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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3706250 No.3706250 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to 4chan. Has there be any instances where 4chan was so convinced about a coin as this one, and turned out to be wrong?

Please share.

>> No.3706266

no, Link is /ourcoin/

>> No.3706277

Lots of times my dude
Look at all the digibyte fags still holding bags from when it was 2k sats, and people bought siacoin at 700. There are shitloads of examples

>> No.3706278

>new to 4chan
>takes investment advice from 4chan

Please leave

>> No.3706280

So this is the first coin that this board has been dead-set on? No major flops in the past?

>> No.3706283

This is one of those examples. It's just a erc20 smart contract that is nearly a 150 million market cap. There is no reason why anyone should hold this when there are better opportunities.

Foe this to give 10x gains, it would end up in the top 10 coins. No way.

>> No.3706288


>> No.3706296

I went to wtc with the memes making a nice profit and I must say that link has alot better memes and /biz/ actually is pretty convincing on this coin so lets see what happens

>> No.3706310

Of course 4chan has been wrong about coins.

But I don't think I've ever seen 4chan actually grasp the fundamentals of a coin like they do with LINK.

>> No.3706313

Link is a coin with lots of potential.

But the crypto market is not rational. Just look at the market cap of doge coin.

>> No.3706318
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>> No.3706353

Why the fuck is everyone mentioning DGB?
That thing went from 20-30 sats to more than 2000 sats which is basically 100x. How is it relevant to this situation? Chainlink will also 100x?

>> No.3706362


>> No.3706876

On top of my head, there's Bancor and Numeraire. And both are owned by jews.

>> No.3706909

Just hop on the train OP, imagine how much bigger a dick 4chan would have to swing around if half of us became millionaires from LINK, this is /ourcoin/

>> No.3706910

Ark was shilled at less than a dollar, newfag

>> No.3706912


With jews, you lose.

>> No.3706918
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>> No.3706925

>convinced about a coin

nobody is convinced of anything here

its just coordinated pump groups that shill the flavor of the month relentlessly

>> No.3706926


>shilling for a jewcoin that wants to emulate the central bank

pick one

>> No.3706944

I can only think of Bancor. And that's just because they uncapped the ICO at the last moment, basically fucking everyone. Kinda not fair to even count that one. There are others people will mention but they just boarded the train at ATH.

>> No.3706945

you absolute newfag

if you were here before the bancor ICO then you would know that it was shilled just like LINK is being spammed now

>> No.3706970

Numeraire had a massive pump though.

>> No.3706973

And it probably would have been a good investment if they didn't jew it up by fucking uncapping the ICO.

>> No.3707067

i think it just came out at an unfortunate time
hype levels were at maximum

>> No.3707089

I was there, half /biz/ was shilling for it and half was shilling against. The thing was that people shilling against had legitimate arguments. Bancor is a failed project from the begining, they're not offering anything useful or needed in the crypto-scene

>> No.3707109


Also it was shilled as a get money quick scheme, that you'll double your money instantly when it opens for trading. There was no shilling for the use of the coin, because there isn't

>> No.3707160


I don't think I've ever seen /biz/ shill the actual merits of a coin like now with link.

>> No.3707169



Well here is legitimate shilling from Gartner about SmartContract will real researched facts.

>> No.3707230

I've read pretty much all of this info on /biz/ over the past 10 days.

>> No.3707269

you can say the exact same thing about LINK

>> No.3707273

Biz/ brought me to OMG, NEO, WTC, and ELIX(results to be determined but so far its a win).

Despite 90% of biz being dumbshits, when everyone collectively comes together we form an autistic Voltron capable of defeating any Gains Goblin.

About 40% in on LINK right now. Im trusting you /biz. (But only 40%trust)

>> No.3707282
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He believes the shills on /biz/ and loses his shekels

>> No.3707301

You need to go back

>> No.3707342

>working product
>use case is the original definition of "smart contract" as envisioned by Nick Szabo in the 90s
>major financial institution backing and exposure

Fuck outta here.

>> No.3707444

OMG is an erc20 with a 1.2b cap. what now faggot?

>> No.3707520

>It's just a erc20 smart contract
It's a decentralized input source network for smart contracts.

>> No.3707542

Please let this not be b8

>> No.3707553

It never occured to you that they might be selling you their bags?

>> No.3707568

Lets compare:


1. Mcdonalds partnership
2. Thai bank support
3. Omise behind it, a multimillion financial company


1. 4chan shills
2. Toilets

>> No.3707580
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>> No.3707653

You forgot full moneyskel backing and support plus the recent partnership with MUFG, which is part of the enterprise ethereum alliance :^)

>muh toilet room

>> No.3707727

kek, he said an erc20 token can't be valuable, obviously it can.
also the toilets are there to keep the pajeets away.

>> No.3708012

>I'm new
Fuck off faggot

>> No.3708065

chainlink is a big gamble, the price is determined by the demo at SIBOS. if the demo is successful a moon, otherwise LINK will be worthless