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>> No.3799802
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>reddit tears

oh well, at least something good happened today

>> No.3799820

kek all that asshurt

>> No.3799844

Imagine being first at line at a car dealership, you give the guy 50,000 for that BMW that's in limited quantities. The car salesman takes your money, and says "next" and the guy behind you pays 50,000$ and he gets your car.You can have your money back in maybe a week, if he gets to it.

This is the one of the biggest fucking frauds I have seen.

>> No.3799908

>48 of my NEO in Chinese-Jewish hands rn

Truly the longest con

>> No.3799938

Kek stay mad plebit i laught at your tears I'll dip you 0.000001 btc with my rpx gains

>> No.3799962

you wont get gains with how things are going right now.

>> No.3799971

Mad whales couldnt fill their bags lower price manipulation in the future i think things are looking pretty good for me

>> No.3799980

>pissed off investors
>incompetent team


>> No.3800001

>incompetent team
I think they were pretty competent, plebit fags asking for the red pulse team to honor their block were just delusionals, like little kids crying because they cant get a toy

>> No.3800008

I'm /comfy/ - first ICO on NEO platform, this is historical

>> No.3800013

and plebbitors are hysterical

>> No.3800022

Read the email. It was clearly stated multiple times it would be one hour after the first cap opened. Not 1 hour and 2 minutes or anything in relation to the specific block. Your ability to sustain being biased is truly fucking autistic. Its so dumbfounding, how you can even think that I'm wrong or any of the investors who invested on the hour.

>> No.3800024

Their tears get my dick hard

>> No.3800040

No no no stop turning the wheel you are the autistic here go read how blockchain works theres not such thing as precise timing because the blockchain cant be sync with real time people buy and sell and they move the blocks bu doing so the time doesnt move the blocks if you cant understand that you shouldn't even be here in the first place go back to plebit to cry autistic peace of shit

>> No.3800049

Alright man, let the price of RPX dictate that for you then.

>> No.3800067


>> No.3800076
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When is this coming to any major exchange? Bittrex? Binance?
It has no worth now

>> No.3800082

Look I know it is unfair the contribution was accepted and that shouldn't have happened but that wasn't up to the red pulse team they were powerless against that if you wanna blame someone blame neo for not foreseeing this problem beforehand and making in up code that automatically rejects early contributions, people blaming the red pulse team makes me think the crypto market is filled with kids or very uninformed people

>> No.3800087

First NEO sale. Something was bound to go bad.

>> No.3800103

The redpulse team was unaware too. They said it was by time not by block. They specifically mentioned this. This is redpulse's incompetence and what's scary is they didn't even admit to it. Hey man, I love neo, I wanted things to go smoothly for RPX since it is Neo's first ICO, but the way they handled this shit is unacceptable imo.

>> No.3800105

Would assume Binance soon since they are partnered

>> No.3800113

sure. but as they are the "professionals" they could have warned us about this fact. instead they proclaimed a specific TIME to contribute.

>> No.3800148
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You aren't blaming the right person
Pic related

>> No.3800160
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>implying any decent exchange is adding some chink coin


>> No.3800163
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>chainlinks crowdsale also had issues
>same shit said ad naseum, shitty team, terrible ico, ect
>mfw it went to the moon

who not worried and /comfy/ here

>> No.3800168

You know this is gonna moon so hard,when the ICO got 2x more the money required in just 6 minutes,and people are rating for not getting any,and thats without burgers and chinks.this is 7x at least

>> No.3800172

Im in NEO since antshares and what the RPX team did is pure incompetence, how can they say that the ico is time based when in fact its block based. Im bit tech savvy and i got in, many peeps didnt have this chance.

>> No.3800192

I think 10x or more this is getting so popular and mad whales couldnt fill their bags with their bots they gonna have to buy from exchange to manipulate rpx , expect some strong fud coming whales will pay pajeets to fud it and get the lower price

>> No.3800203

its going to be chainlink all over again. im expecting that initial dip after a x2 followed by "its below ico price guize"

>> No.3800229

kek this will outperform kyber.it wont go Bellow 3x ICO

>> No.3800273
File: 49 KB, 640x640, HelloFriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry to hear about all the trouble people are having with this ICO. Under an Uncapped Blind ICO Auction, this wouldn't have happened, and everyone who wanted to participate would have, and everyone who got into the ICO would have been happy about the price.


I also took a look at the RPX token a little while ago. It is risky, but has a big upside most people miss.


Take care, Friends.

>> No.3800319

You are criticising an ico that would work like the platform your using to roast this ico do you see how hypocritical that is

>> No.3800338
File: 46 KB, 591x886, ConsideringIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously didn't read either my articles. Most said my RPX article was positive. I try to make them neutral.

>> No.3800357

Fair enough, I'll read befire talking next time

>> No.3800569

love the tears

>> No.3800574

is 220k RDX be enough g-guys?

>> No.3800599
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Oh soz, friend sent more, Am I going to make it ?

>> No.3800604

binance partnership, come on dude

>> No.3800630

It will moon after it hits an exchanges. You can buy it there, so stfu pls. Anyway, I filled my bags