no bigger than his money, fools and their money are easily parted".

>> No.3879662

>implying all psychopaths and sociopaths are criminals

>> No.3879690


you're so smart

>> No.3879699

>psychopathy doesnt equate to criminalility and just plain stupidity
>Not everyone is an impulsive faggot
uninhibited, impulsive behaviour is a staple characteristic of psychopathy. you seem to have bought into a glamourized, hollywood view of psychopaths because you want to roleplay as hannibal lecter. empirically, most psychos are dumb, worthless losers rotting in jail for dumb shit

>> No.3879701

ah yes the reality is different arguement, gangs dont have structure until the guys who control the drugs/money need them

>> No.3879715

most are but not all of them, anon most people dont know they are psychopaths

>> No.3879732

iq is not as important as confidence and ability to fulfill promises/back what you say.

>> No.3879735

Your grades in school are not correlated by your IQ. Grades are just a measure of how well you follow directions, so a lot of time people with straight A's are very book smart but have low intelligence and/or wisdom.

>> No.3879736

kids that were tested with having an above average iq (120+) were often more successful than those who had lower iq scores. this is from a study i remember reading about. forgot the source, so take it for what it's worth.

>> No.3879739

i'm not disputing that high-functioning, intelligent ones exist, i'm saying the vast majority are low-functioning losers, which is factual

>> No.3879740

Lies, people follow those they look up to.
You'll never lead an organization or a team to greatness with setting an example

>> No.3879756
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IQ skews the odd's in your favor.
No more and no less.
Same as money, family, health, long hours and luck.

The higher you score on all these factors the exponential larger your window for super success becomes.

If you're a lazy IQ 65 Somali, with cancer, dead family, 5000$ debt to the local warlord with below average luck your chance of becoming the next Elon Musk is close to zero.

You actually have a shot, if you're IQ 135 American, healthy and with great physique (judged by women), Nobel Laureate plutocrat tier industrialist parents, 5000 BTC you bought for fun in 2009 and supernormal luck in everything you do.

(Actually, the only thing might be holding you back at this level is that you're already too rich and hedonism can get in your way so you need to be intrinsical motivated and then you're literally unstoppable at that power level.)

>> No.3879758
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about this much

>> No.3879773

i would add wealth to your list but also

what about the unmeasurables? like determination, passion, confidence. hollywood is filled with short successful people.

>> No.3879818

Yeah that's exactly what I implied. Dumbass.
The vast majority of psychopaths are degenerates and criminals because guess what: they are incapable of empathy and don't give a shit about their victims. These are truly scary people, the niggers that rob you at gunpoint don't give a single shit about you they just want your fucking money.
Gangs have a structure of hierarchy based fear and strength. It is easy to put fear into people and be appear strong when you're a psychopath because you don't give a shit about them. You'd kill another nigger's family with no remorse if he started chatting shit.
>who controls those low iq gangbangers
This is your romanticised view of some mastermind plotmaster puppetmaster pulling all the strings. Gang leaders rule with fear and strength and enough intelligence not to get stabbed in the back. Get back on netflix, I'm sure there's a new episode of Bates Motel or some other garbage romanticising a serious mental disorder.

Those born into wealth are generally educated not to be overly retarded with daddy's money. Also think about who plays the lottery anyway. Sure as hell isn't the middle or upper class. I might be wrong but in my experience it's mostly poor people who've never had more than 10k in their bank account.

>> No.3879828

>hollywood is filled with jews

>> No.3879844

The people you now sound like rick and Morty fans

>> No.3879874

>Also think about who plays the lottery anyway. Sure as hell isn't the middle or upper class. I might be wrong but in my experience, it's mostly poor people who've never had more than 10k in their bank account.
People who feel they have hit a dead end and have not much to lose. Also, people who want to dream. I'm sure even academics play it from time to time if they had to work for everything they own and were only able to save a couple tens of thousand's of dollars because they always had to take care of people.

>> No.3879894

Well if your IQ is 30, you have a 0% chance of success. But if your IQ is 180 you have a 50% chance of killing yourself. So make your own judgement as to what kind of role that is.

>> No.3879912

>different gangs different ways
kek, theyre not human right.

anon youre sense of psychopathy is that theres only one way they can be a paychopath. theres a reason why psychology is considered a pseudo science and youre inforcing that notion

>> No.3879949

Yeah whatever I can't be bothered to elaborate though I worded my post badly.

Basically psychopaths are not what you see on tv. Good night.

>> No.3880035
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Neckbeard detected.

Sociopaths are not self-aware. If you call yourself sociopathic it means you've watched too many TV shows and movies pumped out by Hollywood which promote narcissism and psychopathy.

In reality you're probably just a disagreeable bitter person who has swallowed the propaganda.

Real sociopaths think that they're really good people and aren't able to comprehend the fact that they go through life destroying other people.

It's amazing that people today actually look at that as a successful model of behaviour. I can't think of anything more horrible than not being able to enjoy normal human emotions like empathy, love, humour and friendship.

And before you say it, no I'm not suggesting that people should be beta pushovers. You should still stand up for yourself and place your own interests above others but that doesn't make it necessary to destroy people for your own advantage.

>> No.3880139

Rich people are not fat and evil, but this image does show perfectly how it all works.

Rich people get a huge headstart and all the means they desire.

Poorer people have to put in a lot more work to get where a rich guy is and it will likely take a lot longer.

>> No.3880168

You are correct that IQ is the strongest correlation with success.


1. Success is measured as Good Job, Income, ...

2. Even though it's the strongest correlation it only CORRELATES FOR 16% for your overall success in life long term.

16% is fucking laughable.

And statistics are just statistics, an average is just an average. Exceptions always exist. It does not mean shit.

>> No.3880193


1. A psychopath is somebody who feels no empathy. It does not mean he is violent, it means he feels no empathy.

2. A research found out around 30 - 50% of CEO's are in fact psychopaths.

>> No.3880208

kys; guarantee you came from /r/the_donald

>> No.3880241

My own government classifies me as a sociopath and yet I am not a criminal. Explain that? Sure I do some pretty shady shit and I could kill your entire family in a heartbeat but it doesn't mean I'm going too. In fact, it's far more fun to screw with someone's life so much that they take it themselves. Causing entire families to shun and alienate, cause complete financial ruin, Causing one to lose their job, get kicked out of school or having their children taken away. Watching them fall apart bit by bit while they have no idea who or even if someone is behind it other than God himself. Why would I dirty my hands when it is so simple to have someone else do it to themselves? Plus, it's by far more entertaining than not. So yes, I'm probably degenerate by your standards, And no I don't give a flying fuck about my "victims" and will fuck someone's life up at the tip of a hat because someone looked at me the wrong way while I was having a bad day. But there is never any reason to commit a direct crime against anyone because what's the point? It's a risk vs reward thing. You don't have to tell me that I am a piece of shit because I already know that.

>> No.3880282

People like you think they blend in, but I guarantee that you can be spotted from a mile away

>> No.3880303

This. "I like watching horror movies. I'm such a psychopath." Humans need alphas and betas for societies to work. Each one fulfils a role, and if you're born beta, that's how chance made you. It's about being happy, alpha or beta. Plenty alphas are sad and miserable, and many betas are happy and well-off.

>> No.3880309

It really doesn't matter. I do far more good for my community than bad. I can be just ad benevolent as I can be an ass.

>> No.3880313

I'm a uni student and I have some close mates that are incredibly successful. For e.g.

One friend is ruthless, smooth talker, high IQ and quite possibly a psychopath. He started a consulting firm at 19 and was recently offered $500k for it.

Another friend is dumb as shit, the runt of our social group in terms of intelligence, yet he makes $100k per year from a gambling website he created. He has a knack for making money.

Two people, one smart and one dumb, but both successful. I think the determining characteristic of being financially successful is to have the drive to make money. They set a goal and they didn't stop till they achieved it.

>> No.3880335

less IQ, more success

>> No.3880347


Can you fucking read retard? All his shitty LARP. A psychopath is just the lack of feeling empathy, these people are not murderous by themselves.

They are just more likely to resort to murder since they feel nothing while beating somebody to death.

But even then, without good reason a psyopath would not attempt that.

The truly dangerous people are:


Again, a lot of CEO's are psychopaths. Stop watching horror movies retards, they only point out extremes to entertain.

>> No.3880372
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Christ, the school shooter wannabe sociopath larpers are out in full force today.

>> No.3880387
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Lol. This is top-notch bait. I hope you're not actually serious.

You think of yourself as some master puppeteer who is pulling the strings but in reality you're pic related.

A fat loser who justifies his failures by convincing himself it's all part of a plan for world domination.

>> No.3880389

Alpha's and beta's hav 0 fucking scientific basics. How about those beta's put in all the fucking work those alpha's do?

- Learn to socialise
- Learn to romance women
- Go to the gym
- Take up boxing or some shit

People who call this fate disgust me. They throw away/downplay all the work these people put in to make themselves feel better about it. You don't know shit

>> No.3880390

m̧͍̼̮͖͗̓ͭ̇͋̀y̬ͩ̃̃̄̊͠ ̶̷̧̯͔͕̉͆ͪͨͦỈ̶̴̹͍̥̬͠Q̨̬͕̥̤͔̮̳̔̽̈́̍ͭ͂͡ ̩͈̘̠̞͊̉ͪi̧͔͇̥͈͚̋͑͒̀ͣ͑s̰͓͇̔ͤ̐̂̽̽ ̜͚͎̤̫̩͔̆̄͛ͦ̇ͦp̞̺͕͔̳͚͇͐̉̾͒ͭr̨̛̠̹̝̹̫̠̺͍͛̋ỏ̧̰̯̺̰̜̫ͪ̋͋̄́̍b̦̭͍͔̮͍̒͢͡á̸̯̘̞̰̥̟̬̞̣̄b̵͎̯̯̠̥ͦl̨̙̯̻͚̊͗̕y̷̨̠̤͈͓̹̖̋̏̿ ̵̨̤̟̪̂̃ͪͦ̾͋ͅo̟̘͕̙̼̮̞̾ͩ͠ͅv̶̜͋̾̈́̆͐ͣ̇͢é̸̢̨̩̻̩̭̙̤͇͂̔̾̿r̢͚ͣͫ̐͊̈͗͋ ̴̬̥̫̣͛̿9̤̰̏̇ͤ̓ͤͧ̄͆͆0̺̦̫͉̟̄̀̓͌̇̑̇̚͠0̧͍͖̃̇ͨ́ͧ͜0̗̙̘̹̟̥͐̌̇̃́̎̍ͣͯͅ!̠̺͈̳̯̼̊ͪͯ͋ ͔͇̘͖̻͈͎ͫ̍̋͢<͔̖͉̤͖͚̣̑̆̍͋̃͗̔͐3̜̺̦̻̉́̏̋ͅ ̺̻̏̔̃ͯ̑͊͋̓<̧̥̌͟3̴̤̘̺̦͔̮̜̟͖̿̆̌͆ ̛̙̫̘̳͖̮͎͛̂͝ͅ<̢̢̣̈́̉͑3̶̞̩̑̂̄

>> No.3880415

If I wasn't a double digit IQ smoothbrain I wouldn't be posting in this hellhole.

>> No.3880420

It's a huge factor up to a certain point. Stupid people cope by saying it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.3880424

Has your "dumb friend" confirmed your notion or is that a presumption on your side based on his poor social skills?

>> No.3880450

>get poon tang
>get punched while you're sweaty
the key to your happiness is disgusting. you're a stupid fucking rodent.

>> No.3880499
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>Alpha's and beta's hav 0 fucking scientific basics.

>> No.3880648

It's not totally true to say that, but Alphas and Betas as it is understood on 4chan is actually based on fallacy. Betas are the bitches, they are the second in command generally speaking, but both alphas and bets rule over the rest, so the terms "alpha" and beta" the way they are used here is based on pure insecurity and a pretend understanding of biology

>> No.3880665

*betas are not just the bitches

is what I meant to say kek

>> No.3880700

well you could say its luck and shit and but sort of ends the argument

>> No.3880724
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I work in STEM so high IQ is basically a requirement, and it separates the top performers from the steady eddies. it's extremely important and basically determines that person's skill level.

>> No.3880775

IQ is one of the best indicators for future success. Sure, you'll have outliers like a bunch of high IQ kids not really becoming anything at all or a dumb person striking it big, but those are exceptions. You won't have a bunch of dumb people becoming multi-milllionaires and you won't have a bunch of smarties languish in poverty.

As others here have said, IQs between 130 and 140 are the magic bullet when it comes to seven figure incomes. Anything above that and you're likely a mathematical savant who will become successful in his own way, not necessarily monetarily.

Furthermore, people who have high verbal intelligence absolutely kick ass when it comes to making seven figures i.e. your "smooth talkers".

>> No.3880902

High IQ also correlates strongly with mental illness, which is where the high IQ NEET trope comes from

After 130 IQ has much less effect on personal success.

120 is the threshold for artists where it stops correlating altogether.

>> No.3880933
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>tfw high IQ and saddled w/a mental disorder
shit sucks, yo

>> No.3880943

Most stem cucks are sub100.

>> No.3880980
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show us on the doll where STEM touched you anon

>> No.3881340

>Sociopaths are not self-aware
Some of them are. I know I'm one because people used to call me a psycho in middle school, so I started paying more attention to my attitudes

>In reality you're probably just a disagreeable bitter person
Lack of agreeblaness is literally one of the defining traits of psychopathy

>Real sociopaths think that they're really good people
I do think I'm good, but I'm self-aware enough to realize some of my actions would be deemed cruel, amoral or self-indulgent by others

>> No.3881443

depends where you are born in life.

Could have the IQ of stephen hawking but if you're in africa you'd be prety fucked and you'd end up dead with your brains

>> No.3881493

Pretty easy to find out just ask their stance on global warming

>> No.3881570

Lol, african genes aren't making the next Stephen Hawking anyways.

>> No.3881590


its the truth

>> No.3881603

if i have two people in front of me and all I know about them is there IQ and their score on personality trait conscientiousness you can tell which person is more successful 80% of the time. Both IQ and conscientiousness are the most important variables in success

>> No.3881742

U mad cause donald turned out a massive retard?

>> No.3881760


ok jordan peterson

>> No.3881774


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”

>> No.3881788

>all I know about them is there IQ and their score on personality trait
>two people in front of me
>in front of me
Someone didn't do well on their IQ test.

>> No.3881809

sociopaths can be aware, psychopaths rarely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2bPMDTXQTY

>> No.3881820
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>> No.3881892

>le big-black-cock maymay science
Posting colorized brain scans without any measure is just as bad as posting a graph without a labeled axis.

>> No.3881909

You need to watch Rick and Morty in order to be Bill Gates level.

>> No.3881928
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JBP thread?

>> No.3882118

r u the real pickle rick?