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3777703 No.3777703 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you Neofags even stay on board anymore? Not that Neo may not go higher in price but the entire market is built on non existent interest. Neo was heavily marketed to the west on purpose since Qtum was already actively entering the Chinese market with many rich Chinese investors and public interest. You are clearly only in it for the money as am I. I had invested in Neo and made some solid gains but it's time to move on to the next big thing which also happens to be everything you thought Neo was and more.

Don't get stuck being a deluded retard with nothing but tunnel vision for Neo and it's barely existent Eastern presence. I'm only trying to help as a Neo expat.

>> No.3777780

Better stock up before the swap completes bois.

>> No.3777922

getting desperate now that the main net has done nothing for the price, eh

>> No.3777950

So desperately waiting for all the new exchanges to go live. This is the comfiest of feels go cope harder plz

>> No.3777964
File: 40 KB, 500x667, 0397f1d7f4d3fa4dfb087e03f933326a-dog-with-eyebrows-looks-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No searches in China with a banned search engine

Wow really?

>> No.3777987

Yeah because google totally doesn't pull search trends at all from china. I just photoshopped those searches in since you are all to stupid and lazy to go look yourself. You guys are too ez

>> No.3777995

if NEO has no chinese interest then why does it have 16 million volume on binance compared to qtum's 2 million :/

>> No.3778004

Weak shilling. Nobody wants your bags.

>> No.3778057

This isn't even shilling anymore at this point. These are all facts that you retards can't cope with because muh chinese interest when it barely even fucking exists at all. Bought at 205 sats with 5 exchanges on the way? I don't want to sell you my bags right now faggot, I'll see you at 600+ sats

>> No.3778086

>implying binance is only Chinese people.
Everyone on biz and reddit uses binance along with tons of other people from different countries.

No hope for this cope

>> No.3778161

I can smell the sweat off the hongfei fan club from here

>> No.3778429

Why NEO is superior with 1 word?


>> No.3778449

qtum main net DELAYED for upwards of 3 weeks on coinone.


keep acting all smug, qtum. you are pathetic

>> No.3778474

Reason COINONE is delaying is also a fuckup of QTUM...
At least that´s what COINONE says in their official statement.

>> No.3778551

jej, i only bought NEO for the Red Pulse ICO. gains are gains

>> No.3778729
File: 94 KB, 1234x744, tryharder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol grasping at straws much? Even if it was true and there is a delay. It will only hold back neo's steamrolling for a bit longer.

>> No.3778849

Figures the source has absolutely nothing about a delay in it.

>> No.3778870

so I have to wait until 15th then a few days after that the coin gets listed on other exchanges? Too long

>> No.3778922

Even though you're probably some neofag fudder, No. This is just an edited/fake translation of https://coinone.co.kr/notice/posts/277/
Neofags are getting desperate

>> No.3779052

you're seriously denying that it was delayed? qtum fags are delusional

>> No.3779059

best fud attempt neofags had and it got shut down already kek

>> No.3779102
File: 47 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edited/fake translation of a coinone notice based on https://coinone.co.kr/notice/posts/277/
>Posted first on reddit to the qtum sub by a new account with it's only post being this fud
Nah not denying. We just know it wasn't. You keep grasping at straws with muh china and fud attempts against all this actual interest and information. Keep projecting about being delusional though it's working great for you.

>> No.3779176

well be sure to point out when coinone does the main net change....in a few weeks. :^)

>> No.3779229

You know I really don't mind you being an obvious neo retard. Everyone knows you're desperately trying to fud and I get to call you an idiot some more while bumping the thread :)