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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.3698802

not clicking that shit

>> No.3698815

I click link and all rupees in Etherdelta now gone ;_;

>> No.3698958

LINK will refine smart contracts and make ETH 1000x more useful. It blows my mind how people on here still don't understand.

Also, It is in no way a Ripple Competitor, I don't know why this rumor was started.

It's NOT a new ETH but it will drastically improve the ways we use Ethereum.

This will make smart contract USEFUL (right now they are not).

Anyone fudding this clearly has no idea what LINK does.

>> No.3699204

This guy gets it.

>> No.3699243

This. I have nothing to add, so just... this.

>> No.3699251

and yet moneyskel says its overvalued and not worth even 32m
and yet they couldnt even use a smart contract for their own crowd sale

>> No.3699281
File: 24 KB, 600x451, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moneyskelly doesn't know shit about money, which is pretty ironic.

Saying oracles aren't worth 32M is like saying APIs aren't worth 32M.

Without oracles, the ETH network is just a self perpetuating pyramid scheme machine. With oracles it become NET 3.0. This is not an "added value" to ETH in a linear way, but an exponential improvement. It raises the usefulness of the network by several factors.

>> No.3699406

Lol it is entirely ironic to say that oracles aren't worth 32M while there is a digital dinosaur currently worth multiple billions.
True value comes from the public it attracts, from the public it is being used by. Is there any digital currency with an intrinsic value?
Hell, even fiat money is not truly pegged to anything, this means you can't go to the central bank and get paid in gold, like you could 100 or more years ago.
I'm not saying this is good nor bad - it is just an example.
We can also take a look at (super)stars: Is some cryptoshilling nignog who sometimes beats the crap out of other opponents worth multiple hundreds of millions dollars, or even billions?
Value is relative. Money skelly doesn't seem to get that, or he just wanted to accumulate more.

>> No.3699424

we get it, oracles are great

but for oracles to be useful, there has to be hundreds of oracle sources, and oracle information has to be as decentralized as blockchains themselves, which means there isn't going to be one oracle "company" thats going to explode, because the more disproportionate the oracle market is, the less value oracles as a whole have.

not to mention oracle platforms that need their own currency will be left to the wayside, because they will all have to communicate together and use the same platform to operate on to have any value, and on ethereum the only universal currency is ether.

>> No.3699451

There isn't much chance of this getting on bittrex soon is there?

>> No.3699475

Im thinking it's not too far off anon. Some shitty dental scam coin got in why can't LINK?

>> No.3699484

I really don't understand some market values. Chainlink is potentially useful, which is a lot more than can be said about 80% of the coins above chainlink.

But it doesn't reflect in the value yet.

>> No.3699522



Thats why you buy now

>> No.3699533

maybe the moneyskel ment "the devteam does not need 32mill of crowdfund money to make oracles work" which would make sense.

most of the ICOs are taking way more money then they would need to make a succuesful project.

>> No.3699573

Some hype takeaways for ChainLink roadmap after listening to audio:

1. Remittance/international payments
-in 1-2 years

2. Securities & Derivatives
- in 2 years

3. Insurance and Trade Finance
- in 3 years

>> No.3699592

So if I hodl long enough, it will be as if I bought into the Ethereum ICO in 2014, r-right?

>> No.3699618


Seriously ? 2 years ?!

>> No.3699633

This is the explanation that makes the most sense, which also means LINK shouldn't necessarily be worth less than $32mm.

>> No.3699650

the shills say chainlink was in development for years and swift was already a paying customer.. why would they need a crowd sale in the first place then? if they already had a working product and a paying customer?

>> No.3699663


But anon, if they didn't use a smart contract how did they refund everyone who didn't get into the presale at the same time? Could it be that they used one on the back end, do you reckon?

>> No.3699717

Yes. I've got 2k link.
People sold Bitcoin after x10 fiat gains and then wanted to shoot themselves after looking at the price 3 years later.

>> No.3699776

God, I hope it goes x5 b5 SIBOS.
Gonna sell out my mighty 1k LINK bought at ATH, cos I'm poor and need money SOON

>> No.3700096

and thats exactly why i think vitalik ment with his post. and.. why? because its all about money ;P

>> No.3700119

Nigger money skeleton thinks ethereum should only be $10