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3876126 No.3876126 [Reply] [Original]

My story of loosing $5000 worth of LINK tokens to twitter scam

1. Binance Exchange Ether address

2. Transferred my 12K LINK tokens and 0.2 ETHER into below MyEther wallet address from my BInance exchange account

I created this MyEther wallet address with intention of getting my free AIRDROP LINK tokens according the twitter scam which linked to this website.

3. Then I put myether wallet details including my private key… ( I know I’m stupid and I was really not feeling well and I wasn’t thinking for few minutes, Just for a second my brain was switched off ) and 30 mins later I logged into my ether wallet account and realise that my LINK tokens and ETHER being send to the following address and my account balance is zero.



4. And Now all my LINK tokens and ETHER sitting in the address above. Which obviously the scammer’s address and I don’t know what he’ll do next and where he’ll move my tokens… Could anyone please advise what I should do ?

>> No.3876138

Please somebody help me!!!!

>> No.3876142

sorry dude, theres literally nothing you can do.

>> No.3876143

Don't worry, contact the Bitcoin company, they will get it back

>> No.3876155

This is why I think we are not at peak crypto.

Fucking retards like this.

>> No.3876158


>> No.3876159

We must find satoshi.
And sue him.

>> No.3876161

Your money is gone forever. Find a way to move on or kill yourself.

>> No.3876165

Write Vitalik boyo on Twitter he will hardfork Ethereum for you.

>> No.3876169

You're unbelievably retarded lol

>> No.3876172

Accept your loss and move on. Rebuy your links or you gonna feel double down when it pumps

>> No.3876173

im sorry son

i dont think theres any way to fix

hopefully we all learned a valuable lesson from this

>> No.3876184

Sorry pal, it's too late to do anything. Unless you have a link to the past you're out of luck.

>> No.3876185

Discard my previous post, you have to kill yourself for being a fucking retard. Your coins are long gone. You will never get them back. Slit your wrist faggot. Do it, you pussy.

>> No.3876187

You live and you learn. With time you also laugh. Such is life.

>> No.3876192

Nathan, read the paper on previous incidences like this at emotionaltrader.tumblr.com/what-happened-to-the-link-fags
theres a set of instructions on what to do there
you need to do this fast or itll be too late when the theif moves the coins

>> No.3876198
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Just create a fork and pretend it never happened.

>> No.3876200

> Then I put myether wallet details including my private key
Jesus Christ man, I want to feel sorry for you, but you are making it extremely hard Nigga.

>> No.3876203

damn you're dumb as fuck

>> No.3876205

Does it really matter? Link is shitcoin anyway, be happy. It's not the end. Start trading again and work your way up.

>> No.3876206

Thanks for the links OP

I'll let you sit in one of my lambos as long as you wear your diapers

>> No.3876207

We owe you nothing.

>> No.3876215

Nobody can, and nobody will, "Nathan". Fuck outta here.

>> No.3876221
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> Then I put myether wallet details including my private key

>> No.3876226

Just call chainlink devs and tell them to undo the block chain. Maybe you will get a refund.

>> No.3876234

I suggest no one opens this link.

>> No.3876248

Be happy you only lost 5k. See the whole situation as a 5000 dollar lesson and move on

>> No.3876251
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I-I'm sorry anon.

>> No.3876254


>> No.3876268

Thanks for the LINK ;)

>> No.3876273
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> Then I put myether wallet details including my private key

>> No.3876274

Read the entire thing, but don't understand how the instructions are supposed to work.

>> No.3876277

wtf i opened link now all my bitbean is gone

>> No.3876290

these scams profit off greed and it works

>> No.3876304

Nice, just stole 12k

>> No.3876312

and incredibly stupid newfag normies who have no idea what they are investing in.
>doesn't know the website name

>> No.3876317

This is why monetary transactions NEED to be centralized. Nobody can fix problems like this in a decentralized currency system and people will NEVER stop making mistakes with their money. This is why cryptocurrency is doomed.

>> No.3876333

found jamie dimon

>> No.3876335

do not open this link, it automatically buys 100k espers on yobit

>> No.3876337
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>> No.3876344

There is no such thing as a free lunch.
F sorry for your loss

>> No.3876350

>just for a second
no your brain has been off since birth you fucking retard

>> No.3876355

People have been getting scammed since the dawn of time.

The dude is just a greedy retarded fuck that didn't do his due diligence.

Whether or not monetary transactions need to be centralized or decentralized, only time will tell.

>> No.3876359


>> No.3876361

> This is why certain people are doomed
> A fool and his money are soon parted
Is a saying which is ages old. You've learned your lesson OP, don't get too greedy and if something seems too good to be true...it probably is.

>> No.3876366

I know the feeling. I fell victim to a MEW phishing and keylogger scam. Lost about $1000 but that's a fuckton for me and literally everything I had earned and put into crypto.

You know what I did immediately (after I spent the next two weeks completely depressed)? I bought a ledger nano s, something that I knew for the longest time I needed to get to protect myself. If I had bought a hardware wallet from day 1, I would have never been scammed.

There is literally nothing you can do to get those funds back. Spend the $100 and get a hardware wallet and move on. You're going to be upset the next couple weeks but soak it in and remember to make better decisions from here on out.

>> No.3876372


>> No.3876386


>> No.3876387


Do you have enough fiat to buy rope or do you need a donation?

>> No.3876406

Thanks for everyone's comments and I really appreciate it.

I'm going to tweet this to real @SergyNazarov! And hope he'll give me some his LINK tokens.

I believe in KARMA. what goes around comes around. Stealing other people money is not good karma and it depends on the situation if this person is deep trouble for money then my money is put in good course. But I don't think thats the case..

Such a bad world we live in and I got into crypto so that wealth is redistributed amongst all the people in the world and there won't be any need to steal or killing fellow humans for money.

I really hope to everyone here becomes crypto billionaiers and together we can take this human race forward.

>> No.3876410
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>Then I put myether wallet details including my private key…

I didn't know this happened in real life.

>> No.3876419


Oh that is how he is a pajeet

>> No.3876446

Hi Nathan. I don't have $5000 to spare but I can cover $1000 (worth of LINK tokens) or so of your losses. Just generate a new address, transfer an ETH or two to it to prove it's valid, then reply with the public and private keys here. No need to thank me, I love helping fellow linkers out. Just please be more careful with your new LINK!

>> No.3876455

You see? This is the kind of poor good-natured idiot you people are saying should fend for themselves. You think it's okay to leave people like this in the dust in your greedy rush for digital gold?

>> No.3876461


>> No.3876485

This is the most elaborate troll I've ever read

If it isn't a troll, the retard still deserves to lose every cent

>> No.3876495

Yes the goyim are too stupid to look after themselves, they must be governed for their own protection

>> No.3876505

Someone post the legendary scam screenshot plz. I dont have it with me. That scam was a delicatessen. It unfold like a Shyamalan movie. One of the finest scams Ive ever seen pulled.

>> No.3876515

ZRX? I'm in that screencap.

>> No.3876516

I am calling the Ethereum customer support line right fucking now how dare a stranger on the internet steal your funds just because you gave him your private key. Fucking thiefs.

>> No.3876521
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oh my sweet summer child

>> No.3876527

just call up vitalik and ask him to rollback

>> No.3876543


you're infantilizing him because you're too stupid to understand it's a blatant troll.

>> No.3876567

Hey guys, I got money skelly on the phone, can everyone post the transactions they want rolled back and we will get them fixed.

>> No.3876569
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You are either the biggest normie or just a successful troll.. If former, get off 4chan.. back to Plebbit... please.

>> No.3876571

Yes that one, you sure have it saved

>> No.3876614
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>> No.3876621
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>> No.3876631

Thanks everyone for sharing something with me here and I don't need any kind of donation from you guys.

Just sharing your experiences and feedback on this forum is valuable for me than the $5k. I use this site everyday and this community worth lot more than $5k.

I might be lacking some skills or experiences that some people have but I'm here to become crypto millionaire with you guys and I'll help some unfortunate people in this world with most of the money for sure.

>> No.3876640
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Lets start a Change.org petition to make Satoshi give his beans back and change our facebook profile pictures in support of Nathan, the victim of a brutal and unjust cyber crime

>> No.3876647
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This will always be peak /biz/

>> No.3876686
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>> No.3876705
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>> No.3876709

I'll bite.

OP we can't help you. Ever heard the phrase, you can't change the world, you can only change yourself? Same thing here, you're the only one that can help yourself right now.

Here's how:
What I need you to do is gather your fucking thoughts(no more switching off), I know everyone here(including me) will call a retard, BUT we also know that's not the case, so pull yourself together, and you'll get trough this!
As soon as you do this, I want you to go to your wallet. No, not your online crypto wallets, your actual physical irl wallet. Check how much money there is. I'm going out on a limb here, but I assume your not from a third world country., if so there should be at least, like 20$ in there, if so then good.
Next, I want you to go to the nearest supply store with those 20$, buy a fucking rope, go back home, hang it from your ceiling, or a fucking doorknob, and kys yourself you fucking retarded nigger fagget!

>> No.3876753



Crypto will be the back-end to a new kind of financial institution where deposits will be insured, just as credit card companies now refund stolen money even when the customer is stupidly negligent.

>> No.3876804

get a hardware wallet, that way you just cant put your private key anywhere

>> No.3876845

isn't a paper wallet equally good? assuming your computer is clean when creating it I don't see a problem

>> No.3876859

almost m8

>> No.3876888

Just for the record I know "niggerfaggit" is one word!

>> No.3876901


>> No.3876921

>I believe in KARMA
You deserve to be poor OP, but look at this way, we can't all be youtube celebs and crypto kingpins, someone has to mek them burgers, and wash them lambos

>> No.3876941

i wonder if he has any Whitelists left over...

>> No.3876965

can you sell me a request whitelist pls?

>> No.3877021

lmao this

>> No.3877040


>Then I put myether wallet details including my private key…

Stopped reading there. You are a fucking retard and deserve to be robbed

>> No.3877044

pajeet detected

>> No.3877107

Lesson learned. Never post your private key online, and store it where no one but YOU can access it.

>> No.3877132

LOLfucking retard .
Now you're a broke nigger fag

>> No.3877229

aren't they kind of limited in the coins they can store?

>> No.3877452

Bro, Can I get one of them whitelists, I got mad shekels son.

>> No.3877552



>> No.3877720


Listen to me.

You deserved it. You shouldn't put thousands of dollars into things you don't understand, and if you gave anyone your private key, then you don't understand crypto. Think of this as a very expensive life lesson and just let it go.

>> No.3877747
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>> No.3877899

I have read about NEM being scammed from some people but there's some white hat hacker who was able to retrieve their coins. He wouldn't share how since it can be used for evil as well but also it has to meet certain requirements to be retrieved.

>> No.3878035

With great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.3878122

stop hating on metal.