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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3705770 No.3705770 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3705776
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not so fast

>> No.3705800
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>> No.3705879

Not sure why all this FUD. We won. We proved them wrong. DGB is now a serious blockchain contender.

>> No.3706220

Things will turn positive for DGB, maybe already tomorrow.

>> No.3706341

Won what? A small award from a law firm (among a few other techs).

Good for cutting down legal costs, not exactly mega exciting otherwise. DoxWallet and AidTech cleaned up with all the other awards.

>> No.3706369


The FUD is unbelievable. You keep belittling the gravity of them winning out of 90+ companies.

Digusign is a secure document handling service. Having one of the biggest law firms in the world give them an award is fucking gigantic.

You basement dwellers never go outside, so I don't expect you to understand.

>> No.3706390
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Well, DGB officially has (((their))) attention, which has to amount to something.

>> No.3706414


>> No.3707411

Sorry friend, but not FUDing here. (I'm actually the guy who made those lists of posts showing up the fudfaggot's paid spam on here, as I got sick of seeing it).

DGB's award from the law company is positive news, but it's not enough to save it from people selling. It needed something miraculous and a massive main award and glowing praise to retain people's faith in it.

Not saying that's justified, just markets are based on confidence after all, and people's confidence in DGB (due to past performance, plus all the FUD) is at an all time low.

Like I said a mega exciting announcement could save it, (especially if it's company partnerships or new upcoming release), but otherwise confidence will dwindle.

It won't hit as much rock bottom as it would if they'd won nothing at all, but I can't see much happening for a long while either.

At least they actually won something.