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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 498 KB, 537x540, linkpoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3869988 No.3869988 [Reply] [Original]

Was a fun ride, it gave gold. Now is the time to sell anons. Or be cursed soon with holding the bags. Sibos is going to make it dump. Only that has become of Link is deluded shilling by anons.


>> No.3869997

Are you a prophet or something ?

>> No.3870031

Learn to speak English properly

>> No.3870033


Just wait 2 days and see the dump, son. I warned you.

>> No.3870038

Ok bro

>> No.3870040
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Thanking for warning

>> No.3870086
File: 110 KB, 628x871, Oracle_SC2_Art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are not prophets, but oracles :) Good thing we have oracles on our side as well

>> No.3870203


Np Praheed. Stinky old shoes is what you will get.

>> No.3870213
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1495212298724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone suddenly feel the need to make a thread to tell the whole world that they sold LINK?
I don't see this with any other coin except LINK.
It's almost like the same guy is spamming the same thread every day.

>> No.3870292

>guys I sold so you have to do the same because I'm scared it's gonna moon and I'm gonna miss it and I won't be able to look at you guys getting rich

ok motherfucker you sold, you don't believe in the project, now be a man and move on, don't look back and stop trying to drag everyone down with you

>> No.3870327
File: 38 KB, 400x402, 1981902_754743557939427_6066363747022400234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always the same case, the fuckers that are the biggest fuders are the ones that are torn between, still on the fence, they didn't/don't believe in the project enough to invest/hold but are also scared it's gonna moon without them so they have to reassure themselves constantly

you are the fucking worst you pussies, you will never make it in this business, with no brain and even less balls. I can respect someone who has doubts and questions something to get educated but you cowards are just trying to take everyone down with you, I wish this wasn't an anonymous board so I could come back here in a few months and laugh in your stupid faces kek

>> No.3870353

anoon thank

>> No.3870953

>one lentil has been dropped in your pot

>> No.3870964

Just bought 5k more at 7700. Thanks for your bags

>> No.3870965
File: 1.98 MB, 5532x2325, 1507298566877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Town Crier whitepaper
>A few data feeds exist for Ethereum today that source data from trustworthy websites, but provide no assurance of correctly relaying such data beyond the reputation of their operators (typically individuals or small entities). HTTPS connection to a trustworthy website would seem to offer a solution, but smart contracts lack network access, and HTTPS does not digitally sign data for out-of-band verification. The lack of a substantive ecosystem of trustworthy data feeds is frequently cited as critical obstacle to the evolution of Ethereum and decentralized smart contracts in general

>> No.3870970

thanks for the bags anon ya dumb pussy

>> No.3871119

>Now is the time to sell anons
>two days before a massive marketing event
>just as Chainlink is gaining users
>just as the team is about to break radio silence after SIBOS

Nah, I think I'm good right here bucko.

>> No.3871139

You need to at least shill another shitcoin in your fud or it's too easy to figure out.

>> No.3871162

It's like they dont want LINK holders to even think about it before selling about 20% below ATH leading up to more news.

>> No.3871178
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>> No.3871270

But if you don't sell you can't FOMO back in for 2x afraid you fucked up. You have to sell.

>> No.3871349

>slaps foreskin
Of course! You're right anon, selling rn.

>> No.3871424

No upwards movement towards the conference. LMFAO. Struggles to keep up. Imagine now when that pothead has no unicorn news to bring but just a shitty presentation. DOWN WE GO LOL.

>> No.3871477

clearly youre talking out of your ass and havent done any research cause if you did you would know that there is a live demo utilizing chainlink smart contract to perform a transaction between two parties but you know i guess some people just hate money, beats me.

>> No.3871484

How is it gaining users? Volume on Binance was fucking slashed in half.

>> No.3871508

why are you so emotionally attached tho? shouldn't you be jerking off to your favorite shitcoins right now? but instead you prefer to waste time arguing over something you don't believe in right? yea, seems totally legit, kek

>> No.3871515

Learn the difference between user and investor.

>Volume on Binance was fucking slashed in half.
You say that like it's a bad thing in the run-up to SIBOS.

>> No.3871544
File: 263 KB, 764x551, 1506868763838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3871559

Trust me, its metaverse shills that launch this FUD campaign against LINK. Its the same guy posting the deus ex meme with pink wojaks.

Hes the same dude that keeps trying to make those hellraiser FUD memes for LINK. Just look at the pink wojak style used for both memes.