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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 318x159, wanchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3733047 No.3733047 [Reply] [Original]

ICO live in 40 minutes.
>kyc, no chinks and burgers
>whitelist, most people forget to sign up or were scared from china uncertainty
>small 30mill cap

Guaranteed 5x in my opinion when trading commences.

>> No.3733066

reckon it will trade before November swap?

>> No.3733067

I would have gone all in if the wait for trading was only 1 week, but as advised by the devs its actually 1 month at the very least.

>> No.3733081

Yes, ED/OTC would be possible, unless they lock the token. The buyer risks not getting the wanchain token though.

>> No.3733092

nov-dec will be the mainnet release. most likely in december.

so no trading until then, because tokens are linked with your wallet (for the swap) so if you dont have a registered eth address you will not be able to swap your tokens.

but i think there will be plenty of idiots on ED buying this shit.

>> No.3733102

Was gonna go in but the whitelist registration user grammar like "pls" and mispelt words which scared me off
Hell I could be wrong but unprofessional shit like that is a red flag for me

>> No.3733111

I'll try to put 18 ETH in.

>> No.3733112


>> No.3733115

Will you be able to buy with them up at ED with a registered Silver / Gold Whitelist?

>> No.3733144
File: 71 KB, 699x329, Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at 17.29.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not guaranteed.

>> No.3733169

How is this different to chainlink?

>> No.3733201

Are you fucking srs? Jesus, you got no clue.

>> No.3733400

>all of those pajeet flags

>> No.3733476

i'm on the Wanchain train on to the moon!

>> No.3733520

How can I get in if I'm a burger, must be some workaround?

>> No.3733525

Please go through.

>> No.3733549
File: 104 KB, 1080x1349, 14726262_379493245728266_2885751890111365120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in.

>> No.3733581

Idk if I got in, pending for days.

>> No.3733596

>nearly 7 minutes pending
i didn't make it did i lads?

>> No.3733598

Gas price? I used 50.
Check your transaction on etherscan.io

>> No.3733609

Yeah just got it. I'm in boys. Used 50 as well.

>> No.3733625

>8 minutes pending

>> No.3733641

i dont think it sold out very quick, the progress bar on the website hadnt moved too much like 5 minutes after the sale started. id say most of us /biz/raelis will be fine

>> No.3733650

i'm in
thank jesus fucking christ
how the fuck do people get in so quick?

>> No.3733654

My transaction did not get rejected gois, did I /getin/

>> No.3733659

95% sold

>> No.3733667

probably by using scripts, 50 gwei, ect. a shitload of transactions got rejected because they sent them like 2 seconds early rofl

>> No.3733671

for an accurate progress bar.

>> No.3733673

kek ico sold out 12 minutes after silver started

>> No.3733690


>> No.3733695

The token sale has successfully ended.Thank you for your participation!

>> No.3733699

who else 71.8ETH deep here?

>> No.3733700


>> No.3733709

oh rip, kinda regret only chucking in 5 eth now rofl

>> No.3733719
File: 12 KB, 220x229, 1503183164424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I missed out


>> No.3733726
File: 89 KB, 799x999, 17333495_209976766147727_6672907752253161472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This going to moon so fucking hard.
Sorry if you didn't get in.

>> No.3733746


>> No.3733766

please tell me you didnt

>> No.3733771

Block 4336571 checking in
Did I make it??

>> No.3733774

Nah.. max 2x if good luck

>> No.3733776

I'm already regretting that I didn't buy more :/

>> No.3733783

Yes, I sent at 4:00:26

>> No.3733785

>3 month lock up

>> No.3733804

Transaction didn't go through, fucking piece of fuck

>> No.3733816

>impying that's bad

>> No.3733828

4336561 here

should be alright. mine went through straight away, no pending shit at all

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thats fucked my man. you even shilled it and got shafted as a result. my condolences

>> No.3733838

If it went through, then yes.
Looks like 4336581 was the cut-off.

>> No.3733852

I sent at 3:58, MEW lagged, then I had to confirm at Metamask, so it started sending at 4:00:58, but I still got in. Did you get the max possible gas limit/price?

>> No.3733855

This project is max 2x and in 2 fucking months there are better icos :)

>> No.3733863

Yeah man, not having your money available to trade for three months in a market that can double overnight is a great upside! ALL IN BABY THIS COIN CAN'T LOSE!

god the delusion among cryptofags is so sickening, we are even starting to reach reddit levels, fuck you asshole

>> No.3733882

you r gonna be so butthurt when it opens 10x

>> No.3733886

yes, shits fucked. Gonna punch my wall in

>> No.3733909

Shit man that sucks. Just hop to the Air Swap or Request ICOs, they should also be decent.

>> No.3733925

not whitelisted for Request.

>> No.3733940

got in. seems like a legit project. team is stronk.

>> No.3733968


>> No.3733970

win some money and invest the winnings.

>> No.3733993


>> No.3734013

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD its over lol, any faggots missed this?

>> No.3734036

this fucking piece of shit coin is spamming my email adress to buy into their shitty ICO

I never signed up to their list and theres no option to unsubscdribe
lmao at you faggots who actually give these scammers your money

>> No.3734052

lol if you think that a 2x return on your investment in 1-2 months (they said november 2017) is bad then you're the delusional one. even in this market, 2x-3x is not always guaranteed, especially when its a bear market.

>> No.3734468

Coins tradeable immediately, they are not responsible for any losses if you move the erc-20 tokens out of your ico wallet. You trade them 1:1 when the mainnet goes live

>> No.3735037


>> No.3735186

2-3 months. get your facts right

>> No.3735247

Fuck this cockcoin, the only thing you should be buying now is link you cocksuckers

>> No.3735306
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1504790943883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when 136.8 ETH deep. 2nd 65 ETH transaction barely made it in the last block to get (partially) through.

tfw I was like 0/10 on free for all portions of ICO's before this and finally made it.

>> No.3735487
File: 945 KB, 700x2000, Pink1505053344677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a fucking GOLD list account and i missed it!!!

>Be excited and hyped up.
>Get accepted for Gold Whitelist.
>Have no ETH
>Put a buy order for ETH on Poloniex
>Wake up.
>Buy order still not filled.
>See ETH price pumping.
>Decide to wait untill price drops a little
>Price is not dropping and 30mins left.
>Decide to sell some of my shitcoins instead on etherdelta for ETH.
>Accidently forgot the default 4 Gwei price on ED.
>Takes forever to receive the ETH
>Miss the gold list
>Miss the silver list

<Feeling is not good.

>> No.3735621
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1504627352383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you fucked up kek

for that quality ico you should have got eth prepared in day before....
....but you choose to buy your sweet eth like a jew for 1 usd less


>> No.3735649

What the hell. How could you fuck this up?

>> No.3736087
File: 6 KB, 225x224, tfw_finally_going_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even my ID is pink

>> No.3736135

Gold listed member here . Fucking wew. My redpulsers in here too ?

>> No.3736151

can't believe how low key this is on /biz/ it's like you people hate making money

>> No.3736187

they think they can make bigger gains in 2 months.


>> No.3736273



>> No.3736291

Red Pulse is good (in terms for potential flipping)

thats why I'm in Wanchain + Red Pulse this month

>why not both

>> No.3736476
File: 10 KB, 142x183, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the time in the world to get this 20x
>mfw this nigger fucks it up