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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3773570 No.3773570 [Reply] [Original]

So who uploaded an ID and selfie for this garbage? How safe is this?

>> No.3773580

pretty sure you had to do the same thing for kyber

>> No.3773600

soon every ICO will look like this
it's just verification so the government can't shit on it. i'm fine if i make x10 with it kek

>> No.3773641

Do you want free money or not?

>> No.3773646

its horrible.....
i personally don't want to share my private info to some random dudes that appear out of nowhere.

>> No.3773657

I don't like the whole KYC thing, but it's the same with exchanges at the end of the day... they use the same company as Kyber. And yes, I participated; soon all ICOs will be like this

>> No.3773779

This is standard for legit ICOs.

>> No.3773791

Alright uploaded, how long before I can expect a response?

>> No.3773811


probably a few hours

>> No.3773993

Waiting since ytd

>> No.3774007

stay poor

>> No.3774024

Pro tip: avoid doing this if you hate free money

>> No.3774100


>> No.3774618


Fuck yes. Is there anything known about personal cap etc?

>> No.3774704


>> No.3774717

Am I late to buy this? :(

>> No.3774728

i wish someone would do the KYC for me :( even if it costs like 0.3 ETH

>> No.3774758


What is the KYC? sending a picture of yourself and your ID?

Send me 0,3ETH and I'll do it for you anon.

>> No.3774770


>> No.3774841


I'm serious anon. >>3774758

>> No.3774864

What the fuck? I send my id and only get to invest 6 eth that is what 2000$

>> No.3774868

The limit is going to double each day until nothing's left.

>> No.3774895

Oh, it is probably gone the first day

Any source on 6 eth cap?

>> No.3774935

no EVERYONE will contribute with 6 eth so definitely there will be something left for the next day.

>> No.3774945


>> No.3774958

shit. i was seriously considering your offer but then i went to check my account and it's locked out. i think the KYC registration ended today. fuck me i missed another 5x moon mission.

>> No.3774990

Dude didnt the KYC close 3 hours before your post?

>> No.3775020

Lol this is an easy 10x, i would upload a fucking dick pic for it

>> No.3775023


Too bad anon.

>> No.3775068
File: 140 KB, 250x375, flippadelphia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time flipper, serious question: when is the best time to sell? in the first couple of days after it hits ED with a comfy 5x, or do i hodl for a bigger exchange in the hope of a 10x?

>> No.3775114

A selfie kyc is pretty much a guaranteed 3x at this point

Hope more come along

>> No.3775123

Wait for binance/liqui listing brah.

LINK was trading at 1.3-1.5x while on ED, then shot up to 2-3x when it hit binance.

Exact same deal for Kyber- was 2-3x on ED and then immediately went to 5x once trading opened on liqui.

Any burgers who couldn't get in can still pick this up on ED and make some nice returns once we hit binance/liqui on this baby

>> No.3775400

>tfw burger, had to buy three whitelisted accounts and then pay for three KYC verifications.
>two of them get rejected, lose 3 ETH

T-there's still Red Pulse r-right?

>> No.3775668

sure thing m8 ;)

>mfw I got in with my second nationality Moroccan identification

>> No.3776576

why is this ICO getting such hype?

They have nothing except a whitepaper.

Shill me on this piece of shit please.

>> No.3776650

No need to shill anything. Whitelist is done. 15k approved in KYC.
Do your own research. cya at the moon. and don't FOMO too much.

>> No.3776672


I can buy a whitelist account. But why is everyone so sure it'll 2x?

Seems like people are shilling pre-ICO.

>> No.3776678

whitelist is done.

>> No.3776689

Check some posts from them at medium. Then maybe dig up the whitepaper and read it.

Then do some research about: Who is backing them.

And then we can speak about the moon mission.

>> No.3776690

You realise your government and alphabet agencies ALREADY have all your information?

>> No.3776697


Slack, only 15k users are approved

>> No.3776714

15k got approved. Slack had like 30k people on it and there were 15k people on the WAITLIST for the whitelist. This shit has more hype and demand behind it than Kyber did. Plus, the hard cap of the ICO will be $30m, $2m less than Chainlink. REQ is like Chainlink but with the hype of Kyber. It will 5x from ED alone and probably 10x once on liqui or binance.

>> No.3776720


I don't read whitepapers, i get all my info from /biz/.

>> No.3776745


Slack and waitlist numbers could be all fake. People now sign up for 10 whitelist places each to sell them.

>> No.3776763

>/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.3776764

anyone want to buy waitlist spots for the whitelist? I'll sell for 2 ETH each

>> No.3776784
File: 29 KB, 480x640, elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploaded this and they immediately approve me

>> No.3776798

Just go approved

>> No.3776815

@channel KYC stats for the last day:
Cumulative submissions = 19'667
Approved accounts (after manual checks) = 15'140
Pending accounts = 0
Incomplete submissions = 814
Rejected accounts = 3'713

These stats can still change until tomorrow because the incomplete profiles still have a last chance to provide correct information until October 7 11pm (CEST) and because we're doing a last control about potential duplicate accounts. But it won't change a lot :slightly_smiling_face:

Our objective was to have around *15'000 successful registrants*. We reached that number, so we are very happy with our community ! From Monday, rejected or duplicate accounts will be deactivated from the slack and people from the waiting list who passed the KYC will be invited, so we can keep *a strong community* :request::requestlovers:

On Monday we'll publish an article about our KYC process, some data about the community including a map per nationality :earth_africa:

Thank you all!

>> No.3776835
File: 14 KB, 332x335, 1358095782249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uploaded this and i got in in a snap

>> No.3776855


this is by far the most comprehensive ICO ever. Low marketcap. Insane demand. Paypal of crypto. And they are allegedly incorporating Chainlink.

5x gains MINIMUM in the first week

>> No.3777114

because ING and ycombinator are backing it

if you don't know what it takes for yc to back you, read up on it

most fine grained recruitment process and a whole culture of making 100x "accelerated" startups


you are literally retarded if you think they back shit or even dare to put their name on it

same for ING, highly reputed bank which have their tech scene and "new banking" on point

if you aren't in on this, you are missing the opportunity of a lifetime

>> No.3777140

>Insane demand
What makes you say that, you fucking shill?

I'm whitelisted too but haven't even decided if I want to contribute.

>> No.3777145

Love the pre shill lmao. Get that FOMO going for the non whitelisted.

I'll be putting my 6 eth in, another 6 on ED and leave it. Can't abandon my link

>> No.3777697 [DELETED] 

Going all in on this

>> No.3777765

This, with YC they can make many good connections, imagine they partner with Upwork or ebay

>> No.3777893

What is the ICO price?

>> No.3778041

5000 per 1 eth, cap is 120k eth including 20k presale

>> No.3778123

I remember biz tried to do this immediately after the registration closed. They failed to realize not everyone would finish registering and they would start sending out emails to people on the waitlist.

>> No.3778550

First time ico buyer here. I'm really scared about using etherdelta. Is it as hard as it looks?

>> No.3778562

just look up a tutorial on youtube, it's really not that bad

>> No.3778579


Who /whitelist/ here

>> No.3778606

Read >>3777114, check out the team and their past work.

anyone selling at 2x is going to be sorry. It's going much much higher.

>> No.3778621

How do I join the slack?

>> No.3778634

It's way too late for that.

>> No.3778645

Too late, closed for over a week now. Get as early as possible on ED, won't be too far off from ICO price for the first few hours. Judging by Kyber and Link. Personally missed link ICO and got in on ED.

>> No.3779104

No you don't get it, I am on the whitelist since the new round. Even approved now. But I see no way to join the slack

Click my id to rrad my posts in this thread, I am one of the lucky few of batch two

>> No.3779143

ah, I see. From the slack:

>From Monday, rejected or duplicate accounts will be deactivated from the slack and people from the waiting list who passed the KYC will be invited, so we can keep *a strong community*

Seems like you should expect a mail on Monday.

>> No.3779162

Apparently they will add the new emails and remove the old ones after the weekend

>> No.3779200

what exchange can I expect this to be listed on?

>> No.3779282


How comfy is the slack what are the general expectations?

>> No.3779289

fk u

>> No.3779346

At least 5x after it hits a proper exchange. Should be pretty cheap on ED.

>> No.3779525


>> No.3779567


Damn i didn't know about Y combinator and apparently they backed COINBASE and other real winners like Dropbox, Airbnb, etc.

This may turn to be a real gem.

>> No.3779722
File: 400 KB, 604x533, 1501582179217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whitelisted here.
For Link ICO I sent 3 tx and only one went through. It still hurts pretty bad (even more than the 2 ETH wasted on BMC).
This REQ is going to make up for that and more, is like joining OMG in presale.

We are goint to make it, biz bros.

>> No.3780419

I did kyber (sold 75%) and missed link.

With req will probably flip 30% first week and keep the rest long term.

>> No.3781028


ycombinator does not mean automatic riches or success.

Season 2 of the Startup podcast focused on Dating Ring, a company trying to be "the Uber of dating". They went through Y Combinator and still failed.

So much shilling here, are people just trying to sell whitelist addresses?