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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3762963 No.3762963 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how new are you LINKers to crypto?

>muh Oracle
>muh """""""""""invitation""""""""""" to SIBOS
>muh """""""""""integration"""""""""""" with SWIFT

>> No.3762983

Inb4 the kiddie copypasta that literally means nothing that you all think it means
>muh ISO, totally not a standard any company could use

>> No.3762990
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been here since ether pump from $10
to be honest
this looks exactly like that.

>> No.3762998

If OMG was invited to Sibos for a demo there would have been an ETH level bull run.

>> No.3763035

Be honest, at what price did you set your buy order?

>> No.3763047
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2013. How new are you, faggot?

>> No.3763062

>muh smartcontract.com
>muh this will be used everywhere because reasons
>these two random developers will be used in SWIFT
>muh they've been working on it for years!!!!!!
This coin is pathetic

>> No.3763066
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you fud during the dip you idiot

>> No.3763100

OMG wasn't invited.
>and neither was LINK

You want to know how I know everything about this coin is bullshit? Every single bit of information about the coin is always discussed in the absolute best possible interpretation of the facts in favor of LINK.

>WINNING a place at the SIBOS conference presenting while numerous other more important presentations are happening becomes "OH FUCK SWIFT PERSONALLY INVITED SERGEY TO INSEMINATE THE HEAD OF SWIFT ON STAGE AT SIBOS"

You're all fucking rumorkiddies and I hate you all.

>> No.3763104

you are pathetic boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.3763134

>being this buttblasted
As the winners of a blockchain competition, they were invited to present a live demo.
Is this so hard to understand?

>other more important presentation
Yeah I'm sure you know everything about the banking world kek
Stop coping and stack up on LINK or kindly fuck off.

>> No.3763148

But you just did the exact same thing.

>while numerous other more important presentations...

You see? You could've chosen any "possible interpretation of the facts", but you chose the one that fits your purpose. You chose the least favorable because you're trying to make the point that LINK is trash. It is not an objective fact that there are more important presentations, and there's obviously some presentations that are much less important there.

So nice job being a 22 year old dumbass who has 0 self-awareness and gets mad at people for doing the same shit he does.

>> No.3763158

Sergey needs a skateboard.

>> No.3763171

>>WINNING a place at the SIBOS
This is true but I assume they won because they actually had the best idea/concept/whatever, no? It wasn't a lottery or bingo game or something.

>> No.3763194

Everyone discussing LINK uses that word, including you right now. You found a way to worm the word INVITATION into your reply.


Because labeling something an INVITATION carries with it the implication that the presentation was individually selected because of some sort of merit, having nothing to do with any competition or anything. The idea or the project is so important they are INVITED to join in as-is.

But that's not what happened and you fucking know it. They WON the spot as SIBOS, in a competition that included said presentation as one of the prizes for winning. There is NOTHING NOTABLE about LINK whatsoever in terms of any verifiable fact. Their inclusion at SIBOS is 100% due to their winning the competition.

So this is just one of a long list of examples of LINKers intentionally misusing facts to spread hype bullshit about their scam shitcoin.

Why am I mad? Because of shit like this.


>> No.3763198

I unironically mined dogecoin in 2013. What does how new you are to do with anything anyway? Like because you fucking can name nick szabo you have some authority over some random guy who just last week heard about ethereum?

>> No.3763211
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>> No.3763227

So what coins are you holding exactly? Be honest.

>> No.3763240


holy shit do you not realize how that actually sounds way better than invited? we're dealing with an actual retard over here.

>> No.3763245

So what?

Do you have any reason to believe that SWIFT had decided that whoever was the best in their little science fair would actually be implemented into their systems?

If not why do you give a shit that they won?

>> No.3763270

Holy shit do you not understand what the difference is between a competition versus an actually relevant business proposition or relationship or concept?

Did you know high school students are sometimes """""""""invited""""""""" to give speeches at the UN?

They're gonna be Secretary-General!!!!

>> No.3763274

>Do you have any reason to believe that SWIFT had decided that whoever was the best in their little science fair would actually be implemented into their systems?
Of course not but they're at least interested.
>If not why do you give a shit that they won?
More exposure, and we'll get to know more details about the progress of the development.

>> No.3763307

>they're at least interested
What do you base this on?

>t-theyre invited to SIBOS

>> No.3763342

So because high school students are invited to give speeches to the UN, anyone else invited to do anything is meaningless? Nice logic from a retard. Oh but like you said they weren't even invited, they won a competition.

>Did you know high school students sometimes win competitions?!?!?!?!?!

Oh shit I guess that doesn't matter either.

>> No.3763343
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>> No.3763357

Read some more about the Innotribe competition, it looks pretty legit IMO

>> No.3763363

In still waiting. What are your holdings? You clearly don't want to talk about them.

>> No.3763370

Hahahahah holy shit you massive autist, I didn't realize what you were aiming at but now I see what's your fucking problem.
Personally I don't give care if they were INVITED or they simply WON. But it seems to me that you care too much for some "shitcoin" you don't hold.
Thanks for your concern but I'm already 4x on this investment and it's not going down.

>What do you base this on?
Based on a competition they held?
Seriously fuck off, do some basic research before talking shit.


>> No.3763383

Week old. I just jumped on the /biz/ band wagon when i heard about it on /pol/

>> No.3763396

>What do you base this on?
Why else do you think they organized a blockchain-themed startup competition and let smartcontract.com win it with their PoC? Why would they do that if they didn't give a shit?

>> No.3763402

No, only the high school students speech is irrelevant.


SWIFT did something -nice- for blockchain developers in creating the competition to give the winner some exposure.

And what did you faggots do with that nice gesture?

You turned it into FOMO bullshit for weeks on this board and probably will have fucked plenty of people out of money by the time SIBOS falls flat.

The U.N. does the high school stuff because it's NICE, not because they're making them Secretary-General.

LINK is at SIBOS for the same reason.

Enjoy your fucking bags holy shit.

>> No.3763423

>why would an institution promote start ups for any reason other than making nobody developers an integral part of their operations
Gee I don't know

>> No.3763433

Yet you still won't tell me what you are holding. I'm holding 30% BTC, 30% ETH and the rest is split between Ripple and Link.

>> No.3763443

>SWIFT did something -nice- for blockchain developers in creating the competition to give the winner some exposure.
Sure they did buddy, bankers did this out of the goodness of their heart. Major cope senpai.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, what do you base this on?

>> No.3763446

>making nobody developers an integral part of their operations
Strawman, I just said SWIFT is interested in working with smartcontract.com, not that they'd completely assimilate them into all their processes. The industry challenge is clear evidence of this.

>> No.3763448

You fucking retard...do you really think a bunch of "bankers" are letting the smartcontract team do a demo to be nice or because SWIFT is going to make a shit ton of money off them?

>> No.3763462

>t. brainlet who isnt capable of doing a quick 5 second google search

just kys if you cant do a basic task such as googling you will fail in the real world.

>> No.3763465

The same reason you base your expectation that LINK is going to be used in any capacity by any significant institution whatsoever: absolutely nothing at all.

But the burden is on you to show why LINK is investable. You haven't shown anything, but it's mooning anyway.

Have fun fucking over this board.

>> No.3763481

>Tapping into today’s flourishing FinTech environment, Innotribe has evolved to a more strategic level. Through a new business-specific initiative, the ‘Industry Challenges’, we will deepen engagement with a hand-picked group of startups and selected partners.
It literally says on SWIFT's site they want to "deepen engagement" with hand-picked startups, of which smartcontract.com is one.

>> No.3763486

It's R&D for them with the payback being exposure.

They have zero plans to assimilate LINK.

>> No.3763493

Lol ok chief. By the way everything your posting is just your "feelings" on the matter, and you shouldn't really invest based on feelings.

>> No.3763502

>deepen engagement
Really explicit word with no possible other interpretations at all. Nope, none.

Really concrete claim. I can really tell what that actually fucking means. No weasel words here trying to artificially moon prices or whatnot. Nope.

>> No.3763509


Wow... only at 4 cents and too much sodium already. RIP nolinkers

>> No.3763515


Yeah...SWIFT definitely doesn't want to get in on something that has a working product right now and make money. They want to be "nice" and let their competitors catch up so it can all be nice and fair. Thanks for the heads up dumped all my LINK....100k.

>> No.3763516


>They have zero plans to assimilate LINK.
What do you base this on?
See, you're doing the same thing as those linkies you despise.
Get real retard.

>> No.3763525

You know at this point I'm convinced you have a goal that has nothing to do with helping people here. You refuse to disclose your holdings okay fine.

Give me a coin that we should be buying instead of Link. I'll listen.

>> No.3763528

>you spread FOMO intentionally trying to manipulate prices
>I call you out on it
>I'm the asshole

>> No.3763542

So now SWIFT is the one artificially hyping LINK? What would be their incentive for that?
Really no idea what you're getting at, maybe get back to your discord group and invent a new fud story.

>> No.3763556

Research, and I mean REALLY RESEARCH, OMG.

Don't talk to me about fucking skateboards or marketing or timing.

Just find out what it ACTUALLY IS. And nothing else will matter.


>> No.3763557

>>you spread FOMO intentionally trying to manipulate prices
Literally where?

>>I call you out on it
You tell lies

>>I'm the asshole
No, you're just an angry autist who missed out and now he's mad and posting FUD under the guise of being concerned about other people's investments on an anime forum.

>> No.3763561

Hate to say it, but OP is right. Shit is DOA. Props to the anons that sold while it was still above ico price.

>> No.3763567
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God I feel sick, I bought all this link around 17 cents...

How can I forgive myself? Should I even bother selling above 1 bil market cap or should I just kill myself?

>> No.3763575

The current LINK fad is just like any other fad that came and went, leaving the majority of bizfags burnt. It was the same during PIVX, DGB, NEO. It's the same threads over and over again: people hyping up the current shitcoin, inventing all sorts of fantasies and basically circle jerking around it. There were hundreds of threads about how DGB is going to be worth $1 by July with paragraphs written to justify these claims. The patterns are all the same, It's fucking funny how this shit repeats itself. The same arguments, the same fantasies and projections, the same type of threads all over again.

>> No.3763581

Tell me without weasel words what deepen engagement means.

Go on, I'll wait.

>> No.3763590

No. I want two more coins to look at. Whatever you currently have the most of.

>> No.3763600

OMG. I already told you.

>> No.3763611
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I can't tell if the fudding in this thread is satirical or not

>> No.3763614

Wow you're right! This is textbook DGB all over again

>> No.3763620

move your link gains to ZRX (0x) dip

>> No.3763622

It's a pejorative "you"

>> No.3763623

yeah I remember when biz was making posts about ethereum at like 10 dollars saying it would still go up, LOL!

Same thing with neo, faggots were making threads while they were still ANTshares LOL!

And OMG too faggots were making threads after the ico saying it was gonna moon HAHA BAGHOLDERS RIGHT??


>> No.3763630

This is much bigger than PIVX and DGB, and NEO hit $1b. See 22:00 below. SWIFT is already set up to be a data provider, with more partners to be announced

>> No.3763635

>every coin is Ethereum
>I don't actually have to invest any time into research, I'll just go along with the crowd!

>> No.3763643

No wonder you sound so upset.

>> No.3763651


>muh smart contract
>mug Ethereum

Deluded idiots.

>> No.3763658

>Research, and I mean REALLY RESEARCH

you should listen to your own words....
i'll throw you one bone: https://www.swift.com/insights/press-releases/swift-examines-application-of-financial-business-standards-to-distributed-ledger-technology-and-smart-contracts

there's much more redpills, but i'm not going to spoonfeed you


absolutely ridiculous...

>> No.3763659

>the future #3 coin didn't moon precisely THIS month
>waaahhhh what am I going to do
You have no idea how comfy I am.

I just hate seeing people get FOMOd for shitcoins. Feels bad.

>> No.3763664
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>the absolute state of skateboardcoin holders

>> No.3763679

nolink faggot have you heard of any technology backed coin being demonstrated at Sibos? how about partnerships with Swift? why was Ripple rejected by Swift but LINK able to partnership with the large company? Have you heard any developer talk about their solution as passionately as Sergey does about smartcontracts? Go buy some damn LINK and sit down or wait when those who did invest 40 fucking cents a share are swimming in money only then will you regret not buying.

>> No.3763681

The mere fact that it hasn't hit other exchanges yet is sufficient reason to believe in it.
Let alone the fact that it's the alt coin with the most technological potential.

>> No.3763683

>not using a smartcontract via ETH
>my sides

>> No.3763691
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>I just hate seeing people get FOMOd for shitcoins. Feels bad.
Yeah I also can't sleep at night when people spend their money however they want, such a burden :(

>> No.3763693


ahahahahaah he wants us to buy OMG at 900m+ because its "undervalued" while LINK is less than 200m and is "overvalued".

which one has a working product?

>> No.3763704

Working products don't mean shit if no-one will use it

>> No.3763715

It means it's beyond 99% of the other alt coins.

>> No.3763717

>LINK able to partnership with the large company

>> No.3763725

But what happens when the OMG devs run out of stickers or did that already happen?
I'm never buying a coin that has to be hyped by the devs.

>> No.3763729

you must hate money then in that case why are you on /biz/

>> No.3763730


enough with the sodium bro. omisego has 0 usage currently. and is just a promisecoin

you expecting it to reach 2.5b without a blockchain? you're more retarded than we thought

even request.network is looking at LINK as a possible oracle solution. 2salty4me

>> No.3763731

He's literally retarded. I'm a huge fan of OMG's potential but it's overhyped and is going nowhere until actual use. Link is the best investment there is.

>> No.3763748

all the salt on this thread are entertaining while i watch link go up to 11k sats

>> No.3763749

Still mad that you didn't get in at the presale, I see?

>> No.3763786

How much did you make on NEO?

You forgot to add OMG and FCT, to the shit coin list. Which coins to do you hold?

>> No.3763792

lmao....this salt is unreal, buy some XRP if you're buttblasted about chainlink.

>> No.3763797

no because i wont touch this shit enjoy your bags

>> No.3763802

I think you need to get your facts checked. Swift didn't just do something nice.

Let me educate you and the others.

The conference is very much centered around what Chainlink is doing.

They start with introducing talk about blockchain for half an hour. In conference room 3. Followed by cyber security conference room 2. The following day they talk about banking future, (threats of extinction vs evolution) also an interesting talk on facebook. They then have in an open theater a talk on Oracle.

They have the future of banking transactions following that and then Swift messaging with smart contracts. This isn't just let's be nice. Smartcontracts are there to address the main issues at hand that is the impact of Blockchain.

There is also a talk on SwiftSmart which sounds interesting as well as data delivery.

Then later on they talk about Universal payments to the power of blockchain and also earthport which is a collaboration (with who?) for cross border payments. Finally they have blockchain platform to share asset servicing information.

Do you really think Link is there just to be nice to them so they can have a prize?? Fucking nub. The recipe is ripe, Link is placed in the center of it all.

>> No.3763882

Didn't even say anything negative about the project, just an observation. See the bashing? another typical sign of overhyped shitcoins. Like pottery. kek.

Made quite a lot from NEO. I hold a few low marketcap shitcoins that are risky and a few medium to long term coins with actual products and good teams. Not saying more than that.

>> No.3763891

How retarded do you have to be to think any of this.

Everything you said is an enormous stretch of the imagination.

LINK is not the developments being discussed at SIBOS. The conference is generally about the future, yes. And LINK *****WON***** an unimportant place at it.

And you fucking lazily declare then that LINK is the center of it all.


>> No.3763913

It's no coincidence that a lot of the conference is about blockchain challenges and Chainlink just so happens to bring with them blockchian solutions.

>> No.3763914

>Resenting a good shill community rather than making an easy buck off of it

shucky ducky cucky sucky

>> No.3763922

As a link holder, this is utter delusion

>> No.3763933

>See the bashing? another typical sign of overhyped shitcoins. Like pottery. kek.
I think it's because you compare the shitcoins of the highest order with a project with ties to the banks.

Ok we get it retard, take your pills already. There are filters on this site, learn to use them.

>> No.3763945

I don't think you're seeing his point

He's not saying that the Link Illuminati run SIBOS, he's saying that this year's conference is ALL ABOUT THE STUFF THAT LINK IS DOING.

The conference is IMPLICITLY about Link, without ANYONE having to make it so.

Welcome to the wide world of discussing abstract ideas

>> No.3763946

>ties to the banks.


>> No.3763948

Link is definitely a big part of it. Because the hot topic at the moment is Blockchain, Link is the hero of the show. Hate it i don't care.

>> No.3763958

>The conference is IMPLICITLY about Link
The delusion is fucking exasperating

>> No.3763960

Exactly, these fucknuts can't understand that.

>> No.3763961

>Made quite a lot from NEO. I hold a few low marketcap shitcoins that are risky and a few medium to long term coins with actual products and good teams. Not saying more than that.

I disagree with you about Link's "fad status" but this is basically the only sustainable shitcoin investment strategy, keep on truckin anon

>> No.3763973

>Link is the hero of the show
Please someone make a collage of this shit.

God damnit.

>> No.3763984

Nonsense, the tone of the conference is blockchain. You don't understand how much fear is going on in banking at the moment with the threat of blockchain. They are scared and hate the B word. Link is going to save their souls. Watch and see. It is the future tech.

>> No.3763995


>> No.3764000

Your posts will be the collage once link hits a billion market cap by the end of the year, which I personally guarantee you will happen.

>> No.3764015
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>E-excuse me sir, your hyperbole is unrealistic, and I'll have to discard the point that said hyperbole was intended to illustrate, in concise and concrete terms for simpletons such as myself to understand

There really is a sucker born every minute.

>> No.3764027

haha you must be a ripple holder lol hating link.. poor you. Link will rescue the banking system from death by blockchian.

>> No.3764039

linkies doing whatever they can to pump LINK.

project is nice but the initial hype will die down after a few days.

FOMO only works when there is something to miss out on ;)

>> No.3764049

the true nolinker

>> No.3764059

Luckily they wont spend all their time talking. You guys need to realise one thing. What they say on stage is 10% of what is important, that is literally an introduction to say hi to everyone. The real business will happen when they spend those days networking during the conference off stage. That's when more partnerships will form.

>> No.3764060

or an Iotdiot. IOTA won't make it because their dev team is even more unlikable than Sergey. People straight up don't want to work with them, even though a lot of the fudding about their trinary computing and several other technical aspects of the product (other than a couple glaring security flaws) is fairly illegitimate.

In other words, IOTA could have been 2018-2019's ETH killer, but LINK is standing in its way.

This is discounting the 30% of shills at any given moment who are necessarily Arkies, bleeding profusely from the wrist as we speak

>> No.3764082

>FOMO only works when there is something to miss out on

if you don't own any LINK by now you're pretty much braindead. Look at the fucking market cap, literally peanuts. If vaporware shitcoins can have billions of market cap so can chainlink.

>> No.3764110

I think you're scared to lose money and that's ok. But good luck making any, you'll find cracks in 100% of all the coins. I suggest you put your savings in fixed savings acc

>> No.3764186

Wat. Memeing link up was actually funny and good natured as it was profiting, but this thread is showing that link has transformed into absolute delusion that will collapse. You fuckers scare me out of holding link. In just ten days the conference will happen and all the biztards will react. This will be a bloodbath and you will ruin a decent coin!

>> No.3764210

isn't everyone scared to lose money? As long as it's a healthy fear that keeps our actions realistic, and not a disabling fear that prevents reasonable action, I don't see a problem.

Of course there are cracks in 100% of all the coins. Look at BTC's architecture relative to its market share...

>> No.3764215

Please sell

>> No.3764216

I wont be selling after the conference because the team has sworn to make their announcements after the conference and there wont be any before. You should be holding during those announcements

>> No.3764238


This. The upside is so large and the downside so small. Only retards would not buy something purely because of shilling.

>> No.3764242

Sauce and/or timeframe?

>> No.3764270

Downsides-Lose half of what you invested
Upsides- Make millions

Sure is hard to decide what to do...

>> No.3764278

No-one should invest in crypto if they are scare they'll lose the money. Only use money you're prepared to lose, doing otherwise is stupid. I'm not scare of losing all the money i have invested, that's why i invested in the first place. Besides, the lack of fear helps me make better calls, i've probably made substantial gains due to that.

>> No.3764288

Don't tell them, just wait 16th when there's no immediate news weak hands will dumps their tiny bags and post FUD threads about how Chainlink is a scam. I can already see it.

>> No.3764311

Look buddy, people might be going a bit crazy with the shilling, but I think that's only natural when you look at the prospects of this project...SWIFT isn't just doing this for shits and giggles, they NEED a ripple killer, and fast.

>> No.3764339

my instincts have been good so far, but I'm glad you're also able to keep a cool head. That's what matters.

By "fear," I mean only the intrinsic opportunity cost of losing shitcoin dollaz. My livelihood doesn't depend on this shit, so I have no life stress because of it.

>> No.3764366

Normally i sell half of my stack when I het a decent multiplier, but in case of chainlink I didn't...Call it greed, but it just feels like a waste selling even a tiny bit.

>> No.3764405

Retarded fud. If you are convinced of what you say and are smart enough you would have bought @ 5k Wei and flip 50 percent before Sibos and still making nice gains.
If you don't realize that Sibos gives exposure but doesn't fundamentally change what link is trying to do.
They could very easily replace ripple.
And if they flop and don't deliver you still made profits

>> No.3764411

goin to bed soon, think about placing a semi profitable sell order, what do you guys think its gonna look like tomorrow

>> No.3764457

It's gonna drop

>> No.3764555

This is fucked up. Banks don’t make decisions on 30 mins confs. It’s all done in the back room. Biz owns a lot of link and based on this thread’s delusion I foresee the dumpening and it scares me.

>> No.3764578


sell link now at ath
but walton that dipped
thank me later

>> No.3764711

>Banks don’t make decisions on 30 mins confs

I didn't say that...but you're probably right about the dump during sibos if the news is a bit anti-climactic. Not disastrous though.

>> No.3764745

This. Most of you fucking neets probably to dim to understand this.

Phone numbers will be exchanged, business cards will be exchanged.

"Hey blockchain guy; i'm an oldschool banker, could i bug you with some questions about blockchain i have"

"Sure, ask away"

"So how exactly does this blockchain work"

"well banker, we 'insert nerdspeak' making everything more smooth and efficient, cutting costs by 10%"

"Banker, wow nerd, you're amazing. I want to discuss these things further. let me call you in to my office in 1 month. Lunch and golf, on me.

"tech nerd"; sounds good. And a potential flourishing partnership can begin.

Nolinkers cry harder. I'm up almost 40k.

>> No.3764776

Nice, just sold 100k

>> No.3764872

yeah ok. billion dollar banking guy going to invest into two scrappy devs. sure thing.

deluded if you think bankers and linkies are going to join hands kiss.

if that's how you think the world works then a nigerian prince has some great information that he'd like to share with you.

profits? yeah
game-changer? not a chance

also, i own link.

>> No.3764921

Owning 200 LINK you bought with your paycheck isn't owning LINK. You should sell.

>> No.3765274

I get that you are skeptical of Link but try and think about it from a less polarized view its made good gains. Is it the next bitcoin I doubt it but hey who's to say it can't be.

>> No.3765390

the only thing that is pathetic and goes to show how new you're is your low-energy FUD

>> No.3765459

>LINK wasn't invited

Here's the official announcement from the SIBOS website:
(remember: the S in SIBOS stands for SWIFT, they organize it)

There's no need for the animosity, you're still very early. Just buy some LINK for yourself and make some money with us anon.

>> No.3765527

Yes, Chainlink won a competition against other competitors.

But these competitors didn't do anything with smart contracts.

And SWIFT needs smart contracts, their own words.
Source: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
(this is a PDF download of an official SWIFT doc. If you don't trust my link, google "Information paper Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Business Standards and ISO 20022")

SWIFT's blockchain initiative consists of two main parts:
1) Hyperledger (already rolling out)
2) smart contracts (for traditional transactions)

It makes perfect sense for SWIFT to work with what is the ONLY decentralized smart contract solution, and it's low-threshold.
Small wonder Chainlink won that contest.

>> No.3765535

It doesn't matter what fucking happens on SIBOS, this stuff is in the early stages and it is legit. That's all that matters.

Investors and normal people are looking to buy the next big thing and this has a good chance to increase mktcap because it is legit, it is new and it is just 5x from ico while there are coins that don't promise shit and are like 20x.

Ethereum was fuded like a motherfucker since its genesis, the people who will made it are the people who just read through all this bullshit and wait for the real price reflecting value.

>> No.3765568


Chainlink is at its core a peer-to-peer contract/agreement system that doesn't require any middleman (like bank, notary public, government, ...) between two private parties for instance.

It does not need SWIFT or any legacy finance company.

It can perfectly thrive in a crypto-only world.
It just happens to be the ideal low-threshold and DEcentralized smart contract solution for banks today.

It's perfect.

>> No.3765846

Link is my first ICO and I hit the jackpot.

>> No.3765912

But binance is the middle man

>> No.3765935

Lol no it isn't.

>> No.3766003

it takes a commission fee for withdraws though. Point is you wouldn't be directly buying link you have to buy it through a platform

>> No.3766130

Have you ever been to these type of events?

I went to an ivy league school in europe. This is, how stuff happens. Go watch Wall-street ya dunce.

Why do you think everybody always stresses going to "target schools" Read about investment banking, its literally made on your connections. Thus your network. This happens at these type of conferences.

Go back to your fucking basement while i rake in $$

>> No.3766144

>> profits? yeah

That's all that matters?

>> No.3766150

Even if that were true, would you consider the local ATM a "middleman" when you buy someone's couch off craigslist?

>> No.3766209

>someone's couch
More specifically a love seat.

>> No.3766338

>an ivy league school in europe

>> No.3766357

yea because it charges you depending on what type of atm it is. That kinda chump change adds up.

>> No.3766366

Sure. But that's not a middleman.
Even HOLDING fiat costs money, but you don't call inflation a "middleman".

>> No.3766389


mfw i finally found a moon mission coin!! thanks biz. going balls deep

>> No.3766441

you guys do know that SWIFT posted the roadmap on their website? do a search and filter for resources. you will find a pdf document laying all the details out.

inb4 catalog is filled with pink wojaks because of uneventful SIBOS conference

>> No.3766477

>inb4 catalog is filled with pink wojaks because of uneventful SIBOS conference
We know exactly what's going to happen bro.
Two specific demos: one for bonds and one for coupons. Both with direct SWIFT integration.

The result? Massive exposure for Chainlink among SWIFT's network.

Anything that happens on top of that is just extra.

>> No.3766498


exactly. uneventful. it's priced in

>> No.3766514

>future exposure
>priced in

Sure buddy.
All that money that's about to be poured into Chainlink by people who only learned about Chainlink at SIBOS is already priced in.
Whatever you say.

>> No.3766629



>> No.3766668


This is how 80%+ of business / politics / value relationships work.

>> No.3766690

sell the news. buy the post sibos dip

>> No.3766696
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>> No.3766745

I mined bitcoin when you could still make a profit using your graphics card

Sold it all when it was worth like $5

Did the same with litecoin but I held it for years until it went up again this year

Putting that profit into LINK now

>> No.3766957
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Madman. How much are you putting in!

>> No.3767706
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>> No.3767986

it will dump after Sibos unless the partnership is confirmed tho