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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3700364 No.3700364 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that selling LINK just before/after SIBOS is like selling your stock in a company that's about to do a superbowl commercial.

>> No.3700395

you are a fucking idiot. it's dropping like a rock and you shill the same shit every time.
It won't go anywhere for the following reasons:
1.) the team doesn't communicate and is not interested in marketing. this may sound like they're working hard, but in this market no one gives a fuck about that. they need news or else they'll chase some other coin
2.) 4chan retards shilling on reddit. you sound like drones. no one is going to buy from someone that sounds like a shill.
3.) back to #1, no one gives a shit if it's "good", even if good things come from SIBOS they have to market it well.
Sorry, it's going to drop until SIBOS. it's going nowhere because it's only popular here

>> No.3700423

Thank you for saying truth

>> No.3700430

>dropping like a rock
It's hovering around 40 cents/0.0001 BTC just like the past 3 days.

What fucking chart are you watching?

>1.) the team doesn't communicate and is not interested in marketing. this may sound like they're working hard, but in this market no one gives a fuck about that. they need news or else they'll chase some other coin
>3.) back to #1, no one gives a shit if it's "good", even if good things come from SIBOS they have to market it well.
They're working on SIBOS.
SIBOS is in two weeks.
SIBOS is the single greatest marketing event in all of crypto history.

>> No.3700449


lmao how badly do you want to buy? Hope you realize this is the exact same shit people were trying to say last week and look where we are now. 1/10 FUD only cuz you made me respond

>> No.3700461

no one gives a fuck. barely anyone knows who it is and there is absolutely NO GUARANTEE something will come of it. sorry to burst your bubble kid
I'm not shitting on it, I think it's a good coin, but I think the lack of growth is that the team gives zero shit about the people who invested (ZERO COMMUNICATION)

>> No.3700467

So what we just never sell LINK?

>> No.3700470

>it's going nowhere because it's only popular here
You think /biz/ bought more than a tiny fraction of the $32 million presale?
You think /biz/ has the money to add over $100 million to that market cap in a little over a week?

>> No.3700472

i just sold because there are so many other coins on the horizon that will be doing better. I'm not trying to fud at all. This always happens with upcoming events: the price goes up and down around a certain price due to uncertainty, which, again, is caused by the complete lack of communication with the team

>> No.3700475

Agreed anon. It’s holding in the 40 cent range after it’s 2x jump from 19 cents. It’s not going back down to that level before SIBOS. The target is still $2. I’m hodling for now.

>> No.3700477

Reminder it will dump hard right before

>> No.3700487

>barely anyone knows who it is
That's the point.

>absolutely NO GUARANTEE something will come of it
Lol, if you want guarantees open a fucking government-backed savings account.

SIBOS is probably the single greatest marketing event any crypto has ever had.

>> No.3700506

you are a fucking idiot. it's stable like a rock and you FUD the same shit every time.
It won't go anywhere but up for the following reasons:
1.) the team doesn't communicate and is not interested in marketing. this is because they're working hard, although in this market no one gives a fuck about that. they need news, like SIBOS or else they'll chase some other coin
2.) retards FUDding on 4chan. you sound like drones. no one is going to sell to someone that sounds like an autistic teenager.
3.) back to #1, people actually do give a shit if it's "good", and when if good things come from SIBOS they wont really have to market it well.
Sorry, it's going up until SIBOS. it's going up despite the fact that it's only popular here

>> No.3700510

> SIBOS is the single greatest marketing event in all of crypto history.

happening in a small room next to a toilet

>> No.3700520

>complete lack of communication with the team
There are two weeks until SIBOS.
And their working product is pretty much ready.

What the fuck do you want them to do? Stand in front of company logos making baseless partnership claims?

Take your babby hands and get back to your ADHD-fuelled flavor of the month chase.

You know nothing about crypto other than whatever is new and shiny.

>> No.3700529

On 1 day chart its about to crash hard

>> No.3700533

you realize people know what LINK is outside of 4chan right? Reddit knows all about it now and no one gives a rats ass. You all have shilled it so much that they identify it with you shitting up their shitty boards with the same fucking comments every time:
>MUH hard at work
>muh trust in one dev

>> No.3700540

Scary thing is, he's right. Normies associate LINK with 4chan now

>> No.3700551

dude I think you should reread your own post then read mine and then stop contradicting yourself lmao

>> No.3700555
File: 262 KB, 1083x709, 1506927359475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small room

>> No.3700558

I can't find any information on the sibos conference programm, does anyone have a link?

>> No.3700566

>1 day chart
>on a token 10 days old


>> No.3700570

you have to go back

>> No.3700572

chainlink on reddit is literally associated with 4chan and normies stay out of it.


chainlink is only valuable to biztards who will dump the shit out of this coin on oct 16 because you are all deluded adhd fags

>> No.3700579

>Reddit knows all about it now and no one gives a rats ass.
Maybe you should go back there.

4chan didn't buy $32 million worth of presale tokens, and 4chan certainly didn't turn that into a $140 million market cap.

>> No.3700587

i got there to get a feel for the market along with 4chan
>muh autistic 4chan-only-club
sorry that you can't handle that other people outside of your echo chamber don't want your coin

>> No.3700597

>b-b-b-but reddit says Chainlink is 4chan!!

This is the shittiest fud I have ever encountered on /biz/.

Protip: SWIFT is showcasing Chainlink to the world's financial elite on October 16th.

Or is Reddit saying SWIFT is also associated with 4chan now?

>> No.3700603

thank you anon

>> No.3700607

>SWIFT is showcasing Chainlink to the world's financial elite on October 16th.

In a tiny room next to the bathroom

>> No.3700617
File: 94 KB, 937x522, 1505283359884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that room is bigger than your house

>> No.3700618

>4chan backed marketing
lmao as if these autists would put money into making people shitpost here. however, if anyone here actually is getting paid to advertise chainlink please tell me how to get in on this because I legitimately like the product and would shill for more LINKs

>> No.3700623

> world's financial elite
> presentation scheduled for 30 mins in a tiny room next to toilets

wew mate

>> No.3700629

this. toilet room is funny for a meme but if you actually find it dissuades you from investing then holy shit, you're never going to make it

>> No.3700630

one of those chairs is worth more than everybody in this thread

>> No.3700631

See >>3700555

1400 ft2 anon.

>> No.3700643

It's literally not next to the toilet, but I kinda wish it was for meme purposes.

>conveniently flush your money away by selling right after the demo ends

>> No.3700645

just because you showcase a pet project does NOT mean it guarantees anything
This is what I'm saying: it will fluctuate and go up if the devs speak with good news. That's the only way at this point. And it doesn't look good considering they've been silent for weeks

>> No.3700650

Mate its a demo. If it took more than 30 minutes you cunts would be fudding about transactions taking too long

>> No.3700669

This guy thinks we're talking about link platform LNK

>> No.3700690

>30 minutes
For two use cases. Plenty.

>tiny room
1400 square feet.

>next to toilets
Literally not true, but wud b laff

>> No.3700699

>it's going to drop until SIBOS
I certainly hope so -- I still need to increase my position this week.
Perhaps you do also?

>> No.3700707

Honestly have no idea where to put my bitcoins other than LINK, at least its doing something useful and unique

>> No.3700722

Keep looking at that number, just some basic TA will show you this has entered a downtrend.

Crossed all moving averages down and daily chart overbought

>> No.3700725

>just because you showcase a pet project does NOT mean it guarantees anything
Of course not.
But this demo alone is arguably the BIGGEST mainstream endorsement and marketing opportunity any crypto has ever had.

Just in case you're unaware:
SWIFT is actively looking for a smart contract solution SPECIFICALLY.

Source: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
(this is a PDF download of an official SWIFT doc. If you don't trust my link, google "Information paper Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Business Standards and ISO 20022")

The SWIFT blockchain project has two pillars:
1) hyperledger (already rolling out)
2) smart contracts

And Chainlink is BY FAR the best candidate for supplying this smart contract solution for SWIFT at this point.

>> No.3700735
File: 44 KB, 636x778, 1505736046071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink more like toiletlink

pee pee poo poo link

>> No.3700739

I'm not disagreeing with you that it's a good project, but it will not go up, and if it does then not by much, until SIBOS and after. No reason to lose you rmoney now

>> No.3700741

>this has entered a downtrend
It's had several """downtrends""" already.

Have you ever in your life watched the same chart for more than two hours?

>> No.3700761

>it will not go up
Because Reddit says LINK is associated with 4chan?

>> No.3700763


its a 100 million dollar cryptocurrency not the fuckin S&P 500

>> No.3700824

My house is 1800sqft

>> No.3700839


>> No.3700846

All I see is sideways movement. It's likely to dip a little more, then go up again, possibly towards a new ATH because more capital will flow in today/early this week. People who found out about it late and did bank transfers will be getting their ETH/BTC to buy in.
Look at StochRSI on the 1hr.

>> No.3700848

Anyone trying to defend this hard just watch the price, pointless arguing. Price will speak for itself

>> No.3700871

>Anyone trying to attack this hard just watch the price, pointless arguing. Price will speak for itself

>> No.3700872

I usually take the average of daily and 1 hour chart and overall it does look like its looking for a direction as it averages out slightly in favour of going down over the next few days

>> No.3700887

no not at all, but because the devs don't speak out

>> No.3700911
File: 269 KB, 605x536, 54657242489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no not at all
Well you did literally use that argument twice already.

>because the devs don't speak out
Do you really expect any new developments mere weeks before SIBOS?

Maybe you're just too spoiled by OMG constantly feeding into your need for meaningless validation.

>> No.3700954
File: 43 KB, 1024x576, 1505178368365m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I sell this again?

The only idiots selling are the ones with pitiful amounts that can't hold on without going into the next ICO because they have ADHD.

In a week the convention will get priced in and when chainlink moons these same idiots will cry because they sold out for the shiner object. Don't ever care.

>> No.3700958

For everyone trying to fud this, i have literally been buying it at this time at the low of around 8800 sats and selling at the high of 10400 sats thankyou, this is just the charts, its been like this four 3days

>> No.3701002

no, based on his crystal ball

>> No.3701080


>> No.3701494

>not selling the news
Your I IL II I_

>> No.3701563

What news?

>> No.3701713

pretty small. those rooms are located on a side hallway for the sideshows no one cares about. the main room is on the main hallway, at least 6x that size

>> No.3702100
File: 65 KB, 1092x538, SWIFT gpi roadmap LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hallway is the only place where conferences are taking place during that time slot.

The biggest room in that hallway is the SWIFT auditorium (room H).

Guess what's going on in that auditorium during that time slot?

>SWIFT gpi - Time to join!
A discussion on "gpi" (global payments innovation).

And guess what phase 3 of that "gpi" entails?
See pic.
(source: google the key words. It's an official SWIFT pdf file)

Notice how Chainlink is literally demoing their "DLT PoC" in the other room.
And also notice how Chainlink won the "Industry challenge".

Get hype, anon. Get fucking hype.

>> No.3702116
File: 72 KB, 636x616, 563548905113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who even knows about Link outside of 4chan?

Seems super lowkey

>> No.3702134

after sibos? everyone.