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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 295 KB, 671x447, typical normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3684906 No.3684906 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:

>spend money on fashion
>buy cosmetic and beauty products
>eat out at restaurants
>go out partying every weekend
>spend money watching sport xy
>socialise with other people
>stop learning after high-school / college
>spend money on fancy appartement, furnitures, house
>have relationship based on looks
>watch TV
>never create anything, only consume

what else you guys got?

>> No.3684918

>enjoy their lives

>> No.3684936

>have meaningful relationships
>have friends
>have fun
>are attractive
fuck I hate those normies...

>> No.3684955

>Laugh at me becuse I'm akward and weird

>> No.3684962

Money is there to be spent m'lad. What use is buying and hodling coins (or any other investment for that matter) when you never cash out and buy yourself something nice once in a while?

>> No.3684966

>don't jerk it to cartoons

>> No.3684986

>listen to the same 7 songs on the radio every day

>> No.3684995


>never create anything, only consume

this is the only one. all of the others are doable by the biggest 4chan neet with enough money and it wouldnt make him a normie.

>> No.3685015
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FUN is still cheap on Binance. Buy now!

>> No.3685023


>> No.3685029

but wait there's more:

>go on expensive holidays
>post on social media
>think mainstream media covers the truth
>happily work 40-60h a week for someone elses profit
>worry about their reputation / what the neighbors think
>start a family at 25
>believe the government wants the best for them
>judge people based on first impressions

>> No.3685103

> don't realize their lives are guided by economic constraints
> see their wage slavery as a free-choice
> listen to pop music
> care about what celebrities and politicians do in their free time
> learned to love from hollywood
> expectations of real interactions based on what is shown in the media
> never questioned their role in society

got lots more..

>> No.3685107

> HODL because they have no idea how to daytrade.

>> No.3685126

>claim to have penises bigger than 4 inches

>> No.3685127

> invests in LINK because it's the status quo, even though the oracle problem is fake

>> No.3685133

> have a moral codex based on beliefs (mostly the perceived consensus weighted with subjective importance of the person)
> don't know what money actually is
> didn't wonder about why so much wrong thoughts are taught at school
> votes although he thinks that it doesn't really matter anyway
> in general does not know how to use the mind correctly

>> No.3685142

>meaningful relationships
Hehe, yeah I'm sure.

>> No.3685183

>go to Starbucks

literally wtf this is the most pretentious fucking thing I've ever seen, you may as well be handing over a pile of cash and saying 'go on, chuck it on the fire'. But they do this so they can appear stylish and keep up the illusion of their 'Instagram' lifestyle. They know full well they could easily bring a small flask of coffee with them for a fraction of the price, but normie society means people who take practical solutions like this are considered 'weird'.

>> No.3685200

>spend money on fashion
>buy cosmetic and beauty products
Not everyone wants to be a virgin loser who looks shit

>eat out at restaurants
Yeah, people like experiences, sue them.

>go out partying every weekend
Yes, people are social beings.

>socialise with other people
Required for business success as well.

>stop learning after high-school / college
Speak for yourself buddy.

>spend money on fancy appartement, furnitures, house
Yeah, money is made to be spent.

>have relationship based on looks
Implying you don't rate qt3.14s based on their looks.

>watch TV
yeah, this is dumb

>never create anything, only consume
Not all of them.

>> No.3685207

normal coffee shops sell for a couple bucks. they go to starbucks for muh $12 mocha frappe caramel chai latte iced melt delite with extra cream

>> No.3685219

this, just like the holohoax.

>> No.3685220

but of course it has to be skinny


>> No.3685221

> divides humans into two groups according to an arbitrary line on an imaginary latent continuous trait

no wait

>> No.3685224

>believe in """love"""
>"""care""" about other people

>> No.3685244

Underrated post lmao

>> No.3685263


lol I do all of these, the drinking moderately, and the furniture thing rarely.

I like to look good lol and have nice clothes, gf makes me eat out restaurants. I dont really watch TV, prefer books.

Also btw >relationship based on looks makes you sound like a fat, ugly person who has never received any attention. I initially went for my gf because she is eautiful, now she if my best friend is cute.

If she were not attractive I probabaly never would have pursued her. Grow up and stop being delusional about the real world.

You think Helen of Troy was infamous for her kindness? Fucking loser lol

>> No.3685279
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I'm sure youre a real winner

>> No.3685303

That line about my gf makes me look like some serb aspie.

OP get off your high horse lol. Do you think you're ahead of the curve? Better than everyone?

You probably look like the person I have I can't see. You are so plain and unimpressionable that you just fade into the background of my life, not even worth noting that you exist.

But yeah, give out to people for enjoying each other company, being attractive, and liking food.

Fukkin aspies I swear

>> No.3685305

You forgot one:
>playing newest shiniest vidya
>paying for vidya

>> No.3685310

>have their grand kids tell them they love them as they reminisce about the happy life they had

>> No.3685317

>how to use the mind correctly
Yeah I'm sure you're a wizard.

>> No.3685321

measure inflation in cpi
not realise when inflation is higher than interest rate you're loosing purchasing power in the bank

>> No.3685336
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 95634324578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9/10 looks
>have friends
>taking a degree in a top 10 worldwide uni
>not retarded normalfag consumerist cattle

Feels good man, all you wannabe normalfags passive aggressively trying to pin people who aren't braindead normalfags as depressed ugly virgins don't have any power here.

>>have meaningful relationships
You don't know many normalfags I see.

>> No.3685337

oh god this, there's nothing wrong with agar.io

>> No.3685345


spotted the normie

>> No.3685391

Why are you saying it as if it is a bad thing?

>> No.3685414

Not saying you're wrong but you type like a 14 year old

>> No.3685444
File: 69 KB, 396x720, 1502293543637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd live to see the day where Peter Hitchens is posted on /biz/

God bless you anon.

>> No.3685470

>socialise with other people
what is the problem with this OP?
lol if i had to describe 4chan in a sigle statement would be 'people complaining about lack of social life'

>> No.3685512

well i game sometimes while trading too
on one of my monitors rollercoaster tycoon is running so when i am bored of waiting for the orders to be filled i play it a bit

>> No.3685577


But I cant just put an ice blended caramel macchiatto in a flask :-(

>> No.3685586

>tfw fat and nocoiner

>> No.3685606

>normal coffee shops
literally every coffee shop is now a hipster one and they rake in money

>> No.3685666
File: 27 KB, 691x653, 1506828888865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delet this

>> No.3685723

Invest in Bitconnect....

>> No.3685820

Can't wait for my money tree to grow! Gotta buy some more Bitcoin packages soon

>> No.3685838

Hey! That's me!

>> No.3685897

trying to justify the motivations behind normal behaviour like a true autist

>> No.3685932
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>like inspirational memes

>> No.3685947
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normies arent happy tho, their perputally indebted and insecure

r r-right anons?

>> No.3685992

this so much

>> No.3685996

get legit cortisol spikes everytime I read pseudo intellectual cancer like this

>> No.3686503

>watch sitcoms
>have opinions about whether someones unborn child is a girl or boy
>consider mcdonalds and lunch interchangeable terms
>go to the beach

>> No.3686528
File: 246 KB, 550x535, 1506768563472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being so insecure that you care how other people enjoy their lives

>> No.3686544

Laughing at how other people enjoy their lives actually makes me more appreciative of how lucky I am. I made 20k this weekend trading crypto while a bunch of normies wasted it watching netflix and getting blackout drunk.

>> No.3686555
File: 56 KB, 209x248, 1506859827047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I turned 1 bitcoin package into 13 over the past couple of weeks!

>> No.3686559

Sure you did

>> No.3686580

Let me guess, you vote for Trump?

>> No.3686589

There's gotta be some irony about berating normies for posting on social media while posting on 4chan.

>> No.3686594

I did. I won't deny that I got extremely lucky and that was my most profitable weekend ever. But it still helps feed my ego when I think about how I'm a superior human to 99% of the population.

>> No.3686608

>being the token contrarian on 4chan

>> No.3687674

>eating meat every day
>having a netflix abo
>paying for vidia
>buying stuff you can't afford

>> No.3687686

things retard autists do:
>laugh at those who spend money to look good

>> No.3687692

>not trading while getting waisted
dude... you even tryn'?

>> No.3687717

the fuck

>> No.3687829

i... think I want to be a normie guys

>> No.3687851
File: 25 KB, 600x630, 567f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/thread, sadly

>> No.3687876

>buy vehicles they can't afford on loans that make it worse

A former coworker of mine did this. She is 62 and has nothing for retirement. Her monthly finances look like this:

>income: $1900
>rent (includes heat, water, cable): $900
>truck payment: $700
>insurance for truck: $130
>everything else: ?????

Can't possibly get rid of the truck, nooooo. She has had it 2 years and has less than 12000 km on it and can't even lift any significant weight into the box of the truck so it's fucking useless.

>> No.3688207

things smart people do...
it's a common thing with poor people tho they just buy flashy shit to signal others that they're not that poor

pretty pathetic

>> No.3688233

things smart people do...
it's a common thing with poor people tho they just buy flashy shit to signal others that they're not that poor

co worker of mine had eye surgery and had to pay about 4k for it
he bitched how deep he's in the red to me
not even a week later he tells me
"yeah so i bought a new couch and bedroom furniture this weekend"
retard took money from his father to waist yet another 5k euro for furniture he didn't need

pretty pathetic

>> No.3688334

But how pathetic?

>> No.3688387

Things normies do
>Net worth literally less than 10 grand
>Always want to own the most expensive lexus, audi, infinity, land rover etc.

>> No.3688389


>had eye surgery
>waited yet another 5k euro

he clearly can't see the money he is spending

>> No.3688402

Eye surgery is easily one of the best things you can spend money on idiot.

>> No.3688413

is a motorbike ok?

>> No.3688436

sure but if you're down 4k for the surgery you could afford in the first place because he choose to take an implant instead of the free shitty one
it would have been free

but i agree it's not the wrong choice and i should have mentioned that he just spend spend around 2k for car repairs

as far as i know that dude is like 20k+ in the red at this point and he bought a fucking Drone last week and lost it a couple day later

>> No.3688440

I too also bought chainlink at ICO

>> No.3688458

>bought a fucking Drone last week and lost it a couple day later

The drone saw his money problems and escaped

>> No.3688459
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Doing 2, 3, 6 (occasionally), 9 (looks are a small part of it but lol if you're dating a troglodyte)

Come at me

>> No.3688472

>Pay $5 for a coffee everyday. Mental fucking shit.

>> No.3688488

Nothing worse than an autistic normie.

>> No.3688548

> Don't care what other people do with their lives unlike loser basement troll 4channers

>> No.3688631

Do people actually go out with friends on the weekend?

I'm 24 now and haven't done this once .I'm starting to think going out is a meme

>> No.3688634

I disagree. I dont think they choose starbucks because it is an icon or because they think it raises their social standing, at least not conciously. I think its more they simply dont realize or maybe are brainwashed that theyre laying an absurd amount of money for a cheap product

>> No.3688637

>work with fat digusting normie roasties
>they probably earn like $18-20/hour
>eat out every day for lunch

i literally want to vomit.

>> No.3688650

Seeing my numbers go up makes me smug

>> No.3688668

>have opinons on unborn child

That made me kek

>> No.3688707
File: 377 KB, 450x797, MajinBuuSuperNV..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




NO........??MOMMY?? MOMMY??????!??!?!.!?!?!!!!!!!!!


>> No.3688766

Literally unhealthy and expensive.
Why do they do this? They could use money on better things than temporary "Mmmm" in food.

>> No.3688890


literally the fattest girl there, she's fucking obese, has a mcdonalds drink in her hands literally every single day at lunch.

>> No.3688999

It's an addiction. A quick dopamine hit.


>> No.3689227


You're worse than 99% of the population when it comes to be genuinely happy

>> No.3689258

>own animals as "pets" in order to cope with their unfulfilled parental instincts yet actively avoid having children

>> No.3689361

having pets might be expensive but definitely less expensive than having children

>> No.3689846

>don't fantasize about sucking tranny cock

>> No.3690415

What kind of pathetic piece of shit are you?