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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 512x512, Elixir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3719942 No.3719942 [Reply] [Original]

Some guy shilled this in giveaways trips and quads weeks ago and I gave no attention. Since then the price has gone what, 20 times its original value? Maybe even more.

Right now this baby has a marketcap as little as 1.2million dollars. It is starting to be promoted in crypto youtube channels and this is your big shot. 1mi marketcap is a hidden gem, this is so so much guaranteed to hit probably 20mi in a few months you'll hate yourself for not having listened. If you want to be safe, sell at 10mi marketcap, but just don't miss this anon.

I missed neo, omg and ark because I listened to fud and had no balls to throw something as small as 0.5btc for a huge return.

Yesterday it reached 8500 sats, dipped to 5500 and now is skyrocketing to 8500 again.

There are a lot of assholes on this board, but there are good guys too.
Buy elixir. I doubt this is going to be a rival to bitcoin, ethereum, omisego, ark or whatever, but this is guaranteed to at the very least give you 500% gains.

Don't miss this chance. Take it.

>> No.3719955

Imagine being an indian and working at a 5c/hr click farm where your hooknosed boss tells you to spend every waking minute shilling a piece of shit coin with a white paper written by a 12 year old and a demo faker than pro-wrestling.

You get up out of your shit encrusted bed, walk down the shitting street and into the boiler room of noisy indian music and terrible Bollywood soundtracks in the background. But it's okay, your ears are used to it.

You finally get to your computer after walking past some of the smelliest people on the planet, any ordinary person surely would have passed out by now, but you stride through as you sit at your desk and type your password into your little IBM Laptop running Windows XP.

You prepare to indulge in the same dance you've done a million times now, you open up Internet Explorer and go to 4chan.org/biz. New thread, oh don't worry, Rajesh payed for us all to have 4chan Passes by cutting our own paycheck, the nice fella.

"Now now! You sell Elixir token! Make boss man very happy!", yells your boss, his voice barely being heard past all of the aforementioned commotion.

Then you sit there waiting to write a new thread, but you just can't think of a reason why this piece of electric trash is worth anything. You know proof of time is a total sham, yet you have to convince yourself it's the next smart contracts.

After pondering for hours you're star struck as the only thing you can think of to sell the poo-token is to relentlessly shill your cheap, disgusting token to a bunch of poor NEETs across the internet who have likely never had a girlfriend by assuring them that it will "2 OR 3X SOON" and that it is "LITERALLY UNSTOPPABLE".

At this point you seriously consider suicide but you hold off for one more day, one more dollar just so you can finally afford to buy a single ODN and get out of this hell-hole.

>> No.3719977
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this fucking pasta man

>> No.3719991

Bro, I get the pajeet hate, but I am a white man, I got in yesterday and saw the huge potential this has.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your obsidian, but right now elixir is the spaceship taking off.

Jump aboard. 1million marketcap, you'll never see it again.

>> No.3719994

were lifting off in 10

>> No.3720039

but OP doesn't have a 4chan pass so you're obviously lying

I think it's you who is the pajeet

>> No.3720082
File: 2.01 MB, 4284x2841, 15069743222819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buckle in boys, we're starting to moon again!

was resistance at ~7000-7500 for the last few hours, now its picking up, hitting 8500+ prepare for another double up today, 12-14k sats? maybe more? goddamn I love ELIX

and lets all laugh at the weak handed faggots that sold on the 5k dip yesterday, guess they enjoy being poor

>> No.3720092


Spread the message boys.

>> No.3720096

>tfw bought that 5k dip


>> No.3720104


GUYS if it is gonna dump please tip us off in here, it's gay but let's actually help each other get rich and not hold bags

>> No.3720107

I've got about 25k at moment, gonna buy another 1BTC worth in a few mins when confs finished.

Gonna hold the original 25k stash but cash out what I buy with the final BTC tonight if it hits 14.

>> No.3720108

Just broke through 8.5ksats!!

>> No.3720125

so what is realistic marketcap target for this?

>> No.3720130


Nice try, Ranjid

>> No.3720150
File: 68 KB, 800x800, 1505985844001-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys let's destroy the walls and bring it to 10k we can do it don't sell you coins. I stocked up to 60k yesterday and feel damn comfy.
I won't sell anything until 5usd.

>> No.3720157

The only way to make money on a low cap/volume coin is to dump the bags on others who think they're starting from the ground floor. Let that sink in.

>> No.3720159


150k ELIX holder here. The best thing about trading small cap crypto is when you get in on a beauty like ELIX when it's under a half million market cap.
This is a literal crypto traders wet dream.

The next best thing is when you can retire shilling it. This thread makes it official boys, the latest investors at 1 Million market cap have now taken the torch.

Take it to 10 million fellas. I'll still be holding.

>> No.3720161

youre not scared if a dump happens?

>> No.3720184

It seems like 10k would be a likely dumping point for them, thoughts? wallets show no whales though..... peoples coin ffs

>> No.3720191


50k here. Lots of other big holders are echoing the same sentiment. We are holding this one. You'd be stupid to sell now, it's taking off and hasn't even been added to exchanges.

>> No.3720199

You guys are going to get dumped on so hard I actually feel sort of bad...

Sort of.

>> No.3720203

This rocket has room for everyone!

>> No.3720205

problem is.. its not on bittrex, its not on binance.. is it even on polo? probably not..
Its just another bumfuck coin if its limited to 1 exchange.

>> No.3720213
File: 160 KB, 1125x2001, 2017-10-02 23.43.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not the slightest

>> No.3720241

That's why you still have time to jump in.

>> No.3720249

Etherdelta sucks.

>> No.3720250
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, 1507048870431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9200+ sats holy fuck!!!!!

>> No.3720261

overbought, consolidating to 9000

>> No.3720298

Definitely in the 25M to 100M range at least. Anyone who misses this one will wish they didn't

>> No.3720339



>> No.3720345

lol good luck with selling your shitcoin

>> No.3720354

People selling at ATH to buy back in lower, standard accumulating strategy, just calm down.

>> No.3720361

Weak handed faggots

>> No.3720368


educate them https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/742kg4/can_someone_explain_elixr/

>> No.3720378

its not a dump considering it was stable at like 7.5k for the last 10 hours. Dumping would be if it hit 4k right now

this is how it works, goes up, goes down, ends up higher than it was before, gradual process. It's breaking 10k+ today without a doubt

>> No.3720381

Elixer is my waifu now

>> No.3720385
File: 140 KB, 316x266, 1505415818430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the hidden gem part!!!!

bittrex, poloniex, binance it's all mainstream

did you see ada yesterday? top 1 coin of the exchange in the first day

imagine when elix gets there
you are looking at a 12yo Lionel Messi here, you are talking to a young marshall matters. Don't miss the chance. Buy it. Hell, even if you bought below 20k sats you'd still be buying cheap

Don't compare yourself to the early passengers who hopped in at 200 sats, that is extremely rare to happen and risky. Now you are sitting comfy above a marketcap of 1.2 million dollars, it's much more solid and has a really good perspective of hitting 20mi marketcap AT LEAST
Today I'm the good guy helping you to get rich

Tomorrow you may not have the same luck

>> No.3720395

thanks mate. Appreciate it. targets? or are you holding till moon

im a poor neet whos almost all in

>> No.3720400

Threw in a final BTC to help push it up over 900, takes me to just over 30k in my bag. If it hits 1400 I'm cashing out 1BTC max - to buy back some of the NEO/LINK I sold to get in on ELIXER in the start - but I'm holding the great majority of what I got.

>> No.3720413

Elix supply is arbitrarily being adjusted. Watch out on this one.

>> No.3720415

Are you guys fucking dumb? It's up 100% already and you are buying? you deserve to lose that money. Enjoy the dumb idiots.

>> No.3720429


top holders are holding it till it gets more exposure on big exchanges.

>> No.3720431


Like Walton? And Chainlink?

lmao fuck out of here

>> No.3720452

im holding for quite awhile, I realistically think this coin breaks $1 as soon as it gets a tiny bit more exposure. I bought in at 1200sat so it's all upside from here.

>> No.3720465

Bud I bought into Chainlink when it was well over 100% up and still turned a very, very, tidy profit when I sold it to buy into ELIX.

>> No.3720494

>they said the same about ans
>they said the same about eth
>they said the same about omg
>they said the same about monero
>they said the same about btc

think it like this

let's say there are 5 purple apples in the world, and you can buy one for a dollar. It smells and tastes like shit, but you are one of the first 5 to get one and there are people willing to buy it from you.

That's the same perspective you get in a 1.2 fucking million marketcap

Pepefuckingcash has a 10mi marketcap, Doge Coin has over 100

if you wanna be so boring, at least make 50% profit and leave

>> No.3720499

it's already reached the front page of /r/cryptocurrency faggot. it has the most attention you'll get for some shitcoin

>> No.3720506

buy or cry simple as that. I'm in. This is promising af.

>> No.3720514
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1507004054661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its up way more than that, it was $0.02 like 4 days ago, its up like 2000% or some shit, and its going up way more today and throughout this week. This is the real deal

>> No.3720533
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1506621006756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small dip to 8.1k
>money still on the way

Fucking BTC transfers why do they have to be so slow.

>> No.3720556


>> No.3720561

If the 2 small walls at 9k and 10k sats break, this shits smooth sailing to 20k sats minimum by the end of the day.

Buy now, accumulate and break the walls, you won't regret it.

>> No.3720584

Any anons start getting a bit panicky/weakhanded when there's a lull or brief dip, have a browse through the thread during yesterday's rockettrip to soothe your nerves - same pattern yesterday was MOON, stabilize and drop a little, MOON, stabilise and drop a little etc:


>> No.3720628
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thanks based anon. those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

>> No.3720671
File: 82 KB, 400x388, 1495822167266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hilarious reading this one near the top people selling at like 3800sat

and to think that was less than 24 hours ago... weak handed faggots will always remain poor

>> No.3720716
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold at 1200 sats

>> No.3720736

How long have you been waiting to post this

>> No.3720752

The wall broke, and it came out of it's little dip, next stop, MOON

>> No.3720760

Didn't think it would go that high. It's shit.

>> No.3720770

Pattern will repeat for next few hours at least.

>> No.3720776



>> No.3720781

It's going back up but christ fuck that guy

>> No.3720785

I'm gonna hold...the product seems simple enough to pull off, compared to ODN this is a creative idea that is actually easy to deliver

>> No.3720798

Why are people buying this shit. Have you heard of MTL? It does the same thing except it's not retarded.

>> No.3720811

So you are saying this shit will hit 10$ fag? Nice fomo

>> No.3720842

Lots of fluctuations between 9k and 8k. Some can't handle the gainz.

>> No.3720849
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>> No.3720881


Noobies getting shaken out before the next leg up

>> No.3720882

MTL pays you regardless of whether you get 'paid back'. It's got real backers, and a real chance at mainstream adoption. This is a retarded ponzi scheme.

>> No.3720926

Just made an 18k profit after my last exit. Not going near this shit again LOL it's getting too spooky for me.

>> No.3720929
File: 97 KB, 504x514, 1499949679160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People seriously investing in a token for which the whole team is anonymous.

This is why you stay poor /biz/. Don't forget to sell low as well.

>> No.3721028

Hello /biz/, you fucks. You're spamming our shit up over at reddit with the dumbest, most obvious shilling I've seen in my life. I'm here to tell you, fuck you and fuck your coin, I hope it crashes.

I checked out the discord and asked around; No, no fucking hedge fund manager anywhere endorsed this coin. No, its market cap is not 1 million. No, its not getting on another exchange - confirmed by DEVS.


>> No.3721104

>valuing the opinion of 'hedge fund managers' in crypto
t. plebbit

>> No.3721139
File: 631 KB, 1440x2392, 245212414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea so pooor i might cry

>> No.3721386

Haha holy shit, a lot of newbies will get dumped on tonight.

>> No.3721493

This carries on going up tonight

>> No.3721506

Can you help me out? Only 300 Elix