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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3732771 No.3732771 [Reply] [Original]

since there isn't one, I'll start it.

share your advice/experience in:

>affiliate marketing
>share some hot niches and target markets
>how to start your own business
>betting in horses/games etc
>make money with selling tshirts

old thread >>3729123

>> No.3732851


>> No.3732995

Sorry, this board is specifically for posting shitcoins now.

>> No.3733279

a tip OP.
>Provide a topic of conversation.
You can't just throw shit at a wall listing a bunch of topics and expect a dialogue to start. You need a thesis, a question, or a statement.

>> No.3733418


So I do dev work and linux stuff from home as a 'consultant' to pick up some cash between clients does anyone have any experience with things like odesk for quick onsie twosie type work?

>> No.3733707

Its too late now. This needs to be the thread topic and even then you wont get a lot of replies because of the generic topic.
You need a format where you define your personal experience so that people can ask you questions which will bump the thread and attract more people to talk about their experience.
You cant just create your own general when there isnt even a single other thread and expect to get results.

>> No.3734222

I'm not the original author of the mfh general thread, but I've enjoyed reading them, since there wasn't one I thought I'd start it, but I won't bother again

>> No.3734846

Interesting. I guess these explain why none of the threads I've tried to start have ever gained any traction, because either I just ask about a topic or just dump info about a topic, without my own personal analysis. And then I assume the meme >>3732995 is true and get demotivated like >>3734222
>I won't bother again

>> No.3735359

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCHj_dLmjEc watching this right now

>> No.3735701


im the original OP

thanks for making the thread of previous threads

>> No.3735722

Fuck off nigger

>> No.3735739

Keep making Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts, porn accounts, Google+ accounts, Twitter accounts and just plug CPA links all day. Get bots to do it, hire Indians on Fivrr for peanuts to do it. Just build build build, blog, pump out facebook videos, pay eastern europeans to make porn for you and content lock it. Make an Algorhythm to scrape emails from craigslist and send CPA and PPC offers, buy or share mailing lists and send even more offers. Sell ebooks showing how to make ebooks that show you how to make ebooks that make you money and sell them on Amazon or through CpA sites. Make recipe books en masse theyre easy to do and theres almost no way to get caught plagerising. Do an online raffle for an Xbox One. Sell tickets for $1. Sell thousands of tickets and make a huge profit. Buy huge crates of water bottles at Walmart for a few bucks and resell at concerts or in traffic on hot days. Just do it. Get out there now and do it. Sell IPTV subscriptions, sell a book on how to make money selling IPTV subscriptions. Make another book showing people how to write a book showing how to make money selling books showing how to sell IPTV subscriptions. Copy this text, put it in a word doc, flesh it out, title it HOW TO MAKE BANK NOW! and sell it. Sell the rights to it for $100 on Fiverr and then immediately write another book alnost the same with a different title and photos. Repeat.

>> No.3735754

hey you are the guy who made the video right?
good tactic with the PDF with content locks

>> No.3736141

who /fraud/ here

>> No.3736165

what exactly do you do?

>> No.3736311

more or less using other peoples funds to pay for crypto

>> No.3736360

basically shiling on /biz/

>> No.3736401

I do Amazon FBA with my own private label brand. I do okay, roughly 10k in profits a month for very minimal work.

>> No.3736410

like what does that even mean, private label brand

>> No.3736460

smart man

>> No.3736513

Basically I find a supplier on alibaba for some product, slap my own label on it and sell it under my own brand. Literally no different from the hundreds of competitors but it has my brand on it. Then I list it on Amazon's fba program where they handle all the shipping and warehousing after I ship them the goods.
Finally I sit at home and jerk off while my sales are being automatically filled and shipped. Amazon takes a big cut but the margins are way better than drop shipping and I literally don't do shit.

>> No.3736533

damn nice, so how much can a beginner begin with? is 1k enough?

>> No.3736620

kek, yeah I suppose it has the same result

>> No.3736669

I started with 8k but 1k will be tougher since the aforementioned cut that Amazon takes. Still possible tho. The challenge is finding the right niche with a product that is cheap to make, sells well and has a good price point.

For 1k I'd say go on alibaba and Amazon, find something that costs less than $1 per unit to make but can sell for over $12 on Amazon. After shipping and Amazon's overhead you should have enough profits to grow from there. My friend who's business is much more succesful than mine started with 2k. His product cost 30 cents to make and sold for $12. After all fees he had a profit of around $3-4 per unit and it was selling like hotcakes. He reinvested all profits into new products and marketing. He pulls around 30k in profits per month. Kind of makes me butthurt since I introduced him to this and he's tripling what I make. At least he doesnt want to do crypto

>> No.3736688

Keep in mind alibaba price isn't set in stone. You need to email them and negotiate costs.

>> No.3736918

Interesting method of moneymaking bro. Sucks that your friend makes so much more than you but still 10k/month for doing minimal work is crazy.
How quickly can you get this up and running?

>> No.3736937

10k would be already fucking amazing for me, id be living like a king in my country

Are the chinese trustworthy?

>> No.3737035

I started doing this over 2 years ago. Took me about a week to find the product I wanted, around 2-3 weeks contacting suppliers and buying samples, another 1 month for my inventory to be manufactured and 1 month on the boat shipping to Amazon's warehouse. Once it's in the warehouse I was making sales instantly although I was spending a lot on Amazon ads too so I was treadmilling for a while and not making a lot of profit - I was losing money for a while in the beginning.

I had to reinvest my profit back into expanding and growing the business for the first year before I could start taking some money out to pay myself.

I'm planning to sell the business in another year or so and hopefully exit with 7 figures.

Yes for the most part. I do hire quality inspectors to check my inventory. Position yourself as a potential long term business partner and not just a random buyer. Your success = continued business for them. That said be prepared to negotiate aggressively for prices, but that's just business. You can sell on American Amazon from any country in the world so look into it if you are interested. It's actually a little better as a foreign seller because you do not need to pay US sales tax.