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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 207 KB, 1024x1187, mfh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3774029 No.3774029 [Reply] [Original]

share your advice/experience in:

>affiliate marketing
>share some hot niches and target markets
>how to start your own business
>betting in horses/games etc
>make money with selling tshirts

last thread >>3745638

>> No.3774052

I work from home as a freelance programmer.
I program Unity games, nativescript apps, etc.
But I get paid per hour, and some days I don't have any work so I don't get paid. And some days I'm ready to work but can't be charging the client yet for some reason.
So I would actually prefer a more stable salary even if I get paid less per hour (currently $23 - $35 per hour)
yeah, it's ok though

>> No.3774055

how do you go about finding clients?
i'm back end and have only had one client through word of mouth (it was at $40 an hour) but it was for ~130 hours of work so really steady

>> No.3774059

Freelance programmer/DevOps I charge clients 75-100per hour

>> No.3774062

Someone should create brapcoin on waves, it's about time

>> No.3774064

how did you get your clients though?
also how much experience do you have?

>> No.3774068
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Anyone do a YouTube hustle?
I think I wrote about this in the last bread: I'm not interesting in earning ad dollars but instead builing a brand and using the Youtube channel as the start of the funnel or whatever you call it.

Anyone have any experience in this?

I got all the video editing skills, how to mic stuff, can do presenting or have friends who'd be down (and come across well on camera).


>> No.3774073

Been eating nothing but mince and potatoes for a few months now. I don't know if there is a way out of this for me. I have an IQ over 130 and I can't do shit because I have no money.


Plz help I need like $20

>> No.3774076

I have about 12 years experience before I went freelance. All my clients right now are from connections o had when I was in the work force.

>> No.3774081

where do I get those clients?

>> No.3774086

well fug
I can't compete with people like that lol

>> No.3774090

>Amazon's Mechanical Turk
This is not a begging thread.

>> No.3774093

I don't find them easily :(

>> No.3774095

If you live in a decent sized metro area go to language and platform specific meetups, maybe even give a talk, that's great marketing. go to events like that and try to make a name for yourself.

>> No.3774101

stop posting these fat ugly pigs

>> No.3774105

>low test

>> No.3774106

Everything you just mentioned might get you $2 an hour. I'm stuck in a fucked up first world socialist country where living expenses are through the roof.

I swear I just need enough money to escape to Russia or something then I'll be fine.

>> No.3774108

that sounds like a good solution.
A bit long term, but I will actually try to be more active in the community

>> No.3774112

>I have an IQ of over 130 and can't do shit because I have no money
>tfw too intelligent for common sense

fuck off, brainlet

>> No.3774124

Dev is slave work. Fuck that shit

>> No.3774128

I can't work a conventional job because I have a physical disability. I can't trade shitcoins because I have no capital. My only option is to learn programming and compete with pajeets for scraps.

>> No.3774130

It works, all my jobs have come from a random call or email from someone I know through being somewhat involved in the Linux and Dev community locally. I'm not even as involved as some, also don't be afraid to tell recruiters youd prefer to 1099 independently than be an actual employee, usually they'll still bite.

>> No.3774144

Learn infrastructure, become an architect that way you aren't competing for scraps, your managing them and making sure they deliver code that isn't total trash
Being security oriented also is HUGE right now, no issue finding work if that's your niche

>> No.3774162

How long does it take to learn infrastructure?

>> No.3774180

I started as a Linux sysadmin and moved more towards dev over time, but I've found that freelancing places really want me for my systems knowledge.

Honestly just install Linux and force yourself to learn, get comfy with Jenkins, learn common AWS architecture and how to implement. Learn puppet, chef, or salt.

>> No.3774193

you can start crypto with $50 or $100, you don't need thousands.
obviously, it will take longer to make decent bank and you can't withdraw, but you should be doing ti with whatever you can manage. 1% a day adds up.

>> No.3774211

How do I educate myself on these methods?

>> No.3774213

I buy btc on dips and HODL i tend to not be good at picking shit for day trading, is there some shit I should be looking at to make gains outside of just buying on the dip

>> No.3774222

How do you recognize a dip?

>> No.3774227

google it and read everything. read investopedia about how to read charts. it takes practice and time.

>> No.3774228

The nice thing about open source stuff is it's free as in freedom, try getting VirtualBox and running a webserver, then see if you can run a Java, php, ruby, python app served by the webserver (Apache or nginx or something) then try to setup something like puppet to blast configs out to recreate your setup on a new machine

It'll start to click, if you are currently part of a dev team, ask to see what your release engineer is working on if you have one

>> No.3774234

Well recently btc went down to like 3k so I bought and it went back up to over 4k. Just buy btc when it drops on price and hold it and don't look back. Obviously if it's for holding don't tie up money you'd need access to for daily expenses

>> No.3774268

Can someone write a step by step for the lazy people how to start your affiliate business

>> No.3774276

Look a few threads back. There was an anon who posted a method for YouTube affiliate marketing with ebooks.

>> No.3774282

Dig through the previous thread linked and the other previous threads theres a lot of good info in there, come back with specific questions

>> No.3774318
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>> No.3774388

>asks for USD

What scam is this? Americans don't know what mince is.

>> No.3774469

I literally just need anything. Life sucks and I would greatly appreciate if a kind anon could help me.

>> No.3774605
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come up with something you can do on fivrr or something

>> No.3774719


>> No.3774775

I'm thinking about using an adult url shortener and spamming some porn around for shits and giggles. Anyone else doing that?

>> No.3774807
File: 111 KB, 713x890, mfh40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porn you rehosted or affiliate shilling for someone else pay per click?

>> No.3774808

here anon, from the last thread

Begging. Find a nice spot, plonk your ass down and give everyone who walks by a warm smile tinged with sadness. Couple'o hundy a day easy.

Dog walking.

Buy bulk drinks and put in an ice chest. Sell at Sports games and concerts marked up. Easy hundy right there.

Order coin rolls from your bank. Go through the rolls and look for Silver Dollars which now and then find their way into rolls. Sell Silver dollars for a huge profit. Repeat. Don't overdo do it, move from bank to bank as if they cotton on they'll likely refuse to serve you.
Busking.Program a keyboard with some Beethoven and pretend youre playing.
Go to every single shop in your local area and ask for change for $10 but give them $5. Most will notice in which case just apologise and move on. A couple will not even notice and give you $10 worth of change. Not illegal as its their mistake.
Tutor chinese students in English. Download some free Qualifications. They dont care, so long as you can speak English. $40 an hour.
Rent a house and sublet every room or put on Air BnB for a profit.
Dumpster diving. Businesses throw away perfectly good shit. I've found perfectly good PCs and even a CCTV system worth $800.
Drive around and see if anyone in your neighborhood is being evicted. Give them a lowball offer for all their stuff, can work really well.
Raffles. 1000 tickets for $1 each. Buy a used PS4 as the prize. Keep the 800 profit, give a hundy to charity to preserve your eternal soul.
Make a whole bunch of sub sandwiches and buy a crate of soda from Sams Club or Costco. Drive up to construction sites or walk into offices just before lunch time and sell. Hire very attractive woman to do it for you and pay just above minimum wage.
Buy cigarettes from Dutyfree.io and resell outside bars and pubs. Buy knock off merchandise from DH Gate and sell outside sports stadiumsWalk around parks in the autumn and collect seeds of exotic trees. Sell on Ebay.

>> No.3774818

Pay per click. I might do rehosting some day, but I'd like just to shill a bit.

>> No.3774823

where do you find a pay per click porn affiliate to shill links

>> No.3774832

Make recipe books en masse theyre easy to do and theres almost no way to get caught plagerising. Do an online raffle for an Xbox One. Sell tickets for $1. Sell thousands of tickets and make a huge profit. Buy huge crates of water bottles at Walmart for a few bucks and resell at concerts or in traffic on hot days. Just do it. Get out there now and do it. Sell IPTV subscriptions, sell a book on how to make money selling IPTV subscriptions. Make another book showing people how to write a book showing how to make money selling books showing how to sell IPTV subscriptions.
Keep making Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts, porn accounts, Google+ accounts, Twitter accounts and just plug CPA links all day. Get bots to do it, hire Indians on Fivrr for peanuts to do it. Just build build build, blog, pump out facebook videos, pay eastern europeans to make porn for you and content lock it. Make an Algorhythm to scrape emails from craigslist and send CPA and PPC offers, buy or share mailing lists and send even more offers. Sell ebooks showing how to make ebooks that show you how to make ebooks that make you money and sell them on Amazon or through CpA sites. Copy this text, put it in a word doc, flesh it out, title it HOW TO MAKE BANK NOW! and sell it. Sell the rights to it for $100 on Fiverr and then immediately write another book alnost the same with a different title and photos. Repeat.

>> No.3774874

AdSense,Pinvert, plugrush, exoclick, PopAds

>> No.3774923
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>> No.3774942
File: 77 KB, 540x675, mfh36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah thanks
sorry not sure, it was an image I had in a folder named "twitter" pretty old

>> No.3774971

Jesus, if you're going to post naked women on a blue board can you at least make them attractive and not stumpy-legged fatties?

>> No.3775037
File: 50 KB, 281x500, mfh20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i don't have a cache of asian women

>> No.3775052

do you have the IMG without the text?

>> No.3775074
File: 49 KB, 281x500, 35710533381_95116e9244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya here but really just using the images to get people to read the thread and contribute stuff haha

>> No.3775107
File: 139 KB, 1024x1187, 2tctfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yhou probably meant this

>> No.3775111

Stop with the waves bullshit

>> No.3775130


>> No.3775162

Nordic fag? Just trade crypto tax free.

>> No.3775211

her name is mia sand

>> No.3775284

Just sharpie!
Dumb faggot

>> No.3775287

reselling cigarettes in the states is pretty illegal be careful with that one

>> No.3775392

are you being able to make anything with this method anon,everyone in the blackhat forum is saying it doesn't work anymore?

>> No.3775744

If you think IQ matters at all then you're non-ironically retarded. Plus unless you took the standardised MENSA test then your alleged IQ is way off anyways. Every single internet IQ test bloats the results to boost test takers' egos, which pushes them to share the results with others and also increases the chances of them returning to that specific test (which increases the quiz's traffic).

It's horribly fucking cringe how you wanted to beg for money under the pretence of a sob story, but you still have too much pride to humble yourself. You still feel the need to tell everyone you're really great and smart and that it's really not your fault that you're a poor piece of shit. I hate people like you who lack self-awareness.

>implying there's no job that you can do anywhere despite your disability.
If you can use a computer then there are thousands of menial minimum wage jobs you can do. You can become a secretary, a transcriber, one of those people who put written data into excel spreadsheets, or a thousand other things.

Go fuck yourself you retarded and lazy piece of shit.

>> No.3775761

this thread isn't about begging its about becoming self employed

>> No.3775771

t. low-iq brainlet

>> No.3775869

How do I make good Facebook and Instagram advertisments for my dropshitting business? I need a better conversion rate, right now I am only selling like $260 a day, i need more

>> No.3775914

find someone with a ton of followers in your niche and maybe offer them a small commission for every sale made by traffic redirected from them?

>> No.3775935

This anon speaks the truth

>> No.3776375


>> No.3776702

Thank you based anon

>> No.3777588
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>> No.3777594

yes we do

>> No.3778240

ass is a subhuman fetish preferred by third-worlders

tits or gtfo

>> No.3778555
File: 435 KB, 800x533, 1499504086104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about trying to get into freelance programming. I was thinking of ways to get myself out there and wondering if trying to get into some open source communities and try to become a good contributor is a great way to build up a good reputation and make my name ring out there. I was thinking this because I'v heard before anecdotes about getting hired because of open source contributions, mailing list, etc.

>> No.3778608
File: 50 KB, 428x432, mfh32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah contributing to open source projects is a great way to get freelancing gigs, go on github and find some open unassigned bugs sometimes they may even be tagged 'newbie' to let people know they are beginner tasks for someone not super familiar with the project

>> No.3778623
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here you go my man
ayy check that integer

>> No.3778775
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How about asking a mainstream project for a mentor to help guide with getting involved? I think I have heard anecdotes like someone goes on IRC and asks for a mentor to help become a contributor and they guide them through to help them become a contributor. I mean like a big project that a lot of companies use like for example the CentOS project, or nginx, or MySQL, or the interpreters/compiler's themselves like clang, CPython, etc

>> No.3778791
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gentoo has a mentor program, other open source things do, you'd probably want to be faily involved in a project before asking for a mentor though

>> No.3778844
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I was only asking because I was wondering if getting involved with people in a community that big companies are involved in would be better, like a project that companies actually use because they may prefer to hire freelancers from that community. versus contributing to some random small project that no companies use.

>> No.3778862

find something that has some kind of business application of some sort, something that businesses would likely use, hell even hop on some companies open source project

>> No.3778906

>tfw this looks like someone I know

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, got any more of this one?

>> No.3779310

Anyone here have an ecommerce site?
Been working on an Ecommerce site, T-shirts and other merch. Its a niche market and i have ideas on where to advertise, that can have potential imo.

Hard part has been working on the designs. I'm not a super talented artist and im just learning PS/AI so every design takes forever and isnt amazing. Having trouble deciding if to do shitty designs and hope people buy them or spend too much time and upload a few higher quality designs.
Also hard to find people to make good designs for me at a price that makes it worth it.

>> No.3779547

Does anyone do house rentals? At the end of one year I can have 25k cash for a downpayment. I was thinking of buying a house, I think I can get one around 300k in this area, and the area is growing a lot so I will gain appreciation. I wanted to rent out the other rooms. I would live in a fucking cordoned off section of the living room for an extra bedroom to rent if I had to. Let's say I have two spare rooms. I rent one on airbnb, one traditionally with a 6 month or year lease. One year in, see which is making me more money, adjust my strategy. Rent pays the mortgage plus some cashflow, I get equity, sell five years or so in and take a big, fat lump sum of cash to walk away with. That combined with what I saved by not paying rent... Any advice? I figure it's literally work from home. I have a decent office job so I could probably get approved for a mortgage loan.

>> No.3779734

I was thinking about doing something like that in a year or two if this crypto shit goes well.

I wanna buy a 3-4Bdrm house in Orlando, rent 3 of the rooms out to friends and just keep a room for me. You can get nice houses here for 250k-300k.

Is mortgage generally lower than what you can rent out a house for?...I dont really understand how any of that shit works, because rent in florida is pretty fucking cheap.
I always figured between insurance, property taxes and the mortgage you wind up losing if you try to rent out a property. Not to mention repairs and general upkeep.

No real advice anon, but i do feel like the economy will crash next year so be careful. Id wait a year or two to buy a house.

>> No.3779979

You price the rent so you'd price it to cover your mortgage payments. Honestly risk is pretty high, if you can't find tenants you are fucked and margins are razor thin even when you have tenants

>> No.3779989

Fiiverr or upwork my dude
Or just take a look at the board /i/

>> No.3780032

Correction, I meant /ic/
Or /gd/

>> No.3780113


>> No.3780132

i draw porn for furries, its 180 per commish and its okay, usually finish a piece in 2 days and on average do 5 er week...not gonna lie i only get consistent work because i buckle and tend to give them exactly what they want...exactly what they want. furries seem to have a lot of money.

>> No.3780148

wow that's crazy, are you a furry or just draw it for furfags

>> No.3780154


Obviously you're too fucking stupid to buy some Bitcoin and play a zero sum game, fuck off.

>> No.3780206

i just draw it for them the community has to walk on eggshells because many artist wont draw their fetishes and artist tend to shun the ones that do draw their weird shit, right now im drawing a little girl being raped and shit on by a a clients fursona. but you dont hear that from me, i have to be careful with how they payme too, its not sunshine and rainbows paypall will kill me if i make a trail leading to any kind of naughty porn, so i often charge them about 30 to 20 bucks less if they make a bitcoin transfer lol

>> No.3780210
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I'm an infrastructure guy and right cannot find a job. Have years of experience with Linux, know vmware and Windows, am good with networking, almost have a CCNA. 3-4 years professional experience. Can't find a amn job for 7 months now.

Even then, what kind of infrastructure jobs can you find remotely? Seems all the remote jobs are codemonkey shit.

>> No.3780221

Could you elaborate on the ebook selling method a bit? I'm pretty good at both writing my own content and curating/rewriting other people's content. Not boasting. It's one of the very few things I'm good at.

But the sales mechanism - aka bringing traffic - is still something I'm currently wondering about.

As far as I know, selling digital products could be approached in one of 3 ways:

1) You could put up the book for sale on Amazon or the iBooks store. This would mean that you'd be more constrained regarding the ways in which you could market the book. iBook buyers seem to be a bit more impulsive, but the user base is also a bit smaller.

2) You could create your own website, perhaps similarly to a blog or real company, where you'd display your own ebooks as your own. This seems like the most versatile option, as - heck, you could even create your own affiliate program and manage it. It would be a ton of work - both writing and managing, but the earning ceiling seems higher.

3) You could put up the ebook on either JVzoo or Clickbank. At a first glance this seems like the best option, but upon a closer look, there are a number of negatives for beginners. Some of the people on both Clickbank and JVzoo are only looking for a quick buck, which necessarily means that they will spam your links everywhere, and sometimes bring a lot of low quality (non targeted) traffic, which may be a problem if you're running a store on shared hosting. And this is assuming that you actually manage to attract the attention of affiliates. Both CB and JVzoo seem to operate on a "I suck your cock, and you suck me mine". I've been indirectly suggested to pay for "mentoring" to the big names in there, so they could "help me", advertising my launch afterwards, and making me have a big name associated with it. Which is nothing more than mafia-like "protection money".

Could anyone in the know elaborate more on these 3?

>> No.3780226

qualcom is always hiring but its for c++ and phytom sorry nony.

>> No.3780242

Literally just rip off existing ebooks from highly successful people, just change the text a bit but keep the same structure.

>> No.3780258

reminds me of south park and jesus music, also shit advice you be be sued.

>> No.3780262


Really depends on where you live. Rent here is astronomical and growing rapidly. Houses are still about 300k for a 3 bedroom in a good area.

>economy will crash next year

People say that every year. We are overdue, yes. But in the meantime either I'm paying rent or i'm getting equity. idgaf if the economy crashes while I hold the house, though it would make a nice buy point. Just care what it is like when I sell it.

>if you can't find tenants

Very hot rental market. Also trendy so airbnb potential. Maybe the margins are razor thin, I disagree from some shitty napkin math, but that's not taking into account that I would be living there rent-free. Instant 10k a year savings. I've also thought, maybe I live in the garage so I get an extra bedroom to rent out. I don't care if it's cold. I was born poorfag and never had heat to begin with.

Plus if I get a good deal on a house, that's money in my pocket. I'm not /diy/ but I can paint, spackle, landscape, lay pavers, and have good aesthetics. Fuck, maybe I'll paint a mural on the wall, I'm a d/ic/k. Cistine Chapel that shit. Get something solid but ugly, make it pretty, sell that shit. Most people have bad taste, I have good taste. Buy some grandma looking shit and turn it decent.

I'm not seeing the downside unless I think the value will decrease, and I don't. If I'm living in the place every day then the tenants can't even destroy it on my watch, which is a major problem landlords have.

>> No.3780267

Dude how do i get in on this? decent at drawing and i've read in more than one place that furries are willing to pay well for this shit.

Think about it, some of those suits are thousands of dollars. These people are batshit insane into that and will pay well.

>> No.3780298

Everyone copies everyone in the affiliate marketing scene

>> No.3780303
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>Dude how do i get in on this?
>decent at drawing

can you do digital painting ?

your drawing are probably shit, cause it takes a long time to get good

>> No.3780309


Post sample to show your skill level?

>paypall will kill me if i make a trail leading to any kind of naughty porn

>don't have pixels in this certain arrangement or we can legally steal your money and shut you down

Retarded. How would paypal know what you are drawing? Do they check?

>> No.3780317

Why would you go through the effort to draw by yourself? Just hire people to do it for you for peanuts and sell for profit

>> No.3780343

>It's horribly fucking cringe how you wanted to beg for money under the pretence of a sob story, but you still have too much pride to humble yourself.
This that guy is a huge faggot

>> No.3780393

Why are you so mad? I respect beggers more than wagecucking scum or people who focus on "careers".

>> No.3780396
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 33930938309734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to know the trends, its goes from stinky dicks to rape and abuse, you need to be solid enough to charge they might be desperate but not stupid, study the top artist like sunnibee JMGN desu start you own shit like incase get a hentai foundry account, a bitcoin wallet for the
>illegal art
a siners gate account and mention on your info section that you have no limitations, you sadly need to display a resume and thats where your skill swill be judged, more than likely people will gravitate towards you based on what you draw, theres a guy who only draws creatures and scatt play so thats his market. anon, the reality is that it will take you a shitload of time to grow an audience, i worked as a janitor and drew for like 4 to 5 years before i gained enough traction. its all based in fanart of the top shit, go to twicth and look at the top games and draw free porn of that, thats how i got stated. make friends with the degenerates and have them link you on their channels.

>> No.3780407

>I respect beggers
>give me free shit lol xD


>> No.3780413

the people who are paying you can blackmail you and paypall will black list you, very simple really.
>hey paypall look what i just got form this guy"
game over.

>> No.3780438

Yes you're mad. You realize that there is practically no difference between begging and for example affiliate marketing? You are just promoting different kind of things,the result is the same. Also this thread is for all methods open. Go back to your shitty career you wagecuck scum while I make free money off the internet

>> No.3780483

i'm literally insulting my fanbase, do you think im going to show you who i am? i kinda blew it for myself. im a less fluid sunibee more realistic proportions less stretchy stuff. thats all i can give you. \
this is very important, at the end of the day i am a whore, i ask for money and deliver the goods, dont go into this for the long term it kinda traps you though if you going for it keep a second a account or make it a second style where you draw things you like that dont have giant dicks, like cars maybe i wish i would have thought about that back then.

>> No.3780500
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>> No.3780519

lol thanks for the reply. Not sure i wanna invest 100 hours of drawing furries shitting on themselves to build up that resume. What sites are good to check out? and why the fuck is it illegal?

Fuck off thats even easier. Wacom table + AI/PS is easy mode

>become furry artist
>get request to draw a Fox ass raping its Fox/Skunk hybrid daughter, and theres shit everywhere
>go on fiverr
>Hey Mr. Pajeet, i need you to draw something for me

>> No.3780615

the real money is in the darker commissions, the ones they KNOW people wont put their names on.this is why im telling you to keep a second style not linked to porn. shit i might get banned soon enough lol, drawing furry porn is legal is that when you place yourself on the "will draw anything" many things will come your way, thus bitcoin. furr affinity and the sinners gate are the ones i use. look up the top artist in there and keep your eyes on twitch. more than likely you will mostly end up drawing fursonas getting fucked by giant dicks as the cum comes out of their mouths, pretty standard stuff.

>> No.3780679

>standard stuff

>> No.3780712

to all programmers out there learn reverse engineering, I make 8k-12k (depending on the sales) per month selling cheats to scrubs

>> No.3780732

interesting anon, I've always been intrigued by reverse engineering. What programming languages do you need to know (I assume assembly at least) Sounds lucractive, if you don't mind sharing more.

>> No.3780738

thanks anon. Just checked out one of those sites and holy fuck these people are batshit insane. Not judging its just pretty out there. Wonder what furry sex lives are like.

Wondering if a merch business targeted towards furries would work; they're def passionate enough but they seem to be into really personalized stuff. Could probably make it work but i dont know enough about furry culture.


>> No.3780760

ever do any bug bounties?

>> No.3780769

i received a bunch of photos of a younger human. many, many pictures of this human and was asked to draw thing using this human as a refence with the commissioner's fursona. i it was 1200 bucks and i felt very dirty. its one of the few times i've hated my drawings. s you better believe i'll take giant dicks with stench and detailed smegma over that.

>> No.3780780

C++ and assembly mostly
then lots of practice with disassemblers and debuggers

I do everything, I make cheats, resell cracked software, analyze malware but I have 8 years of experience (started doing some basic stuff when I was 16)

>> No.3780783

dont do it. merch is a gamble and you need a lot of capital to start. plus for an indie you need to be sakimi levels of big to pull that off.

>> No.3780784

Do you do this professionally?

>> No.3780789

you should see if you can team up with the police and bust them after payment kek

>> No.3780793

no i usually exploit the bugs for myself, I only report them if I want to shut down a competitor

>> No.3780832

I do some freelancing for some companies from time to time, but mostly I sell in backmarkets/chinese forums

>> No.3780935

Yeah, but my question was directed towards the promotion and selling part. Just look at the 3 points I referred myself to. Do we sell them on Amazon/iBooks?? Do we put them in our own store? What about product launching in CB/JVzoo ??

>> No.3780974

That's super interesting, sounds like something you can actually have fun with. I have some programming background but nothing special really.

Do you have any book/websites recommendations on how to start/practice/improve?

Lately I've been trying some bug bounty stuff, and contests building basic API's but you can't get good money at a basic level.

>> No.3781100

Any freelance artists or graphic designers here?

Im and amateur artist but im gonna work on developing a strong portfolio this year and i hope to get some freelance work. Mostly interested in illustrating/designing posters, merch, and other print material for companies.
I cant really do web development or build websites....Have like 0 coding experience; thats where a lot of money seems to be but im not too interested in learning that......Except for maybe apps and animation i guess.

naw merch is pretty much automated and Print on Demand....you need like no capital. Its all about directing people to the products/merch they'd want.

>> No.3781244

That's a way to do it but the real deal is to include in the ebook affiliate links relevant to 5he topic you're writing about. So let's say you're offering a free ebook about how to eat healthy. You then register on a good Adnetwork, and search in their offer catalog which products uoh would like to promote to get paid. You then link these products in your ebook. That's how you get money.

>> No.3781260

Take a look at /gd/ or /ic/

>> No.3781349

nice thanks. I knew about /ic/ but dont visit it too much because its so slow; some good resources on there though.
Had no idea 4chan had a graphic design board.

>> No.3781390

The graphic design board is god tier, there are some crazy talented people on there

>> No.3781804
File: 209 KB, 720x1280, mfh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3781826

people are busy making money

fuck off

>> No.3781851

Seems like easy money, although not for the short term. As I have something of my own already written (amounting to 300 pages at font size 12 of my own content) I'll try to actually sell it and see how it goes. If I don't manage to sell anything in the coming 2 days I'll switch to your strategy.

>> No.3781911

money from HOME you fucking retard. no respectable person is going to "find a nice spot" and beg. fucking idiot

>> No.3782100

I want to get started in crypto. But buying bitcoin with my real money feels like a scam to fatten the exchange people.

>> No.3782114

Join a site where you do jobs/tasks for small amounts of crypto.

>> No.3782136

desu you can leave the videos running on your computer when you aren't there, its not bad, but you don't get much out of it like a dollar a day maybe

>> No.3782142
File: 52 KB, 400x600, mfh31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said desu not desu wtf it changed my post

>> No.3782331

Sell something for bitcoin then