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File: 340 KB, 1080x1349, f56ba234-be6c-4cf7-a42f-3285e538b2e1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3712876 No.3712876 [Reply] [Original]

chase a bitch. never chase a check

>> No.3712886

feet tho

>> No.3712887

This girl isn’t asian.

>> No.3713409
File: 59 KB, 620x389, ur8qypuynglz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can lose a lot of money by chasing women
but you'll lose no women by chasing money

>> No.3713430

she's a below average strayan

>> No.3713531

4/10 face
10/10 everything else

>> No.3713532

coverd in makeup mommy make her go away she scares me

>> No.3713536

Please explain?

Generic strayan more like it:
>Hi I'm Chantel. I'm studying physio at LaTrobe. I have two dogs and Breaking Bad is my favourite TV show. Go the Hawks

>> No.3713562

something about this looks very australian

>> No.3713592

So what’s it like to bang a strayan sheila? Asking for a friend.

>> No.3713601

that's wat I'm saying nahm saying bro

>> No.3713618
File: 395 KB, 1061x1661, 19702945_460736064307133_9121960497947248195_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down syndrome Lauren Southern

>> No.3713619

I figured it was the fence and the type of tree in the background. Felt the same when I saw it

>> No.3713659

i'll take the wrx in the background

>> No.3713701

>you'll lose no women by chasing money

>> No.3713921


chad does nothing for women, they come to him
if you have to pursue women in any fashion you are not good looking. dont waste time with women if your not good looking boys. it will utterly exhaust you to the point were you are nothing but a lapdog for stacy

>> No.3714231



So tired of beta nu-male asian girl only meme. Asian girls are kind of gross objectively. They put fish sauce in all their food which stinks up the house on the regular. Makes their pussy taste extra gross.

>> No.3714256

Relatable, why am I like this even though I know it's contradictory long term?

>> No.3714277

maybe the fact that eucalyptus trees only exist in australasia?

>> No.3714279

>Thinking sub-human chinese are the same as East Aryan Koreans and Japanese

>> No.3714637
File: 154 KB, 1080x1350, 20837700_1886708428213146_5474685453753909248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter, a girl like this won't even notice your existence.

>> No.3714673

All chinks look the same from all the Asian countries

>> No.3714675

it's everything, including the rexy

>> No.3714771

>They put fish sauce in all their food which stinks up the house on the regular. Makes their pussy taste extra gross.
I put fish sauce in all of my food (I make a nice salad dressing which uses lots of the stuff), and I always feed it to my gf, but it does not make her pussy taste gross.
Maybe you have just been with shitty, fat girls?

>t. White, aryan male

>> No.3714883

I hate white Aussie girls, but Asian-Aussie girls make my dick tingle

> Hi, I'm Cindy Nguyen. I'm studying business admin at RMIT. I like going to the gym and going to hardstyle music events.

>> No.3714957
File: 1.24 MB, 985x1269, reagan dotches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to hardstyle music events

that sounds horrible m8

>> No.3714971


opinion invalidated

>> No.3714982

Here's a good question:
If you have some other health issue, do you think that some random skank is going to perform the surgery required to save your life? No. A doctor will... for money.

Fuck bitches, get money and feel more secure. Having money is also like having a magical woman magnet.

>> No.3714994

> Being a faggot

>> No.3715001
File: 18 KB, 214x265, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling women bitches

Get a tradfu you degenerate faggot.

>> No.3715018

>chasing a girl like that
In Australia this is what we call a 6/10 and it's what an average girl looks like. Bang her, sure, chase her? Fuck no

>> No.3715037

Fuck off the average Australian is a rich Chinese man

>> No.3715093

going to "hardstyle music events" like defqon 1 is the literal definition of faggotry m8. kys

>> No.3715116

> being a shut in virgin

do you even lift phaggot

>> No.3715155

Lol mate those of us who've actually met Aussie girls - the absolute most disgusting subtype of female you'll meet 'backpacking' or doing their 'year abroad' in Europe - know that's absolute bullshit.

>> No.3715287

They bang like a dunny door m8

>> No.3715401

So... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.3715500

tf is a dunny door

>> No.3715564

you know, like a doogly wag or a less extreme bewy booper m8

>> No.3715971
File: 476 KB, 2300x1533, Day_of_the_rake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struth. Just listen to this cunt >>3715564

>> No.3716628

>that trigger discipline

I want to hate fuck her

>> No.3716679


>> No.3716702


It's the other way around faggot

>> No.3716716

ooga booga fuck bitches get papah ooga booga

>> No.3716747

I love it how we don't even need flags to be dead certain that the chick's Australian. Mate, are we all just generic af?
PS would still root

>> No.3716748

How did I just know that she was Australian too? Maybe it was the Subaru in the back.

>> No.3716769
File: 769 KB, 1100x457, 1505276031400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes fish sauce
>Also happens to like the taste of his GF's pussy

I feel like this is easily explained. Clearly you just like fishy tasting pussy.

>> No.3716926

Something about the way straya girls all look a little off just makes my dick swell

>> No.3716942

mad gains

>> No.3717002

Aussie girls are overrated

>t yank who spent four months in Syd

Go to any major US city - or better, any big state school/srat - and get blown away you roo shagging goon swilling fucks

Ps vegemite is weird

>> No.3717105

Nah mate, for me it was just the whole stereotypical look of a DP belonging to an Aussie chick that likes to get around.

>> No.3717116

LOL that's the first thing I saw

>> No.3717175


The normies deny this, but they also know it's true. They even put it in their comedy.


You can find a lot of ugly truth wrapped up in humor.


>> No.3717214

I will never forget that thread.

Get fatter.

>> No.3717241

they look subpar, is that what you are saying?

>> No.3717242

I'm good looking, girls hit on me at work, but I just work and go home to shitpost on 4chan. Girls dont even see me, I can assure you no one is going out of their way to talk to me

>> No.3717266

I don't even think I'm that good looking but the less I try with women the better success I have. Maybe it's psychological in that I don't expect failure if I'm seeking an outcome, but I've noticed an idgaf attitude really works with girls.

>> No.3717284

>but I've noticed an idgaf attitude really works with girls

That's cuz girls hate needy betas.

>> No.3717304


A dunny is an outhouse. I think he means they're nasty jizz jars. They sound like standard American trash to me.

>> No.3717333


Women like being the afterthought to a man they want to fuck. It tells them that he has better things to do. It demonstrates his higher status.

>> No.3717337



>> No.3717360
File: 126 KB, 500x489, 1450804549498-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not chasing shit, these hoes a dime a dozen, probably cheaper due to inflation

>> No.3717377
File: 125 KB, 679x905, 1448305218332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CHASING anything other than your own vibrational alignment so stuff chases you but you dont even care because you feel good already.

>> No.3717604

magic mike "entrepreneur" detected

sounds like something some try hard communications major would say while oogling over sloppy 4ths

>> No.3717670



>> No.3717678

Why does she always pretend to be American?

>> No.3717704

>thinking chick in OPs photo is at all hot
I live in straya and this really is not hot

>> No.3717771
File: 35 KB, 262x351, 2016elections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm seeing an asian girl right now and I have to say I'm getting sick of this autistic asian girl obsession

these yellow fever creeps need to kys themselves in real irl

>> No.3718477
File: 141 KB, 902x1128, 21980917_1131559603641131_4192539099153825792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely agreed